Wonderful Life After Exchanging Fate

Chapter 24

Chapter 23

Jiang Yunzhu was indeed very tired. She didn’t go to bed until after eleven o’clock last night, but she woke up at three o’clock this morning, and has been busy until now. So even though she knew that Shen Fengming was at the side, even if she reminded herself to be more vigilant, when she really sat on the stool, she still fell asleep involuntarily.

She breathed steadily, her slender eyelashes drooped, and her red lips were slightly parted, calm and peaceful.

Shen Fengming’s gaze quickly swept across her lips, and landed on the white paper in front of him.

I feel sweet.

“Zhu Qin You Xu, He Lu Shi Zhang.” Jiang Lin and the others read, Jiang Yunzhu’s eyelashes trembled, and she sat up straight.

“Kong Cao Yan Hua, Jin Wei Tao Jiang.”

Jiang Yunzhu understood that Shen Fengming was teaching them the family names. He has a heart, and to keep accounts, the first thing is to know numbers, and the second is to be able to write names.

She glanced at him quietly, he didn’t notice that she was sleeping, did he?

Shen Fengming’s face was the same, from her angle, he could see his side face as if drawn with a pen, the lines were graceful and tough, his eyes were like cold stars, deep and bright.

She shouldn’t have noticed, she breathed a sigh of relief and looked at others.

Jiang Lin studied very seriously and seemed to be concentrating on it. So did Jiang Yunxue, even with some excitement. This girl who was always well-behaved and cowardly at ordinary times seemed to be a different person at this time, and there seemed to be fire in her eyes.

Jiang Wu, Jiang Wu’s little head nodded, Jiang Yunzhu shook his head.

Then she gave the last playful look to Yang Sheng.

Jiang Yunzhu was slightly taken aback, what did he mean?

“Okay, that’s all for today.” Shen Fengming said at this time.

“My lord, it’s been hard work. Come on, drink some water.” Mrs. Chen kept listening to the movement in the room, and when she heard that it was over, she quickly brought the prepared tea to Shen Fengming. Shen Fengming taught Jiang Yunzhu and others how to read, and she was grateful and thankful in every way, all in this tea.

The tea leaves were of poor quality, but Shen Fengming didn’t seem to notice, took the tea bowl and took a sip.

Yang Sheng leaned over to Jiang Yunzhu’s side and asked in a low voice, “Can you teach me your skills?” Maybe he can still use them in the future.

“What ability?” Jiang Yunzhu didn’t understand.

Yang Sheng laughed, “It’s just the ability to sleep with eyes open!”

Sleeping with eyes open, does she have it? At most, he would sleep with his eyes closed. No, he knew she was sleeping? Jiang Yunzhu looked at Yang Sheng.

Yang Sheng’s expression said it all.

Jiang Yunzhu wanted to cover her face with her hands. Suddenly she thought again, no, even Yang Sheng found out that she was asleep, so Shen Fengming…

She looked towards Shen Fengming, and met his dark eyes.

Sure enough, he found out, Jiang Yunzhu quickly looked away, and lowered his head. She swears, she really didn’t mean to.

“Tell me, why…” Yang Sheng continued to ask, “Let’s go!” Shen Fengming put down his tea and stood up.

“What?” Yang Sheng asked a little confused.

“Do business.” As Shen Fengming said, he had already walked outside.

Yang Sheng understood what he meant, and his face drooped. Isn’t what he’s doing right now?

Before leaving, Shen Fengming turned his head to look at him, with this meaning in his eyes.

“At least wait for me…” Wait until he learns Jiang Yunzhu’s skills!

Shen Fengming didn’t speak, just looked at him like that.

“Okay, why is my life so hard?” Yang Sheng howled dryly, and followed Shen Fengming.

“Are they going to go out to collect grain?” Chen looked at the backs of the two and asked, “Didn’t you say that they will wait for the buddy to come?”

Jiang Yunzhu frowned and remained silent.

In the evening, Shen Fengming and Yang Sheng came back, Shen Fengming took out a map and checked something, while Yang Sheng lay paralyzed on the bed and didn’t want to move.

Jiang Yunzhu had already prepared meals for them. This afternoon, she bought a chicken for them, and now it happens to be a chicken and three meals. Make Kung Pao Chicken with chicken breast, shred chicken thigh and make a cold salad with carrots and cabbage.

Originally, this dish should use shredded cucumbers, but there are no more cucumbers this season. She tried cutting the tender cabbage into thin shreds, which was also very refreshing.

Finally, make a soup with a chicken rack, and pair it with two plates of pancakes, which is almost enough for Yang Sheng and Shen Fengming to eat.

Sure enough, when Yang Sheng saw this dinner, he regained his energy. He was so focused on the meal that he forgot to learn from Jiang Yunzhu.

Jiang Yunzhu backed out.

When Jiang Cheng came back in the evening, he was very grateful when he heard that the businessman who was staying with him taught a few children how to read. He had thought about making children literate before, but if a child wanted to enter a private school, he would need ten taels of silver every year for Shu Xiu. To him, this was like a dream far away, a dream that could not be realized at all.

Now the dream has come true?

