Wonderful Life After Exchanging Fate

Chapter 3

Chapter 2

Long after Jiang Yunxiu left, Mrs. Chen was still standing at the gate, as if she could wait for her to come back this way.

Jiang Yunzhu knew she was sad and didn’t bother her.

The sun is slightly slanting, and the autumn sun shines on people, warm. Jiang Yunzhu looked up and saw that the sky was high and the clouds were calm, and his heart suddenly widened. This long-lost sense of freedom really made people extremely happy.

Yes, Jiang Yunzhu doesn’t miss the life in the Anping Hou Mansion at all, including her husband Lin Ting’an who everyone admires.

To her, it was like a prison. Originally, she thought about how she would escape if she entered the Hou’s mansion again this time, but now it’s all right, and it’s easy.

But right now she also has urgent problems to solve.

The past two years in Changfeng Mansion have been severely affected by disasters. Last year, there was a severe drought and the crops failed. This year, it was drought and locust plagues. How serious is the disaster? Summer is when plants are lush, and when you look around, there is no green at all. , Chididiqianli.

The people were displaced, and I don’t know how many people died of thirst and starvation.

It was also because of this that Jiang Cheng and Chen Shi, a hard-working couple, were forced to sell their daughter to live.

Jiang Yunzhu thought, this Changfeng mansion can’t stay anymore.

One, the disaster here is too serious. There is an old saying that she would rather be a dog of peace than a person in troubled times. She thinks this is very reasonable. If the society is stable and the people live and work in peace and contentment, that dog may eat meat, just like modern society.

Conversely, if the society is in turmoil and the people are poor, no matter how hard a person works, it will be difficult to live the life he wants.

So if they want to live a good life, they must first move to a rich place.

Another point, she remembered that there would still be a drought in Changfeng Mansion next year.

The Jiang family will go to flee when the mountains and rivers run out next year, so in Mengli, after she has gained a firm foothold in the Anping Marquis Mansion, she wants to contact them, but she can’t.

That being the case, why not turn passive into active and move in advance?

Thinking of this, Jiang Yunzhu turned around in the yard.

Soon, she discovered that Jiang Cheng, who was squatting with his head buried under the back eaves, was also her father in this body.

Afraid of embarrassing Jiang Cheng, Jiang Yunzhu backed away, then deliberately stepped up and walked over there.

Jiang Cheng heard footsteps, quickly wiped his eyes, and stood up.

“Father, I know you’re sad, but things are already like this, let’s think about what to do in the future. Yunxiu, I think we will meet again in the future.” Jiang Yunzhu persuaded, she was telling the truth.

Jiang Cheng thought she was comforting him, how could we see her sold daughter again.

“It’s dad who’s sorry for you.” Jiang Cheng said, it was him who was useless.

Jiang Yunzhu didn’t want to talk about this topic. In famine years, there are also times when people change their children and eat.

Jiang Cheng was silent for a while, thinking that it was time to think about the future. He already lost one daughter, and he didn’t want to lose another.

“Don’t worry, with these six taels of silver, let’s save some money, we should be able to last until next year, and wait until next year’s spring…”

“What if there is still a severe drought next year?” Jiang Yunzhu asked.

Jiang Cheng was stunned by the question, and subconsciously wanted to answer “How is that possible.” But when he thought about the severe drought last year, and the severe drought and locust plague this year, it seems that next year’s severe drought is not impossible.

Yes, what if there is a severe drought next year? He froze.

Jiang Yunzhu waited for him to come back to his senses.

After a while, Jiang Cheng said, “Call your mother and Jiang Lin over, let’s have a good discussion.”

The Jiang family not only has two daughters, Jiang Yunzhu and Jiang Yunxiu, but also two sons, Jiang Lin, Jiang Yunxue, and Jiang Wu, and a daughter. It’s just that they are too young. If you give this kind of age to others for free, no one will want it.

Jiang Yunzhu nodded, and went to call Chen Shi and others.

After a while, the whole family gathered in the house.

