Zerg’s Favorite Protagonist

Chapter 52

Chapter 52

The body tensed, and subconsciously entered the fighting state, and then found out that it was the hero, and Sardin softened.

A shock and joy swept over him instantly, just like the surprise that the female monarch found that the male lord who had been out for a long time still pampered her.

With a trembling voice, Sardin cooperated: “How do you want to arrest me?”

“I should have asked you about this,” Song Bai’s voice was low and ambiguous. “How do you want me to arrest you?”

The Lord’s palm was warm and dry, and Sardin could feel the light penetrating between his fingers, as if running water, soothing his fast heartbeat.

Sardin restrained his excitement: “You can do it any way you like.”

No matter what method or punishment, he is looking forward to it.

It was a low laugh: “Any one is fine.” It sounded in his ear.

Song Bai pulled him into the car that followed. In the driver’s seat, the familiar little assistant smiled at them.

Thinking of the fact that he had been pretending to be a little assistant for half a month recently, Sardin couldn’t help but feel a little embarrassed.

Song Bai didn’t seem to see all this, and leaned back in the chair lazily, closing his eyes lazily.

Licking his dry lips, Sardin heard his heart hang in the air, thumping and thumping.

Unlike the last temptation, when he pretended to be lively, he was prepared for the worst. But this time was different. On the second day of returning home late, he knew what he had missed from the assistant.

It was the night that the lord carefully prepared.

Heart is both moving and complicated.

Moved by the warmth of the hero, but hesitant for his own weirdness.

On the one hand, he is eager to see the hero at all times, but on the other hand, he is vaguely afraid of what is to come.

He couldn’t even tell what he was afraid of.

It happened that the military needed him, and he fled back to a familiar position on the pretext of taking care of the military, but he was clamoring for dissatisfaction.

The army green camp bed will be seen as the hero sitting on the sofa. Pushing open the door of the office, I hope that the hero will stand at the entrance and communicate with people. Even at lunch, I would subconsciously think that the hero of this dish will definitely like it, and go to the kitchen to ask for a recipe.

He couldn’t bear it any longer. When the food was delivered to the company, he could only peep through the crack of the door when it was delivered every day.

The hero sitting behind the desk, his eyes are majestic, his attitude is correct, indifferent and alienated, not the casual gentleness he is familiar with.

He misses the temperature of the lord so much, and he hasn’t seen him for more than 20 days. Want to see, but timid.

A beam of light slipped into his hand, a dot, scorchingly jumping on the back of his hand.

Sadin retracted his hand and turned his head to the side, and found that Song Bai was playing with the terminal.

The end of the necklace, in the shape of a red heart, refracts the sunlight on the glass plate to the place where his hand was just placed.

It was like pouring a basin of cold water on the head, and the excitement was swept away.

The pink terminal is a color that only Asian females like. The male lord still has a gentle and meticulous look on his face. When he is not here, who is taking advantage of it?

Sadin’s eyes were sharp, and his whole body became awe-inspiring.

Song Bai didn’t notice it, he just lowered his head and played with it.

A small heart, exquisite workmanship and rounded feel, it is not cheap at first glance.

Throwing it in your hand, up and down, up and down.

Seeing Sardin looking over, he couldn’t help laughing. If he wanted to see, he looked generously, took a peek out of the corner of his eye, and turned away when he was found. What was he thinking?

Song Bai: “Sadin, come here.”

Shocked, Sardin panicked, was this discovered?

Song Bai turned sideways and tied the terminal to him, “This time, you can look carefully.” The corners of his lips were full of wicked interest.

Pink gadgets, flashing blingblingly in the sun, the screen that has not been turned on is pure black, very beautiful. But Sardin is a conservative character, never willing to accept these unconventional things.

Holding the heart shape, Sardin really wanted to throw it away.

After all, it was the hero who put it on by himself, so don’t move.

He thanked Song Bai and gave the little assistant a hard look.

Song Bai couldn’t help laughing when he saw Sardin’s small movements.

The assistant was waiting for the green light when he saw the master in the rearview mirror glaring at him.

His hair stood on end, when did he offend the lord again?

The car stopped at the shooting range in the suburbs, and the little assistant jumped down first.

There was doubt in Sadin’s eyes: “Mr. Xiong, are you punishing me with a gun?” Recalling the role play just now.

“No?” Song Bai’s tone was light, with his handsome appearance, full of male hormones.

Covering his face and getting hot for a while, Sadin felt that the heat gradually subsided, and his reason returned.

Bugstar prohibits private possession of firearms, but has a dedicated range for private pleasure.

“My lord, please get out of the car.” The little assistant opened the door for Sadin, and Little White Fang smiled brightly.

Look at me embarrassed, are you happy?

Sardin glared at him and went after the hero.

The assistant stayed for two seconds, and the lord glared at me, indicating that the lord was simply in a bad mood, not that I made a mistake.

Instantly happy, Pidianpidian chased after him.

While Song Bai was communicating with someone from the shooting range, Sardin held the assistant and asked what happened to the heart-shaped terminal.

