Wonderful Life After Exchanging Fate

Chapter 10

Chapter 9

“Girl Jiang?” Seeing Jiang Yunzhu only staring at him, Gu Yanzhou reminded him.

Jiang Yunzhu regained consciousness, the chaotic thoughts in her mind were cut off immediately, and she couldn’t remember where she had heard the name Gu Yanzhou.

She greeted him and looked him up and down again.

Gu Yanzhou found it strange that she looked at him so generously, so he let her look at him.

However, Jiang Yunzhu looked away and offered to leave. She was still in a hurry to go home and prepare for business.

After two days of busy work, I was finally ready.

Just after dawn on the third day, the market at the foot of the mountain became lively.

At this point, the soldiers stationed in the mine were changing guards, and the laid-off soldiers were already so hungry that their chests were stuck to their backs. The army has breakfast for the soldiers, a large pot of pancakes and a pot of poor thin soup with few leaves. Some soldiers go to eat it, and some soldiers want to improve their food, so they come to the foot of the mountain.

At this time, some early miners also arrived at the foot of the mountain, and the place was bustling with people.

In the northwest corner of the market, you can smell an attractive fragrance from a long distance.

That taste hooked people’s gluttons out.

Walking there, I saw a small stall at the farthest corner of the market. There was a stove in front of the stall. There was a large casserole on the stove. The casserole was gurgling and the strong fragrance Came out of there.

Seeing someone coming, Jiang Yunzhu uncovered the casserole and turned the meat in the casserole with a spoon.

I saw a large piece of meat, ruddy in color, trembling in the bright soup. With the turning of the girl’s spoon, the thick soup covered the whole piece of meat, which showed that it was full of heat.

In the morning of late autumn, my stomach was burning with hunger and my body was full of chills. When I suddenly saw this hot pot of meat, everyone couldn’t help swallowing.

Someone asked Jiang Yunzhu how the meat was sold.

“This meat is chopped and eaten in pancakes, six cents each.” Jiang Yunzhu said, and lifted the small quilt next to him, revealing half a basket of snow-white wheat-flavored cakes.

Six pennies is a little expensive. You must know that these miners only pay twenty pennies for a day of hard work, and the monthly salary of those soldiers is only five pennies.

Jiang Yunzhu had expected this would be the case, she was just using the smell of meat to attract people here.

At the right time, she opened the big wooden barrel next to her, revealing a bucket of steaming hot soup. Immediately, a strong aroma of mutton mixed with various aromas such as pepper rushed to her face.

“This is Bazhen Soup, also known as Hu La Tang. It costs three pennies a bowl. Buy a bowl of soup and get five steamed buns for free.” She said briskly. This is what she decided after discussing with Mr. Chen. It is better to sell soup for two pennies than three pennies. It is attractive to give oil buns.

People always feel that they are taking advantage of the things they give away, but they don’t know that the price has already been added to the things they sell.

Soup with Pepper? I’ve never heard of it, but the soup is really delicious, and the price is not expensive. Some people stood there and didn’t want to leave, so they immediately bought a bowl of soup.

The wooden spoon scooped out a spoonful of soup from the wooden bucket, and saw that the soup was actually thick, and it was full of ingredients such as bean curd, vermicelli, and radish. worth it.

When I took a sip of the thick soup into my mouth, the taste of pepper hit my forehead, I just felt refreshed. Spicy, overbearingly spicy, but just right. Not only is it spicy, but the light sour taste is mixed with the aroma of mutton and many other flavors, which makes people feel full of saliva and feel comfortable all over.

This is a bowl of soup, and it’s not just soup. There is something to chew in your mouth, and there is something to eat.

Soak the oil buns in it, full of satiety.

While eating, some people praised the soup as delicious. After drinking a bowl of soup, the chills on the body disappeared, and there was faint sweat from the tip of the nose.

In such an autumn, such a morning, it seems that such a bowl of soup should be drunk to give people strength.

A new day begins!

Some people said it was good, and other people who were watching couldn’t help but bought a bowl to try it, and they really felt good.

Some people also began to buy meat pancakes. It turns out that although the monthly salary of the soldiers here is not high, but guarding such a gold bump in the mine, there is a lot of oil and water, so the soldiers have money in their hands.

The main reason is that the smell of the stew is too fragrant…

The crispy white cake, served with glutinous and smooth minced meat, and poured with a little bright soup, the aromas of various colors are progressive in the mouth, making people unable to stop eating, straight to the point that the six yuan is worth the money up! This taste seems to be better than that of Fumanju in the county.

The business at the stall suddenly became prosperous.

Mrs. Chen was in charge of serving the soup, Jiang Yunzhu cut the meat to make meat pancakes, Jiang Lin and Jiang Yunxue cleaned up the dishes. It was not time to go to work, Jiang Cheng would go wherever he needed, the family was very busy .

The soup, cakes, and even the steamed buns are all made at home, as long as they are served to the guests, the rest is to clean up the dishes. Jiang Yunzhu has already thought about everything, so everyone is busy and not chaotic, and they didn’t call a guest for a long time. Wait, no one left.

More than half an hour passed, and the things were basically sold out. When the mine started to work, Jiang Cheng had already gone to the mine, and the stall became deserted.

