Zerg’s Favorite Protagonist

Chapter 33

Chapter 33 Safety

No man can be questioned.

Unless he really can’t.

But Song Bai just leaned on the sofa. He opened the terminal and asked the only married netizen he knew was safe.

Sheng An was pruning the branches and leaves of the potted plants in the glass greenhouse when he received a message.

Song: Is X love the only way for males to express affection to females?

With such a formulaic question, the other party must be a thin-skinned young male, Sheng An raised the corners of his lips: Why do you say that?

There was a long silence on the other side, Song: The lady is always pestering me to ask.

What’s so strange about this? Sheng An tapped his fingers on the wheelchair, puzzled: then give it to him.

Putting down the small watering can, An Ran leaned against the backrest, just as she was about to continue to return, she sent it back with a swish.

Song: He is not fit.

Sheng An chuckled, as expected, he was thin-skinned and sentimental. As a visitor, Sheng An patiently explained to him: Is the female gentleman also a military female?

Song: Yes.

Continue to explain: The military female’s physical fitness is very strong, and no matter how much tossing it will not break.

Song: …just not bad?

In order to enhance his convincing power, Sheng An sent all the theoretical posts that he had collected for many years: This is the experience summed up by countless senior males in the past hundred years of Bug Star. You look at the data. For so many years, no female has been severely punished in X love. hurt.

Song Bai clicked on the information, the colorful color matching was very in line with the current aesthetic, and patiently forced himself to look at the data inside.

The more you look, the more you frown: but the females also get hurt.

How can females in males not be injured? Every household more or less always has a little torture tool, even Sheng An is no exception, but he rarely uses it. I don’t understand: What? Is there anything strange?

Song went a step further: He would hurt.

Sheng An: …

Sheng An pinched the bridge of his nose and suddenly lost his patience. Originally, he was very interested in the other party, but he turned out to be a coward.

Female worms are originally strong, and if they don’t need some special means to control them, they don’t know how much they have to toss.

His maid is okay, because he grew up together and knows how to subconsciously control his own strength, so he doesn’t have to bother to teach him a lesson. On the other hand, some of them wait until they are adults before marrying back females, and they have to let the males get hurt when they are just married, so they naturally need discipline, so that they can understand what control is and what is obedience.

Thinking too much about the female is a bad thing, because it means the male is putting his own life on the line of compassion.

If a male can’t even protect himself, how can he have the life to continue the flood of compassion?

The female tube in the news report a while ago was the same. She suffered such a serious injury, but she still had to do “great good deeds”, and she had to disagree with the punishment of her female worm. Sheng An thought that the female tube Yan in the report was already the biggest strange thing in a hundred years, but unexpectedly another one appeared in Kyoto.

Suddenly began to mourn the future of the insect star.

Song Bai noticed the silence over there, and he vaguely knew what the other party was thinking.

On the bug star, the mainstream of society is that it is normal for males to use violence against females, which means that there is no reason for males to use violence, but the whole society will recognize and understand. But once the female resists, it will lead to strong resistance and loud condemnation from the public. It’s like the women on Blue Star were harassed by X, and the public’s first reaction was to accuse women of being indiscreet and debauched.

In the worm star, the female worm is not obedient, and it is a great sin in itself.

This is why when Song Bai woke up in the hospital, he didn’t explain to the surroundings that he was self-inflicted and was stabbed by a sharp knife. Not only because the entire Zerg society believes that male insects are naturally innocent by using violence, and female insects are naturally guilty if they dare to resist. It’s because the more he explains, the more sympathy the worms around him have for him, which in turn makes Sardin’s accusation more serious.

This is why Sardin, such a powerful female insect, was able to be followed by a large number of news media, paparazzi and tabloid reporters when the original body came to the campus to start a peach life with other female females under the social background of the insect star. He was completely driven from mild depression to several suicide attempts.

The extreme background setting of the Zerg culture makes it naturally suitable for opening a harem, suitable for pampering, and Song Bai used it to abuse it logically.

Everyone’s needs are different, and with special background settings, you can naturally achieve the effect you want.