The little assistant thought hard, “Yesterday, the young master saw that it was too late, and asked me to take two overtime employees back. This should be a pink-haired female. It was said to be a thank you gift for the young master, so I asked him to let the car go. in.”

His hand slumped loose, and Sardin’s lips pursed into a line.

The assistant scratched his head and said strangely: “My lord, me, where did I do wrong?”

Isn’t it normal for males to receive gifts from unmarried females?

“You’re right.” Three words were squeezed out between the teeth.

The little assistant snorted inexplicably and prepared to step back.

Suddenly caught a glimpse of the pink terminal shaking on Sardin’s chest, he covered his mouth with his hands in shock.

The young master actually gave Bie Zong’s admiration to the lord! What’s the difference between this and simply saying “you learn how others do it”? The meaning of denying the female monarch!

It must be that the lord did not come back for more than half a month, which angered the young master, otherwise why did the young master beat him like this?

Hey? But the lord doesn’t seem to realize it at all.

The little assistant was agitated and seemed to have found something. He looked at the young master, and then at the tangled master, and suddenly felt that the Song family seemed to be a normal-thinking bug star.

The train of thought has been circling on the fan terminal, and Sadin followed the hero into the outdoor shooting range without knowing it.

He didn’t realize it until the sun shone on his body, stepped forward and pulled Song Bai’s sleeves: “Master, you want to play with guns… why don’t you go to the indoor court.”

The indoor field is blocked by thick steel plates. Compared with the outdoor field that is not blocked by obstacles, it is more difficult to shoot and hurt people, especially for a novice like Xiongzhu who is not familiar with the rules of using guns.

Song Bai glanced at him with the same expression as before, and said, “No way?”

Sadin’s legs were weak, his face was hot, and he couldn’t say a word. He followed behind the security guard and watched in a daze as the hero selected the gun and the target board, and stood behind the security line.

The security guard is still chattering: “Firearms are dangerous tools, you must remember that the muzzle of a gun should never be pointed at people. It’s not a joke if you shoot a gun, you will be killed in one shot, don’t think that it is in the movie. it is true…”

Seemingly annoyed by him, Song Bai said, “Okay, I understand, let him come first.” He pointed at Sardin, like the wayward male in the stereotype.

The security officer was stunned for a moment, “Didn’t you say he’s a military woman?” The military woman came from the frontline battlefield, and usually doesn’t come to the shooting range.

“If he comes, he will come, what nonsense.” Song Bai frowned.

“I’ll go first.” Sardin took a step forward, took the gun skillfully, pressed the bullet into the chamber, and posed his body naturally, and was about to start.

“Hey! Put on earmuffs first.” The security guard hurriedly said, and he believed it, because soldiers did not wear earmuffs on the battlefield.

Sadin put it on, pulled the trigger, and listened to several shots. The whole process is smooth and flowing, in one go.

Security officers can see through the surveillance screen above that the guns all hit the white bullseye 10 rings, and there are even several shots in the same bullet hole.

Most of the security guards receive ordinary people, and it is rare to see such a high level. Even the military females who have received them before have never been so strong.

He couldn’t help clapping his hands, which attracted Song Bai Sading and the pair of male father and son who were practicing next to him to look at him.

The security guard was embarrassed, but because of the wonderful performance of Sadin just now, he was also looking forward to Song Bai, and actively recommended one of them, but all of them were rejected by Sadin.

What a joke, that kind of gun has a lot of recoil, and the first try is not as safe as the one that can be placed on the shoulder.

Soon, Song Bai finished playing.

“How am I playing?” Song Bai took off his earmuffs and asked with a smile.

Looking at the target, there was no damage. The security officer and Sadin looked at each other and encouraged:

“It’s great for a novice.” It’s nice to be able to fire the bullet, with the correct posture and without the muzzle shaking. The security guard thought so.

“There is still a lot of room for improvement for the hero.” I couldn’t think of encouragement for a while. Who would be so poor at the army training shooting range, Sardin had already greeted him. He couldn’t think of encouragement for a while, so Sardin had to borrow the previous evaluation of the hero. One use.

Song Bai was very dissatisfied, stroking the tiger’s mouth and feeling depressed.

After several gunshots, it was the boy next door who hit the bullseye. Song Bai, who had seen his performance just now, shouted, “Hey, did you see it, I was shot!” His words were full of mockery.

Song Bai was too lazy to care about the child and ignored him. Unexpectedly, the young man seemed to get carried away: “Dare you dare to come and compete with me?” The black muzzle pointed at Song Bai.

Almost in an instant, Song Bai dodged subconsciously, and the security guard also dodged to the back. Only Sadin approached the boy at a speed that was difficult for ordinary people to see. He straightened the muzzle down, and then slapped the boy twice.

The boy cried out loudly, and the boy’s male father also came over, how come he was not seen for a while when his son was beaten by a female bug? No reason!

“What are you doing…” The male father was furious, but was frightened half a step back by the real coldness around the female insect, and his momentum softened: “Me, what happened to my son?”

“If this was on the battlefield, your comrade-in-arms would have died long ago.” Sardin only left him an indifferent back.