Jiang Yunzhu led Jiang Wu’s hand into the house together.

Jiang Wu is only six years old this year, and he is very cute.

Both Jiang Cheng and the Chen family look good. Jiang Cheng has a typical Chinese face, while the Chen family has the gentleness of a Jiangnan water town, and his skin is also fair, so the children of the Jiang family are all very good-looking. Jiang Yunzhu saw Jiang Wu felt very fond of it.

Unfortunately, in the dream, he seemed to have died on the way to escape.

That’s right, if according to the situation in the dream, the Jiang family had to wait until next year’s money was spent before fleeing, Jiang Wu is so young, it’s normal that he can’t hold on.

Fortunately, it should not be now.

Jiang Yunzhu clenched Jiang Wu’s hand, and Jiang Wu was leaning against her leg, blinking his big round eyes very well, he seemed to know that something happened at home

“The head of the family.” Chen didn’t know what happened, and asked Jiang Cheng.

Jiang Cheng repeated what Jiang Yunzhu said just now, and asked her what she thought.

Chen is at a loss, will there be a severe drought next year? God just doesn’t give people a way to survive! But now that it’s autumn, there’s no sign of rain at all. Maybe it will really happen next year…

She didn’t dare to think about it before, she always hoped that she would be fine next year, but now someone pointed it out, and she was awakened like a dream.

What should I do then? She looked at Jiang Cheng.

Jiang Cheng looked at Jiang Yunzhu, he felt that after this incident, she seemed to have grown up a lot.

“Father, mother, I think we should move, or rather, escape.” Jiang Yunzhu said surprisingly.

“Move? Where are you going to move?” Chen subconsciously refused. She knew the pain of being displaced. At that time, she and Mr. Chen fled to Jinniu Village. After finally taking root here, she didn’t want to leave here.

Jiang Yunzhu looked at Jiang Cheng, she felt that he supported her.

Yes, Jiang Cheng also understands those truths, a tree is moved to death, and a person is moved to life.

He discussed with Chen in a low voice, if there is another drought next year, they will definitely not be able to hold on. Even if there is no drought, their life will certainly not be too easy.

It’s autumn now, but there is no sign of rain at all. Jiang Cheng feels that there is a high chance of drought next year.

The more Chen listened, the redder her eyes became. But she also knew that Jiang Cheng was right.

By evening, the Jiang family had reached an agreement that they were going to move.

“Pack up and pack up, let’s go in two days.” Jiang Cheng said.

“These two days?” Jiang Yunzhu didn’t expect Jiang Cheng to be in such a hurry.

Jiang Cheng said, “It’s already autumn, and it’s going to get colder and colder. We’d better find a place to stay before winter begins.” Otherwise, if there’s no roof to cover them in the cold weather, they’ll freeze to death .

This is the truth, Jiang Yunzhu understands.

The Jiang family immediately got busy and prepared to leave Changfeng Mansion.

As for where to go, they wanted to go south. First, there was a lot of rain in the south, and second, the temperature became warmer as they went south. This was the same direction as they fled in the dream.

In the same night, Jiang Cheng repaired the cart at home.

Mrs. Chen packed up the things at home.

Jiang Yunzhu helped her.

In fact, there is nothing to clean up. In the past two years of disasters, the family has sold everything that can be sold, and now there are only some broken tables that no one wants, and there is no way to bring them.

“Sister, do you want to bring this thing?” Jiang Lin asked Jiang Yunzhu holding a broken clay pot.

“No.” Jiang Yunzhu replied firmly.

Jiang Lin turned and ran away.

“Sister, what about this one?” Jiang Yunxue asked Jiang Yunzhu holding a broken bundle.

Jiang Yunzhu looked at the burden skin, and thought it was too useless as a rag, but now, “Take it with you,” she said. At least it was a piece of cloth, in case it was too cold on the road, you could use it as a cushion to sit on or something.

Jiang Yunxue happily folded the torn burden skin carefully, like a treasure.

