X-Rank Hunter

Chapter 37: The War (2)

The Demon Captain who killed Jino grinned widely as he raised his arm and a dagger had slowly formed on his hand.

"Sure. I will save you all from your sufferings." The Demon Captain replied with a malicious grin surfacing on his face.

The Semi-Demons around who were suffering from burnt immediately felt a shudder down to their spine for they already knew what would happen next.

In the next few moments, the Demon Captain who killed Jino vanished from sight and as if a wind blade cutting everything down, the several severely injured Semi-Demons found their head rolling on the ground.

Blood squirted out from their necks and even their nerves all over their body were popping out abnormally. As the blood squirted out, the blood gathered in one place leaving only the dried corpses of the Semi-Demons that were falling on the ground.

The blood formed a huge ball of blood and the Demon Captain who killed them all felt excitement running throughout his entire body. He then walked closer to the ball of blood that gathered around and touched it with his hand. After which, it immediately got absorbed and an indomitable aura entered his body.

The Semi-Demons who had managed to avoid the forest fire had found themselves simultaneously gulping a mouthful of saliva as they imagined what would happen to them if they were caught by the forest fire.

Yes, they might not die from the forest fire, but they would surely die from the hands of the Demon Captain!

The sight was so horrible that even the hunters seeing it found their teeth gritting in anger.

They are your allies! Why are you so cruel?!

Well, it was in their favor to see their enemy killing each other. But if their enemy could do it to their allies, there was no doubt that they could do it as well to them, their enemy. And that was what the hunters were enraged of.


Semi-Demon C chuckled softly as she said, "You really are cruel, Beels. How would you explain this to the Demon Knights?"

"Am I?" Beels sneered coldly, "They are going to die anyway from the fire poison, so what's there to take pity for?"

Beels then gazed to Anna and Nene who were gazing at them as well in caution as he said, "Am I right puny humans?"

Anna and Nene narrowed their eyes and readied themselves for the real fight.

However, the other Demon Captains who were caught by the fire didn't see through this. When they learned that there was actually a poison hiding in the fire, they really were shocked.

Not long after, they found themselves coughing out black blood. As if the poison was saying, "Since I'm found out, there's no point hiding myself."

Semi-Demon 1, 2, 3, B, and C, the five Demon Captains, grinned widely as one thought floated on their mind, "Interesting!"

They all immediately circulated their World Energy throughout their entire body but to their disbelief, the poison didn't even budge a little.

"It's no use." On the other hand, Kristina who had as if saw through this as well uttered nonchalantly. "It's no ordinary poison."

"Then what should we do?" Semi-Demon B asked. But no worries could be seen in her eyes. The same went for Semi-Demon C.

On the other hand, Semi-Demon 1, 2, and 3 were in a panic. If they die here, this was truly their end!

"Ask Beels, not me." After she said those words, Kristina turned her gaze to the mountain afar and a huge explosion appeared on sight. She smiled a bit as she muttered, "It seems that he was having fun with the humans."

After which, she walked away and went to the mountain she was gazing into to see what was going on.

Seeing the other party leaving them without hesitation, the five Demon Captains who were poisoned immediately encircled Beels, afraid that he would escape away from them.

"Hey, hey! What are you all trying to do?" Beels was really frightened this time seeing the piercing gaze of his allies. He was also cursing Kristina in his heart!

"Remove the poison on us or else we will kill you!" Semi-Demon B and C uttered coldly, ready to kill at any moment.

Beels however could only swallow a mouthful of saliva as he could only helplessly do what the other party asked for.

He then pointed his dagger towards them as he said, "Give me your hand then."

The five unhesitatingly raised their hand forward and Beels cut their wrist right away. Black blood flowed out as they all could feel that the poison had left on their body.

Seeing this, they all heaved a huge sigh of relief specially Semi-Demon 1, 2, and 3.

But barely after Beels finished treating them, they felt a scorching heat above them. As if it was ready to consume them at any moment.

They all gazed upwards and to their horror, a giant ball of flame greeted them. Their eyes were widened in shock as they all simultaneously swallowed a mouthful of saliva!

"Descend Of The Morning Star!"

Jino who saw Beels, the Semi-Demon who killed him earlier was actually alive and kicking, was immediately enraged. He couldn't hold back himself any longer as he unleashed one of his strongest moves against the other party.

He summoned a flame from the sky and it fell from above as if a giant meteor was falling on Earth.

As the giant ball of flame was slowly falling from the sky and as the intense heat shrouded the surroundings, sweats were appearing on the forehead of the six Demon Captains.

Anna, Nene, and the other three S-ranks nearby found their eyebrows twitching yet again. They all really were thinking to gang up on Jino and kill him already!

Just what is your grudge against us!

Can't you at least warn us first if you're going to make such a move!

But they all knew that this was also not the time to idle around. Luckily, Derik, one of the S-rank together with them was there. His ability was to put an invisible barrier that was enough to block most of the attacks.

"All of you, come closer to me!" Derik beckoned to the other four S-ranks as he lifted his hand and exclaimed, "Safeguard!"

Immediately, a cube of something like a glass was formed as they were all put inside. Seeing this, all of them heaved a huge sigh of relief!

Meanwhile, the few Semi-Demons who survived the forest fire found their eyes and mouth agape in horror. The giant flame was huge enough to cover almost the entire battlefield. How could they run away from it?!

Besides, they almost ran out of World Energy after the long battle they had experienced a while ago. So this time, they really were starting to believe that this was their end.

At the same time, the six Demon Captains were still gazing upwards doing nothing at all.

"Are we going to die here?" Semi-Demon 1 asked.

It was hard to tell who he was asking but Semi-Demon 2 and 3 answered him simultaneously, "It seems so."

"OA? (OverActing?)" Seeing the three who as if they already had accepted their fated death, Semi-Demon C chuckled softly as her gaze landed on Semi-Demon B and revealed her puppy eyes, "Lelith, are you just going to watch your precious princess be burned to death here?"

"Shut it!" Semi-Demon B named Lelith responded coldly. But seeing the current situation, she could only reluctantly make a move herself.

"Sigh, fine then I will help you all just this once!" Lelith sighed helplessly for the trouble she was facing.

She then raised her slender arms and a bow appeared on her left hand and an arrow appeared on her right. She then used the bow and pointed it to the giant ball of flame that was slowly approaching them.

As she stretched the string of the bow, an immeasurable amount of World Energy was gathered to the arrow. A few moments later, she released the arrow as she said,

"Arrow Vanisher!"

The arrow fired rapidly and it didn't take long for the arrow to have contact with the giant ball of fire.

Unbelievably, upon contact, both arrow and the giant ball of flame vanished without a trace!

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