“You must study hard and don’t make others angry.” He told Jiang Lin and the others, especially Jiang Wu. He was young, so he was afraid that he would not understand these things.

Jiang Wu nodded timidly. When he was learning calligraphy in the afternoon, he seemed to have fallen asleep. That big brother is not angry, is he?

The more he thought about it, the more guilty he felt, and he decided to study hard tomorrow.

Jiang Cheng didn’t tell Jiang Yunzhu, he thought she was very sensible, so there was no need for him to say these things.

Jiang Yunzhu stood there, well, she knew she was wrong and shouldn’t sleep. Even if she knew those characters, it would be good to learn calligraphy from Shen Fengming.

This is a rare opportunity. His calligraphy was praised by Chang Ge elders.

After exhorting, Jiang Cheng took a few children to the side room to thank Shen Fengming.

“You two young masters, I have really caused you trouble. Children are not sensible, if they do something wrong, you can just punish them, you are welcome.” Jiang Cheng said sincerely.

In ancient times, it was emphasized that strict teachers produce excellent apprentices, and filial sons are produced under the stick. When a teacher punishes a student, the parents will not say a word, and sometimes the teacher even punishes the parents together, and no one thinks there is anything wrong.

On the contrary, if the teacher does not punish the students, the parents are still unwilling, thinking that you may not be paying attention to teaching.

Yang Sheng had been punished quite a lot when he was in school, but now hearing what he said, his expression was weird.

“We may not be able to stay here for too long.” Shen Fengming said.

Jiang Cheng understood, but was still very grateful to him.

A few more words of thanks, afraid of disturbing Shen Fengming’s rest, he left with Jiang Yunzhu and others.

After they left, Yang Sheng drank tea and asked Shen Fengming, “Ms. Jiang is sleeping in the afternoon, why don’t you punish her?”

“How to punish?” Shen Fengming asked.

“This…” Do you still need to ask him, Yang Sheng almost spit out the tea in his mouth, how to punish him, of course…Suddenly, he felt something wrong, looked at Shen Fengming, and met his eyes.

His eyes were as cold as a cold pool.

Yang Sheng shuddered, and smiled awkwardly, “Our Qilin Guards made mistakes before, didn’t you punish them all?”

“They are just ordinary people.” Shen Fengming said.

“The teacher should punish the students.”

“I’m not her teacher.” Just teach her for a few days.

Yang Sheng lost his temper, so he shouldn’t argue with him about this matter.

“I was wrong, I was wrong, okay.” He surrendered.

Jiang Cheng and the others went back to have dinner and started to get busy again. Knead noodles, chop vegetables, and prepare for making spicy soup and fried steamed buns tomorrow morning.

This busy, busy until Haishi.

Lying on the bed, Yang Sheng listened to the busy sounds in the kitchen outside, and said to Shen Fengming, “It’s really hard work for them!” It was much harder than their Qilin Guards, especially Jiang Yunzhu, who was busy all day long.

He suddenly understood why Jiang Yunzhu fell asleep in the afternoon, and he regretted it, regretting that he shouldn’t have asked her about her sleep, and made fun of Shen Fengming about it at night.

“En.” Shen Fengming said lightly, without any emotional ups and downs.

Yang Sheng sighed, talking to him was better than a rock.

Is it hard? If someone asks Jiang Yunzhu this question, she will answer, “hard work”. But as long as we get through this period and wait for the takeaway business to start up and stop making breakfast, it will be much better.

So the future is bright, and Jiang Yunzhu doesn’t feel tired anymore.

The next morning they went to set up a stall as usual, and today they made meat pies. Those who want to eat meat pies, seeing that they finally have them today, hurriedly bought one to eat. There are also those who are afraid that they will be gone tomorrow, who didn’t want to buy or wanted to buy one, but immediately decided to buy one or two.

Therefore, today the meat pie is selling very well.

“Yunzhu, how did you come up with that idea?” Mrs. Chen admired, the idea of selling meat pancakes every two days is really amazing. A Rouchow cake costs six cents, and selling one is worth two bowls of Hu spicy soup. She obviously felt that the money collected in the money jar today was a lot more.

Jiang Yunzhu smiled, this is all small money.

After a while, a big customer came.

It was the long-faced soldier who was following Deputy General Zhao. He trotted over with the food box in hand, handed the food box to Jiang Yunzhu, and asked, “Boss made porridge or meat pancakes today?”

“Rock cooking cake.” Jiang Yunzhu took the food box and returned.

“I want thirty meat pies and eight bowls of soup. Please fix them for me. I will carry them to the mountain.” The long-faced soldier said.

so much? Jiang Yunzhu has already made some more meat pies today, but it’s still not enough!

“How many there are, I want them all.”

Jiang Yunzhu counted, “There are still nineteen more.”

It was only a third short, the long-faced soldier sighed, he had already arrived early, unexpectedly he was still late.

“Forget it, give it all to me, and give me another forty oil buns.” The long-faced soldier thought for a while.

This is obviously a meal for seven or eight people, and there are probably new guests. Jiang Yunzhu knew it well, and asked Mrs. Chen to serve the soup, while she went to prepare meat pies and steamed buns.