Everyone seemed to be fighting a tense battle, nervous and excited at the same time. Now that I am free, everyone looks at Jiang Yunzhu, how is business today? Although they had feelings, they still wanted to confirm with Jiang Yunzhu.

Jiang Yunzhu took care of collecting the money, and already had a rough estimate. He first stretched out a finger to everyone, and then stretched out a hand, which meant that he sold about 150 Wen.

Mrs. Chen couldn’t believe it at all. Jiang Yunzhu had already done calculations with Mr. Chen at home before. These meals were nearly half of the profit. They sold for 150 Wen, didn’t they make 75 Wen?

Seventy-five Wen a day, how much is a month? Two taels of silver…Chen felt his face was red and his ears were hot, and he couldn’t even breathe freely.

“Let’s go back and continue selling at noon.” She didn’t feel tired at all at this time, her mind was full of this business, and she completely forgot that she didn’t agree with Jiang Yunzhu to do this business before.

Jiang Yunzhu quickly shook her head, the soup needs to be stewed for a long time to be delicious, and the cakes and buns also need time to make. They started preparing yesterday, and they got up before three o’clock this morning, so they prepared these things.

How can there be time to sell it at noon? Besides, it’s not suitable to sell these things at noon.

It’s too tiring, and now everyone is supported by a wave of energy, and when the energy goes down for a while, they will all be so sleepy that their eyelids will fight.

It’s only a little past seven o’clock, and the market is close to Changshi Village. If they pack up their things and go back, they can still get some sleep, Jiang Yunzhu thought.

Hearing what she said, Mrs. Chen could only give up unwillingly.

The family packed up their things and returned home happily.

At the gate of Jiang’s house, Jiang Wu stood there, looking around the road from time to time, when he saw a few familiar figures, he immediately shouted inside, “Grandfather, mother and the others are back.” With short legs, he rushed towards Chen Shi like a gallop.

Chen Shi hugged him, full of joy.

When he got to the door, Mr. Chen was already standing there waiting.

“How?” he asked.

“It’s okay.” Jiang Yunzhu said with a smile.

However, Mrs. Chen glanced at her, what’s okay, the business is obviously very good, her daughter is more calm than her now.

Thinking of this, she also smiled.

When the family entered the house, Jiang Yunzhu dumped the pot of money onto the table, spilling a large piece of copper coins, with an indescribably crisp and pleasant voice.

Chen seems to have turned into a money fan, and immediately sat at the table and counted the coins one by one.

One hundred and sixty-three cash, ten cash more than Jiang Yunzhu thought. After deducting the cost, he made a net profit of eighty cash, which was four times Jiang Cheng’s salary.

Chen shi beamed with joy.

After Jiang Yunzhu passed the excitement, she really felt that it was okay. On this day, their family, including Mr. Chen, were all helping out. A total of six people were busy working, and they only earned 80 Wen. Is that much?

That is hard money.

It was really hard work, I went to bed so late last night, and got up before three o’clock this morning, the whole thing turned black and white.

She thought, after saving enough capital, she should stop doing this business, otherwise everyone’s health would be overwhelmed.

However, Chen felt that she was not satisfied. People like them usually have no place to make money, but now they can earn so much, so there is nothing to be dissatisfied with.

She told Jiang Yunzhu to go to bed quickly, and she prepared things for tomorrow. She was not afraid of hardship or tiredness, as long as she had money to make.

Jiang Yunzhu asked her to take a rest as well. Money is endless, and health is the most important thing. Otherwise, when she gets sick, the money will not be enough to spend.

Only then did Mrs. Chen go back to her room to rest.

Lying on the bed, she couldn’t sleep. According to today’s situation, plus Jiang Cheng’s wages, they will have nearly two or three taels of income every month.

She thought of Jiang Yunxiu, if she could have made so much money earlier, she would never have sold her.

I don’t know how she is doing now, and whether there will be a chance to see her again in the future.

At this time, Jiang Yunxiu finally arrived at the Marquis of Anping, the place she had hoped for.

The heads of people killed by Shen Fengming in Changfeng Mansion are rolling, everyone in Changfeng Mansion is in danger, not to mention those officials and wealthy businessmen, even the brothels and Chu Houses dare not show off, who would buy girls.

Mrs. Zhang didn’t dare to sell it anymore, for fear that all those Qilin guards would dislike her, and even her would be clicked.

After discussing with acquaintances, she took a few girls to Luzhou.

Just in time for the old lady’s birthday in the Anping Hou Mansion, there was a lack of people in the mansion, so she immediately brought Jiang Yunxiu and a few other girls to the door.

In the end, Jiang Yunxiu sold it at a price of twelve taels of silver.

Today is the first day she entered Anpinghou’s mansion, although she entered through the corner door at the back, but looking at the pavilions, towers and pavilions on the left and right, the majestic and magnificent structures are really more gorgeous than she imagined in her dream.

Thinking that Jiang Yunzhu lived in this kind of place in her dream, but she lived in a dilapidated house full of wind and rain, she was very lucky, glad that she snatched that short branch.

This time it’s finally her turn to be rich and prosperous!

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