Wonderful Life After Exchanging Fate

Chapter 126

Chapter 125

Sure enough, Lin Ting’s expression changed immediately, “What did you say?”

“Haha.” Excited, excited, and a little bit disappointed, Jiang Yunxiu suddenly laughed, laughing until tears flowed out.

But soon she couldn’t laugh anymore, Lin Ting’an grabbed her neck and almost strangled her to death.

“What do you mean by what you just said?” Lin Ting’an asked with a livid face.

Jiang Yunxiu was out of breath, the fear of death made her calm down, and she began to regret what she said just now.

But Lin Ting’an would never give her a chance to regret it.

A quarter of an hour later, Lin Ting’an learned that Jiang Yunxiu had a dream when Jiang’s family was selling people. In the dream, Jiang Yunzhu got the short branch, so she was sold to Anpinghou’s mansion, and then married him. .

But in reality, Jiang Yunxiu snatched the short branch, and it became what it is now.

As for Shen Fengming, he might have met Jiang Yunzhu in his dream, but the two of them had no fate.

Jiang Yunzhu was supposed to be his, and she was his… This thought swirled in Lin Ting’an’s mind, swallowing him like a giant python.

He only felt that his chest was stuffy, his throat was sweet, and he almost vomited a mouthful of blood.

Jiang Yunxiu was terrified by his appearance. Taking advantage of his loss of consciousness, she broke free from his hand, climbed into the carriage, and left in a hurry.

Lin Ting’an didn’t care about her, he had to think about what she said now.

In the study, Lin Ting sat quietly for a long time. Dreaming is illusory, and he himself had many dreams, but he thought about it day and night. But what Jiang Yunxiu said was very realistic.

Could that dream be true? Or is there really a past life in this world?

What happened that day, Lin Ting’an wanted to give up Jiang Yunzhu, but now, the more he thought about it, the more he felt that Jiang Yunzhu should belong to him.

She would make his favorite tea, and her presence by his side made him feel like she was supposed to be there.

Maybe people really have reincarnation… Lin Ting’an looked at the portrait on the wall next to him, with a different look in his eyes.

He wants her.

Since she was his wife in the dream, he wants to marry her now!

What to do… He tapped the tabletop lightly with his hands.

On the fourth day, a major case occurred in Changzhou, and Emperor Qinglong asked Shen Fengming to investigate it quickly.

Shen Fengming took the order to go to other places to investigate the case, which was nothing to him at all. He used to just walk away. But this time, he was worried about Jiang Yunzhu.

I can’t wait to bring her with me all the time, but I know that it won’t work.

“I asked the emperor’s grandmother for Yizhi. If you enter the palace, no matter where you go, you can take Shiliu with you. If something happens, she knows what to do.” Shen Fengming told Jiang Yunzhu.

“Okay.” Jiang Yunzhu agreed.

“This time Yang Sheng will stay in the capital. If you are outside the palace, you can find him if anything happens, and he will help you.” Shen Fengming said again.


“This bracelet, I’ve already had someone fill it with a flying needle, remember to use it when it’s dangerous.”

“it is good.”

“No matter what happens, you can wait until I get back.”

Listening to his instructions, Jiang Yunzhu’s heart was touched. He was probably the person who cared about her most in the world.

“You also pay attention to safety, come back early.” Jiang Yunzhu said. In fact, she was also worried about him.

“I will.” Shen Fengming got closer to her while speaking.

He wrapped his arms around her waist, unwilling to let go.

She gently wrapped her arms around his waist, listening to his beating heartbeat, and didn’t want him to leave for a while.

In the end, Shen Fengming let go of Jiang Yunzhu, and when he came back, he would definitely ask the Empress Dowager to give them a marriage.

He wants her!

After Shen Fengming left, Jiang Yunzhu still opened restaurants, cooked dishes, teased Simba, joked with Mr. Wu and others, but she always thought of him unconsciously, and then wondered when he would come back.

On this day, Emperor Qinglong saw an excerpt, which was submitted by Lin Ting’an. He analyzed the current situation of Xia Dynasty, Xirong, and Beidi in detail. Difference.

If the Xia Dynasty had another 50,000 cavalry, it would be no problem to wipe out Xirong and Beidi.

His exposition was well-founded, and it went straight to Emperor Qinglong’s heart. Xi Rong dared to send someone to assassinate him last year, if it wasn’t for Shen Fengming, he would have died long ago, he wanted to kill Xi Rong long ago, but he had no chance.

Of course he wanted 50,000 iron cavalry, but Xirong and Beidi always regarded their war horses as treasures and never sold them to Xia Chao. Xia Chao’s own horses were indeed inferior to others. Where did the 50,000 iron cavalry come from?

Lin Ting’an really has a solution. He has already contacted several businessmen in Beidi. He can buy a batch of good horses from Beidi and hire someone to breed them. In a few years, the Xia Dynasty will have 50,000 cavalry.

Emperor Qinglong was overjoyed after seeing it, and immediately recruited Lin Ting’an. If he could accomplish this, he would definitely reward him heavily.

However, Lin Ting’an knelt down and said that he didn’t want any big rewards. He only hoped that Emperor Qinglong would help him marry him and give him the county master Yunrong as his wife.

“County Master Yunrong.” Emperor Qinglong really remembered Jiang Yunzhu, and he was mainly involved in that incident. At that time, he lost his temper and demoted Concubine Wu.

He still remembered that Jiang Yunzhu seemed to have taken that kind of medicine at that time, and seemed to be taken away by Shen Fengming.

