Xuanhuan: Han Feng, the emperor of medicine, has a life simulator

Chapter 21

Chapter 21

Black and white two old changes!

He didn’t escape Han Feng’s eyes, and he didn’t care too much about it.

In fact!

For Han Feng!

It doesn’t matter whether the two of them are genuinely subservient or profit-driven.

He wanted only the result, not the process.


At this stage, he is just a few handy killing knives, and when he encounters a suitable one, he will accept and use it, that’s all!

As for the future?

With Han Feng’s cultivation speed, how could these casual killing knives keep up with him?


Does it matter whether the black and white elders are truly submissive?

Nature doesn’t matter!

Of course, with Han Feng’s strength and identity today, he would not easily promise…

The strong have the arrogance of the strong!

Once promised, you will never renege on your word!

Especially in the face of the black and white two elders, who can be manipulated at will, Han Feng did not have the need to draw a big cake!


Han Feng paused, then continued:

“How much do you know about the mighty and powerful in the Evil Realm?”

Heard Han Feng have something to ask!

The black and white two elders not only did not have the slightest annoyance, but were ecstatic.

For the sake of breaking Zongdan!

At this moment, they were in a hurry to show the opportunity, and they wanted Han Feng to arrange things down.

The black and white two elders groaned slightly, and then said:

“The forces of the Evil Domain can basically be divided into two sides, the first thing worth mentioning is the douhuang level power!”

“This category is basically dominated by magic lists!”

“As long as they are masters who can leave their names on the magic list, most of them have their own forces behind them!”

Speaking of which!

The black and white second elder also gently lifted himself: “Old decadent two, this body strength is still passable, temporarily above the magic list, ranking in the top two…”

“Therefore, those Emperor Dou Emperor-level power lords believe that they are not the opponents of the old and decaying two!”

“The host can completely ignore it!”



To this!

Han Feng smiled lightly, but did not say anything more.

As a crosser!

Of course, he knew the strength of the black and white two elders, otherwise he would not be interested in collecting a few wastes.

To be his killing knife also requires strength!


The Second Elder of Black and White continued, “Then there is the Douzong-level power!” ”

“This kind of force is much more fierce!”

“As far as I know, these guys were also the murderers on the Demon List, but after breaking through the Dou Sect, they were not on the Demon List…”

“Black Yan Valley: Famous for controlling fire, its valley lord and great elder are said to be strong at the level of the Dou Sect!”

“Emperor Dizong: Its suzerainty was once the first in the demon list, breaking through the Dou Sect for many years, and within the Sect Gate, it is said that there are six alchemists, so the development of power is excellent!”

“Of course, compared to the master, the Six Pin Alchemist is still far behind!”

Han Feng heard the words!

Casually give up, indicating that he doesn’t care about this.

“These Dou Sects and the forces that possess the Dou Sect are the main structure of this evil realm!”

Black and white two old evaluation, and then concluded:

“Finally, there is the First Daoist Academy, as the name suggests, this Daoist Academy dares to call itself the first, because of their strength, it is firmly ranked first in the evil domain forces!”

“Moreover, it is said that behind the First Courtyard, there is also a mysterious dean, who has an extraordinary history!”

Han Feng smiled!

Of course he knew about the First House.

Even, I am afraid that no one can know more about this first court than he does.

“So be it!”

“I have one thing in my hand right now that you need to do!”

Feel Han Feng’s gaze!

The black and white second elder, without the slightest hesitation, said busily: “Master despite the command!” ”

“With the strength of the two of us, even Dou Zong dares to fight!”

It’s not hard to hear!

In the words of the black and white two elders, there is a touch of pride.

Say it though

They now recognized Han Feng as the Lord, but they didn’t want the master to look down on them.

Therefore, he will urgently want to prove his role, so as to win the attention of Han Feng, the new owner



Looked at!

Han Feng couldn’t help but smile and glanced at the black and white two elders.

I am more and more satisfied with the latter’s interest.

“I came to the Sin Realm on this trip, and what I wanted, I believe you also guessed what to write.”

“Yes, as you think!”

“I want to unify the entire Evil Domain and turn the entire Evil Domain into my Han Feng’s Hall of Words!”

Han Feng said softly.

And when he speaks of unifying the realm of sin and making it his hall of words!

Ambition, thoroughly demonstrated.

On the side of the black and white second elder, hearing Han Feng say this, although he had already noticed it, he still couldn’t help but have some ups and downs.

The name of the Sin Realm!

Basically, everyone knows that the word sin is never just a matter of talking.

It is precisely because of this intricate structure!

And the convergence of untamed hob meat also makes the realm of sin even more chaotic.

So many years!

Those who want to unify the evil realm, there is!

And quite a few.

But without exception, they all ended in failure!

Here’s why!

A strong person at the level of the Dou Sect can’t have so many Sect Gate forces in the Evil Domain!

As for the Dou Zun Strong, the strength has reached this step, it is already beyond the material, and really wants to form a party force…

Nor can I look down on the Evil Domain, nor can I look at those notorious hob meats!

Instead of unifying these hob meats, it is better to cultivate them yourself, create a holy place, and widely collect disciples!

At least!

There is no disagreement, and it will not fall apart at any time.

Like these hob meat, there is no loyalty to speak of, no sense of belonging to speak of!

Rectifying the whole realm of sin makes no sense….


Over time, no one in the Evil Domain will have any more ideas!

Black and white two old did not expect…

As their master, Han Feng actually had such ambitions?

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