Your Majesty Please Calm Down

Chapter 33: Request

Ji Heng forced the heart to beat very hard. When he opened his eyes, he saw Tian Qi come out of the palace hall as if he were avoiding severe floods and ferocious beasts. He felt sorry.

Why was he still afraid of him?

He stroked his chest. In thinking back to the desire he had just had, he could feel a hot flash of dry heat. Almost, he almost kissed Tian Qi.

It was really an unfathomable mystery to know how he could have those thoughts. His strange dreams at night must be what led to being in a trance during the day.

To be honest, this explanation was a little far-fetched, but simply, instinctively, Ji Heng did not want to dig deeper. Facing these strange and random thoughts, he tried to find something to divert his attention.

So, he called Sheng'An Huai and asked him to bring him the Cui Zhu from the Wan Imperial Concubine.

In the BaJiao Pavilion, Imperial Concubine Wan dismissed all her aides and secretly discussed the case with Cui Zhu. She was restless, still feeling that she was going to meet a misfortune. Cui Zhu tried to comfort the Imperial Wan Concubine and said, "Niangniang, please be comfortable, this servant can guarantee that nothing has been forgotten, I have already treated all the material evidence. Even if the Emperor wants to rank Tian Qi, he still can not produce evidence. "

There were many incidents in the Imperial Harem, many investigations failing to reveal the real facts, so they had no choice but to use servants as cannon fodder. That's also why Imperial Concubine Wan and Cui Zhu used this idea. In any case, things are what they are made of. Only they and the heavens knew what they were doing. What could others possibly discover?

What made them sure they knew they had support was that Tian Qi was just a little eunuch. Even if the master refused to kill him and had the strength to investigate, proving even the innocence of Tian Qi, but who would work so hard just for a little eunuch? If the investigation did not reveal the true author, it was unlikely that they would continue to argue with him. Even though Tian Qi was clearly innocent, he still could not avoid this calamity.

However, Imperial Concubine Wan discovered that what had happened was unexpected. How could the emperor intervene personally in this affair? Should not this kind of affair be left to imperial wives and concubines, my?

After a long time, when Sheng'An Huai was able to clarify the truth about this case from beginning to end, he felt that the biggest mistake of Imperial Concubine Wan was to underestimate the value of Tian Qi in the heart of the emperor. In fact, everyone underestimated this point because no one thought that the Emperor could fear a eunuch on the part of management.

However, Tian Qi thought that the biggest miscalculation of Concubine Wan in this case was that she had not carefully tried to find an imperial doctor to consult at least once.

So, now that this imperial concubine remembered that the emperor wanted to investigate this case personally, her heart was angry as she asked Cui Zhu, "Tell me, can the emperor find out what it would be?

"Niangniang, do not worry, as long as we do not admit it, the Emperor will discover that everything is in vain." This old woman feels that he has become personally involved in this matter only because it concerns the seed. Niangniang should not worry too much, as long as we do not talk, everything will be fine, even if we go back ten thousand (10,000), you are now pregnant with the dragon seed, the mistakes you make who can hold you responsible? "

Just as they were chatting, someone knocked on the door saying that the Emperor wanted to see Cui Zhu at Qian Qing Palace for questioning. The complexion of the imperial concubine Wan pales immediately, the hand holding Cui Zhu not wanting to let her go.

Cui Zhu had to comfort the Imperial Wan Concubine a few more times and asked her not to speak even if she threatened to beat you to death. She then followed Sheng'An Huai to Qian Qing Palace. Once at Qian Qing Palace, she did everything to fulfill this promise. No matter how she was beaten, all she did was grit her teeth and shout for injustice.

Sheng'An Huai was the one who conducted the interrogation under torture because Ji Heng was not present. Sheng'An Huai supposed that the emperor was really furious this time to immediately send people to Qian Qing Palace to be executed. Although he did not know what the Emperor wanted to learn from this palace maid, what he did know was that she was not at all wrong.

After spending two days with her, even Sheng'An Huai had to admire Cui Zhu a little. This maid at the palace was really faithful. Although she fainted so often that her mind was completely confused, she only shouted that she was hurting herself.

Sheng'An Huai informed the Emperor that he had found himself empty-handed.