At night, the sky hangs low, and the stars twinkle in the dark sky like a blanket spreading out.

Song Bai couldn’t help but want to smoke, looked at Sadin sleeping in the bedroom, he thought about it, but held back.

He opened the floor-to-ceiling windows and walked out of the house, letting the hot wind from the outside drift into the cool and comfortable interior.

When the fire was engulfed, the orange-red flames rushed up, igniting the cigarette held by the male’s mouth.

Above the large dark green lawn stained with night, the tall and straight male worm stood in front of the brightly lit villa. posture.

Song Bai silently calculated the changes since his arrival. Sardin did not fall into depression. The fact that Sardin was the “hurter” was firmly locked between the government agency and the female insect, and because of his firm attitude, he did not let him fall. The media will spread the event, and naturally it will not cause the next slide of Sardinian spirit.

Thin smoke drifted from Song Bai’s fingertips.

But all is not enough, still not enough.

If you really want to protect Sardin, you should not only get him out of the disaster, but also strangle all disasters in the cradle.

Song Bai’s sloppy expression became sharper and sharper.

But now, whether he can do it or not is not the point of entanglement. The point should be to know if Sardin is okay, and to really understand the characteristics of the females themselves, rather than the rules that females should do according to custom.

Song Bai bit his cigarette and sent him a message regardless of Ping An’s neglect.

Seeing that the news didn’t come again, Sheng An thought that the other party also realized that his self-introduction was boring, so he didn’t care anymore. Pushing the wheelchair back to the wooden house, the table has been laid flat.

Seeing Sheng An, Ping quickly pushed him up from the slope, lowered his head and said in his ear as he walked, “Master, I made your favorite roasted eggplant…”

The eagerness to take credit could not be concealed in his voice.

Sheng An’s fair and thin hand rested on the female insect’s hand, Ping Yi was overjoyed, and hurriedly knelt down in front of him, sticking it on his knees.

Sheng An put his hand on his flat face and whispered, “You are very good and great,”

Ping’s face was unable to hide the smirk.

“Unfortunately…” Before he could finish speaking, he was interrupted by a rush of message prompts.

Sheng An patted the top of his head and motioned him to stand up.

While he looked down to check the news, he didn’t notice that Ping, who had turned and left, had changed his face, becoming terrified and sad.

Ping knew what the hero was talking about.

It is a pity that he is an orphan, it is a pity that his family background is not enough, and it is a pity that his military rank is too low.

Otherwise, he would not be a female servant now, but a female monarch.

Ping looked back at the hero, as one of the most inquiring officers among the officers, he knew how tolerant the hero was to him, and he didn’t even consider him as a tool of arbitrary beating and scolding specially used to vent his anger. . The hero is willing to listen to his opinions, follow his instructions, and even let him continue to work.

However, who wants you to be unsatisfactory.

Ping felt bitterness in his mouth.

In the wooden house, Sheng An saw the information of netizens.

Song: The custom books you mentioned cannot be found in bookstores and libraries.

Sheng An question: Then you come to ask me?

Song: All I can find online is that it is out of print, and most people have never heard of it.

Sheng An was confused: What do you mean?

He does have such a huge thick book.

Song: Lend me yours.

Sheng An is dissatisfied: That’s my book!

It was the only birth gift that the male father gave him.

Song: Yes, I know.

Sheng An was a little flustered. He had never seen a male worm who was so confident about borrowing things from him. After he was silent, the news from the opposite side continued to be sent.

Song Bai was biting his cigarette, the smoke drifted up casually, and the text was equally casual: Look at our situation: I don’t have a book, you have a book. And I still need it very much. Your book must have been collecting dust on the shelf for a long time, so lending it to me is considered waste.

Sheng An felt that if he could still walk, he would run away in anger.

What is waste?

It is obviously his treasure, but it is said to be used as waste? Do you have this attitude of borrowing books from worms? ?

Sheng An gritted his teeth: No, they were thrown away when they moved.

Song Bai replied very quickly: When will you move?

Sheng An: What’s your business?

Song Bai: I want to go to the waste recycling station to pick up the book.

