Wonderful Life After Exchanging Fate

Chapter 19

Chapter 18

“Yunzhu, this, this…” Mrs. Chen stammered, pointing at the silver.

“Just deposit it with us first.” Jiang Yunzhu smiled, implying that the money is not theirs yet.

Mrs. Chen was still very happy, touched this piece of silver, weighed that piece of silver, the silver was cold, but her heart was hot.

As the hour approached, there were fewer and fewer people in the market.

“Aunt Chen, Yunzhu.” Xu Qingshan drove a donkey cart over from the foot of the mountain.

“It’s Qingshan, why are you here?” Chen was surprised.

Xu Qingshan hastily told the story of his cheating. Hearing Jiang Yunzhu’s words that day, he immediately went around to inquire, and found a few places that were not far or near that were suitable for stretching his feet.

It was his first time pulling yesterday, and he has no experience. He pulled twice in the morning and evening, and earned twenty-six coins. Today, he has experience. He made three trips this morning and earned 20 yuan. It is estimated that it will be about the same in the evening.

Calculated in this way, he can earn about one or two taels of silver a month, which is twice as much as what he earns in the mines!

“My father loves it so much that he won’t let me run in the daytime. After I save money, I can buy a donkey or a horse. I can make more money by pulling the two animals instead.” Xu Qingshan said excitedly He told Mrs. Chen and Jiang Yunzhu all about the situation of pulling his feet in the past two days, and then patted his donkey and said.

His family’s donkey has done a great job, and they got here safely by relying on it on the way to escape from the wilderness. They still rely on it to make money, and now its status at home is higher than his.

Mrs. Chen was envious, but she wasn’t jealous, she was just happy for him.

“Thanks to Yunzhu.” When Xu Qingshan said this, he looked at Jiang Yunzhu in embarrassment. It was only because of her affirmation and guidance that he made up his mind to do this business.

Thinking of this, he lowered his voice and said to Chen Shi, “Auntie, I have two more routes in mind today, but I can’t do it alone, or you can tell Uncle Jiang to let him do the same.

It is still too tiring to go to the mine, and it is not as profitable as this one.

I kid you not, really! ” He was afraid that Mrs. Chen would not believe it, so he said hurriedly.

Of course Mrs. Chen believed him, he had already said so much, and she was not stupid, so why couldn’t she see that he really wanted to help them. Of course, there is a reason why Jiang Yunzhu gave him advice, but are there still few white-eyed wolves in this world?

It’s better than others.

“I’ll go back and discuss it with your Uncle Jiang,” Chen said. What she said was evasive, and it was true. Jiang Cheng is now at the mine during the day, helping them with their business in the morning and evening, and only sleeps three or four hours a day. She loves him so much, I’m afraid he won’t be able to hold on.

It would be much easier if he could really pull his feet together with Xu Qingshan. And earn more.

However, if you need an animal and a cart to pull your feet, a mature donkey costs seven or eight taels of silver if it is cheaper, and a mule is more expensive, so don’t even think about a horse. I have to buy a car, and a car costs four or five taels, which adds up to twelve taels of silver.

Their family has made some money these days, but they are far from buying donkeys and carts!

“If my aunt is short of money, I still have some.” Xu Qingshan paused, “No, I can borrow some from my cousin.”

Mrs. Chen quickly shook her head, borrow, how much should I borrow? If there is a difference of one, two or two, she will borrow it, and the difference is too much now. Besides, if he borrowed money from his cousin and bought a livestock by himself, it would be great to earn a little more every day, why should he help them.

This favor is too great, she dare not accept it.

“Good boy, I know what you mean. I will tell Uncle Jiang about this.” She said.

“En.” Xu Qingshan nodded.

The more Mrs. Chen looked at Xu Qingshan, the more satisfied she became. If Jiang Yunzhu could really marry him, and the husband and wife worked hard together, wouldn’t life be a bad day?

“Have you eaten yet?” She asked Xu Qingshan while lifting the lid of the soup bucket.

