Zerg’s Favorite Protagonist

Chapter 25

Chapter 25 Challenge

Tianming Lake is an artificial lake in a park on the outskirts of Xijing. It has beautiful natural scenery and is far away from the busy city. It is the first choice for young people in Kyoto to camp and gather in summer.

Here, occasionally, you will be fortunate enough to appreciate some wonders.

For example, right now, under the darkness of night, a group of female recruits, led by the adjutant, ran whimpering and screaming.

The classmates were very curious, and they all looked at the military females in the forest queen.

Military females have always appeared uniformly in online reports. It was the first time they saw a tired military female, and they felt quite fresh for a while.

Ping didn’t have to look back to know that the muttering voices behind him were definitely referring to his team.

As soon as he whistled, “Look what you guys are like! The students in the back are laughing at it, so hurry up and work harder for me!”

A soldier in the center of the team was sweating profusely. He took off his hat and was panting: “Deputy, adjutant, we’ve run around the capital for half a lap. Let’s take a break.”

Ping scolded: “Why take a break! The Jingjing army usually circles Beijing twice to warm up! Hurry up and hurry up!”

The students didn’t feel dumbfounded. Their daily physical tests were only ten laps around the playground, but the military females usually ran around the capital city.

Seeing a female soldier at the back of the team crumbling, she couldn’t hold it anymore, Ping sighed and ordered to rest in place for half an hour.

The military females in the team didn’t even have the strength to cheer, and fell to the ground like a dead dog.

Ping stepped forward and kicked him, “Hurry up and sit up, the ones I’ve brought are not as bad as yours.” He threw his water into his arms.

From a distance, a smiling voice came: “How can I remember, you weren’t much better back then.”

The female soldiers who fell to the ground and were too tired to see a figure coming against the light, and their vicious adjutant Ping actually gave a military salute!

“Report to Captain Sardin, and the fourth regiment adjutant Ping will report to you!”

The figure was getting closer and closer, and the light made him show his appearance. He was a little short and slender, as if he was just recovering from a serious illness, but his steps were steady and powerful, his whole body was cold, like a cold moon across the river, and he didn’t dare to stare for a long time. .

Unbelievable voice: “Tian…Tian, yes, is it Sardin?!”

The crooked military females stood up from the same place, their expressions were completely different from the worries of Song Bai’s female military classmates.

In the forum section of the Fourth Regiment of the Army Women’s Li, there was news from the people at the Song’s banquet in the later period of the accident. They all knew that Sardin was not abandoned by the hero, and it was obvious from the fact that the officer was able to release the golden sentence leisurely. With admiration and respect, he surrounded Sardin.

“It’s Sardin, it’s Sardin!”

Lying on the ground and not knowing the truth: “What did you say?”

Anyone who got up from the back was kicked on the **** by a classmate, “Sardin is here, get up quickly.”

Compared with the students who didn’t know the situation, the military female was obviously more fanatical about Sardin’s strength.

To please the hero, put aside in advance, they can’t learn the talent skills, it is better to look at the strength first. Unlike the amateur students who are watching the fun, only the experts who are also military females can see the way.

Sardin was only 24 years old, but he was already recognized by Guangnao as the youngest head of the legion.

You must know that it is a peaceful age, and all the military females who have reached the position of the regiment commander are already forty or fifty years old, and they are young and promising when they are the regiment commander at the age of forty years earlier. Unless it is a time of war, it is possible to be in their thirties. In charge, but Sadin was recognized by Guangnao and became the youngest head of the insect star in history.

Who is Guangnao? Guangnao is the gift of the last Zerg Emperor who exhausted his life energy and researched and developed for the Zerg. Guangnao is an absolutely fair decision-making system. It will weigh the opinions of various parties to give the best answer and maintain the four great families. It has been running smoothly to this day, and the people of Insect Star believe in it as if the Insect Emperor was alive.

The biggest feature of Guangnao is absolute fairness. As long as it is recognized by Guangnao, then no insect dares to raise objections. Twenty years ago, the military family Xiao En inherited the position of the head of the family as a female insect. Although it was shocking, he got Guangnao. Admittedly, a lot of discussion will be gone.

And Sardin was the youngest recognized by Guangnao himself, the head of the Fourth Regiment.