“I’ve been here a few times, and the dog has heard what I said!” Xiong’s father came to his senses, and it was his son who made a big mistake when he launched the army.

The more the boy cried, the more he was asked to leave the scene by another security guard.

Sadin hugged his shoulders, the indifference on his face did not fade, Song Bai put on the earmuffs again and pulled the trigger.

The gunshots exploded, but Song Bai’s mind became clear.

To Sardin, no matter what his attitude was, whether it was a gentle trick, a cold refusal, or a domineering male child, Sardin accepted it without any obstacle.

It is only when he is threatened that he becomes ruthless.

Whether it is human Song Bai or simply the hero of Sardinia, his protagonist always has the same attitude towards him.

Therefore, there is no need to struggle with the identity of Song Bai and the heroic master, they are now one.

After the bullets were fired, two shots hit the bullseye. Song Bai put the gun down and waved to Sardin, “Come and play with me.”

“Master, compare with me?” Sardin couldn’t believe it.

“It’s not a game, it’s a punishment for retrograde,” Song Bai added to the rules: “10 bullets make up a round, the one with the highest score wins, and the winner can ask a question to the loser.”

“…Master, are you really here?” Biegun, the master has just started today, and he has been in the army for seven years. What kind of night shooting, the application of shooting has long been familiar, no matter how you think it is the master who loses. ? !

“No, go back to your troops to sleep at night, I deserve to have a stomach attack.” Song Bai lied without changing his face.

Guilt captured Sardin, taking care of the male lord is the female monarch’s duty, he can no longer evade responsibility!

In order to be able to go home and cook for the lord at night, Sadin stepped forward and raised his gun.

The security officer watched this development in a daze, the level of the two is vastly different, what is there to compare. A gunshot rang out, and he quickly returned to his senses and recorded it on the blackboard at the back.

Round 1: Sardin wins.

Sardin put down his gun, still not daring to ask.

Song Bai: “What do you want to ask, just say it.”

Sadin thought for a moment and asked a security question: “Master, do you hate sweets and cakes?”

He thought that Sardin would ask some key questions, but Song Bai was a little surprised.

“I don’t hate it, I don’t like it,” Song Bai looked into the distance: “You make it delicious, but you’re tired of eating the same taste for five days in a row.”

The hero is praising him!

Sardin felt his heart beating a little faster.

Second round: Sardin wins.

Without being cautious just now, Sardin quickly asked the question he had been worried about: “Am I too clingy to the hero?”

Song Bai was at a loss: “When did you stick, why don’t I remember?”

“…” Sardin was at a loss for words, taking into account the security guard behind him, his voice was a little low: “At home, I will follow the hero wherever he goes, isn’t it annoying?”

“I thought you were talking about the sticking method of conjoined twins,” Song Bai chuckled, “If you can do that, I’d be happy.”

Sardin hurriedly lowered his head and pretended to rub his eyes, why was he a little dizzy.

Round after round, all were Sardinian wins, without exception. The security officer finished writing on one blackboard and then another, counting boredly, and was stunned to find that Song Bai’s score was catching up.

The security guard looked at the male in astonishment, only to realize that he was tall and straight, with smooth muscle lines stretched out by his clothes, which made him compete for several rounds without any decrease in physical strength. Some are proud.

This, this, is it really a novice who is exposed to firearms on the first day? !

As the gunfire ceased, the security guard counted the two sets of data on the screen over and over again.

After several rounds, Sardin was obviously getting more and more relaxed, a faint smile appeared on his face, and even after thinking about the question, he must ask if the hero has any impression of the pink-haired female.

However, the security guards reported the results of the game for a long time.

Sardin frowned: “Why so slow this time!”

The security guard’s voice was faintly excited, “Round X, Song Baisheng!”

He could hardly believe his ears, he was defeated by the hero?

Sadin subconsciously put down the gun and ran to review the results.

He watched it over and over again, like a security officer, Song Bai waited nonchalantly behind the security line.

Song Bai was not surprised by this result.

Sardin is a veteran, even if he doesn’t concentrate on aiming, he can still easily and steadily.

On the other hand, he has not touched a gun for many years, and the skills he practiced on the other side of the ocean in his previous life have been completely lost. After all, I was obsessed with it when I was a teenager, and I picked it up quickly.

During his days at the company, he thought carefully about their relationship.

He came to Insect Star for almost three months, and he took it for granted that it was enough for Sardin to only accept what he gave. He is the hero of Sardinia, who will protect him from the mistakes in the book, and will give him what all female insects want most: devotion, equality, romance, love, etc.

But he was still too self-righteous, and never thought of leaning down and listening to Sadin’s heart.

That’s why he had a romantic night of wishful thinking, and a proposal in the snow that was not touched by Sardin at all.

Love is not a one-man show, it requires the participation of both parties.

Including, inviting each other into their own world.

Sadin returned in despair and questioned his own level, but he was still happy to announce the good news to Song Bai.

“Finally it’s my turn to ask, it’s really not easy.” Song Bai stretched his waist, but looked straight at Sardin:

“What are you afraid of during this time?”

Also, take the initiative to step into his world.

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