You are the Pearl, Mo Mengchen

Chapter 28 - Old rules

  The Pistons have not changed much in the summer.

The original coach Don Cheney resigned and took the blame. He thought they were going to hire a famous teacher to co-ordinate the team and release Grant Hill’s talent to the greatest extent. As a result, the team’s general manager Doug Collins asked for a warrant He is determined to lead this team to become the Lions of the Eastern Conference within three years.

  San Sumari

Pistons’ preseason training camp was established here, with 25 players participating in the training camp, and as many as 12 players have signed a formal contract in the Pistons, that is to say, the remaining 13 people will compete for 3 margins The quota is extremely fierce.

  Meet Hill again, but Mo Mengchen was no longer the original Mo Mengchen.

   “Mo, do you remember me?”

   As soon as he met, Hill gave people a very friendly feeling. He had a high education since childhood and he knew how to quickly make the other person feel good after a long absence.

   No one can be unkind to this chubby, fat baby face, and he does not have any malice, let alone he is the lead player of the Pistons.

   “I don’t want to remember you, because that means my third ACL tear, and you recalled my unhappy memories.”

   “Then I might be going to Asia for a whole face, what do you think I am suitable for?”

   This guy is really hot and sticks cold ass.

  Mo Mengchen still didn’t take the initiative to come up and pay the good meaning: “The facelift is not necessary. If you want me to forget your face, a few thin face needles are enough.”

  Finally speaking, Mo Mengchen turned and walked away, Hill’s smiling face froze in place.


   Joe Dumas marveled at Mo Mengchen’s poisonous tongue.

   Hill’s smile became a bit bitter: “He’s so unfriendly, it seems he still remembers the game.”

   “If it is me, I remember, it is not really a good memory.” Dumas said.


  Mo Mengchen observed other people and found that the Pistons’ talent is really bad. He thought that the talent of the Summer League was already bad enough, and he didn’t expect the talent of the primary selection to be bad.

   Except Hill and Alan Houston, there is not a particularly top talent.

   Other portraits of old Joe Dumas, Terry Mills, Otis Thorpe, and Mark West are either too old or too mediocre.

   With such a team, it is no wonder that Hill led the first round of the tour for three consecutive years before the injury.

   Speaking, these Jordan successors are also really interesting.

   Kobe Bryant, Hill, McGrady, these three stylish Jordan successors, lack of good teammates, the single-core team has never broken through the first round.

  Hill is relatively miserable. He didn’t have a good teammate during his career rise, and he also encountered a “tactical master” like Doug Collins.

   “Mo, I heard you were performing surgery while training?”

  Louis M. Rolle found Mo Mengchen, and then kept asking questions like fans of idols.

  Mo Mengchen’s answer is basically “yes”, “yes” and “um”.

   “Louis, I advise you not to harass you anymore, don’t you see it? He’s quite dissatisfied with your behavior of having nothing to talk about.” Don Reid kindly reminded.

  Lor observed Mo Mengchen’s expression, and it really didn’t look like he was very happy.

   “Mo, do you have any concerns?” Luoer asked.

  Mo Mengchen gave him a look to care for CP: “Your earnest concern is my biggest concern. Can you please use your energy for other things?”

   “I just care about you…”

   “I’m fine, I don’t need it.”

   Seeing Lor standing awkwardly beside Mo Mengchen, Ratliff came over to rescue him: “Louis, since Mo doesn’t want to be disturbed, don’t talk.”

   Seeing Ratliff, Mo Mengchen took the initiative to speak: “Are you hurt?”

   “Complete!” Ratliff nodded.

   “Do I need to remind you before the next injury?”

  Mo Mengchen’s tone sounded very relaxed, as if it was a dispensable thing, but it was a big deal here in Ratliff.

   “Need! I need it so much! Mo, if you find something wrong with my physical condition in the future, please tell me!”

   Ratliff said sincerely.


   Maintaining health is a lifeline for rookies and a guarantee of survival in the NBA.

   Some excellent rookies are because of frequent injuries during the rookie, resulting in no ball to play in the end.

   Ratliff kept recalling Momon Chen’s warning to him during the healing period. He clearly remembered that Mo Mengchen had reminded him three times, but he was regarded as a deaf ear.

   In other words, he wasted three chances to avoid injury.

  During his injury, he inquired Mo Mengchen’s information in detail. It can be said that he was the first Piston player to learn about Mo Mengchen’s past.

