You are the Pearl, Mo Mengchen

Chapter 17 - Hard-won

   “He has no problems!”

   “He is totally healthy!”

   “He is healthier than me!”

   On the phone, Sir Wise uttered the CT report in unbelievable tone.

“Any question?”

  Collins asked around.

   “Just take him down in the fifth round of the second round.” Sierra suggested.

   “Guys, I also hope that this position can take him down, but he will not fall to that position.”

  Linqi spoke.

   “According to reliable information, New Jersey will initiate a transaction to get a first round signing, and they will use this signing to choose Mo.”


  The meeting room became quiet.

  Collins made it clear that he wanted Mo Mengchen, but now, they obviously can’t get him with the post-positional pick.

   “Tell his agent,”

   Collins has decided: “We promise to choose him with the 18th pick in the first round.”

   “What about Nacio Ratliff?”

  The Pistons need not only a guard, but also a reliable insider.

   “With the nineteenth pick.” Collins said decisively.

   “What about Nalandov Childress? We have given him the draft promise…”

   Sierra’s tone is getting weaker and weaker.

   At this moment, a cold expression flashed on Collins’ face: “It’s just verbal promise, isn’t it?”

   “There is no written guarantee, just a verbal commitment, isn’t it?”

  Collins asked with a smile.

   “I heard that he refused the invitation to try other teams after receiving the promise…” Serra said.

   “So what? We didn’t give him a firm response, we just gave a verbal promise, and didn’t ask him not to participate in the trial training of other teams, but he gave up the opportunity himself.”

  Collins told the assistant: “Call me.”

   “Is Mo really worth the order?”

   “Time will tell us the answer.”

  Mo Mengchen completed the trial training in the Pistons. He returned to the hotel that night, and soon received a call from Patton.

   “Man, you succeeded!”

   “18th round in the first round! They promised 18th round in the first round!”

  Mo Mengchen said: “Give them a little confidence.”

   Mo Mengchen believes that the decision maker who made this decision must have encountered a lot of resistance, and he needs to provide support.

  So, such news appeared a few days later.

  The rumors appeared: San Antonio invited former Washington University defender Mo Mengchen to conduct a one-on-one trial.

   The news spread like wildfire.

  As a result, the Mormon dust fell ill as soon as he arrived in San Antonio.

   Therefore, he missed the Spurs’ trial training.

  The basic dust of the draft is settled, and Mo Mengchen will do a few other things next.

   The first is to find a place to live near Henry Ford. It does not need to be too good, but it must be the neighborhood with the lowest crime rate.

  Second, he founded his own shoe company.

   There is no sneaker company looking for him now, and he will not sign a contract with any sneaker company in the future. He wants to come by himself, yes: I speak for myself.

On the eve of the draft conference, a company named “DreamsComeTrue” was quietly registered. (Note: It means that dreams come true, hereinafter referred to as DCT.)

  Mo Mengchen invested most of the money in this company. The president of the operation was Harding Patton.

   “Mo, if you want me to run this company, then you need to hire another assistant.”

   Parton said: “Just running this company well can use all my energy. I can’t handle some of the work of the broker. These things are handed to the assistant. I need an assistant.”

   “You can rest assured, I understand.”

  Mo Mengchen didn’t expect Patton to do two jobs alone.

   Amidst a hustle and bustle, the 1995 draft began.

  To encourage this new Toronto army, the 1995 draft conference was held in Toronto.

  Mo Mengchen wore a suit and came to the scene of the draft with Patton.

   “Are you ready?” Mo Mengchen asked.

   “The money is all invested, if it is all…”

   “We will make a net profit of 3 million.”

  Mo Mengchen counted.

  Betting companies always have a lot of gambling tricks. From the game to the prediction of major events, even the order of the selection of the draft conference has been opened.

   This is simply a money-making opportunity tailored for Mo Mengchen.

In order not to attract attention, Mo Mengchen voted 500,000 and bought five groups of players, the order is different, and only one group is correct, five strings one, apart from 400,000 for compelling, he still has nearly 3 million Income.

   Those familiar names were pronounced as Stern took the stage again and again.

   Joe Smith.

   Antonio McDyess.

   Jerry Stackhouse.

   Rashid Wallace.

   Kevin Garnett.

   “My God!”

   Parton covered his mouth: “Are you hit again?”

   “Are you strange?” Mo Mengchen narrowed his eyes.

   “How do you know? Tell me, how do you know?”

   Parton pushed Mo Mengchen hard, he had lost his mind.

   From the previous finals gambling, to this draft order, everything was carried out as Mo Mengchen predicted.

