X-Rank Hunter

Chapter 38: The War (3)

On the other side of the battlefield about a few hundred meters away, several Semi-Demons were lying lifelessly on the ground. Every corpse had burn marks on a certain area and some of the body parts were even turned into ashes.

In the middle of the corpses was Jino. He was standing high and mighty above a certain corpse. There were no living Semi-Demons on sight as it seemed that Jino had already finished them all!

But upon seeing what happened to the skill he cast, he was utterly shocked as his eyes nearly bulge out from their sockets.

I used a lot of World Energy to summon that fire! How did it suddenly disappear for no reason at all?!

That woman with a bow is surely the culprit! I will definitely slaughter you!

Even the few hunters around Jino who were resting and watching the descent of the giant ball of fire found their eyes bulging out in disbelief.

Just how did it disappear all of a sudden?!

Meanwhile, the five Hunters inside the glass cube found their mouths agape in shock as well. They really were wondering why did they create the barrier in the first place if the giant ball of flame would just vanish in the most critical moment.

Even the humans inside the village were shocked as well and it was really hard for them to believe the truth.

As all of the hunters and villagers who saw the disappearance of the giant ball of flame were in great shock, all the Semi-Demons in the area, as well as Semi-Demon 1,2, and 3, heaved a huge sigh of relief as they wiped away the perspiration on their faces.

"Now then," Seeing that her skill was successful, Lelith gazed to the village nearby as another arrow or perhaps the arrow from before appeared on her right hand and continued, "Let's see how strong this attack really is."

She then pulled back the string of the bow and pointed it towards the village. When the string reached its limit, she then released the arrow and the arrow rushed to the village rapidly!

When the arrow was just above the village, Lelith snapped her finger as she spoke, "Reappear!"

Immediately, the arrow that was rushing towards the village transformed into the giant ball of flame that just disappeared a while ago.

Humans inside the village, Hunters or not, were still yet to recover from their shock earlier from the disappearance of the giant ball of flame when they found their eyeballs rolling on the ground in utter horror!

The giant ball of flame was teleported in their direction! Everyone really was in panic this time! And their thought was in unison with each other! "Just how in the world is this possible!"

"Everyone don't panic!"

Just as everyone was in frenzy, a certain A-rank hunter inside the village bellowed. His voice echoed across the entire village and that made the humans regained their sanity.

Then they all stared up above and all of them simultaneously swallowed a mouthful of saliva.

Is this our end?

Let's just all pray that the barrier could stand the giant flame.

With that, all of the villagers formed their own small groups as they hold their hands altogether and prayed to Bathala.

"Stupid humans!" A certain Semi-Demon who survived the forest fire exclaimed in mockery when they caught sight of what the humans were doing in the village. "They still have faith in Bathala? Don't they understand that he already has forsaken them ever since the Forsaken Age?!"

"They really are stupid!" Another certain Semi-Demon mocked, "Putting their trust to the one who forsakes them? Calling them stupid is already an understatement!"

A total of eight Semi-Demons formed a group to talk with each other. They all laughed in their loudest seeing the stupidity of humans. Not until when they felt a stinging sensation on their skin. They all instinctively gazed upwards and to their horror, a giant foot of rock obstructed their view!

"Don't mock our faith!" Meelo, one of the S-ranks inside the cube uttered with a cold glint of his eyes as he continued, "Because our strength came to Bathala!"

The eight Semi-Demons who were laughing at their best earlier but now were weeping thought that they really were dead this time but when the giant foot of rock was about to smash them,

"Skeletal Hand!"

A giant skeletal hand popped out from the underground!


The hand protected the Semi-Demons and caught the incoming foot!

Seeing this, the Semi-Demons underneath the skeletal hand heaved another huge sigh of relief.

"So you can't stand watching anymore huh, Janus?!" Semi-Demon C who caught sight from the clash of hand and foot remarked.

"I really felt pretty boring now." Semi-Demon 2 who named Janus complained. He then put his gaze to the humans before them and said, "Maybe we should put a real warm-up now, right humans?"

The S-rank hunters narrowed their eyes in great wary as they readied themselves in a real fight!

They were all about to cause a brawl in their wake when...


...A loud boom echoed to the surroundings. Shockwaves rushed across the entire battlefield, pushing everything on its way.

They all instinctively gazed at the village and there they saw that the giant ball of flame had already landed on the village barrier!

Upon contact, a giant explosion was revealed but surprisingly, the village barrier didn't even budge a little!

It was still standing high and mighty as if the explosion was nothing at all.

