You Call This the Black Man Behind the Scenes?

Chapter 258

Chapter 250: Enchanting Class

“Although there are many different sayings, in our United Kingdom, the recognized first wizard is Gold the Knight of the Silver Eagle.”

“Gould is from the Clemens family on the Tidal Coast. This family is still very famous in the Broken Isles generation, but because the current owner is a weirdo who is crazy and obsessed with the theory of the era, the mainstream wizarding world generally does not like them.”

“Of course, this is not the point, the point is…”

The bright and expansive classroom is like a gladiatorial arena, with more than 100 students sitting in the auditorium that rises up the circular stairs.

And a middle-aged woman wearing glasses was standing on the podium in the “Gladiator Arena”, her voice was not loud, but it was able to be heard clearly by everyone.

She waved a pointer-like magic wand from time to time during the narration, so mirage-like “images” continued to emerge over the auditorium.

They are either some written records, or some oil portraits of people, or even island maps.

Mellen was sitting on a seat in the middle of the auditorium at this time, with his hands supporting his face, and a book spread on the desk in front of him, with a quill in the book, it was said that he was attached to magic and would never need ink. Can write text.

He is in a strange mood right now. Even though he has been involved in the world-class catastrophe, he still needs to sit here and study honestly.

Although there is no end to learning, and people should live until they are old and learn, Melon always feels that what he is doing now seems to be not serious.

Just thinking about it carefully, he doesn’t really have much business. Apart from his personal feelings, the only thing that makes Merron care about is the spring of the Heavenly Spring.

But he had already smeared some self-produced food that he had left for last night on purpose this morning, and nothing special happened.

“Fairy Wood”

So Mellen felt that this might require some kind of in-depth research.

But on the other hand, because of the special function of the spring water, the door of the transmission room in the suitcase space can already be pushed open.

It’s just that today is the first day of school, and Melun, who has been concerned by many people, is not good at skipping class, so he hasn’t studied it yet.

“Although the birth of the first wizard is a bit late, about magic, or about the wizard knowledge you need to learn, the ancients have actually summarized and practiced it.”

“If we want to follow a development line, we can find that the earliest magic comes from herbalism, followed by potions, and then…”

[It’s really boring, these things are obviously taught in private by major families, why do we have to learn them again? 】

In this “classroom”, continuous long sentences will be amplified like a lecturer, so if students want to communicate in private, they basically use small notes.

At this moment, a note was suddenly handed over from the side, and Merron looked down, then turned to look at the slightly girlish male classmate sitting beside him, and couldn’t help frowning slightly.

The man in front of him was Tracy, a handsome-looking peer of the same age, with brown hair and blue eyes, with a poetic temperament. When he looked at Mellen, his expression was very ordinary, as if he was just chatting.

However, the special emotional perception ability allows Melon to discover that this man’s emotions when facing him are very strange.

Annoyed, scrutinized, rejoiced, even loved…

This is obviously not the attitude a stranger should have, but Mellon is sure that he has never had a love-hate relationship with any man before.

Therefore, he seriously doubted that this person’s appearance was disguised.

And thinking that someone was using a disguised image to test him not long ago, Meren naturally placed the target of suspicion on the nun named Lydia.

After all, it is impossible for others to have such complicated emotions when they look at them.

It’s just that he couldn’t figure out what this guy wanted to do next to him.

Want to test yourself more deeply?

[Teaching from familiar knowledge will allow students to adapt to the current teaching environment more quickly. 】

Merron lifted the pen and replied casually, then ignored the other party and pretended to concentrate on listening.

It also seemed to be very interesting. The other party just looked at Melen and didn’t bother him anymore.

A class time flies by quickly.

The following potions class and herbal medicine class did not have much trouble. The former had a lecturer teaching how to prepare a basic cold medicine, and the latter was to identify some commonly used herbs.

These things aside from Melen, basically all students have studied before entering school, and many of them can even be called proficient.

It was the enchanting class that followed that interested Melen very much.

“Most wizards are narrow-minded and believe that only fighting ability can judge whether a person is strong or not.”

The teaching venue for Enchantment is a dimly lit underground hall.

The students wore strange beak masks on their faces, and there were many bottles and metal props on the round table in front of them. It seemed that they were learning medicine rather than enchanting.

At the front of the classroom, an old professor with gray hair was giving a brief introduction to the course.

“But what I’m saying is that only those who can change the world can be called powerful.”

“Enchanting is such a course, and alchemy, which extends from it, is the most worthwhile field for wizards to explore.”

“Unfortunately, in the current environment, many people are…”

The basis of enchanting is a knowledge called character science. Characters, as the name suggests, are special symbols. After special processing, these symbols will have some wonderful characteristics attached.

Using these symbols, and even the rune sequence formed by the arrangement and combination of these symbols, wizards can not only attach pure elemental powers such as fire and frost to some utensils, but also do more exotic things.

For example, exorcism, space stretching, teleportation, state awareness, shrinking size, and even giving life to dead objects.

However, those are a little far for a wizard apprentice. What Melen and the others are learning now is just a simple basic character and inscription method that can make metal weapons sharper.

This process is not difficult to operate. According to the material of the utensils that need to be enchanted, an enchanting liquid that can fit the material is prepared.

Then infuse the enchanting liquid into several props of different sizes called enchanting pens, and finally integrate the third hand into the enchanting pen and start “withering” on the props, and that’s it.

The main point is actually the fine control and perception of the third hand, because there are many subtle operations that cannot be felt by the naked eye and fingers during the carving period.

This process is actually very wonderful, but what is shown is that a pen-like pen is used to leave a special trace of shimmering light in the dim environment on the surface of the dagger as the target of enchanting.

After these traces are linked together, the enchanting process does not end.

Because it has to wait for the enchanting liquid to completely penetrate into the props, the corresponding effect will be born slowly.

So when the class was over, there was no real result.

Tomorrow’s second class is the time to test their achievements. The students left the dim classroom one after another with anticipation and rushed towards the cafeteria.

In the empty classroom, the enchanted tables covered and closed by special glassware were faintly emitting After being quiet for a while, an uninvited guest quietly appeared in the classroom and looked at it. After a few glances, he stepped to the table marked “Iger Wilson”.

He touched the switch, opened the glass cover for sealing, picked up one of the semi-finished silver daggers and observed it for a while, then he suddenly threw the dagger to the ground paved with black rocks under his feet.

So I listened to the sound of chi, and the surface that looked extremely hard was instantly stabbed by the dagger to a gap that was submerged to the handle.

At the same time, a hot breath suddenly expanded and spread from the gap, drying out a piece of the nearby table leg.

This power is not what the most basic enchantment can bring.

The visitor’s eyes widened because of this, and after being stunned for a long time, he hurriedly sent a message to his boss.

“Lord Judge, it can be confirmed that his Sun Knight breathing technique has indeed reached the limit!”


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