Wizard: Starting With the Knights Breathing Method

Chapter 49: Too Weak, Too Weak, Too Weak

Levi didn’t expect that his assassin would be so rich!

He poured all of the gold coins into a small bag, and based on weight, he had about 3,000 gold coins!

Damn, I should become an assassin myself, Levi thought.

What Levi didn’t know was that Bernard was a well-accomplished assassin. Having this many gold coins is normal for an assassin like him.

Besides, Bernard was saving this amount of money to earn something important back.

Making money isn’t difficult when you’re doing it illegally.

If you disregard morality, money comes easy.

Levi searched through Bernard’s home again, wanting to find any traces of the breathing method that he once practised.

So far, the speed of this assassin has been incredibly fast.

However, to his disappointment, he couldn’t find anything valuable.

Late at night, the raven’s song pierces through the silent darkness.

Levi leaned on Frostmourne with one hand and sat at the long table of Bernard’s home, eating the food and water he had packed as he waited.

His minor injuries were healed as if he weren’t even injured.

He praised the fact that his breathing method was focused on defence. When encountering assassins, having a great defence is king.

Time passed minute by minute, and Levi didn’t feel sleepy at all.

The crows would soon return to their nest, and soon, silent footfalls could be heard outside the door.

Levi’s eyes moved like those of a predator, ready to pounce on his prey.

A slightly hesitant figure walked into Bernard’s mansion. He saw the hastily closed gate and blood stains in the yard, and he was full of doubts.

‘What’s the matter with Bernard? Did his mansion get robbed last night?’

As the figure thought absentmindedly, a tall figure blocked the door, wearing a white wolf mask.

“You’re here. Time to die.”

“L-Levi? You’re alive, which means that Bernard is…” the broker exclaimed as his eyes were fixated on Levi towering over him.

The only thing that greeted him was a light that cut through the darkness and brought forth the light.

A slash that rippled through the air struck the broker, and the broker pounced backwards, withdrawing his own sword.

However, with another slash, the sword was flicked out of his grasp, and his whole body was flung violently backwards.

Escape, I must escape, the broker thought as he got up and started to run.

Levi’s strength was terrifying; the broker had no combat experience, as his role was to relay information. He needs to inform the organisation immediately.

‘The Illusory Demon Knight must’ve died by his hand too; I need to warn everybody or all of us will die.’

But how could Levi let his only clue escape? He pounced forward, and the explosive speed brought forth by his Frost Wolf Breathing Method was enough compared to the broker.

Levi caught up with the broker effortlessly, grabbing his shoulder and pressing down hard.

The broker was immediately forced down by Levi’s powerful blow, and his head cracked open like an egg.

“Too weak… too weak… too weak…”

Levi muttered, his words laced with poison. He brought Frostmourne down, nailing the broker’s shoulder blades to the ground.

“Tell me! Who sent you to assassinate me?”

However, the broker remained silent, refusing to say anything.

Such a person is loyal enough to become the broker of the Voice of the Dead Bird.

Levi slashed Frostmourne across his chest little by little, letting his internal organs and flesh roll out of his body, and yet the broker refused to speak.

With death approaching, the broker chuckled painfully: “The Lord of Shadows will bring me back to life, and I will become the cursed shadow that haunts you.”


Frostmourne tore the broker in half.

Levi rummaged through the broker’s broken body, hoping to find any useful clues, but in the end, he found nothing on him.

Levi’s eyes were bloodshot, and steam started to radiate off his body as he bellowed, “Fine! Don’t tell me! I’ll find out sooner or later, and once I get my hands on you…”

Levi brought Frostmourne down upon the broker’s body, minced him into a fine paste, and threw his remains into the fireplace.

Levi went back outside and ate some food, taking a breath of cold, fresh air to restore his sanity.

When he had recovered, the sky was pale, and the first ray of sunshine shone upon his blood-stained face. He washed himself in Bernard’s bathroom, looked at himself in the mirror, and remained silent.

Levi took extra firewood from Bernard’s stash and piled it all up in the mansion.

He lit the firewood in the centre of the mansion, and the raging fire swallowed everything as he disappeared into the distance.

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