After Ji Heng heard him, he told her to continue caring for Cui Zhu, but there was no need to continue the torture, then he turned around and headed for the pavilion. Bajiao. Tian Qi wanted to look at the room so she followed it secretly. Ji Heng finally noticed, but he simply ignored it.

Because Cui Zhu left for too long, in the heart of Imperial Concubine Wan, the north wind was already sweeping all the dried grass. There was no happiness in seeing the Emperor come. What remained was a guilty conscience.

Stubborn and stupid, daring and weak. Ji Heng could not imagine a more tragic character than this one. Thinking that this kind of person was carrying his child, Ji Heng suddenly felt disgusted in his heart.

Examination required competence. Generally, emperors were very cunning, so they easily learned without a teacher how they could dump people's facts. Finally arrived at BaJiao Pavilion, calm face, Ji Heng indignantly denounced the imperial concubine Wan. "Could you have eaten safflower because the child in your womb is not Zhen's, then you wanted to abort this illegitimate child ?!"

Once you focused on "was this child of the emperor or not", nothing seemed more serious than that. The Imperial Concubine Wan was so terrified that she was rooted on the spot. She did not dare to bring charges of this kind. Messed up once and your whole family was over. His mind was completely chaotic, offering only one scenario. She suddenly thought that Cui Zhu had to admit it, the emperor understanding it badly. Thus, the imperial concubine Wan knelt at Ji Heng's feet as she cried and explained. Although fighting with a eunuch was not a good thing, it was still a hundred times better than being misunderstood if you had committed adultery.

Hearing the imperial concubine Wan explain what had happened, Tian Qi looked calm, but in her mind she cursed her many times.

"Your majesty, this servant was afraid of being framed by him, so only this plan was presented.This servant did it to protect the child in my belly, one!" The imperial concubine Wan was crying and trying to gain sympathy on one side while wanting to hang on Ji Heng's calf on the other.

Unexpectedly, Ji Heng took two steps back and remained out of his reach, then looked at her hatefully. "You went so far as to hurt your own child ruthlessly to plots against the person against whom you want them, how are you fit to be a mother?"

Tian Qi thought that the reason the emperor had said this was probably because he was already planning to wait for the imperial concubine Wan to give birth, then he would have the child raised by another imperial concubine.

... good game!

Finally, Ji Heng did not punish the Imperial Wan Concubine on the surface since she was pregnant. Of course, others did not have that chance. Cui Zhu was the first to suffer the consequences. Although she did not confess until the end, she was dragged by her own master. Ji Heng ordered his execution on charges of "conspiracy against the emperor's heir". In addition, all the maidservants of the palace and the eunuchs of the BaJiao Pavilion were changed once.

The case has been temporarily closed. Intelligent people could naturally understand the meaning of the message and, even if the slow minds did not understand it, they could at least examine the conclusion of the case: Tian Qi was unhurt. The Emperor awarded him heavy rewards for the "merit of having investigated an incident".

Thus, one could clearly see the skills of this eunuch Tian.

In reality, Ji Heng did not reward Tian Qi heavily for his "achievements during an investigation", but also because there was always a thread of ... guilt. His own wife tried to kill Tian Qi but he could not even blame her again. In the end, he could not touch a single hair of this stupid woman, so he could only try to fix things for the victim.

Tian Qi did not dare to imagine that it was an honest "excuse" of the emperor. Although it seems like the breeze is calm, the waves are calm, his mind was full of thoughts of retaliation against Imperial Concubine Wan. Although it is not easy to find a way - she can leave no trace and must not hurt the dragon seed - if Tian Qi relied on her intelligence and wisdom, she would certainly find a way.

the breeze is calm, the waves are calm - idiom = quiet environment

In the end, what eunuch Tian did to take revenge on the Imperial Concubine Wan, we will not show it for the moment. For the moment, the mood of eunuch Tian did not suffer at all from the incident with the imperial concubine Wan. On the contrary, she was very happy to have been allowed to wear a dress to RuYi.

Since the incident where Tian Qi was thrown into the pond, RuYi was not on good terms with Ji Heng. He was convinced that Tian Qi was alive, it was not because of the "clemency" of his father Emperor, but because Dai SanShan was "loyal" to him and saved him ... Tian Qi was the one who had taught him these two words.

