Wizard System: Dissecting a Mutated Monster From the Start

Chapter 15

Chapter 15: Spirit Enlightenment, Embracing Mystery

Translator: Atlas Studios  Editor: Atlas Studios

Carrying such expectations, Edward reached the door of the last room in the blink of an eye.

This was his only hope.

He pushed open the stone door, and blue light poured out. As the door opened, a room that was illuminated by blue light appeared before Edward’s eyes.

This was a room that was slightly smaller than the other two rooms. In this small room, a pool of water that was emitting blue light was built in the middle.

The system in Edward’s mind quickly gave the prompt about high energy fluctuations. The mysterious power was about to break away from the color of red.

“System, scan this pond immediately!”

Edward surveyed his surroundings and suddenly found a round iron ball floating in midair beside the pool.

Just as he was about to go over and investigate, the system scan results came out.

[System prompt: According to the results of this scan, this pool contains energy that exceeds mystery level 5. However, the energy is gentle and there is no sign of an outburst. However, please be careful.]


Edward narrowed his eyes as he looked at the lake that was emitting energy. He had a guess.

For now, it was better to figure out that ball.

Perhaps the answer was hidden inside?

Edward reached along the wall and grabbed the floating iron ball.

Nothing happened.

Could there be a hidden door?

As he looked around suspiciously, the system’s voice sounded in his mind.

[System prompt: Found a linkable item. Constructing the corresponding interface. Interface completed. Would you like to connect to it directly?]

This iron ball was indeed not normal.


Edward waited patiently. As time passed, the system’s connection mission was activated.

[System prompt: The connection mission has been activated. Requested connection has failed. System has activated invasion mode. Please wait!]

Before Edward could react, the system’s invasion was completed.

[System prompt: This invasion has been completed. Information obtained: 1 Wizard Spirit Awakening recorded, 37 Wizard Meditation Techniques recorded, 3 Alchemy Potion Recipes found, 1 Elementary Wizard Magic recorded, 1 Alchemy Puppet recorded, 1 Wizard Language Dictionary…]


A smile appeared on Edward’s face, and the relevant knowledge from the system flooded into his mind.

The matter regarding the way to becoming a wizard was finally resolved.

At this moment, he was suddenly enlightened when it came to information related to another wondrous scene in the Golin Mountain Range.

Moon Lake!

At the bottom of the Moon Lake, there was a spirit vein spring that did not dissolve in water. That was a place where Wizards had to pass through in order to undergo Spirit Enlightenment. It was also a spirit vein that Wizards had specially opened up for experiments.

After all, the preferences of Wizards were to leave behind strange ruins on various continents in the world.

This had already been recorded in that plain and simple ancient book.

As for the mysterious water in front of him, according to the information left behind, it was a teleportation portal to Moon Lake. However, due to the experiment, it was no longer used.

As for the current situation, Edward was not in a hurry to go to the bottom of the lake to perform Spirit Enlightenment.

The prerequisite to becoming a Wizard was to first learn how to refine spiritual power, and then perform Spirit Enlightenment on the body. Only after completing all of this could one become a true Wizard!

Now that he had 37 different meditation techniques, he decided to choose one that suited him.

After all, there was nowhere safer than here.

“System, select the most suitable meditation technique and use my body as the reference point.”

Now, Edward could only rely on the system’s analysis to choose the most suitable meditation technique for himself.

This Wizard who traveled around the world had stored too many meditation techniques, and each one had a different circulation route than the other.

[System prompt: The host’s body is currently the reference point, trying to filter the meditation techniques…]

[System prompt: The selection of meditation techniques has been completed. The three meditation techniques most suitable for the host’s physical characteristics have been selected. Merlin Academy’s meditation technique, compatibility: 87%, Dark Wizard’s meditation technique, compatibility: 87.7%, Old Ones’ meditation technique, compatibility: 93.6%.]


These three books were all famous meditation techniques in the wizard world.

Having absorbed more than half of the knowledge of a traveling wizard, Edward could be said to be an experienced intellectual in the wizard world. He knew everything he should know, and he knew many taboos he should not know.

Some strange meditation techniques easily encountered strange and indescribable existences during meditation. Using these meditation techniques, it could be said that Wizards would become slaves to these existences for the rest of their lives.

The Old Ones’ meditation technique that had the highest compatibility with Edward was one that was hated by everyone in the Wizard World. Even some necromancers hated this meditation technique.

Besides, even a Muppet could visualize and cultivate the Old Ones’ meditation technique to undergo Spirit Enlightenment.

Excluding the most dangerous Old Ones’ meditation technique, Edward needed to choose between the Merlin Academy’s meditation technique and the Dark Wizard’s meditation technique!

Looking at the analysis provided by the system, Merlin Academy’s meditation technique was also more suitable for most people. The main focus was the growth of spiritual power.

The results of the analysis of the Dark Wizard’s meditation technique was, without a doubt, related to darkness and curses.

Edward, who had fused with the Snake of Curses, had the origin source of curses in his body, and curse was the closest attribute to death.

Excluding the Old Ones’ meditation technique that was always dangerous and harmful, as well as the mediocre Merlin Academy’s meditation technique, Edward already had an answer in his heart. Without a doubt, he chose to use the Dark Wizard’s meditation technique.

With the origin of the curse and the Dark Wizard’s meditation technique that had similar origins, the outcome was not as simple as just adding them together.


In the hall of the ruin, Edward sat cross-legged on the ground and began to cultivate his Dark Wizard’s meditation technique.

With the help of the system, his consciousness quickly fell into an extremely peaceful state.

First of all, he had to guide his spiritual power into the space of his consciousness.

Then, in the pitch-black space of consciousness, he began the first step of the meditation technique.

Drawing mysterious inscriptions!

Using his spiritual power to draw an inscription meant he had officially entered the wizard world.

He was now becoming a Apprentice Wizard.

The number of inscriptions needed to be drawn by a Rank 1 Wizard was nine, and a Rank 2 Wizard had to draw nine as well. However, the difficulty of drawing the inscriptions at higher levels would increase progressively.


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