You are the Pearl, Mo Mengchen

Chapter 18 - Nice to meet you

   The brightly colored hotel gradually became dim.

  Mo Mengchen got his first skill.

  Fixed skill: Left-handed assassin.

  Left-handed assassin: Fixed skills, not detachable after equipped. Equipped with this skill, the left hand will have the same functions, strength, inertial memory and muscle memory as the right hand. Note that left-handers should not be used.

   Skill level: D.

   Fortunately, fortunately, fortunately Mo Mengchen is not left-handed!

  Mo Mengchen exhaled lightly. Although there are only five skill boxes, each of which is very important, but this skill makes people unable to refuse.

   This is a skill that allows players to truly achieve no difference between left and right hands.

   Many players are praised by others for their outstanding non-primary hand abilities. In fact, no matter how skilled non-dominant hands are, compared with dominant hands, there is a gap.

   This skill allows the left hand and the right hand to achieve real coherence, and achieve a real left-right fight.

   “Mo, this is the number 12 jersey we prepared for you.”

  This is Mo Mengchen’s jersey number in college.

   “Thank you.”

   Wait until he officially signs a contract with the team, he will change the number, he does not like the number 12.

After that, the Pistons won Theo Ratliff with a 19th pick in the first round, and Louis M. Rolle with a 30th pick in the first round. That’s right. That’s the one who had teamed up with Mo Mengchen and claimed to be all-round. Louis.

In the second round, they chose Don Reid of Georgetown University as the last pick.

  As a rookie from the same year, they joined the team at the same time, and the four met in the background.

   “Man, nice to meet you.” Ratliff and Mo Mengchen hugged.

   Luo Er was very excited: “I really have a fate with you!”

  The most rearward Rhett is more familiar, but within a few minutes he became a good friend with Ratliff, talking about what to do tonight to celebrate.

   That night, they returned from Toronto to Detroit overnight.

   Mo Mengchen’s agent Patton took another flight to handle some private affairs.

   Four rookies with different personalities came to the Henry Ford Training Center together.

  After meeting with the coaching staff, Collins took them to the general manager’s office and showed them the Pistons’ two championship trophy.

   “I hope you can bring more glory to the team than this.” Collins laughed.

   Several people around Mo Mengchen smiled embarrassingly.

   They are not lottery picks. They are all first-rounders in the lower positions. One of them is the last player selected. They have no lofty goals.

  The two championships represent the heyday of the Pistons.

   They won two consecutive championships in the most competitive league ever.

It was an era of magicians, Bird, Jordan, Barkley, gliders, Olajuwon, Ewing, Malone, and Wilkins. They were all at their peak. They all wanted to win. That was the last thirty years. The most talented league, and the Pistons split the magic bird god, won two consecutive championships, forced the league to issue malicious fouls, ending their era.

   After the meeting with the management, the four rookies settled down.

  The next time, they will work together with the team, and then participate in the Rocky Mountain Summer League.

   At this time, the Pistons’ summer league alliance has taken shape. Joe Lynch, as the head coach of the Pistons participating in the summer league, gathered people to train two weeks before the start of the game.

   This is the last goal of the match today.

  Mo Mengchen pulled one side away, and Ratliff held off.

It’s just a simple tactic. His opponent used his height advantage to block his vision. The defender blocked his progress, but he didn’t know what happened and passed the ball confidently, without vision. Next, send the ball to Ratliff’s hand.

   The latter made a dunk and ended the game wonderfully.

   “Damn, this ball is awesome, doctor! I love your pass!”

   Ratliff wanted to come over and hit Mo Mengchen with his chest. He rejected the intimate invitation and raised his hands to give him a high-five.

   “Mo, why can you see Theo’s position? I am clearly blocking your vision.”

   Don Reid asked angrily.

   “No, not completely blocked.”

   “You gave me a crack, a little trace.” Mo Mengchen pinched his fingers and said lightly.

   Lynch also noticed that Mo Mengchen’s vision was unexpectedly good.

   He doesn’t just look at the audience with his height. His eyes seem to have the ability to have a panoramic view of the audience. Even a little space, he can see.

   “Mo, you are doing very well.”

   said Lynch.

  Mo Mengchen was depressed. He thought that every game he had scored would be rewarded, but since he was selected by the Pistons, there would be no score rewards and no missions in the team.

   Until now, he has only accumulated 5,000 attribute points.

  He counted, this point is probably only enough to improve the 2-point three-point shot.