A picture is also attached, which was posted by Sheng An the day before yesterday when he was cleaning the bookshelf on a whim on a bug account. The name on the spine of the book is impressive.

Sheng An: …

Damn, how could he forget his bad habit of showing off.

Sheng An: I have never seen you so shameless.

Song Bai: [/Han laugh][/Han laugh], I saw it today, you’re welcome.

Sheng An: How much is your face per pound?

Song Bai: Friendship price, count you XXX.

Sheng An: ……You go away.

Then block it directly.

He shouldn’t have been kind enough to add him in the first place, but now it’s okay, but he was very angry with the rogue-like male.

It’s nice that the world is quiet.

Five seconds later, the terminal communication bell rang.

I thought it was a friend who traveled outside the interstellar space, and picked it up quickly: “Hello!”

“Peace, I’m Song who came to borrow books from you…”

Sheng An’s brain buzzed, “Where did you know my contact number?!”

He has always protected privacy very well, and he will not reveal the communication number on the bug account.

Song Bai tossed the terminal of his female prince, and said leisurely: “Unless you promise to lend me the book.”

Sheng An gritted his teeth: “…Okay.”

Reluctantly, he said the address: “Tomorrow at ten o’clock in the morning, we will not wait until it expires!”

Hang up the phone with a snap.

Song Bai was not surprised by the other party’s reaction, and the terminal screen of Sadin in his hand was displaying Sheng An’s communication number.

As the head of the regiment, Sardin naturally kept the communication numbers of family members close to his subordinates in the terminal, and they came out with a search.

Sure enough, it was him, the male worm Sheng An.

The same concern for female insects, the same love for collecting books, and when he thought of the other party’s online name as Ping An, Song Bai felt a little vague, because in the future, assisting Mia, step by step, will be the first after the insect emperor. The male worm who is the prime minister is called Sheng An.

Sheng An is a worm, born with congenital disabilities in his legs, and has a withdrawn and weird personality. The more you talk to him, the more you will fight haha. In the future, the reason why Mia can step up to the prime minister’s position resolutely and get rid of Sheng An, the old fox. Don’t get involved.

The strange thing is that he was in a high position, but he had no children in his life. The only married female servant died in the front line, and the only requirement was to write the new year name of the insect star in person.

Year: Peace.

The next day, nine fifty in the morning.

Sheng An has been restless since he woke up early in the morning, and has been staring out of the house.

In the morning, Ping was frightened by his hero, and looked at the hero carefully for a while, making sure that he was all right, and then carefully looked outside the house again.

Outside the house, the sun hangs high on the treetops. Even if the four fields are tall and dense trees that touch the sky, they still can’t resist the heat from spreading outwards. At the top of the luxuriant tree canopy, the heated air forms a heat wave, rolling up and down in the air, distorting the view.

Still as hot as yesterday and as bright as yesterday.

On the only path leading from the dense forest to the wooden house, a Xiao Ranluo figure came from a distance, getting closer and closer.

Sheng An’s heart that was about to be put down was raised high again, but he didn’t notice that Ping’s face turned pale.

When Sheng An had to follow his words to find a book for Song Bai, he only heard a normal kneeling sound outside the door, and he heard the voice of his female servant begging to the worm not to marry him.

Sheng An’s originally aggrieved emotions erupted: Okay, let’s forget about his male father’s precious book, and now even his female servant has taken a fancy to it!

Borrowing books?

What to borrow!


The author has something to say:

Another update prompt is to catch bugs, don’t worry~

Thank you to the little angel who voted for the king or irrigated the nutrient solution for me~

Thanks to the little angel who threw the [hand grenade]: 1 enthusiastic netizen;

Thanks to the little angel who voted [Landmine]: 4 enthusiastic netizens; 1 Xiazhi;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated [nutrient solution]:

Shadow? Demons 20 bottles; Poor Ghost, Jingjingya 10 bottles; Qianke, Hee Hee Hee 5 bottles; Zhuxinting, Yinzi, July, Nonstop 3 bottles; 32284710, Lollipop, Changbaiyunkai 2 bottle;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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