Of course, individual military females have doubts.

A tall and sturdy military female walked up to Sardin, looked down at him condescendingly, and said unceremoniously, “Just you, are you Sardin?”

The military female behind him dragged him and motioned him to look at the adjutant, but the adjutant in the distance didn’t move, as if he didn’t care.

The military female came to the confidence. Some insects worshiped Sardin since childhood, and he was born stronger than him. He did not worship him. That is what the weak can do. What he has to do is to replace Sardin.

The military female folded her arms and hummed from her nose: “Dare you come and fight me?”

Sardin didn’t even look at him, and the female soldier was even more angry.

Those who were timid went to find peace, calmed down, and even picked a blade of grass and put it in his mouth, “Every year, recruits have to come here, just wait and see.”

The female monitor, who was watching the excitement with the female classmates, also found that something was wrong, and ran back to tell Huaiyu, and asked Huaiyu to tell the heroic classmate Song of Sardin.

The little fat man was really worried. As soon as a mouthful of roasted enoki mushrooms was put into his mouth, he hurried over and stood in front of Song Bai, rolling his eyes in choking.

Song Bai handed him the juice that Yashe had given him before, and it would be better to drink it.

“Song, Song Shao, on your side of Sardin, it seems like a fight is about to start, you go and see.” Huaiyu was panting.

Song Bai sat next to him and made room for Huaiyu, “Come, sit down and eat.” He pointed to the colorful roasted meat and vegetables on the grill in front of him.

Huaiyu’s mouth that had not stopped today was swallowing saliva.

He shook his head, but the business was more important: “Aren’t you going to see Sardin?”

After all, on the day he delivered the courier, Song Bai seemed to spoil him very much.

“Satin’s ability, I can rest assured,” Song Bai received a lot of advice from Sadin during his physical training these days. He received professional martial arts instruction in his previous life, and he also learned that Sadin’s ability can be said to have no upper limit. Such as a pond, it can only wait for a slow recovery after it is exhausted, and Sardin said that it is no exaggeration to say that it is a vast river.

In the training room, Song Bai saw with his own eyes that the veteran retired female coach was beaten to the ground for the fifth time by Sardin, panting like a cow to recover his energy, but Sardin had no effect.

In the end, the coach conceded defeat, and Sardin left in annoyance.

Song Bai said so, Huaiyu had no choice but to sit down and reach for the largest piece of meat, but Song Bai slapped it away with one hand.

“That’s Sardin’s, you eat it.” The meat was small, not as big as a fingernail.

Huai Yu was so angry that she wanted to cry, how could she be treated differently.

Turning grief and anger into appetite, biting, almost swallowing the delicious food.

The little fat man’s eyes lit up again, and he pushed Song Bai to ask him to teach him how to adjust.

The squad leader saw that Huai Yu was unsatisfactory, and stomped his feet in anger.

Males have never been very fond of dealing with unpretentious females, so the squad leader had to ask the good-tempered Huaiyu to come forward and say a word. I didn’t expect that the males were still males, and so did classmate Song. Eat BBQ!

Here the squad leader turned around in a hurry, and was hooked by another female classmate next to him, “Let’s go, let’s see how Commander Sardin teaches the ignorant military female.”

The monitor was surprised: “Aren’t you worried?”

In the school, female worms and female worms usually fight, which is not a fist to the flesh, a broken bone or a concussion. The hospital specially gathers their squad leaders together, saying that if they encounter similar situations, they must first stabilize the situation.

The female classmate patted the monitor’s shoulder with a big hand, “That’s Sardin, you have to worry about the one who finds fault with Sardin, okay?”

This is said eloquently.

Looking at the classmates next to them, they were all talking and laughing, and their words were roughly the same.

The squad leader felt his temples twitching suddenly, these sloppy **** didn’t realize the importance of the incident at all.

He really wanted to go back to that year and press down the hand raised by his campaign for monitor!

Before he could finish thinking, he was hugged by the female classmate’s neck and staggered into the crowd.

The female soldiers spontaneously formed a circle, whistled and counted down together: “3, 2, 1, the time is up, you lose!”

“Go down! Go down! Go down!” the military females shouted together.

“Next, who’s coming?”