  For an atheist, this is amazing.

   “I gave you five sets of lists, but we were lucky, we just got one set.” Mo Mengchen said.

   “Impossible! You said we would make 3 million! You just said that! You already knew this would be right?”

Mo Mengchen stared at him sarcastically: “Yes, I must have grasped the handle of the top five picks, forcing them to tell me their choices. I’m smart enough to guess that their favorite player was intercepted. I have known the candidate list after Hu!”

   “Are you really guessing?”

   How terrible luck is this?

   Parton is totally unacceptable.

   And, in terms of this man’s past, how could his luck not be considered?

   “How are the company’s personnel?”

   “I just found an office, the recruitment announcement has been sent out, and my mobile phone is **** up!”

   Patton complained.

  He just came to be an economic man, and somehow he became the operating president of a new sneaker shoe company. What’s the matter?

   “Hardin, I only believe in you, this matter can only be done by you.” Mo Mengchen said to him.

   At this time, Stern called the seventeenth pick in the first round.

  The Cavaliers chose Bob Sula.


   This is a kind of fate. The NBA has two players who lost their reputation because they failed in the triple-double.


   One is Ricky Davis and the other is Sura.

   They all missed a rebound, and then suddenly the brain circuit to shoot a triple-double on their own basket, the result was that the league could not bear to cancel their one rebound, brushing the triple-double failed, and became a laughing stock.

   These two are really not smart, which fully shows how important it is to choose a good university.

   If Sura University goes, it must be a good tool for the NBA.

What should I do if I can’t get it? Let the extension help you get stuck!

  ’S guards will do this trick.

   “Man, I’ll be here soon.”

   Parton turned Mo Mengchen to see if there was anything wrong with him.

   “You are so handsome today, go up and kill those guys!”

After ten minutes, Stern walked from behind the scenes to the stage again.

   “1995 NBA Draft,”

   “The Detroit Pistons selected with the eighteenth pick in the first round.. Mo Mengchen, from the University of Washington!”


   This is the first upset today.

  Follow fans of the draft conference, must be familiar with NCAA, and the name that can be remembered here is not the top rookie from the world, or the NCAA general, Mo Mengchen? Who is he?

   Pay attention to some unpopular news people will remember that he saved a boy’s life at the airport some time ago.

   Spurs fans may remember that this guy missed the one-on-one trial because of illness.

and then?

   It is estimated that only a few Washington fans remember him.

“Mo Mengchen, from the University of Washington, 22 years old this year, he has only one season’s appearance, but his performance this season is remarkable, and he got a triple-double against Duke University. At that time, Grant Hill was still Duke.”

   “Wait, he has had 3 ACL tears!”

   “Is the Pistons crazy? They took the eighth round of the first round and chose a person with explosives on their knees?”

   There was almost no applause, except for the cry of surprise that was a harsh booing.

   The sporadic Pistons fans at the scene were disappointed. The unfriendly Torontonians were the most malicious in the world for this strange Asian player.

   “Hurry up and get off stage!”

   “Who is this? The Pistons can choose me if they don’t know who to choose, and I am 22 years old!”

   “Do Asians Play Basketball?”

  Mo Mengchen walked to the stage calmly, and UU reading books The rookies of the same period appeared to him. Obviously, they did not know where the Asian man who came to power was sacred.

  Stern’s face with an everlasting smile.

   No matter what the occasion, his smile is always the same.

   “Congratulations, boy.” Stern said.

   “Thank you, I am very grateful.”

  Mo Mengchen shook hands with him, and then hugged. Then, he stepped down and was interviewed by reporters on the spot, or questioned.

   They all want to know what’s so special about this unprovoked Asian.

  Hearted people have found Mo Mengchen’s information.

   “Mo, you have suffered extremely terrible injuries, do you think you can play in the NBA?”

  For these unfriendly questions, Mo Mengchen’s response was decent: “I have received a lot of inspections, and after many rounds of training, this result is my answer today.”

   “What do you expect for the future?”

   “Leave my footprint in the league.”

  Mo Mengchen answered briefly, then, he took the Piston’s hat and came to the team’s public relations.

   Today, he still has a lot of things to do.

   Interviews from other media, meeting with the coaching staff, and taking pictures with other rookies.

   things are as numb, but from this moment on, he officially became an NBA player.

   He knew that this moment was hard to come by, even if he was a traverser, even if he had a system on his body, it was not easy to do this.

   And this is just the beginning.

   In front of his eyes, a few lines appeared.

   “Complete Achievement: Winning the Draft.”

   “A fixed skill is being randomly distributed for you.”

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