Wizard of All Souls

chapter 36 - Lei Jibao

Will and Rep entered the study.

Baron Leo warned everyone not to get close to the study, to make loud noises near the study, and to stay at the door of the study in person.

“Where did you hunt a four-armed ghost ape?” Will asked as soon as he sat down.

“In the Red Moon Forest, near the deadwood swamp.” Rep answered.

Will frowned, fortunately saying: “I didn’t expect to have a second four-armed ghost ape. Fortunately, you have been solved by Lord Rep, otherwise, the consequences will be unimaginable.”

Although Will is not afraid of the four-armed ape now.

But will the four-armed ghost ape attack Albert Castle?

What if the village is attacked?

Attacking other territories?

What about attacking Orion?

When the solution to the four-armed ghost ape was discovered, it was estimated that it had caused inestimable losses.

When Will felt relieved, Rep’s next words exploded in Will’s mind like a bomb.

“A group of monsters like the four-armed ghost ape. When one was found, a lot of attachments appeared. Isn’t it normal?” Rep’s tone was very plain.


Will patted the table and stood up, his eyes full of disbelief.

“The four-armed ghost ape, that kind of horrible creature, actually lives in a group?”

Absolutely impossible!


The entire Doria province had only one big knight before Will.

Even in the entire Cairo empire, the Grand Knight is also the presence of the phoenix Mao.

Now Rep told Will that in the Red Moon Forest, there lived a group of four-armed ghost apes with the strength of a great knight.

Reason tells Will that this is false and impossible.

But the other party is Rep.

A demon hunter.

And just back from the Red Moon Forest a dead four-armed ape corpse.

Will had to accept reality.

Will collapsed in his chair, paralyzed.

“I just became a great knight and practiced the forging method again. I originally thought that with my strength, even if I can’t walk sideways, my life is worry-free.”


In the Red Moon Forest, only a few dozen kilometers from Will, there lived a group of four-armed ghost apes with the strength of a great knight.

No matter how strong Will is, facing a group of big knights, there is still life and death.

“How can monsters like the four-armed ghost apes live in groups?” Will puzzled.

Will was afraid.

“It seems that you are confusing Monster and Warcraft.” Rep said.

“Is there any difference between the two?” Will doubted.

Will originally thought that monster and Warcraft are different names for the same creature.

Just like pigs and dolphins, dogs and dogs.

“Warcraft refers to powerful animals, some possess magic powers, and some do not. In addition to being particularly powerful, Warcraft is essentially no different from ordinary animals.

And monsters are born with magic power.

Every kind of monster possesses no less wisdom than human beings, and is an enemy of human beings. Rep explained.

Will thought about the mode of action of the four-armed ape he encountered.

The IQ of the four-armed ghost ape is indeed much higher than that of ordinary animals, but it is far from human.

“It’s natural that you have such doubts now. If you were born ten thousand years ago, you wouldn’t think so.” Rep took a sip of red wine. With powerful strength, the wisdom of every monster is no less than humans.

Therefore, in the distant ancient times, the world was ruled by monsters.

Humans are weak and helpless to monsters, just like Goblin is to humans.

Until the first demon hunter appeared.

Countless battles between humans and monsters broke out, and countless Tianjiao talents died. Only 10,000 young people successfully defeated the monsters and became the mainland’s overlord.

The remaining monster can only hide in a remote place for a long time.

Many have even broken down their heritage. ”

“Because you haven’t received systematic education, do you behave like a beast?” Will understood slightly.

Same IQ.

If you throw one of them into a pack of wolves, when you grow up, you are just a smart “wolf.”

Another normal study grows up, may be able to enter the 985 and 211, after graduation, enter the top 100 in the world, serve as ceo, win Bai Fumei, and reach the peak of life.

Moreover, human IQ can be improved with learning.

“You don’t have to worry too much about the four-armed ghost ape. Since no major events have happened over the years, as long as you are careful, there will be no problems.” Rep comforted.

“Hope.” Will’s eyes flashed, apparently still worried about the four-armed ape.

Sure enough, what is lacking now.

Is strength!

“Can the blood of the four-armed ghost ape be transplanted?” Will asked suddenly.

“Why are you asking this question again?” Rep was speechless. “In theory, the flesh and blood of every kind of monster can be fused, but you must know that the fusion of different monsters and flesh is not only different in difficulty, but also the ability to obtain the same.

There are three kinds of mature monsters and flesh for people to integrate in the “Magic” Academy of Gerald.

Burst bear, after the fusion of monster blood and flesh, can greatly increase the strength, defense, speed, and advanced third-level demon hunter, there is also a chance to gain talent and earth protection.

Lei Ji Leopard, greatly improve the speed, when advancing the third-class demon, have the opportunity to awaken talent talent thunder.

