Wonderful Life After Exchanging Fate

Chapter 4

Chapter 3

The next day, Jiang Yunzhu helped Mrs. Chen continue to make sorghum pancakes. Fifty catties of sorghum rice had to be ground into flour and then made into pancakes, which took a lot of time.

After discussing with Jiang Cheng, Mrs. Chen went out separately.

Jiang Cheng went straight to the west of the village, stopped in front of a vermilion door in the west of the village, and knocked on the door.

After a while, a man came out of the door. When he saw Jiang Cheng, he immediately held the doorway, “My house is out of food, our mother didn’t eat last night, and she’s still hungry!” Looking at that posture, it seemed that he was afraid that Jiang Cheng would enter the door or Open your mouth to borrow food from him.

This man is Jiang Cheng’s elder brother Jiang Hai.

Jiang Cheng looked at his slightly protruding belly, and said it would be a lie not to be disappointed. Jiang Hai took over Father Jiang’s class and worked as a shopkeeper in a restaurant in the town. His life was prosperous, even if the past two years were bad, it would not be so.

“Who is it?” A woman in the courtyard asked loudly, and then said, “No matter who it is, there must be no borrowed food, and we still can’t eat enough ourselves!”

“I know.” Jiang Hai replied, looking at Jiang Cheng, that means, you heard it, our family still can’t get enough to eat!

Jiang Cheng knew this was the result.

“I want to see my mother.” He muffled.

He was about to leave here soon. After leaving, he didn’t know if he would meet again in this life. He thought that he should meet and talk to Mrs. Jiang.

“See mother?” Jiang Hai snorted, he took it for granted that Jiang Cheng didn’t get well with him, so he wanted to borrow money from Mrs. Jiang.

“Mother, the second brother said he wanted to see you.” He still held the door open and shouted inside.

“Now that I know I want to see me, why didn’t I expect to have a mother like me when I married that spoiled daughter-in-law?” Mrs. Jiang said angrily inside.

At the beginning, Jiang Cheng wanted to marry the Chen family, but the old lady Jiang disagreed a hundred times. In the end, Jiang Cheng still married the Chen family. The old lady Jiang directly separated them and gave them nothing. Shi and Jiang Cheng.

“Mother.” Jiang Cheng called from outside the door.

“Married a daughter-in-law and forgotten my mother, I don’t have a son like you.” Mrs. Jiang scolded.

Her words were very heartbreaking, Jiang Cheng had never forgotten her, these years of marriage, every time the Jiang family made something delicious, she was not the first to remember her.

Jiang Cheng felt resentful, fell to his knees, and kowtowed to Mrs. Jiang.

Jiang Hai was inside the door, looking at him as if watching a joke.

After kowtowing three times, Jiang Cheng raised his head, “Mother, I’m leaving.” He meant that he was leaving Changfeng Mansion.

“Get out!” Mrs. Jiang just said, she never came out to see Jiang Cheng from the beginning to the end.

Jiang Cheng took a steady look into the courtyard, stood up, and walked away.

In a dilapidated small courtyard in the south of the village, it was another scene at this time.

Mrs. Chen closed the door, told Mr. Chen about her leaving in a low voice, and finally said, “Father, come with us.”

At the beginning, Mr. Chen and Mrs. Chen also fled here. Later Mrs. Chen married Jiang Cheng, Mr. Chen lived alone all the time. In the past two years, he had problems with his eyes and couldn’t see clearly. Usually, Mrs. Chen took care of him. After Mrs. Chen left, he stayed alone, waiting to die. So Chen said so.

“No, let’s go, I can’t live alone.” Mr. Chen shook his head.

He is old and his eyesight is not good, so following Mrs. Chen is not a drag on her.

“Father…” Mrs. Chen actually had a plan in mind, so she didn’t say anything more.

However, Mr. Chen entered the back room as if remembering something, and after a while, he came out with a cloth bag and handed it to Mrs. Chen.

Chen opened the cloth bag, only to see a silver hairpin and a few pieces of silver inside.

She recognized that the hairpin was her mother’s relic.

“It should have been given to you a long time ago. I always want to keep it by my side and look at it again, just like your mother is still there. Now that you are leaving, take it with you.” Old Master Chen said.

Chen’s tears couldn’t stop streaming down, she put away the cloth bag, and she became more firm in her thoughts.

In the evening, everything was ready for the Jiang family. The sun had just set, and everyone began to sleep.

At Choushi the next day, that is, after two o’clock in the morning, the Jiang family got up, took their things, and left the house quietly.

The moment she locked the door, Chen’s tears almost fell again, but this time, she held back, she couldn’t cry!

Jiang Cheng also felt uncomfortable, the road ahead was long, and his burden was even heavier.

For a moment, he really wanted to go back and stay behind, what if the next year is better? But he also knew that he couldn’t gamble because he couldn’t afford to lose.

On the contrary, Jiang Lin and the other three children were very interested. Perhaps in their view, this was just a long journey.

“Let’s go.” Jiang Cheng said.

