Wizard System: Dissecting a Mutated Monster From the Start

Chapter 22

Chapter 22: Learning Corrosive Water

Spells learned by Rank 1 Wizards were divided into two shadow spells, and one fire, water and wood spells each.

These spells were the most basic among these attributes.

The difficulty of learning the two shadow spells was higher than the other ones.

After Spirit Enlightenment, Edward’s spiritual power was connected to the natural elements of the world, and he could use them at any time.

The stronger one’s spiritual power was, the more elements they could mobilize.

Finally, the spell was cast through an incantation.

“System, list out the requirements for all five spells.”

[System prompt: Undergoing spell analysis…]

[Night Stealth: By mobilizing dark elements to integrate with oneself, walking in the dark is very convenient for killing. Condition: Dark element control, construct the spell channel, and establish a foundation of negative energy.]

[Shadow Control: Use the powerful mobilization of dark elements to form various shapes to control the enemy. Condition: Dark element control, construct the spell channel, establish a foundation of negative energy, powerful spiritual power and meticulous control.]

[Thorn Vine: Use the natural elements contained in the air to construct vines that are full of thorns out of thin air to restrain the enemy. Condition: Construct the spell channel and wood element control. Hidden Trait: Poison Mastery]

[Corrosive Water: Mobilize the water elements in the air and form an acidic ball with strong corrosive properties. Condition: Construct the spell channel, water element control and the prerequisite alchemy spell, Corrosion.]

[Blazing Fireball: Condense the fire elements to summon a fireball burning in flames to attack the enemy, it is very powerful. Condition: Construct the spell channel and fire element control.]

After reading it all, Edward decided to practice Corrosive Water.

A few days ago, apart from drawing inscriptions, he had been researching alchemy. With the help of the system, he managed to get a basic grasp of alchemy through the various materials on the monster.

The construction of the spell channel was basically the recitation of incantation when casting spells.

As long as the system memorized all the paths in the spell channel, he would be able to cast spells without chanting.

At that time, his power would far surpass that of his peers.

“System, list me the inscription of the Corrosive Water Spell!”

[System prompt: Transmission in progress…]

As the system’s voice sounded, the inscriptions in his mind that were originally irregular began to automatically arrange themselves. Soon, a row of incantations appeared.

The pronunciation of the inscription was obscure and difficult to understand.

Edward had no choice but to recite the similar syllables given by the system.


A series of cryptic incantations came out of Edward’s mouth as the mysterious power in his body began to circulate through the special channels.

The operating pathways were recorded in the archives.

Halfway through the incantation, a fist-sized dark green liquid suddenly appeared on his left hand. It seemed to contain a very strong corrosive property.

White bubbles kept popping out.

“Not a bad color!”

Edward praised and flung the acid liquid forward. The dark green liquid drew a perfect path in the air and landed on a tree in the forest.


White smoke rose from the corroded skin of the tree trunk. The sound continued to ring out, and a strange acidic smell spread in all directions.

Edward could not help but pinch his nose.

This smell was really terrible.

A few seconds later, the tree trunk was completely corroded, and the whole lush green tree was completely corroded. A large hole was also made by the liquid that corroded the ground.

There were even bubbles of acid inside.

Edward smiled despite the pungent smell. He had learned the first part of the spell already.

Now, he could feel the magic circulating in the channel, and at the same time, he could feel the expenditure of a large amount of mysterious power in his body.

He could only use it a few times now.

With that thought, Edward summoned the system.

“System, how’s the examination of the magic channel?”

“Use the power analysis as a reference!”

[System prompt: The toughness of the tree is currently being added into the power database. Power comparison has been established. Analyzing the Corrosive Water: Power: 13.7, Range: 2 meters, Cast Time: 6 seconds.]

According to the power standard given by the system,

1 point of power was equivalent to an adult brandishing an ax with all his strength. 2 was the full-powered strike of a Bronze Knight, and so on and so forth.

Meanwhile, the lowest level spell an elementary wizard could learn already had a power of over 13.

Edward smiled. Indeed, his efforts to find the mysterious power were not in vain. This was much more interesting than the knight system.

Now, before the Royal Family’s plan was formulated, he should first practice these five spells and deal with them in advance.

“System, open my character panel!”

[Host: Edward Feylan]

[Identity: Heir to the Feylan Family]

[Strength: Rank 1 Wizard (Sky Knight)]

[Constitution: 72]

[Spiritual Power: 32]

[Bloodline: Snake of Curses]

[Ability: Corrosive Water (Lv1)]

[Special Passive: Spirit Vision, Pressure, Heat Sensor…]

His spiritual power had reached 32 thanks to his hard work over the past few days while the change in his constitution was not that obvious.

Even though Edward’s spiritual power was 32 times that of an ordinary person, he could only use the Corrosive Water Spell four times!

Furthermore, the interface of the system had been updated and there was an additional ability column.

This had never happened before.

This happened after he mastered the Corrosive Water Spell.

The various spear techniques, sword skills, and various combat abilities that he had learned from the Royal Knights were not included too.

Was it because they were not qualified enough?!


Time passed quickly in the days when Duke Ják fell into despair and contemplation. In the blink of an eye, half a month had gone by.

It had been a whole month, so long that Edward suspected that the Royal Family had forgotten about them.

For the time being, he did not think about that trivial matter.

During this month, he had already mastered five basic spell techniques.

He had spent a whole week learning the two most difficult shadow spells.

Furthermore, all the spell incantations had been simplified so that the system could control the channeling of mysterious power without chanting.

Each spell could be cast in just one second.

According to the good news given by the system, if it was further simplified like this, it would quickly become instantaneous casting.

The system would truly grasp the channel routes of these spell techniques.

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