Since Ji Heng could not change his mind, he was forced to ask Tian Qi to say a lot of praise about him in RuYi. It was only then that the relationship between the two people, father and son, finally calmed down.

The biggest beneficiary was Tian Qi. She had a dress worn at RuYi to celebrate the Chinese New Year. Unexpectedly, the emperor did not say a word.

Even though she herself did not realize it, the reason Tian Qi wanted to dress RuYi as a girl was because she really wanted to wear women's clothes and ornaments. People often lacked what interested them. Originally, Tian Qi was a beautiful little girl, but she has been wearing eunuch clothing for so many years. Their colors were not bright enough, they did not have enough reasons, they could hardly wear ornaments and the hairstyles were not even more to wait ... Year after year, his longing for dresses and ornaments had accumulated and became thicker and thicker. She did not dare to wear dresses herself, so she could only take pleasure in dressing RuYi.

RuYi did not want to cooperate. He did not know why Tian Qi always liked to wear dresses, but he ... did not really like to wear them, a!

Tian Qi had to continue to praise the great benefits of wearing dresses. It's nice and cool, you. They looked good, you. It was easy to pee, you. Dai SanShan likes to wear them, nonsense. A deluge of heavenly flowers.

a deluge of celestial flowers - idiom = extravagant embellishments

ya = exclamation, similar to a

She was not long in regretting having spoken too much. Although RuYi behaved well and donned a dress, he still asked her, "Tian Qi, why do not you wear a dress?"

"I ... me?" Tian Qi laughed, scratching his head. "This servant does not dare to wear it."

"Why, you, dresses are so good." As RuYi asked, he pulled on his dress to prove his point.

Today, he wore a duck yellow dress. This color looked like a newborn duckling, light yellow, very fresh and clean and very cute. The dress was adorned with little muslin flowers. The neck, waist and wrists were a darker color, somewhat like apricots, embroidered with the same patterns.

Ji Heng was also present. Originally, his head was lowered, reading the memories of the day. However, his ears were raised, listening to the completely non-educational conversation of these two people. Hearing RuYi ask why Tian Qi was not wearing a dress, he unconsciously raised his head and looked at Tian Qi.

Tian Qi repaired the bottom of RuYi's dress as she secretly murmured, "If I wear a dress, the Emperor will cut off my head."

RuYi nodded pitifully. Indeed, the emperor father was often so unreasonable.

Tian Qi thought his voice was low enough, but Ji Heng was a martial artist, his hearing was excellent. He did not miss a word of what Tian Qi said, so he sighed once. He put down the memoir he was reading and asked, "Is Zhen that kind of incompetent leader, mother?" Would you lose your head if you wore a dress?

"Your Majesty, your hearing is really good." Tian Qi really praised, changing the subject in a convenient way.

However, Ji Heng turned to RuYi and said, "Do not listen to his nonsense, Zhen would not blame him."

RuYi so became very happy for Tian Qi "Tian Qi, you can also wear a dress, the"


the = exclamation, similar to a

"..." Tian Qi stood up and pulled his hand from RuYi "Your Highness, why not this servant takes you to Dai SanShan to play, ba? If we stay here, it would bother His Imperial Majesty to handle the affairs of the nation . "

Tian Qi's proposal got RuYi's approval. He asked his father Emperor to be excused with enthusiasm and took Tian Qi's hand and started walking. But he still had to ask "Why do not you wear a dress, do not you?" The dresses were so good.

Ji Heng suddenly asked them to stop. "Since RuYi wants to see you wearing a dress, you have to put one on him so he can see you, ba."

Ji Hengqiang pressed his heart and moved, and blinked to see Tian Qi as he escaped the flood and the beast. He felt alone.

Why are you still scared of him?

He touched his chest and remembered his desire to be a gentleman. Almost, I almost went to Tianqi.

It's really inexplicable, how can there be such an idea? It must be because of the strange dreams of the night, which lead to a spirit of day.

To be honest, this explanation is a little far-fetched, but Ji Heng instinctively does not want to think deeply, she also indiscriminately removes these strange thoughts, and then finds something else to distract her attention.

So he called Sheng Anhuai and asked him to bring the cuizhu around him.