  Since then, he has decided: No matter on the court or off the court, as long as it is Mo Mengchen’s suggestion, it will be changed, if not, it will be encouraged, if it is directly related to injuries and unconditionally listen.

  Before the start of the training, Collins was like other coaches. It was like the director of a pig farm who gathered all the pigs to train.

  He came here for a boring chicken soup, although his words were boring, but everyone had to cheer up and say aloud, otherwise he would not face him, the pre-season training camp would not face the head coach? Isn’t that death? What’s more, the other party is still the general manager and head coach, which can be said to have the power to kill.

   For such people, the best way is to obey.

  Collins divided the people in the training camp into two groups.

   Players with contracts are for those who are free in the future with uncertainty.

  The people on both sides were separated, and the first-time members who met for the first time also took this opportunity to know each other.

  Hill is the leader of the team, but Dumas is the boss of everyone. He stood in the center and said: “This is a brand new season, there are old faces and new faces here, old rules, we introduce ourselves.”

   “My name is Joe Dumas, from Shreveport, Louisiana.”

   Dumas looked at Hill with a smile, “Grant, you come.”

   “First of all, I really hate this link because you all know who my last name is and where I come from. I am pretty sure that you have my fans, but I still have to introduce myself like an idiot.”

   Hill seems to have great opinions on this old rule.

   Dumas shouted next to him: “Less nonsense!”

   “Okay, let me do it again.”

   “My name is Grant Hill. I was born in Texas and graduated from Duke University. It’s your turn.”

   “Yo, you didn’t say that you have two NCAA championship trophies.” Alan Houston on the side called out.

   “That’s what I did when I was a rookie. I’m mature now.” Hill said with a grin.

   “Tip: That was just a year ago. How did Duke’s talented students become mature within a year?”

Houston babbled out and said, “My name is Alan Houston, from Kentucky. I want to say that my CIC is the most accurate in history. If you see that I get a chance for a vacancy during the game, If you don’t pass, hum!”


  The old man of the piston came forward one by one to introduce himself.

   Gradually, the old man has finished introducing.

   Then it’s the newcomer’s turn to introduce himself.

   Out of respect, the rookies did not rush forward, a white man stepped forward, simply said: “My name is Eric Lekner.”

  His resume is as simple as his self-introduction, his career is wandering around wandering big men.

  If you use his name to search on Baidu Encyclopedia, what you find is only: Eric Lechner was selected by the Jazz in the first round of the 17th round in 1988.

   “A few rookies also introduce themselves.” Dumas said.

  Latcliffe looked at it, nobody wanted to be the first one, so he went out first.

   “Theo Ratliff, my defense is very strong, I will definitely help you in the game.” He said confidently.

   He made a good start for others, and then Tang Reid also stepped forward to introduce himself.

  All the players selected only Mo Mengchen and Lor have not introduced themselves.

   This is inexplicably familiar, and Mo Mengchen remembered it. It was almost the same when he first participated in the trial training.

   He stood with Rolle and introduced himself.

  Lol swallowed hard and stood in front of the crowd. He seemed to have few such moments. He was really not good at talking loudly in front of others.

  Especially when everyone’s attention is on He can’t say a word.

   “Damn it!”

   He squeezed himself hard, and then roared with a loud voice that he could hear throughout the audience, saying: “My name is Louis M. Lor! I am very versatile!!!”

   This moment, the audience.

  Not only the starters around, but also the nearby coaching staff, staff, and the group of players who are going to compete vigorously for the official contract, all heard of Rolle’s introduction.

   The old people of the Pistons probably haven’t seen such a wonderful flower, their eyes look like they saw the dinosaurs come back to life.

   “Okay, omnipotent Louis, just to have this momentum, who else did not introduce themselves?”

  Mo Mengchen stepped forward and replaced the embarrassing Rolle.

   He stood in the center, everyone was watching him.

  Although Mo Mengchen is only the eighteenth overall pick in the first round, he already has the highest popularity among the 95 rookies.

  His performance in the Rocky Mountain Summer League made him famous, and during the off-season training while performing surgery on patients has become a fan of the talk.

   This is a person who has left his mark in the NBA before playing an NBA game.

   “My name is Mo Mengchen, from the University of Washington.”

   “In addition to playing basketball, I have a part-time job at Saint Lucifer.”

   “You can call me Mo or you can call me a doctor.”


   “Are you finished?”

  Houston asked impatiently.

   Dumas said: “should they have been introduced?”


   “Mo!” Houston muttered, “Help me buy a bottle of water!”

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