“By the way, I have to order lunch with you at noon. You can make the meat pie first, and I will tell you when it is done.” The long-faced soldier said again.

Jiang Yunzhu’s heart moved slightly, and she asked him casually, “What’s the matter? You seem to be in a hurry.”

The long-faced soldier was about to complain, but he looked around and saw that there was no one around, so he lowered his voice and said to Jiang Yunzhu, “It’s okay, it’s just General Wang, I don’t know what’s going on, and he insists on searching the whole mountain and down the mountain, saying to arrest suspicious people.

Doesn’t this make everyone busy! At this point, he snorted, “There are no suspicious people, so many of us guard here, who dares to make trouble, is not tired of work.” “

When Jiang Yunzhu heard this, her meat-cutting hands paused. The suspicious person must be those two in her family!

She didn’t ask any more questions, and finished all the meat pies.

Over there, Mrs. Chen also filled the soup.

Put the soup into the food box. Rouchuibing, simply put the finished Rouchuibing back into the basket, still covered it with a small quilt, and handed it to the long-faced soldier.

“It’s not easy for you to take, Jiang Lin, you follow to give it away.” Chen called Jiang Lin with a smile.

“Okay.” Jiang Lin said, taking the meat pancakes in the basket.

They were so caring, and the long-faced soldier smiled, “Don’t be busy, I have to tell you about lunch. By the way, how much is the meat pie and soup?”

“Nineteen meat pies, one hundred and fourteen coins, eight bowls of soup, forty steamed buns, twenty-four coins, a total of one hundred and thirty-eight coins.” Jiang Yunzhu said.

The long-faced soldier paid the money, then took out a note and a piece of silver and handed it to Jiang Yunzhu, “There are a few dishes on it, and a bowl of the boiled pork from yesterday. You can do the rest. It’s enough for eight.” Just eat it by yourself.

You take this money first, and when the food is delivered, the excess will be refunded and the deficiency will be compensated. “

It turned out that the five soldiers ate the dishes of the three deputy generals yesterday and thought they were delicious, but the eight of them ate three dishes and none of them could eat enough. The five people felt very sorry, so they said that today they paid for a table of food, and asked Vice General Zhao to eat for the three of them.

They didn’t know Jiang Yunzhu, so they let this long-faced soldier run errands. Bring breakfast by the way.

Jiang Yunzhu weighed the silver, it was more than half a tael, and then looked at the note, there were five dishes, namely elbow, Jiaoliu meatball, braised pork, sweet and sour pork tenderloin, hot kidney, plus a bowl of boiled meat, all right Well, it’s all meat.

The food for eight people must be enough money. After watching it, Jiang Yunzhu had already figured out what to do.

Sending away the long-faced soldiers, Jiang Yunzhu continued to sell soup, and later there were people who wanted to buy meat pancakes, and they were all regretful when they heard that they were sold out.

Because of the big business of long-faced soldiers, the Jiang family’s food has been sold out before the hour of the day.

They packed their things and were ready to go back.

At this time, a person came driving a donkey cart, it was Xu Qingshan.

“Close up the stall so early today?” He was surprised, and then hurried over to help clean it up.

“I have a big customer today, and I bought a lot.” Chen said with a smile, and then he was a little annoyed, “You haven’t eaten breakfast yet, hey, I knew I would leave a bowl for you.”

“No need, Auntie, you can sell it if you can. I’ll just eat something when I get home.” Xu Qingshan hurriedly said.

Everyone cleaned up together, and soon finished packing, Xu Qingshan moved the things to his donkey cart.

“How embarrassing.” Mrs. Chen said while pulling something.

“Auntie, I have to go back anyway, by the way.”

Chen let go and looked at Jiang Yunzhu who was busy on the side, she understands!

Although Jiang Yunzhu didn’t see it, she also heard the conversation between Mrs. Chen and Xu Qingshan, and frowned slightly. She didn’t want to trouble Xu Qingshan very much.

Everyone walked back in a donkey cart, and arrived at Changshi Village in a short while.

“Auntie, are you still going to the town today? I’ll go to the town to buy some tobacco leaves for my father later.” Xu Qingshan asked at the door of Jiang’s house while helping Mrs. Chen unload her things. That means, if Mrs. Chen and Jiang Yunzhu go to the town, they can still ride in his donkey cart.

Jiang Yunzhu was going to the town, Chen smiled.

It was strange that Jiang Yunzhu couldn’t detect any abnormalities at this time. Xu Qingshan went to the town yesterday, and today? He must send her off on purpose.

She had some feelings about Xu Qingshan’s intentions, but he never said it, and she couldn’t bring it up herself.

Or find a chance to tell him clearly. Immediately, she would refuse.

But how to refuse, she really wants to go to town.

At this moment, a male voice said, “Miss Jiang, are you going to town? How about we take you?”

Looking up, I saw Yang Sheng and Shen Fengming riding two horses, strolling over from there.

The author has something to say:

Zhu Qin You Xu, He Lu Shi Zhang. “Kong Cao Yan Hua, Jin Wei Tao Jiang.” “From a hundred surnames.

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