In the banana plantation, the cockroach has already retired and merges with Cuizhu. She was upset and still felt that something was wrong. Cuizhu will comfort his voice. "Mothers, be assured that slaves can ensure that there is no omission.After the material evidence has been processed, the emperor will no longer be able to testify if he wants to favor the Tianqi . "

There were many different events in the palace and many cases could not find the truth. In the end, they could only be guns, and that was also the idea of ​​Cui and Cuizhu. Anyway, they do what they do, knowing what others do not know and what can they discover?

What makes them the most fearful is that Tian Qi is just a little eunuch. Although the masters can check the power of the dead, they will be able to return to the field seven innocent, but who will be so difficult for a little eunuch? If you do not find the real murderer, you will not continue to get tangled up. Even if Tian Qi is innocent, he always escapes.

However, what is unexpected is the way in which the Emperor intervenes personally in this affair. Is it not necessary that such things be managed by them?

Long after, Sheng Anhuai contacted and clarified the truth. He felt that the biggest mistake of this crime was to underestimate the weight of Tian Qi in the heart of the Holy Spirit. In fact, everyone has underestimated it, because nobody can think that the emperor will remember a eunuch.

However, Tian Qi thinks the most embarrassing thing to do is that she has not found a doctor to consult.

And when he said he wanted to personally ask the emperor, he was upset and asked Cui Zhudao. "You said, will the emperor discover something?"

"Mom, do not worry, as long as you and I do not admit it, the Emperor did not find anything to help, his old man asked for it personally, but it's because of the dragon species. Mothers do not think too much, as long as we do not say, we owe nothing, go back 10,000 steps, you are now with a dragon, no matter what is wrong, nobody will treat you . "

I just said that someone knocked on the door and said that the emperor had charged Cuizhu to go to Qing Palace to ask questions. The face was changed and the hand holding Cuizhu was not willing to let her go.

Cuizhu also comforted a few words and repeated three times: "Do not say if you kill," then went to the Qing Dynasty with Shengan. In the dry house, she fully practiced this principle, no matter how hard to fight, she bit her teeth.

Ji Heng is not present and the commander's torture is Sheng Anhuai. Sheng'an thought that the emperor was really angry this time and that it was sent directly to the execution of the Qing palace. Although he did not know what the emperor wanted to ask the palace, he knew it was certainly not "deaf".

After playing for two days, even Sheng Anhuai admired Cuizhu. The palace girl really had some bones and had fainted several times. Later, her consciousness was unclear and she was still shouting.

Sheng Anhuai told the emperor the result of nothing.

Ji Heng listened, let them watch Cuizhu, no need to fight again, and went to the banana factory. Tian Qitai wants to watch the fun, secretly follow, Ji Heng saw it, but ignored it.

Because Cuizhu was taken too long, the heart of the north wind had already been bent and the grass broken. When I saw the Emperor arrive, there was no more joy, only guilty conscience.

Stupid and stubborn, daring and weak, combining these points, Ji Heng can not think of a more tragic character than this one. When I think of such a person with his own children, Ji Heng's heart suddenly has such disgust.

Interrogation requires skill and emperors are usually very embarrassed. In the aspect of interrogation, they can always be self-taught. Before the eyes, I went to the banana factory and shouted sullenly. "Do you eat safflower yourself, is it because the children in your stomach are not jealous, so you want to destroy this wild species ?!"

On the other hand, I emphasized the serious problem of whether the child is the emperor. I was scared on the spot. She could not take it for granted. There was chaos in the brain, and she naturally thought that Cuizhu had been recruited, so the Emperor would be mistaken, so he cried and explained to Ji Heng's foot. Although fighting with eunuchs is not a good thing, it is still a hundred times more powerful than being misunderstood as a private conflict.

Hearing that he was not, Tian Tian was calm and calm, only a few words in his heart.

"The emperor, the slaves are also afraid of being framed by him, only then will the slaves do it for the sake of the abdomen!" He cried and sympathized while trying to squeeze Ji Heng's calf.

Ji Heng suddenly backed away to avoid it, then looked at her with disgust. "In order to fight with others, I even hurt my child, how do you make a mother?"

Tian Qi thinks that the reason the Emperor said this is that he is about to wait until he gives birth to a child, and then takes the child to another donkey.

……Good game!

