Zerg’s Favorite Protagonist

Chapter 15

Chapter 15 Biting Bug

Married children are like water thrown out. Despite Song Bai’s repeated attempts to keep him, Sardin’s male father left, and he refused to even attend the upcoming banquet held by the Song family.

Before the official start of the banquet, the neatly dressed Song Bai did not wait for Sardin at the door, and looked around. Finally, on the bay window sill on the second floor, he saw the neatly dressed Sardin, pouring himself a drink with a glass of wine.

Born in the Legion, Sardin has always been strict with himself and rarely comes into contact with addictions such as tobacco and alcohol.

There is only one reason, only when he is nervous, will he use alcohol to strengthen his courage.

“I’ve been looking for you for a long time.” Song Bai said, walking towards the bay window.

Sardin was startled, seeing Song Bai, he quickly sat upright, bowed his head and said, “Master.”

His hands quietly hid the wine bottle behind him.

The female monarch is often the face of the male insect, and the requirements for the female monarch’s etiquette are higher than that of the female servant, including good manners, clear and quick thinking, and stable emotions.

The so-called male worms will be the first choice of female monarchs, and they naturally rely on their stable and powerful emotional processing ability.

In this regard, Sardin is unqualified.

As the youngest head of the legion, he can be cold to the outside world. As Song Bai’s female monarch, he couldn’t keep calm. He even had a drink before the first banquet where the lord was going to take him out, which should have been a disappointment to the lord.

It was just this storm that Sardin saw another appearance of the male lord, and there was a little relaxation in his strict and suppressed nature according to the rules of the female monarch.

The wine is a fine red wine, and the glass is a crystal clear glass. One tall and one short stand behind the female, and it cannot be stopped.

Song Bai ignored Sardin’s attempt to cover up the evidence, picked up the wine bottle, and glanced at the label: “Yo, you know the goods, the best bottles in the cellar.”

Sadin was embarrassed, did not dare to raise his head, and apologized: “Master, I’m sorry.”

Song Bai sat down next to him and said, “Do you still have the cup?”

Sardin hurriedly stepped aside, revealing a brand-new crystal glass in the vacant position.

Song Bai raised his chin and said, “Bring it here.”

Sadin became more and more embarrassed, holding the cup in both hands, his hands shaking a little.

The purplish red wine gurgled into the glass from the mouth of the long-necked bottle, revealing a gorgeous brilliance in the evening light.

“What are you doing, feed me?”

The wine in the Sardinian glass almost spilled.

“Master…” He begged for mercy in a low voice.

“Bring it in.” An unmistakable tone.

Sadin blushed, his hands trembled, watching the wine in the crystal glass disappear little by little.

There was still light on those lips, and Sadin immediately consciously took out a handkerchief and wanted to wipe it off for Song Bai.

Song Bai’s usual easy-going rambling seemed to disappear at this moment, and his eyes were burning, staring at him for a moment.

Sardin bit his head, not daring to look directly at him rudely, nor to look away rudely.

The handkerchief was about to be retracted, and he finally breathed a sigh of relief, but the hero grabbed his wrist firmly.

“Long memory?”

“Long, long.” He said quickly.

“What’s your memory?” She chased after him.

“I, I shouldn’t drink before the banquet.” Obediently admit the mistake.

Song Bai got up, and then satin’s hand took another cup. He turned against the light, his tall and straight body was shrouded in the golden light of Dasheng, and he slowly drank it with an extremely elegant gesture.

“I’m not forbidding you to drink,” Song Bai continued in Sadin’s cup, and hand fed him a drink.

Sardin tried to make himself less noise, but the gurgling sound of swallowing echoed clearly in this hall.

“Drink as much as you want, there’s nothing to apologize for.”

Putting down the cup, Song Bai rubbed Sardin’s hair.

“Let’s go.”


Sardin followed behind him with his head down, the redness on his face couldn’t stop spreading, and he couldn’t help thinking that the wine was too spicy, otherwise he could be so hot.

Jiangcheng Hotel, temporary residence of the Qi family

“Uncle, why don’t you let me go to the banquet?!”

Anya, who was already dressed in a neat dress, threw down her handbag, and the delicate handbag made a scratch on the ground.

The uncle, who was looking at the documents, was used to it.

“What are you going to do?”

“Of course I’m playing.”

“Wait back to the capital to hold a bigger one for you, so you can have fun.”

“But this is Jiangcheng! I’m going to play in Jiangcheng!”

“The schedule has been changed, let’s go back tonight.”

“What?!” Anya’s eyes widened.

He heard that the Song family was going to hold a banquet and deliberately wore the most beautiful dress he brought from Kyoto, and he couldn’t believe that that **** Song Bai would not regret begging him!

“Yes, pack your bags too!” Uncle said lightly.

Is Anya being so arrogantly spoiled by his brother? Although she is still polite to the outside world, she is not as polite as the Asian female from a small family at home.

“Uncle, didn’t my male father ask you to take me here to relax, and said that it doesn’t matter if you go back later, how can you leave so suddenly, let’s stay for one more day, just one day.” Anya hugged her uncle’s arm.

Uncle lightly brushed down Anya’s hand, “You’re too old, it’s time for you to be polite and sensible. When I get back, I’ll ask my eldest brother to invite you two more etiquette teachers.”

It’s a joke, Jingshan, the hero of the Xiao family, has found his head. Even the eldest brother is afraid of this famous smiling tiger in the political arena, let alone him.

