Wonderful Life After Exchanging Fate

Chapter 21

Chapter 20

“Girl?” Wang De, the man selling porcelain, asked aloud.

Only then did Jiang Yunzhu come back to his senses, “Boss, to tell you the truth, I’m not sure whether I want to buy it now. In fact, there is one thing in a few days that I don’t know if I can get through it safely. If it can pass, I will make a five-pointer first.” Ten, we may order more in the future, if we can’t make it through…”

She didn’t continue, but believed he could understand.

Wang De listened to her, and it was a matter of his family and life. Compared with her, he was not in a hurry.

“Girl, are you okay?” He asked hesitantly.

“It’s okay.” Jiang Yunzhu smiled.

Seeing her light smile, Wang De believed her statement. Gritting his teeth, he said, “Girl, tell me a date. As long as you come before this date, I will sell you.” miners.

“Thank you boss, if I buy it, I will definitely come before November 8th. If you don’t come, the boss won’t have to wait for me.” Jiang Yunzhu said.

On November 8th, he agreed with his wife to be at the end of the month. Forget it, no matter what, he will wait another eight days. After eight days, everything will come to a conclusion.

“Okay.” Wang De nodded.

“Thank you!” Jiang Yunzhu thanked again before turning around.

“Yunzhu, are you okay? November 8th…” Xu Qingshan was a little worried when he heard what Jiang Yunzhu said just now.

“I had a dream yesterday. I dreamed of a big-bellied Arhat… Forget it, it might just be a dream. Let’s talk about it later.” Jiang Yunzhu said casually.

Xu Qingshan heard that it was because of a dream, so he laughed, “Things in dreams can’t be real.” He said.

“I know.” Jiang Yunzhu replied.

The two did not continue the topic.

Afterwards, Jiang Yunzhu went to the nearby restaurants and looked at the prices of various dishes, then got on a donkey cart and returned to Changshi Village.

At this moment, Jiang Lin was playing with some children in the village by the river at the head of the village. When he saw Jiang Yunzhu came back, he ran home and shouted, “Sister is back, sister is back.”

When Jiang Yunzhu got off the car, Jiang Lin, Jiang Yunxue, and Jiang Wu immediately came over to help her carry her things.

Soon, those big and small bags were carried to the middle hall or the kitchen.

“Then I’ll go first.” Xu Qingshan said.

“Well, thank you for today!” Jiang Yunzhu said.

“You don’t need to be so polite.” Xu Qingshan glanced at Jiang Yunzhu again, and left quickly.

After he left, Jiang Yunzhu went into the yard to check the weather. It was okay. After half an hour of rest, she would start making lunch. There should be time.

She took out a paper bag from her pocket, opened it, and there were eleven colorful candies inside. When she bought the seasoning, she bought it by chance. It costs two pennies. She bought it for five pennies, and the boss gave her an extra one.

Those candies are crystal clear, the size of each finger belly, shining charmingly in the sun.

“Sugar.” With sharp eyes, Jiang Lin immediately saw the candy in her hand, ran over a few steps, but didn’t **** it, and stood there staring at the candy greedily. He could barely remember the taste of sugar.

In fact, there was sugar in the kitchen, the kind of yellow sugar that Jiang Yunzhu used for cooking, but none of the three children ate it.

Jiang Yunxue also walked over, staring at the candies intently.

“Sugar.” Jiang Wu’s saliva was about to flow down, and he looked at Jiang Yunzhu eagerly.

“Which one do you want?” Jiang Yunzhu started asking Jiang Lin, who was the oldest. These days, Jiang Lin followed them to do business, busy in and out, like a little adult, he should be rewarded.

“The green one.” Jiang Lin said, he likes that color.

Jiang Yunzhu picked up a green candy and handed it to him. He took it carefully, but didn’t eat it. Instead, he held it in his hand and looked at it carefully, as if he couldn’t get enough of it.

“What about you?” Jiang Yunzhu asked Jiang Yunxue.

Jiang Yunxue also helped a lot these days, she said softly, “The blue one.” She thinks that one is the most beautiful.

Jiang Yunzhu gave her a blue one, and she held it in her hand like a pearl like a treasure.

“I want the red one.” Jiang Wu was already in a hurry, and hurriedly said without waiting for Jiang Yunzhu to ask.