The family quietly went to the residence of Mr. Chen in the south of the village.

Jiang Lin climbed over the low wall lightly, went in and opened the door, Jiang Cheng and others went directly into the yard.

“Who?” Mr. Chen’s eyesight is not good, his ears are extremely sensitive, and because he is old, he is easily awakened, so he heard the noise outside and asked in surprise.

“It’s me, Dad.” Jiang Cheng replied.

Mr. Chen was very surprised. What happened at this time?

Feeling uneasy, he quickly got up and opened the door.

“Father, come with us quickly.” Jiang Cheng said in a low voice.

Only then did Mr. Chen understand Chen’s plan. It turned out that she had made up her mind to take him with her from the very beginning, but she didn’t say anything yesterday just because she was afraid that he would refuse. Touched and sad at the same time, Mr. Chen didn’t want to leave with Mrs. Chen, he just urged them to leave quickly, it would be bad if they were seen by others later.

Of course Mrs. Chen refused to leave, and must bring Mr. Chen with her.

Mr. Chen disagreed.

Two people were pulling and pulling.

Jiang Yunzhu watched anxiously from the side, she thought she should bring Mr. Chen with her. Mr. Chen’s eyesight is bad, but his body is still very strong, so it’s no problem to follow them.

But if he was allowed to stay, the disaster would be even worse next year, and he would have to starve to death.

“Grandfather, if you don’t leave, we won’t leave either.” She sincerely said to Mr. Chen, “Father and mother must take you with you, and that’s what we mean.”

“Yes, grandpa, you can go with us, I will support you.” Jiang Lin and the others immediately said, and after finishing speaking, the three of them surrounded Mr. Chen, some supported his arms, and some pulled his legs , and dragged him out.

Mr. Chen’s throat choked up, “Good boy, I’ll go by myself.”

He finally understood what Chen and the others wanted, and decided to go with them.

He didn’t have anything to clean up, the most valuable thing was given to Mrs. Chen yesterday, so he took his clothes and went out with Mrs. Chen and others.

The family continued to head south, intending to leave the village from the south, and then head south all the way.

At three o’clock in the morning, it was still completely dark, and there was no one on the road.

Seeing that they left the village, a female voice hesitated, “Sister-in-law Chen, is that you?”

Chen Shi was startled, “Who?” She asked in surprise.

A woman turned the corner over there with a bucket of water.

In the haze, Chen recognized her and heaved a sigh of relief, it turned out to be her.

This woman’s surname is Liu, and she was married into Jinniu Village, but she is much more difficult than her.

It is said that she used to work in a kiln, and the villagers didn’t understand how the second child of the Lu family was good-looking and the family was rich, so how could she go out and marry such a woman.

Maybe this woman is especially good at that kind of thing? After all, it came from that kind of place. Everyone is maliciously guessing.

Because of this, no one in the village is willing to talk to Mrs. Liu, and Mrs. Liu usually stays at home, and never walks outside the gate.

Such a day is also peaceful.

But last year, the second child of the Lu family died of illness, and the Liu family became a widow with a child.

There is a lot of gossip in front of the widow, especially this widow is good-looking and has that kind of experience, it seems that she is born to be frivolous.

No wonder she came out to fetch water at this hour, Chen sighed, she had no friendship with Liu, but this time there was no rice to cook at home, she borrowed all the people she knew, but she didn’t borrow a grain of rice, who would have thought of coming back I ran into Liu Shi on the road, and she was willing to lend it to her.

Mrs. Chen is grateful to Mrs. Liu, and regrets that she listened to the rumors and didn’t spend more time with her.

She bought the food the day before yesterday, and she was the first to pay back her food. It was not easy for her to be orphaned and widowed.

“Sister-in-law Chen, who are you?” Mrs. Liu spoke nicely and softly.

Mrs. Chen pulled her aside, saw that she was about to leave the village, and didn’t want to hide it from her, so she told her their plan, and finally said to her, “Sister, you should make plans early. In case next year is a famine year…”

Needless to say, Liu’s face has turned pale.

In a year of peace, she would not have a good time. In a year of famine, even if she had money, she would probably be eaten alive.

The Chen family finished talking here, turned around and followed Jiang Cheng and others to leave.

“Thank you sister-in-law for reminding me, sister-in-law is very kind, and Yuan’er and I will definitely repay each other in the future.” Liu Shi said later.

Chen waved her hand, she can’t help her, it’s not a kindness.

After leaving Jinniu Village, there was a wilderness ahead. After walking for a long time, Mrs. Chen suddenly asked Jiang Cheng, “You said Yunxiu, will you…”

Jiang Cheng knew that she must have met Liu Shi and thought of Jiang Yunxiu, fearing that she would also end up in that kind of place.

“No.” Jiang Cheng comforted her.

Chen nodded.

The Jiang family left, and they left a letter under Jiang Yunxiu’s pillow, explaining their whereabouts. In fact, in the dream, they also left Jiang Yunzhu a letter, but by mistake, she didn’t see that letter at all.

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