The night monster eye can be used as a telescope, can see the life energy through the wall, and can see things without dead ends at 360 degrees.

auzw.com Each is extremely powerful, safe and reliable,

Much better than the four-armed ape. ”

“Is it the stronger the monster? The more the strength improves after the fusion?” Will’s eyes widened.

Rep didn’t expect it at all. He just said so much, and this is actually Will’s concern.

However, Rep explained to Will patiently: “Do you know why we should drink Kurohara?”

“Because the monster blood and flesh will corrode our body, we need the toxin of the black raw liquid to resist the erosion of the monster blood and flesh.” Will replied.

“Then you know, why do we have a devil life limit of thirty years?” Rep asked again.

“Because the toxins of the black raw” liquid “will penetrate into our bone marrow muscles, resulting in a shortened life span.” Such important information, Will still remembers clearly.

“Then you should know that toxins are all about dosage.”

“what do you mean?”

A flash of light flashed through Will’s mind, and Will seemed to understand something.

“The stronger the fusion of the flesh and blood of the monster, the more black raw” liquid “you need to drink, and the shorter the life span.

If you fuse the strongest, the dragon’s flesh and blood, you need as much black liquid “liquid”, enough to make people die on the spot.

The three monster blood flesh of the Cairo Demon Academy of Medicine, Lei Ji Leopard, and Night Demon Eyes were modified by the wizards for countless years, so that the amount of black raw “liquid” required during fusion is greatly reduced.

If you merge the four-armed ghost ape, you are only 30 years old, but the strength is far less than the fusion of people who appeal to three monsters.

Knowing this, would you choose to merge the flesh and blood of the four-armed ghost ape? “Finally, Rep asked.

Will shook his head.

“If the three kinds of monster blood and flesh of the academy are not fused, what is the life span under the same intensity?”


Will was silent.

Will already had a decision in his mind.

“What do you want to integrate, should it also be a ground bear?” Rep saw Will’s thought.

Incorporating the flesh and blood of the Burch Bear is the most comprehensive without shortcomings.

Lei Jibao, although the power of thunder and lightning after awakening makes people yearn for it, the probability is too low.

The night monster eyes are purely auxiliary.

“But I still want to solve the four-armed ghost ape. If I don’t solve them, I’m uneasy.” Will is still reluctant to give up.

“Five days later, I have to enter the four-armed ape and look for the four-armed ape’s nest” hole “. If you are interested, you can join me and learn to accumulate experience.” After thinking about it for a while, Rep asked Will said.

“Really?” Will surprised.

“It’s okay together, but when you explore, you have to listen to my command, can you do it?” Rep said solemnly.

“No problem.” Will nodded.

The conversation is over.

After Rep left, Baron Leo came in.

“Master RP is really a demon hunter?” Baron Leo asked as soon as he entered.

The devil has heard a lot of stories.

In reality, Baron Leo saw it for the first time.


After getting confirmation from Will again, Baron Leo took a deep breath.

“Will, I didn’t expect that you could actually meet such a big man as Lord Rep. You must serve Lord Rep well in the future, don’t provoke him,” Baron Leo demanded.

“I will.”

“I don’t know what the strength of Lord Rep is?” Baron Leo’s voice fell suddenly.

Will thought about it and said, “Paladin.”


Baron Leo’s eyes jumped, his head suddenly blank.

Baron Leo knew that Rep was very powerful and could kill the four-armed ape by himself, at least at the level of the Grand Knight.

But Paladin?

Paladin who has not appeared in the Cairo Empire for hundreds of years?

Baron Leo did not consider this possibility at all.

In fact, the strength of Rep is more than a Paladin? None of the ten Paladins have beaten Rep.

But for Baron Leo, who does not know the magic, the wizard, or the distinguishing monster Warcraft, the Paladin is more convincing.

It’s like having a friend who wants to do one thing, let you talk about the difficulty.

If you directly say “Why don’t you go to heaven”, others have no intuitive feelings.

Only expressionless “oh”.

And if you are saying “set a small goal first and earn him 100 million”, the other party will feel the difficulty of the matter very desperately and will give up decisively.

“Your strength has improved so fast, did you get instructions from Lord Rep?” Baron Leo nodded, “What are you going to do with the body of the four-armed ghost ape?”

“Don’t you give it to you?”

“We have discussed it and intend to make a specimen. What do you think?”


In fact, after the last killing of the four-armed ape, he planned to make a specimen of the four-armed ape and put it in the castle hall.

But that only killed too many people in the castle, causing too much loss.

After killing the four-armed ghost ape, people feel not pride and happiness, but fear and sadness.

So in the end, the four-armed ghost ape was burned at the funeral of Bob Knight, which was used to sacrifice Bob Knight.

But this time is different.

The four-armed ghost ape was killed by Rep alone.

People think of Rep as a hero, and killing the four-armed ape is a great achievement of Rep.

Therefore, Baron Leo decided to make the four-armed ghost ape and enshrine the four-armed ghost ape to show the might of the Albert family and Rep.

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