Sardin stood in the center of the crowd, he was only as tall as a female female, and he was very conspicuous surrounded by tall military females.

But he stood still, and the wind at night gently swayed the corners of his clothes. He seemed to think that the coat was a little in the way. He took it off in a few times. He looked around and saw the squad leader throwing it over. His voice was cold: “Child, help me hold it!”

With a willful and free and easy way that Asian females have never had.

The squad leader was stunned, and did not react until the next military female on the field was knocked down by him again.

The words of a few female worms next to them are also passed into the ears:

“How many is this, less than five minutes, ten?”

“Less, at least seventeen, there are two sets of three or four together.”

“Military female, Mom, my brother is a military female. When he gets home, he can knock down my female brother without three moves.”

“Military females are generally one-on-two. Don’t talk nonsense if you don’t understand common sense in the military female circle.”

“Military female circle? Who has seen a dozen seventeen in the circle who are not in a hurry now?”

“Look, it’s twenty…”

This is the first time the squad leader has seen such a military female. Sardin in the center of the field can easily walk among three or four tall military females, turning around, backhanding, and side kicking. A tall soldier fell down.

But he could tell from a layman that Sardin’s strength was well controlled, and the fallen army female could stand up immediately, which was different from the vicious female accident reported by the school.

Remembering that he called himself “child”, I am afraid that there are insects at the scene, and he looks like a child in his eyes.

Sardin was just patiently tossing and playing with a group of ignorant children.

For the first time in his life, he was so eager to take the initiative to learn about a female, and she was the military female that the females disliked the most.

Sardin unknowingly circled a female fan. He took back his coat, and the adjutant Ping handed over the ice water and towel that had been prepared.

“Sir, how is this session?” Adjutant Ping looked at his watch and smiled: “It’s been seventeen minutes, sir, isn’t it a step backward? It only took you fifteen minutes to solve our session.”

Sadin gave him a cool look and didn’t say anything about the punishment ring, “Where did you find such a bunch of brats, they don’t understand the rules, they sneaked up after the game, and one of them was thrown by me four times. ”

Touching the cool mist on the surface of the water bottle, he frowned: “Is there room temperature?”

“Yes, yes, but isn’t the commander a lover of ice? I bought it on purpose.” Ping suspiciously took the room-temperature water from another dedicated military female and handed it to Sardin, “They are from outside Beijing. , the above suddenly said that they would transfer the elite seedlings from the three states adjacent to Beijing and let us special training, but the quality of each one was poor, and the foundation was not good. Today, they only ran half Beijing and shouted.” The fourth regiment To put it simply, a lap around the capital is one capital, half a circle is half a capital, and the standard volume of the fourth regiment has always been from two capitals to three capitals.

The military female who heard Ping saying that their foundation was poor was dissatisfied, and muttered: “Where is our poor, except for the fourth regiment, where can we find such harsh standards.”

Ping raised his eyebrows, “Not satisfied? If you’re not satisfied, don’t sleep with me until you finish running for half a day tonight!”

The military females, who had just been tossed by Sardin and lost their strength on the ground, wailed all over the place.

Sardin also frowned, “The quality is really poor, you put some thought into it, train well, at least don’t lose face when you see the media.”

The fourth regiment, led by Sardin himself, has always been the star team in the capital corps facing the media. If even a layman can’t fool him, it will really ruin his reputation.

Ping raised the corners of his mouth, if those military females in the back knew, their respected Sardin would only ask them “don’t be ashamed”, and they would have to cry if they didn’t know.

An extremely tempting aroma floated over, Song Bai came over with a plate of barbecue, and said with a smile: “It seems that the challenge is over? It seems that I am late.”

“It’s not too late,” Ping was shocked to see that the majestic officer who had just knocked down a team of female soldiers suddenly ran over, with a lightness that he had never seen before, “Look at the hero, my adjutant hasn’t joined the war yet. ”

I saw him drop his coat.

Then, Ping was horrified to hear the unquestionable voice of the officer: “Ping, come up and challenge me!”


The author has something to say:

Thank you to the little angel who voted for the king or irrigated the nutrient solution for me~

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated [nutrient solution]:

3 bottles of Ah Fei;

1 bottle of Chen Fuzu;

dd10 bottles;

1 bottle of Frostfall;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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