Even Jiang Wu came to help, and the children were very busy.

Chen Shi watched from the side, both relieved and worried.

Busy until dark, everyone eats and rests.

Early the next morning, Jiang Cheng got up early and went to the town to buy food, preparing to eat on the road. All he bought was sorghum rice. These days, the price of rice has skyrocketed. Wherever poor people can afford rice, they always buy this kind of grain. This kind of grain is rough and difficult to swallow. It used to be used to make wine, but now it is good to eat.

Just like that, he bought fifty catties of sorghum rice, which cost him five hundred Wen.

The price has risen too fast, and he feels more and more that it is a good idea to leave here.

The Chen family went to the village to inquire about the situation, to see which way is easier to go, and if they want to leave Changfeng Mansion, do they need to go to the county government office to guide them.

Only after she inquired about it did she know that someone in the village had already fled.

Most of them also went south, but the road they took was different. The people in the village don’t know which road is good. After all, only those who have walked know it, and those who have walked never come back.

As for Lu Yin, someone once asked that the county government would not handle it at all, and even if it was not done well, it would anger the official and the master, and he might be arrested. After all, so many people are going to leave Changfeng Mansion, and if the higher-ups find out, the official’s black hat may not be guaranteed.

If you want to leave, you can only go secretly.

At noon, the family got together again, talking about what they had gained, and they became more determined to leave here.

After eating, Mrs. Chen immediately got busy. She wanted to mix the sorghum rice with rice bran to make pancakes and eat them on the way.

Jiang Yunzhu took out all the pickles left in the pickle jar, cut them into shreds, and kept them for the road.

Her speed was very fast, and within a short while, six or seven pickles turned into thin shreds of pickles.

There is still some sesame oil at home, which is reserved for the Chinese New Year, and now it is no longer used, so she poured it all into the pickles.

After finishing this, she went to prepare water. Now there is a drought everywhere, and water is a precious thing.

There used to be a well in Jiang’s yard, but like most of the wells in the village, it has run out of water now. To get water, you can only go to the well at the head of the village, and the well is deep.

Jiang Yunzhu and Jiang Lin lined up for half an hour, and brought back two buckets of water.

The water was muddy yellow.

Jiang Yunzhu frowned, can this drink?

“You can drink it overnight.” Seeing it in the kitchen, Mrs. Chen said. As for boiling, they don’t even have firewood for cooking, so how to cook it.

“Burn the tables, benches, and beds at home, or boil the water to drink, otherwise what should I do if I get sick?” Jiang Yunzhu said.

Chen opened her mouth in surprise, burning the table and bed? How could this be possible… But after thinking about it, they were about to leave here, and it seemed that there was nothing wrong with it.

Jiang Cheng and Mrs. Chen started from scratch, and they saved all the things in the house one by one, such as the bed, which they bought when they got married, and the table, which Jiang Cheng asked someone to open when she gave birth to Jiang Yunzhu. of.

Every thing has her memory in it, but now it is about to be burned…

Chen remained silent, she knew that this time they were really going to die. She was very scared, but with her family by her side, she didn’t seem to be afraid. Even, she has to be strong to protect her child from wind and rain.

Jiang Yunzhu looked at the two buckets of water, but thought of one thing, now they can boil the water to drink, but what about the road? The water could be worse than this, and maybe she should have prepared earlier.

After thinking about it, she decided to make a filter to avoid drinking dirty water as much as possible.

This filter is very simple, it is made of charcoal, pebbles, gravel, and cotton cloth.

Jiang Lin and the others had nothing to do, seeing what she was doing was very interesting, they all surrounded her to watch.

Jiang Yunzhu asked them to help, those who washed the stones washed the stones, and those who washed the jars brushed the jars. Soon, a vase-shaped filter was ready.

Pour the water from the bucket into the vase.

A trickle flows from the bottom of the vase, which is crystal clear.

The three children were all attracted by this miraculous scene, but Jiang Yunzhu had the bottom line in her heart and it was done.

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