Shen Fengming and Jiang Yunzhu… If Jiang Yunzhu had already become his, this marriage could not be granted.

“Your Majesty, I really fall in love with County Master Yunrong, and I beg His Majesty to help you.” Lin Tingan acted as if he wanted Jiang Yunzhu.

Emperor Qinglong immediately understood why he had taken this book suddenly, and he wanted him to give him a marriage. If he didn’t give it to him, would the horse buying business still be possible? It may or may not work.

It means that if you give Jiang Yunzhu to him, you can exchange 50,000 cavalry?

Emperor Qinglong wanted to agree immediately, not to mention Jiang Yunzhu, as long as he had 50,000 cavalry, even if Lin Tingan wanted a few princesses, he would give them to him.

But Lin Ting’an’s way of asking for repayment is too obvious. Emperor Qinglong wants to delay him, otherwise everyone will do this in the future, what majesty does he have as an emperor.

“Let me think about it.” Emperor Qinglong said.

“Thank you, Your Majesty.” Lin Ting’an withdrew.

In the main hall, Emperor Qinglong was sitting there, thinking of Jiang Yunzhu and Shen Fengming. Suddenly, he thought of Shen Fengming’s departure from Beijing when a big case happened in Changzhou two days ago. As soon as he left Beijing, Lin Ting’an came to propose marriage, everything seemed too coincidental.

Also, Shen Fengming’s character is also very stubborn and stubborn. If Jiang Yunzhu is really his, Lin Ting’an wants to ask him for a marriage, but he can only do it when he is not around.

But Shen Fengming will come back sooner or later.

Emperor Qinglong became uncertain again, he wanted fifty thousand iron cavalry, but he also valued Shen Fengming very much, so what about this marriage?

He got up and decided to discuss it with the empress dowager.

In the Palace of Compassion, Emperor Qinglong had finished his meal with the Empress Dowager, so he found an excuse and chatted about Shen Fengming and Jiang Yunzhu.

The empress dowager was also about to tell him about it.

Emperor Qinglong wanted to ask if Jiang Yunzhu had become Shen Fengming’s person.

The empress dowager knew that the two of them were innocent.

Emperor Qinglong was surprised and pleasantly surprised, Shen Fengming didn’t even want Jiang Yunzhu like this? Maybe he really doesn’t like women.

The empress dowager’s face sank, her grandson is a gentleman, how could he take advantage of others’ danger.

“Fengming begged me to give them a marriage. I am going to discuss this matter with the emperor, what does the emperor think?” the empress dowager asked. These two days, the more the Empress Dowager thought about it, the more she felt that Shen Fengming should be fulfilled.

It was the first time he begged her, no matter what, she should agree.

Emperor Qinglong looked embarrassed, and told about Lin Ting’an begging him to marry him. And emphatically, that is 50,000 cavalry. With these 50,000 cavalry, Xia Dynasty has nothing to fear.

“If you don’t give him a marriage, won’t he be able to do this?” The empress dowager asked angrily.

It should be possible, but in case something goes wrong… Emperor Qinglong doesn’t want to have those accidents. Besides, if Lin Ting’an really did it, he should have been rewarded heavily.

The empress dowager also pondered.

In the end, neither of them came to an agreement. Emperor Qinglong definitely wanted to give Jiang Yunzhu to Lin Ting’an, especially after he knew that Jiang Yunzhu was not from Shen Fengming.

The Empress Dowager was a little shaken, she was not reconciled to giving the person Shen Fengming liked to someone else. However, she also knew that the imperial court needed those horses.

After Emperor Qinglong left, the Empress Dowager thought for a moment, and said to Nanny Qi, “Let Danyang come to see me.”

Half an hour later, Princess Danyang entered the palace to meet the Empress Dowager.

“Do you know that Fengming asked me to give him a marriage. He wants to marry Yunrong county master.” The empress dowager directly asked Princess Danyang.

Princess Danyang was startled, but quickly calmed down again. She still understands her own son. He will do what he decides.

“Today, the eldest son of the Marquis of Anping, please ask the emperor to give him the wife of County Lord Yunrong.” The empress dowager said again.

This sentence was far beyond Princess Danyang’s expectation.

The Empress Dowager talked about Lin Tingan’s purchase and breeding of war horses, and finally said to Princess Danyang, “I called you here to ask what you mean.

It was the first time Fengming liked a girl, and it was also the first time he begged me, he is not in Beijing now, if he comes back, he finds that the person he likes is given to someone else as his wife…” The Empress Dowager was silent, she didn’t know, when Shen Fengming How would you react.

Sad, or… His personality is cold, and he can do anything.

She didn’t want to make trouble like that.

Princess Danyang also felt nervous. If that was the case, she was afraid that she would really lose her son. Especially, if he knew, she knew about it, but she didn’t stop it.

As for Lin Ting’an and those 50,000 cavalry, to her, her son is not as important.

Fifty thousand cavalry is just a plan, who knows what will happen in the future.

Besides, I heard that Lin Ting’an is very close to the sixth prince. Even if there are 50,000 cavalry, it is not certain whether the cavalry will charge in or out!

Of course, Princess Danyang didn’t say this, but the more she thought about it, the more she felt that she couldn’t give Jiang Yunzhu to Lin Ting’an.

What her son likes, it’s no one else’s turn.

“So, what do you mean, give Fengming a marriage, and ask Yunrong County Lord to give him a wife?” The Empress Dowager laughed.

Princess Danyang suddenly felt that she had been fooled. As soon as she agreed, Jiang Yunzhu would become Shen Fengming’s official wife.

However, she seemed unable to refuse.

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