Wizard of All Souls

Chapter 34 - Taitai Law Taisei

Spring rain is like silk.

Outside the window, light rain fell down.

Raindrops landed on the eaves, making a jingling sound.

In the study.

Will closed his eyes, his hands clasped forward.

Take a deep breath.

Will’s breath took more than three minutes.

The belly swelled slowly until it looked like a pregnant woman in July and August before stopping.

Will bent over, his body leaping forward, his hands pressed lightly on the ground in front of him, and the whole figure was like a gentle cat lying on the ground.

Will’s bulging belly slowly shrank.

The gas in the belly seemed to be squeezed towards the limbs, and four bulges of the same size slid away from the abdomen.

Will’s hands and feet bulged like balloons.

Will inhaled again, his belly bulging slowly.

Will sometimes stood, fell down, and sometimes danced.

After each movement, Will’s body will expand a bit.

First, both hands and feet, to the thigh arm, to the shoulder waist, and finally only the heart and head remained unchanged.

“It’s the most critical time.”

Will mentioned the spirit.

Will has one heart and four uses, and the four consciousnesses move from the limbs to the heart, and as the consciousness moves, there are small drums under the skin.

In Will’s body, there seemed to be four fine snakes roaming.

The serpent kept hitting the heart.

With every shock, Will’s face turned white.

At the eighth impact, Will was successful, and his chest bulged like he was blown up.

Will, who was in his early sevens and sevens, is now one and nine meters tall.

Muscles are covered in muscles, and the muscles are huge, as if they were filled with gas.

Only the head, the original appearance is maintained.

The eyes are beautiful, and the waist is on the back, and it may be that Will is now.

Will’s eyes widened sharply, taking three breaths.

Every time you inhale, you want a white “color” horse to fly into Will’s mouth.

After three inhalations, Will’s body swelled again, and his height crossed the two-meter mark.

Every muscle on the body seems to be a balloon that has swelled to its limit.

It seemed that as long as a thin needle was poked gently, Will’s entire body would explode instantly.


Will began to exhale.

This breath is extremely long.

It took ten minutes to stop.

And Will’s body has also returned to its original state, a slender and elegant noble young master.

“The twenty-six movements of Jero’s primary body-building method are finally integrated. I planned to learn it in three days. I didn’t expect the difficulty to exceed my imagination. It actually took me a full five days.”

Forging body method and breathing method, there is no difference between the two.

The problem is that Breathing practiced by Will is only rotten street, the highest can only be practiced to the breathing method of the Grand Knight.

The forging body method given to Will by the demon hunter Rip is a forging body method that has been improved by countless generations of demon hunters and can be called the crystallization of the devil’s wisdom.

The difficulty and power are naturally far above the breathing method practiced by Will.

Will closed his eyes and felt a change in his body.

“I just made the twenty-six movements of Gero’s forging method work through, and it was barely an entry. I didn’t expect my strength to be improved by two layers at once!”

The improvement of strength is not as simple as one plus one equals two.

Like a 100-meter sprint, a gap of one second makes a difference.

Will’s power has only been increased by two layers, but the combat power has to be increased by more than 50%.

“Now let me meet the four-armed ghost ape again, and I can easily win.”

Will felt brighter than ever before.

“Strength, only strength, can protect the family, can grasp one’s own future, and one’s own life.”

“Blue Spirit!”

A translucent interface immediately appeared in front of Will.

Basic Sword Skill: Level 5

Basic Bow: Level 5

Breath Hold: Level 5

Knight Breathing: Level 5

Granville disinfection method: Level 5

Jero Elementary Forging Method: Level 0

Seal of Alder: Level 0

Soul Power: 437

Will happily looked at the interface of Blue Spirit, especially the 437 soul power.

That was obtained by Will killing the rebels half a month ago.

Through that battle, Will already knew how to calculate Soul Power.

In the past, Will was still wondering, “Why do some killers get seven o’clock, and some get eight o’clock?” Less, only 6? Many, up to nine.

One of the four-armed ghost apes contributed 30 points.




Will began to think that it might be related to his personal strength.

Because the strongest four-armed ghost ape has the most soul power.

But it wasn’t until Will killed the prospective knight and the knight that it was not the same thing.

Especially when killing the Grote Knight, the soul power is only 6 points!

This unscientific!

Afterwards, after Will’s careful analysis and calculation.

A conclusion was reached.

Everyone’s soul power may be related to lifespan.

Under normal circumstances, human life expectancy is only 70 or 80 years old, and the longevity can exceed 100.

The four-armed ghost ape, as a monster, can live three hundred years according to ancient books.

Therefore, soul power is related to longevity.

Every ten years of life, convert a little soul power.

Why does the Grote Knight only have 6 soul power?

Will learned that the Grote Cavaliers had suffered fatal injuries, leading to the Grote Cavaliers’ strength has been stuck in the middle of the Cavaliers, unable to go further.


Soul power is only 6 points, probably for this reason.