Jiang Yunzhu took out a red one and handed it to him.

He stuffed the candy directly into his mouth, and his **** eyes opened wider as if in amazement.

“One for each person today, and it will be gone after eating. You are not allowed to steal from others, you know?” Jiang Yunzhu said to the three children.

All three of them understood and nodded immediately.

“Don’t spoil them too much, they…” Mrs. Chen came out of the kitchen and said to Jiang Yunzhu.

Before she finished speaking, a candy was stuffed into her mouth.

Sweet, so sweet candy, it seems sweet to people’s heart, Mrs. Chen narrowed her eyes slightly, thinking of many things.

Jiang Yunzhu also pinched a candy and put it in her mouth, her bright red lips raised slightly.

Standing in front of the window, Shen Fengming looked at Jiang Yunzhu’s lips, suddenly curious whether those candies were really that sweet.

Although, he doesn’t like sweets.

There were eleven candies, and there were still six left. Jiang Yunzhu took out one and handed it to Mrs. Chen, asking her to keep it for Jiang Cheng to eat at night. For the rest, she asked Jiang Lin to send it to old man Chen, who likes sweets, even though he didn’t say anything.

After distributing the sugar, Jiang Yunzhu went into the middle hall to pack the things she bought.

Chen Shi and others followed in to see what she had bought.

When she saw the package of paper and ink, Chen asked, “Why do you buy these things?”

Bookkeeping, Jiang Yunzhu wanted to say. Suddenly, she frowned. She had forgotten in a hurry, her original body was illiterate, how would she keep accounts?

But if she didn’t keep accounts, how much money did she deposit with her, how much did she spend each time, who ordered what meal today, how could she remember clearly?

For things like cooking, she can say that she can figure it out slowly, but she can read and learn without a teacher? Who would believe it!

Who can read? Master Chen is illiterate, Jiang Cheng is illiterate, Mrs. Chen is illiterate, Gu Yanzhou is illiterate…

Or ask him for help?

Jiang Yunzhu was thinking about it when a icy voice asked, “What’s the matter?”

Looking up, he saw a tall and imposing man standing there, he was wearing a crow green brocade robe, and a darker belt of the same color was tied around his thin waist, which made his tall and handsome figure even more apparent.

Shen Fengming, this killing god, when did he come here!

Jiang Yunzhu was stunned, “I want to keep accounts, but I can’t read.”

After she finished speaking, she regained her senses and tensed up.

Shen Fengming looked at the pen and paper in her hand, it turned out to be like this.

“What do you want to remember, I can write it for you.” He said.

It was as if fireworks were blooming in Jiang Yunzhu’s mind. What did he say, he wanted to write accounts for her? Did she get it wrong. Still, he is in a particularly good mood today, and he especially wants to write.

Shen Fengming took the pen from Jiang Yunzhu’s hand, indicating that it was time to start.

Jiang Yunzhu spread out the paper like a puppet, poured out a little ink and put it aside.

Shen Fengming dipped his pen in ink and stood in front of the table.

“Bearded guest, five qian silver, at noon on October 26, one serving of boiled meat, twenty renminbi, one serving of rice, two renminbi.

Black-faced guests, eight coins, at noon on October 26, one piece of sausage, eighteen coins, and one piece of rice, two coins.

Thin guests, seven silver coins, at noon on October 26th, a piece of dry roasted fish, thirty-eight Wen, and a portion of rice, two Wen. “

Regarding the account of these three guests today, Jiang Yunzhu actually knew the surnames of the three deputy generals Zhao, but she didn’t want Shen Fengming to know, so she wrote it down.

While listening, Shen Fengming was scribbling on the paper.

He wrote in regular script, his characters were straight and upright, each character was as neat and square as a piece of tofu.

A good handwriting is like a painting, even people who can’t read will find it beautiful.

At this moment, Chen Shi and the others looked at the words written by Shen Fengming in amazement, and felt that they seemed to have magical powers.

Good words, Jiang Yunzhu was amazed in his heart!

The room was silent, when Yang Cheng came in from the outside, he saw Shen Fengming standing in front of the table with a pen in his hand, and beside him stood Jiang Yunzhu and others.

He blinked hard, suspecting that he was wrong.

Or is this Shen Fengming a fake?

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