"Oh? That barrier is actually that sturdy huh?" Lelith remarked in awe.

"If that really is the case, then we have no way to destroy it right?" Semi-Demon 1 who tried to bash through the village awhile ago asked in disbelief.

"Of course we have no way of destroying it!" Semi-Demon C responded as if she was talking to a fool, "The Demon Knights only told you to scout the area not to bash through it. I'm really wondering how did you become so stupid to even think that you can forcefully enter the village barrier."

"You..." Hearing those words, Semi-Demon 1's face darkened. But he was also helpless against it. He really was impulsive earlier and was killed immediately by a human.

"You bastards, I will kill you all!!!"

But just as everyone's attention was caught by the loud explosion, an angry voice echoed to the surroundings.

They all gazed in the direction of where the voice came from and the hunters found their eyebrows twitching uncontrollably.

"That bastard still has the guts to come here?!" The five S-rank hunters thought in unison. They all really were frustrated!

At the same time, the Demon Captains found their hand trembling in agitation.

"Is this the human who cast the giant ball of flame?" Lelith, the bow user asked.

"He should be..." Beels responded as his gaze was fixed up above and continued, "He probably is chasing after me."

Meanwhile, after his attack failed, Jino who was now flying and with his feet on fire, was rushing to the one who killed him earlier.

He really was frustrated this time to the max level!

When he was in the range of his target, he raised his hand and a ball of fire surfaced out of the thin air!

When the ball of fire was about five feet in diameter, he slammed it to the Demon Captains crowding on the ground.

"Angry Star!"

The Demon Captains didn't even hesitate as they all jumped out of the area to evade the incoming attack.

As if a star had fallen from the sky, another explosion came into sight!

But as Beels was backing away, he was surprised to see that Jino was already beside him with another ball of fire ready to slam him at any moment.

That being said, he was struck by that ball of fire as he was crashed down to the ground heavily. As he landed, another explosion came into sight with a huge crater followed suit!

Beels spurted a mouthful of blood! But he was yet to recover when he found that there was something, no, someone was grabbing his neck!

When he opened his eyes and put a clearer look at who was it, he saw Jino lifting him as the other party grabbed his neck very tightly, making it hard for Beels to breathe.

Cough! Cough! Ubo! Ubo!

Despite his retaliation, he still couldn't escape from the hand of the other party!

"You bastard! Why is it that it's so hard to kill you?!" The frustrated Jino remarked coldly.

As Jino was grabbing the neck of Beels with his right hand, he lifted his other hand and a small ball of fire with a size of a human head surfaced on his hand. Naturally, Jino was planning to burn the other party to ashes through this ball of fire!

But he was yet to make a move when he found his eyes agape in shock!

Beels who he was grabbing his neck suddenly disappeared from his grasp!

In the next moment, a bewitching voice sounded,

"This human here, can you take it easy?"

Jino then turned his gaze to where the voice came from and there he saw the woman with a bow that made his earlier attack vanish and be transported to the village.

The one who he was grabbing his neck earlier was also beside her and he was now gasping for air, afraid that he would not catch a breath. The other party was holding his knee that as if he just finished running thousands of miles.

Instead of talking, Jino released an incredible amount of World Energy as a rapid-fire encircled him!

"Be careful!"

But as Jino was preparing a move, he heard Anna shouting in worry.

Jino's eyes got widened as a certain Semi-Demon appeared right before him and a deadly punch was already greeting him. He blocked it with his arm but to his disbelief, he was still sent flying and resulted in him crashing on many trees and land!

Struggling to stand up while kneeling with his hand on the ground, Jino was yet to recover when the other party appeared before him and slammed the other party's feet on his back. He then crashed again to the ground and a new crater surfaced under him.

As if it was not enough, the other party slammed his feet onto him again and again. The ground then vibrated as the crater became much bigger!

Jino spurted a couple of mouthfuls of blood as he was completely helpless to even retaliate.

"Lak don't kill him yet! He will only revive in the village if you do so!" Just as Semi-Demon 1 who named Lak was going mad and was ready to kill the enemy, Semi-Demon C stopped him.

Lak then halted his barrage of attack as he also realized that that surely would happen if he killed the other party. He put his gaze to Semi-Demon C and asked, "Then what should we do?"

"Don't worry, just leave him to me." Semi-Demon C revealed a mischievous smile as she snapped her finger and a coffin appeared beside her. "I wanna put him in my collection."

"Oh..." Lak murmured knowing what the other party wanted to do.

He then stepped out his foot to the seemingly dead Jino and let his teammate handle the other party instead.

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