“Soul power is related to lifespan, and people’s lifespan can be changed, sometimes it will increase, sometimes it will decrease, but generally speaking, it is mostly reduced.”

“Just, there is another question.”

“It kills people, has soul power, kills four-armed ghost apes, and has soul power, but kills ordinary livestock, but has no soul power. It kills Goblin Commander, and has no soul power. What is the mechanism of the soul power acquisition unit? ? “

Will still has a lot of puzzles about how the Blue Spirit system gains soul power.

Can only be analyzed slowly later.

right now.

“Upgrade Jero’s primary forging method.”

Whether to upgrade Jero’s primary forging method: whether.


Consume Soul Power by 5.

update successed.

Jero Elementary Forging Method: Level 1

Will added four more points on the plus sign upgraded behind the skill bar of the forging method.

Consumes 10 soul power.

update successed.

Consumes 20 soul power.

update successed.

Consumes 40 soul power.

update successed.

Consumes 80 soul power.

update successed.

Upgrading Jero ’s primary forging method from level 0 to level 5 consumed Will ’s 155 soul power.

“I learned dozens of health regimens, but it only took 30 points of soul power, and upgraded the Knight’s breathing technique to level 5. It was only more than 20 points.

Now, a Jero elementary forging body method has fully used my 155 soul power.

There are junior, certainly intermediate, advanced, top.

I do n’t know how much soul power is needed, but I do n’t know how much life, and I die under my hands. “

Will felt the whole body warm.

As soon as Will’s thoughts move, and his luck forges his body, the whole body will make a crackling noise.

According to Rep, this is a symbol of the extremely high level of forging.

Even Rep himself did not reach this level.

Will rolled up his clothes and “exposed” his chest.

The dark green “color” lines on the heart have completely disappeared.

This shows that the toxin of Kurohara “liquid” has been completely excreted by Will.

“Unfortunately, the thirty-year-old life limit will not go away.”

The toxins that cause the appearance of poisonous lines on the body are the impurities of Kurohara “liquid” and are not needed to become a demon hunter.

The most poisonous and essence part of Kurohara “liquid” will be absorbed into the body through the primary forging method of Jero, and penetrate into the depth of the muscle bone marrow.

Only when you become a third-class demon hunter can you get rid of the 30-year-old life limit.

Will took off his sweat-stained clothes and put on clean ones.

The stomach grunted.

“Ordinary people need to take the black original” liquid “for three years before they can transplant the monster blood and flesh. If the practice of the forging method is very good, it will only take one year.”

Will smiled confidently, “With my Jero primary forging method and Western disinfection method, the two exercises simultaneously remove toxins, twenty black raw” liquids “, seven or eight drops each.

I can do one drop a day, twenty black original “liquid”, a total of about 150 days, about five months? “

Will thought.

Even if it is a genius, it will take a year before transplanting monster blood.

He only spent five months.

Will it be too fast?

Is it too scary?

What if it is too compelling to make others doubt?

“Should you intentionally slow down?”

Will turned around and immediately rejected this idea.

“Thirty years of life! After becoming a demon hunter, if you can’t break through to the third-class demon hunter, you can only live for 30 years!”

Thirty years, it is too short.

Will is now fifteen years old, that is to say, Will’s life has passed half.

“Normal procedure, taking Kurohara” liquid “at the age of 15, transplanting monster blood and flesh at the age of 18, becoming a first-class monster at the age of 20, becoming a second-class monster at the age of 25, and becoming a third-class monster at the age of 30 people.”

Time is too tight.

Moreover, it is several times more difficult to become a third-class gargoyle.

Therefore, advanced third-class often takes ten years.

“If I became a second-class demon hunter before I was twenty, I would have enough time to prepare for advanced third-class.”

Will leaves the study.

At the dinner table, under the command of Tracy, the servants brought up a plate of dishes.

Pork, lamb, beef, fish soup, green vegetables … Seventeen dishes are arranged on the table, each dish is filled with a large plate.

This table is enough for thirty people.

“Click, click, click …”

Will didn’t even spit out his bones, picked up the food with both hands, and kept stuffing it in his mouth.

Will was like a cloud, but after a while, all the food was swept away.

The serving servant looked at Will in surprise.

I don’t understand how Will eats food that is bigger than the body.

Some people’s eyes are still on Will’s stomach, and an idea floating in his heart wants to poke Will’s stomach.

After Tracy let the people tidy up the table, they sent everyone away.

Tracy remained in the hall alone.

Will lay on his chair, and Will’s stomach bulged high.

His stomach swelled, and Will’s eyes could not see his feet.

Will narrowed his eyes and kept adjusting his breath.

On Will’s body, there was a constant but extremely clear sound of Didi Di.

A heat wave came from Will.

Will covered all the “holes”, and began to spit out greasy and black thick sweat “liquid”.

After three full hours.

Will’s body was restored.

“Prepare for bath water, and let people clean up here and clean it.”

Will’s face was rosy, and his skin could be broken.

There was a gleam in his eyes, and there was excitement in his eyes that could not be concealed, “My strength has actually risen five more levels!”

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