In the end, Ji Heng did not punish him on the bright side. After all, he was a pregnant woman. Of course, others are not so lucky. The first was Cuizhu. Although the palace girl did not confess in the end, she was dragged by her master. Ji Heng killed her with the crime of "murdering the emperor". Again.

The question is over for a while and smart people can naturally feel what it means. Stupid, without guessing anything, but I also saw the end result: Tianqi is nothing. The emperor also rewarded him for the reason that "the investigation is successful".

This shows the way of Tian Gonggong.

In fact, the reason why Ji Heng reappeared Tian Qi was not just because of "investigation of the case", but also small excuses. His own wife almost killed Tianqi, but he could not do it justice. In the end, the stupid woman could not move and she had to compensate the victim.

Tian Qi can not really imagine the "excuses" of the emperor. She is now calm and serene, but she secretly wants revenge. Although the path is not very easy to find - can not leave traces and can not harm the dragon species, but with his talented intelligence, I can certainly find.

Tian Gonggong reflected on the tactics to use for revenge, we will not show it. And now, Tian Gonggong's mood has not been affected by the embarrassing incident, but that's fine, she can give a greeting dress.

Since Tianqi's last fall in the water incident, he has been angry with Ji Heng for several days. He still believes that the reason why Tian Qi is still alive is not because the father "stays under his enthusiasm", but because Dai Sanshan "really runs away" ... ... the two words are his donated by Tian Qijiao.

Ji Heng could not, and had to order Tian Qi to tell him a lot of good words in front of Ruyi. The relationship between father and son has calmed down.

The biggest recipient is Tian Qi, but the annual festival, she gave the holiday dress, the emperor did not put a word.

Tian Qi did not realize that she liked to dress as a girl, entirely derived from her own desire for women's clothing. People often miss what interests them. Tian Qi was originally a pretty little girl. She has been wearing eunuch clothing for so many years. The color is not bright enough, the pattern is not beautiful enough, the decor is almost not, the hairstyle is even cheaper ... For many years, she has more and more desire for the skirt. If you do not dare to wear it, you must be small.

If the intention is not very cooperative, he does not know why Tian Qi always wears a skirt for him, but he ... really does not want to wear it.

Tian Qi praised the benefits of the skirt a lot. What cool, beautiful, easy to pee, Dai Sanshan like that ... Some do not, the sky is falling.

Soon, she regretted having said too much. Because Ruyi had dressed her skirt, she asked him, "Tian Qi, why do not you wear a skirt?"

"I ... I?" Tian Qi smiled and scratched his head. "Slaves can not wear it."

"Why, the skirt is so good." Said Ruyi pulling her skirt in cooperation.

The dress he wore today is yellow duck. This color is like a newborn duckling. It is light yellow, very fresh and very cute. The skirt is decorated with small flowers intermingled with palace threads. The neckline, waistband and wrists are darker in color. They are apricot and embroidered in the same color.

At that time, Ji Heng was also present. He played the bow bow, but his ears listened to the non-nutritive conversation between the two. Hearing the wish to ask Tian Qi why not wear a skirt, he unconsciously looked up at Tian Qi.

Tian Qi had to meet and go out softly, "If I wear a skirt, the Emperor will cut off my head."

Honestly, without mercy, the father is often unreasonable.

Tian Qi thought his voice was small enough. However, Ji Heng had a kung fu and his ears were very good. When the words of Tian Qi were not heard, he coughed and dropped the chapter and said, "Does this kind of weakness? You're wearing a skirt, it's going to be your head? "

"Emperor, your ears are very good." Tian Qi sincerely admires, by the way, change the subject.

Ji Heng turned to Ruyi and said, "Do not listen to him and do not say, you will not sin."

I would like to be very happy for Tian Qi. "Tian Qi, you can wear a skirt too!"

"..." Tian Qi took his godly hand. "His Royal Highness, if you want to be a slave, you will be taken to Dai Sanshan to play and stay here to incite the emperor to run the affairs of state."

The suggestion of Tian Qi would generally agree, so he was happy to retire with his father. Tian Qi took the lead and came out, but still asked, "Why do not you wear a skirt?" The skirt is so beautiful.

Ji Heng stopped them suddenly. "If you want to see you wear a skirt, you will wear it to him."

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