Seeing that she was about to bring him something to eat, Xu Qingshan quickly shook his head, wanting to say that he was not hungry, but his stomach growled uncooperatively.

He blushed in embarrassment.

Mrs. Chen smiled, and filled a large bowl full of Hu spicy soup for him, and brought him seven or eight oil buns on the table for him to eat quickly.

Xu Qingshan could only sit down and eat.

After eating, he wants to give money to Mrs. Chen, but Mrs. Chen is not willing to ask for it.

The two debated for a while, and finally decided that Mrs. Chen invited him to eat this time, and next time he came again, he would pay again.

During this time, Jiang Yunzhu sold three more bowls of Hu spicy soup, and the last customer had six steamed buns left. Originally, she bought five steamed buns for a bowl of soup, but she gave him all six, which made the customer happy. Straightforward to come tomorrow.

Business is over for today.

Jiang Yunzhu and Mrs. Chen packed up, Xu Qingshan helped. It turned out that they used a small cart to push things back every day, but today Xu Qingshan directly put the things and the small cart on the donkey cart, which saves a lot of trouble.

Mrs. Chen really wanted to buy a donkey cart. Originally, she had the same thought as Jiang Cheng, and when she made money, she would build a house. Only when she had her own house could she feel at ease. But now she feels that the donkey cart is more urgent.

Xu Qingshan drove the donkey cart back, and asked Mrs. Chen on the way, “Auntie, are you going to the town later? My father asked me to come back to the town today to buy some soybean meal for the donkey. If you go, you can sit with me.” car.”

In the past, when Chen and the others set up a stall, they would eat something to sleep and go to the town to do some shopping after getting up.

Today… “Yunzhu, let’s go to town first after we have some food!” Chen Shi said. One, you can take a ride, otherwise they would have to walk five or six miles to the town every time to buy something, and then carry it back five or six miles, which would be really tiring.

Two, she naturally has her own mind.

Jiang Yunzhu wanted to go back to sleep, but today she really had to go to the town first. She promised Vice General Zhao and the three of them would deliver meals to them at noon, and she would go to the town to buy things early.

“Okay, then I will trouble Brother Xu.” Jiang Yunzhu said.

Xu Qingshan’s face blushed again when Brother Xu called out.

Mrs. Chen is someone who has been here before, so why can’t she understand Xu Qingshan’s mind, she suddenly had an idea in her mind.

After a while, the donkey cart arrived at the gate of Jiang’s house.

Xu Qingshan helped unload things, and said that he was fine in the morning, and the two of Chen could just call him after dinner.

“What else is there to eat, Yunzhu, since you want to sell lunch and dinner, why don’t you look at the prices of all kinds of vegetables in the town? You also need to buy things for lunch, so there is no time to delay.

How about this, you go to the town with Qingshan, and buy something to eat when you’re hungry.

I left it for Jiang Lin and the others to cook and clean up the kitchen. Let’s do both, and if the three guests are satisfied, then we can do business in the future, right? “Chen’s words are well-founded.

Jiang Yunzhu thought about it too, this morning, he was really busy.

They were talking at the door, and in the side room, Yang Sheng had seen Jiang Yunzhu come back.

Seeing a young man standing next to her, the young man was busy, and would glance at Jiang Yunzhu from time to time, he sighed, “Sure enough, that idiot has appeared.”

The reason why he said this was the phrase “a clever woman always sleeps with a clumsy husband” when he first met Jiang Yunzhu. At that time, he said that Jiang Yunzhu had a clever mind, but her background was humble, and she might only marry an ordinary farmer in the future. It’s not a pity.

Looking at it now, it really is.

Seeing that such a good girl will spend her whole life in the mountains, dealing with firewood, rice, oil and salt every day, like a pearl covered in dust, Yang Sheng naturally sighed.

Shen Fengming looked out because of his words, and saw Jiang Yunzhu standing there with her black hair in his hands in the morning light, the warm golden sun shone on her body, like pearls and jade, the beauty was bright, and everything around her seemed to be a foil .

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