However, it is also their fault that they are not concerned. They all know that the second son of the Xiao family rejected the position of the heir of the Xiao family and married a male in a small town. The gap between the male and the female is very deep. If you go to the field of female insects, if there is nothing, you will feel ashamed and drop the price.

As a result, his nephew actually got on his uncle’s head.

Forget it, let eldest brother take good care of Anya after returning home.

The banquet was held at the highest level of the Song Group. The guests were dressed in fancy clothes and greeted each other. Waiters in black uniforms roamed flexibly among the guests, delivering wine and food for the guests.

Ellen is undoubtedly the center of the worm crowd.

In the turmoil where the male worm Song Bai was stabbed by the female monarch, Jiang Cheng entered the public eye from a little-known town. Because of Sardin’s in-law’s deliberate compensation attitude, businessmen with a keen sense of smell came from all over the country to hear the news, wanting to take a piece of the big cake that Song took over.

Allen ignored the prominent, rich or expensive businessman who came up, and he looked around anxiously.

Seeing Song Bai’s figure at the entrance, his voice was full of joy, “Brother, this!”

Song Bai led Sardin through the crowded swarm, ignoring their eager greetings or sarcasm, and went straight to Allen.

Ellen is mysterious, “I have good news to tell you, you are not curious about what it is?”

Song Bai’s face didn’t matter, “If you like it, say it, if you don’t say it will pull it down.”

Turn around and take Sardin off the dance floor.

Allen grabbed him, annoyed: “Why are you so boring.”

“Okay, let me tell you directly, your school agrees with you to go back to study,”

“I’ll take a year off from school, whether he agrees or not, I’ll go back to school in September.” Song Bai looked like you’re an idiot.

“Whoever is an idiot, you are an idiot!” Allen couldn’t bear Song Bai, and spit it out, “Who made you talk so fast, I’m not talking about the school, but the tutor who will take you after school starts, you know? Kyoto University is the most famous The white mountain actually wants to take you personally! What good luck did you hit?”

The more he talked, the more excited he became. He patted Song Bai on the shoulder, “It turned out to be Baishan! Entering his door, you have entered the inner circle of Kyoto, and I see who will dare to look down on our Song family in the future. ”

Song Bai took a step back and threw Aaron’s hand back, “Don’t look at the occasion, it’s a shame.”

Turning his head, he saw that Sardin was also shocked, and asked in confusion, “Who is Baishan?”

Sardin was accustomed to Song Bai asking about things in the capital circle from time to time, and explained: “Baishan is the direct leader of the capital army, does not belong to any aristocratic family, and is also the youngest honorary professor in Kyoto University.”

After thinking for a while, he pursed his lips and said, “His influence in Zongxing is wider than that of the aristocratic family.”

Females are proud of being female, because this is the only field they are good at and can achieve the ultimate, and the top leader in this field is a male, and can’t help but feel a little ashamed.

It is indeed rare for Sadin to show such an embarrassed expression. Song Bai couldn’t help rubbing his hair and asked, “Lieutenant General? Higher status than you?”

Song Bai really didn’t know how the military ranks were divided. When he wrote the book, he only vaguely wrote about a senior officer, but he traveled through this world, and those vague things became clear.

“…Well, yes, one level higher than me.” Sadin added quickly: “I will rise again soon, and I will not be worse than that gentleman! As long as the hero gives me some time—”

“I don’t dislike you, I’m in a hurry to prove what I’m doing.”

Involuntarily, he wanted to touch Sardin’s hair, but was pressed down by Sardin courageously. He didn’t want to go bald at an early age.

Song Bai smiled. You will reach that height, and in the next battle that must be yours, you will become the youngest marshal in the history of Insect Star, attracting much attention.

The melodious sound of music wafted over the banquet. Ellen announced that he was about to open a branch in Kyoto, and said that the moment he had a good time, the lights dimmed with the soothing waltz at the right time.

Sardin was led to the dance floor by Song Bai.

Sardin’s stature is much shorter than ordinary females, and half a head shorter than his male lead, which is particularly eye-catching in a pair of tall females and low males.

With the rotation of the dance music, the dovetail behind the female gentleman’s dress swayed with the dance steps, stepping on the rhythm of the music, light and agile.

However, he was still too dazzling.

Beyond the broad shoulders of the lord, behind him are the neat dance steps taken by the guests.

I can’t tell if it’s the nervousness of attending a banquet with the hero for the first time, or if I’m too sensitive, I always feel as if something is staring at him.

He still looked around nervously, but Song Bai mistook it for excitement.

In the original world, Song Bai had Zheng Yun who grew up together. They went to the same high school. Zheng Yun took the court dance as an elective, and the exam required him to find a dance partner. There were too many boys vying to be her dance partner. Zheng Yun angrily dragged Song Bai, who was sleeping at the table in the next class, over and taught her for half an hour.

Later, this foundation has continued to the present.

Song Bai still remembered that Zheng Yun was just like Sardin now, looking around and looking around.

At that time, Zheng Yun was observing all the male dance partners present, activating her male detection radar, and commenting on their character, appearance, suitable for lovers, suitable for husbands, cheating feelings and money, etc.

Zheng Yun is also considered a great beauty, but Song Bai was lacking in interest at the time, and she just wanted to end it quickly and go back to sleep.

Song Bai followed Sardin’s line of sight and saw a straight figure, looking at it, it must be a male worm.

Suddenly, a nameless fire broke out, and the flames burned the fragile nerves.

I’m here, what are you looking at?

With an impulse, Song Bai pulled Sardin off the stage, and bit his lip fiercely in the dark corner.

In the next piece, a frivolous voice sounded: “Dude, do you want to change partners?”

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