  In his opinion, 2 attribute points can’t change anything. Even if he only has a total rating of 59, he hasn’t encountered much trouble, so he is not in a hurry.

  After a few days of training, he had a general understanding of his teammates.

  Louis M. Lor, like his self-introduction, he is omnipotent, but there is no “very”, he is only omnipotent.

   Or how to say, he is very comprehensive and can do anything.

   Three-pointer, some;

   Attack with the ball, if you want him to come, you can also;

   Arctop organization, this is a surprise, he showed a certain organizational ability;

   Mid-range shooting, the weakest link;

   Strong desire to run;


   has the potential to be a good defender, but he has not realized how important defense is to him.

   He is like a blank filler, you can fill the data column, but you do not expect him to occupy the head of a certain data column.

   Don Reid, it should be said that the Pistons chose him as the last pick is a low-cost gambling.

   Basically, no good player can be selected in this order, and the only thing that can be used is to earn.

   is full of passion on the court, with a strong sense of emptiness, defensive efforts, and offensive rebounds.

   In addition to these, all other shortcomings.

  Theo Ratliff.

  Do you know Yao Ming?

Are you a fan of Yao Ming?

If you are a fan of Yao Ming, or you have a lot of research on Yao Ming, or you have seen the highlights of Yao Ming’s career, you will see a scene where rookie Yao Ming clasped his hands on a short center forward, always Showing modesty, he roared and vented after completing the dunk.

  Think of Yao Ming’s image in the NBA, and then think about how hard it is for the man who forced him to this point to give him a defensive end or a rookie to make him so unscrupulous.

   Yes, that person is Ratliff.

   He can bring defense and rebounds to the team, his basket is extremely fierce.

  Mo Mengchen is very familiar with these three students who are destined to fight alongside him.

  He knew that he could not be a lone wolf. In this competitive league, he needed a group of teammates to advance and retreat with him.

   As for others, it is not worth mentioning.

  After the training of the day, Mo Mengchen declined Ratliff’s invitation.

   Parton called to tell him that his residence had been settled.

  The name of his residence is Garridon Apartment. It takes only ten minutes to walk to the Henry Ford Training Center. If you drive, you can get there in a few minutes.

  Mo Mengchen didn’t like his room number very much.


   his room number is actually 250!

  Seeing this room number, Mo Mengchen called Patton back: “Why is it 250?”

   “No why, just 250, don’t you like it?”

  Mo Mengchen hung up his phone.

“what happened again?”

  Mo Mengchen called again.

   “How many residents are there on my floor?”

   “Nine households, I have surveyed, all of them are good people, rest assured.”

   So Mo Mengchen hung up Patton again.

“are you crazy!”

  Parton stared at the phone for a long time, and sent out this emotion.

  Mo Mengchen walked through a shopping mall. He picked up his wallet to see if the money in it was enough. He counted the points and felt okay, so he went in and bought 9 gifts.

   has no special purpose, UU reading books www. is just basic etiquette.

  Mo Mengchen took his key and a bunch of gifts and came to the second floor. He first found 250 and opened the door, which was already cleaned up.

  According to his requirements, things are very neatly distributed, without too much decoration, mainly reflected in two words: clean and spacious.

   This guy is still very reliable.

  No, it has not always been very reliable. For example, the difficult task of choosing a room number, he can’t handle it well.

  Mo Mengchen took out the present and knocked on the room next door 260.

“who are you?”

   The voice of a girl.

   “I am a resident who just moved to 250, and I brought you some gifts.” Mo Mengchen tried to make his tone sound softer.

   “Mother said that reactive power is not affected.”

“Oh,” Mo Mengchen was amused by the little girl. “No, I don’t give you away in vain. Reciprocity, do you know? I will give you a gift. You will also give me a gift in the future. Please replace your dad first. Mother accepted.”

“OK then.”

  Mo Mengchen said: “I used to be a doctor. I mean, if you encounter emergencies in the future and need help, please come to 250 to find me.”

   “Really? Are you really a doctor?”

“Yes, it is.”

   “So what’s your name?”

   “Mo Mengchen, you just call me Mo.”

   “Then why can’t I call you a doctor?”

  Mo Mengchen was fainted by the little girl, and finally, he chose to surrender: “Of course.”

   “Nice to meet you, Dr. Mo.”

   “So what’s your name? I don’t know you yet.”


   “My name is Jessica Thorne.”

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