Wizard of the Pirate World

Chapter 7

Chapter 7

Chapter VII Practical Assessment

After half a month.

During this period of time, Karen has been practicing at Garp, apart from going to recruit camp for daily exercise during the day.

Although Garp’s training is indeed very strict as he said, he will be greeted by Garp’s fist named the Iron Fist of Love if he is not careful, but Karen is indeed getting stronger at an incredible speed.

In just half a month, all aspects are definitely more than twice as tyrannical as before.

This highlights the importance of having a good leader. Working behind closed doors is far inferior to the personal guidance of a strong person.

And in Karen’s mind, the list of attributes is hanging in it.

The Book of Origin Level 2: 81.2% (You cannot read the Book of Origin.)

Fire Dragon Slayer Magic Tier 2

I believe that it will not be long before Karen’s Book of Origin can be strengthened to the third level.

After finishing today’s training, Garp came to Karen’s side and looked at Karen sweating profusely.

“By the way, boy, speaking of it, the annual actual combat assessment of your recruit camp is about to start.”

“When the time comes, if you dare to embarrass me, you are ready to taste the iron fist of the old man’s love.”

Karen nodded and said:

“Don’t worry, Uncle Garp.”

After half a month of getting along, Karen and Garp have become familiar with each other, and the name has changed from Garp Vice Admiral to Uncle Garp.

“Well, that’s fine.”

As soon as he finished speaking, Garp suddenly punched Karen in the head.


I didn’t expect that Garp would act inexplicably. If he hadn’t known that he couldn’t beat Garp, Karen would have wanted to fight with Garp.

Karen sucked in a breath of cold air and said through gritted teeth:

“Uncle Garp, what are you doing?”

“Haha, it’s nothing, it’s just an inspiration of love, in case you forget the taste of my iron fist of love.”

Garp laughed, then put on a serious look.

Caron listened to a head full of black lines, secretly complaining.

“You are just trying to find an excuse to hit me.”


In front of Naval Headquarters Fortress, a large port.

Ten large warships are neatly arranged here. This year’s Marine recruit, there are a total of ten training camps, one training camp and one large warship, just to carry all the relevant personnel, and Karen is naturally among them.

While other large warships were leaving the port one after another, only Karen’s warship stayed where it was and showed no signs of leaving.

Everyone could remain silent at first, but as time passed, one by one couldn’t bear it any longer and began to whisper.

“What’s the matter, why haven’t you set off yet?”

A Marine recruit, frowned secretly and whispered to his companion next to him.

“You don’t know that.”

The recruit smiled proudly and said:

“It is said that this time, the Chief Instructor of Zephyr personally led the team. I don’t see the Chief Instructor of Zephyr on other warships, so our warship must be waiting for the Chief Instructor of Zephyr.”

“It turned out that Zephyr’s chief Instructor personally led the team.”

Someone took a deep breath and exclaimed:

“So, the gossip some time ago is true. Those who have performed well in the actual combat assessment will have the opportunity to participate in the selection of the elite training camp.”

When it comes to the elite training camp, everyone’s faces are full of longing. Although they are recruits from Naval Headquarters, they have a great advantage over recruits from other Marine branches. Those who graduate from the elite training camp have the minimum rank of major.

More importantly, the elite training camp is a training camp directed by the former Marine Admiral, the current Marine Chief Instructor, and Zephyr.

You know, the current Marine III Admiral, all disciples of Zephyr Admiral, have been trained in the elite training camp.

“It’s a pity that Ren lost this opportunity.”

One of the recruits sighed, and glanced at Karen, who had been closing his eyes and resting beside him.

“Yeah, it is said that he is still bedridden now.”

A Marine recruit went on to say:

“I don’t know if Karen can become the first place in this assessment.”

“Number one, don’t think about it. In my opinion, Karen is capable of entering the elite training camp, but if you want to talk about number one, it is still Drake from the third camp.”

“That’s a total monster.”

At the mention of Drake, the expression on the man’s face turned a little in awe.

Basically, every recruit training camp has a strongest player, and Drake stands at the top of the strongest players. Just five of the strongest players in other training camps have been easily defeated by him. .

“What a contempt for people, why do they say you can’t beat Drake, Karen.”

Ain, who was sitting in the corner with Karen, couldn’t help feeling a little indignant when he heard these remarks.

Karen just smiled and said nothing.

As for Drake, Karen has been paying attention as soon as he entered recruit training camp.

After all, Drake later defected from Marine and became one of the pirate supernovas of the same era as the protagonist Luffy.

“Chiqi X Drake, I don’t know who is stronger between me and you now?”

Karen said secretly in her heart.

After waiting for a while, a figure finally arrived late. Wherever he passed, all the officers on the warship all saluted.

The person who came here is the former Marine Admiral, the current Naval Headquarters recruit camp Instructor, Black Arm Zephyr!

Zephyr boarded the warship, glanced majestically for a week, and then nodded calmly to the Rear Admiral officer beside him.

Officer Rear Admiral understood immediately and hurriedly directed the warship to start leaving the port. *

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