Xuanhuan: Han Feng, the emperor of medicine, has a life simulator

Chapter 34

Chapter 34

“Meteor Sanctuary!”

“His Holiness Dan!”

Listening to this, it seems that only the synonym exists in legend!

The many evil domain forces behind Han Feng were all shocked at this moment.


Who never thought?

The young man who had unified the entire evil realm actually had such a terrible origin and background.

Even if they had always speculated about Han Feng’s origins!

But I never thought about it!

Han Feng’s origin is so amazing…

Be aware!

As far as Elder Su Lie had just said, they had only heard it in the legend.

And Han Feng?

But he is a disciple of the down-to-earth Dan Venerable.

It’s terrifying to think about!

At this moment, all the evil domain forces behind Han Feng were also rejoicing.

Glad I made the wisest choice!

Glad I’m leaning on the mountain!

Don’t look at them one by one on the top of the demon list, or have this Side Dou Emperor force, or even the Dou Sect force in their hands.

But actually!

This is only in the realm of sin.

If it is placed in a middle state where the strong are like clouds, it is not even a fart.

Completely out of the table!

Unlike Han Feng, he was already a Seven Pin Alchemist at such a young age, and his future prospects were unlimited.

As long as they hugged Han Feng’s big thick legs tightly, they were afraid of not taking off in the future?

Especially black and white!

As the first being to submit to Han Feng, at this moment they were ecstatic in their hearts:

“Master he…”

“There is such a background, this wave, sure enough, let us bet right!”

The black and white second elder was constantly rejoicing in his heart, glad that he was careful and cautious, and even more glad that he had made the wisest decision.

Almost instantaneously!

The evil domain forces behind Han Feng had a decision.

Since it was not easy to find a big thick leg, it is necessary to hug it tightly!

Don’t be half-hearted!



Han Feng’s side!

When he heard that his identity was so exposed by the Great Elder of the Daoist Academy, he couldn’t help but be stunned.

Moments later!

A hint of laughter on Han Feng’s face slowly converged, and his face was expressionless:

“Worthy of being the Grand Elder of the First House!”

“The news is sensitive!”

I don’t know!

Han Feng was just the opposite of what everyone thought.

Everyone felt that Han Feng had such a terrible background, and it was absolutely terrifying everywhere he went.

But in fact, only Han Feng himself knew…

These background farts are not used!

He’s just a pure villain.

These so-called backgrounds, for him, not only did not help him at all, on the contrary, they still bound him for a long time in disguise.

For example, before, it was forced to leave the Meteor Holy Land…

That’s it!

Whether it’s the Meteor Sanctuary or the disciples of His Holiness Dan!

Sooner or later there will be a day!

The identity of Han Feng’s traitor will be exposed!

At that time, whether it was the Meteor Holy Land or the Dan Venerable, they would find Han Feng to settle accounts and even take revenge.

At that time, these backgrounds were not umbrellas, but hypnotics!

Of course!

For these hypnotics, Han Feng was not afraid!

With his strength to this day!

There was no fear at all about killing the old man, and the like of the Young Venerables would come to the door.


All along, Han Feng’s personality has always been like this, and he does not like to mention his origin.


Han Feng also did not want to dwell too much on this topic.

Faintly said:

“I won’t say more nonsense!”

“Since you already know that I am a Seven-Pin Alchemist, there are some things that I don’t say that you must understand…”

Speaking of which!

Han Feng suddenly paused, glanced at the Daoist Courtyard in front of him, and finally stopped at a certain position:

“Today, will you take the initiative to hand over the Fire to me, or will I take it myself?”

How domineering was Han Feng’s words?!

It was as if he did not take anyone in his eyes, and the whole First House was at his disposal.





All the elders of the First Inner Courtyard were angry on their faces, and their faces were so gloomy that they were about to drip water.

He was even more resentful of Han Feng.

In order to place this Heart Fire in the inner courtyard, their entire Daoist Courtyard can be said to have consumed countless painstaking efforts.

In the process of sealing the Dao Fire many times, many elders were injured by the Dao Fire…

At such a high price!

Only then did he seal the Fire of the Fallen Heart in the inner courtyard.

The result is coming!

Han Feng said lightly, “Do you give it to me, or do I take it myself”, and he wanted to take all this away?

It can well be imagined!

How angry were the elders of the First House?

“Han Feng! You’re deceiving people too much! ”

“Don’t think that now that you have unified the Evil Realm, you can not put my First House in your eyes?!”

The words came out!

On Han Feng’s face, the indifferent expression suddenly turned into a faint smile.

The same!

The evil domain forces behind Han Feng also laughed.

Originally, if the First House had agreed, they would not have been able to say anything, but now that someone was looking for death by themselves, it would have just fulfilled their wishes!

“So be it…”

Han Feng smiled lightly, and his eyes slowly narrowed, “What are you waiting for?!” ”

The words fall!

Behind him, the Emperor Of The Land Sect Lord, the Black Flame Valley Lord, and others also shot instantaneously.

Followed by!

Those demon list strong people of the Fighting Emperor Force were also rushing up.

As the evil realm, and even the entire continent, the First Daoist Academy is located in the world, and there are many elders in the courtyard.

But how could these Dao Deans be compared with the demon masters who rolled in the pile of dead people every day?

Whether it is a strong person from the Douhuang forces!

It was still the black and white second elder who was ranked in the demon list, and his killing intent was much stronger than that of the Dao Dean Elder.

Don’t look at the small number of them—

But when you really start to move, the situation of the battle is like crushing:


“Is this the strength of the Elders of the First House?” Die! ”


On the side of the First DaoYuan, several Douhuang Elders were easily beheaded.

Fell straight downwind….

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