Wizard of the Pirate World

Chapter 25

Chapter 25 All Bombing and Killing

“This recruit is not a Marine Rear Admiral pretending to be.”

“Hmph, it doesn’t matter, what if it were Marine Rear Admiral.”

There are five captain-level characters among the pirates.

One of them is clearly the strongest, and the others are in awe of him.

He is just above the West Blue, at the top of the pirates, with a bounty of up to 80 million Baileys.

In an instant, dozens of pirates were killed, but Karen’s breath was still stable as usual.

He looked at the five pirate captains who finally showed up on the pirate ship. There was no emotion in his eyes, but only a cold killing intent that could freeze his heart.

Pirates and Marines are originally two sides of the opposite. As long as they meet, there is no need to say much.

The battle broke out again.

The five pirates are captain-level characters, and their strength far exceeds all the pirates before.

But to Karen, it means nothing, just waving his fists in a normal way, and the fists are crushing everything.

As soon as the battle started, Karen pressed the five pirate captains with absolute strength.

Colonel Marine, who was stunned on the spot, stared blankly at this scene, the long sword in his hand had fallen to the ground at some point.

Karen, is he actually pressing the five pirate leaders to fight?

As Colonel Marine of the strongest sea, he naturally has a lot of experience fighting pirates, but he has never seen this scene before.

These are five big pirates with a bounty of more than fifty million. Even if their Rear Admiral base commander were to face them at the same time, they would probably die on the spot.


With a terrifying roar that shook the sky, a pirate captain turned into a bloody fog under Karen’s fist.

After dealing with one pirate captain, Karen did not stop at all and rushed to another pirate captain again.

The pirate captain couldn’t help being horrified when he saw this, he quickly retreated, and at this point in the battle, he no longer had any thoughts of fighting Karen.

“Want to run?”

“Strengthen, fist bone meteorite!”

Karen’s eyes flashed with astonishing killing intent, a mysterious pattern quietly climbed Karen’s fist, punched out, and the fist pressure surged like a shock wave, and in a blink of an eye, it had come to the sea In front of the thief captain.


The head of the pirate had a frantic expression, the muscles all over his body bulged high, and the giant axe in his hand gathered the strength of his entire body and slashed wildly.


The fist pressure whizzed past, directly blasting him away, and crashing into the pirate ship behind him.


The next moment, the pirate ship seemed to have been bombarded by dozens of shells, and a huge hole appeared, which was shocking.

“You bastard.”

After losing two pirate captains one after another, Faerun’s eyes are blood red at this time. These are the team he fought on the Grand Line later. As long as he is given time, he is confident that he can recover these pirate captains, but now everything is became a bubble.

“You two buy me some time.”

The killing intent in his heart was like waves, and Faerun couldn’t help but took a deep breath and shouted to the other two pirate captains.

“it is good.”

The other two pirate captains have been aroused by their ferocity, and they also know what Faerun wants to do next, without the slightest drag.

For the small abacus of the few people, Karen kept his expression still and walked forward like a stroll in a leisurely garden.

“Flying Knife, Hundred Flowers!”

A pirate captain suddenly shouted, and countless flying swept towards Karen like a violent storm.

Facing this move, Karen just waved his hand lightly, and the terrifying wind pressure blew these flying knives away from their original trajectory.

Seeing this scene, another pirate captain stepped on the ground and disappeared in a strange shape. When he appeared again, he was already behind Karen, and the dagger in his hand flashed a little bit of cold light, facing Karen directly. punctured the heart.

“Nice speed.”

Karen turned around and grabbed the dagger in his hand the moment it fell.

“But it’s not nearly there.”

The words fell, and the crimson flames surging, completely swallowed the pirate captain.

And at this moment, Fei Lun, who was already ready, did not care about the heartache of losing one person, and suddenly roared out. Between the endless sound and vibrations, huge waves were set off in the surrounding sea. Endless air waves rushed towards the madness.

“Hmph, fruit ability, but it’s all useless.”

“The brilliance of the fire dragon!”

I saw Karen’s hands folded together, and a huge fireball exuding an extremely scorching aura had taken shape and was thrown towards Faerun.


Accompanied by a huge roar, the sound wave collapsed.

Seeing this, Faerun was horrified to the extreme. He had no idea that the blow that he had been brewing for a long time was so easily defeated by Karen, so he could only watch the fireball covering him.


Under the brilliance of the fire dragon, the only two remaining pirate captains turned into coke.

Then Karen didn’t stop, like a tiger entering a flock of sheep, dodged into the pirate ship, and started the feast of slaughter.

The captain died, and the remaining pirates were already scared to death and wanted to jump into the sea to escape, but before they could make a move, they were punched and killed by Karen. *

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