X-Rank Hunter

Chapter 40: The Great Spectator (2)

Jim was still worrying that the Semi-Demons would notice his presence inside his Blood Minion but to his relief, even though after the Semi-Demons stopped coming out from the portal, not even one of them had noticed him.

He was even doubting if the monsters before him were really a high-level ones since all of them were lacking awareness and their instincts were dull and rusty.

If not for the fact that the monsters before him were all exuding an evil and suppressive aura, Jim would really doubt it.

Jim never thought that it wasn't because the other party was lacking awareness or had dull instincts but it was that the Blood Minions he created were a one-of-a-kind!

Jim stayed still and he was surprised as well that fear was not knocking in his heart. Maybe because he knew that he would not die even if they took notice of him.

And then this happened, his uncle Sam approached the Semi-Demons that were giving off the most dangerous aura and threw a punch to them only to be slammed down to the ground and was sent flying by a kick.

When his uncle came back and landed from the sky, he was already in a different form and Jim really was astonished seeing his uncle in that form again.

Not long after, his uncle Jason was next to appear with a mist. He tore open the space before him and invited the Semi-Demon woman to come over. After which, both of them vanished in the area.

Jim knew that they were just somewhere around so he immediately sent his Blood Minions to search for their whereabouts.

As the two left, his uncle Sam and the other two identical Semi-Demons continued their fight and moved to the other place as well. Jim immediately sent his other Blood Minions to follow them.

The hunters and all the other Semi-Demons around also continued their fight with each other as they all heaved a huge sigh of relief knowing that the monsters had all left.

They could finally fight and give their all without worrying about their safety.

Jim excitedly spectated all the happenings and he couldn't help but be drowned in astonishment.

He even summoned ten other Blood Minions to this area so that he could shift his consciousness to where the best position was and where was the best fight would occur.

As the brawl started, he saw a single Semi-Demon wearing black armor that had a completely different, and at the same time, dangerous aura exuding out from him. Jim guessed that he was the strongest among the rest of the Semi-Demons that were left in the area.

Jim didn't expect but that Semi-Demon rushed to the humans and targeted the S-ranks. The Semi-Demon slashed his sword towards them as he immediately went to the other place as if provoking the Hunters to come over.

Two hunters with a sword followed suit and Jim immediately sent one of his Blood Minions to go there as well.

After which, Chaos engulfed the battlefield as different kinds of supernatural powers came into view.

He then frenziedly shifted his consciousness to all the Blood Minions in the area and even called out some more other Blood Minions. But still, he was not satisfied for he could not watch all the fight on this large battlefield at the same time.

So Jim could only choose for the best sight and waited for the Blood Minions to return to his body so that he could learn everything that his Blood Minions had seen.

As he spectated, he saw Hunters and Semi-Demons fell one by one and saw Hunters reviving back from the village.

Jim was not too surprised about it for he already knew something like this.

But what made his heart palpitate wildly in astonishment was that he saw two S-rank Hunters getting caught by a coffin and at the same time, without having a chance to retaliate at all.

Even the Hunters around didn't even notice it since there was something like an illusion that was shrouding the area and fooling the eyes of others.

So if one really didn't put their attention to it, one would find it hard to notice it.

But Jim was different. His mom was a great illusion master and he was learning directly from her. He even was suffering from her illusions sometimes making him accustomed to what illusion really felt like.

So although the level of the illusion that the Semi-Demon had cast was really high, Jim was still able to see through it.

The battle went on as Jim continued to spectate! As if he was just watching an esport!

The battlefield became forest but then it became a sea of fire. Water was flooding but then the earth sucked it dry. The wind was angered but lightning was even more.

The sight really was apple to the eye!

So then this happened, A giant ball of fire fell from the sky and even Jim found the eyes of his Blood Minion widened in horror.

Jim was in a frenzy as he forgot to shift his consciousness to the other Blood Minion and immediately commanded the Blood Minion of where his consciousness was currently in to leave the area instead.

But not long after, the giant ball of fire vanished from sight. Seeing this, Jim finally managed to heave a huge sigh of relief. But not long after, he found his consciousness was darkened.

He just remembered that he could just shift his consciousness to the other Blood Minions that were in a safe area instead of running away.

Thankfully, he was the only one who knew this shameful act he just did.

But then again, he found himself stiffened in horror as he saw the giant ball of flame reappeared just above the village.

But knowing that there was a barrier protecting the village, his worry had eased a little but still, the uneasiness in his heart couldn't immediately go away.

Then the giant ball of flame finally landed on the village barrier and shockwaves pushed away everything around as his Blood Minions that were flying above the battlefield were without exception. A deafening sound echoed across the battlefield as Jim felt that the heart of his Blood Minion was wanting to jump out from its chest.

But seeing that the barrier was not destroyed, Jim finally heaved a huge sigh of relief!

As Jim had already put enough time watching on that battlefield, Jim shifted his consciousness to the other Blood Minions that he sent to chase those who change their battlefield.

The Blood Minion that he sent to chase his uncle Sam was still traveling and the same went for the many Blood Minions that he sent to find his uncle Jason. So Jim could only reluctantly shift his consciousness to the other Blood Minion that he sent to follow the Semi-Demon who wields a sword.

But to his surprise, another dangerous fight came into view. Three swordsmen were clashing against each other! One Semi-Demon against two Hunters.

Their blades cut everything on their path! Be it trees or boulders, nothing had managed to stand their blade except the blade of each other.

A clang of the sword echoed continuously as the trees were jumping from the ground.

He spectated the fight for a long time but to his horror, as his Blood Minion he was possessing with was perching on the branch of the tree in excitement, something, no, someone grabbed and caught it!

He didn't even notice how did the other party manage to come close to him. All he realized was that he was already on her hand, trying to break free.

If he could just use his hearing ability while his consciousness was inside his Blood Minion, Jim thought that this would not happen. But sadly for him, it appeared that it was not the case.

"This bird is pretty strange," Kristina remarked in wonder as she caught the blood-red sparrow she saw on the tree.

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