Wizard of All Souls

Chapter 33 - Forging method and breathing method

After collecting the things that Rapp had passed, Will asked another question in his mind.

“Do you know wizards and bloodline abilities?”

“Do you actually know the wizard and the bloodline?” Rep was a little surprised. “The so-called bloodline is actually that we have a certain chance of passing on the ability after transplanting the blood of the demon. The person of the awakening ability in the offspring can be called the bloodline.”

Bloodline is a natural demon hunter.

There is no need to take Kurohara “liquid”, there is no thirty-year life limit, and the strength is much stronger than the ordinary devil.

And the wizard— “

“What’s wrong with the wizard?”

“In the ancient times, in the age when humans and monsters fought against each other, at the beginning, there was only a demon hunter, and no wizards.

It’s just that with the strength of some demon hunters, far beyond the ordinary demon hunters, they call themselves wizards.

The original first-class, second-class, and third-class demon hunters are called first-class apprentices, second-class apprentices, and third-class apprentices. Rep said helplessly.

Will’s eyes lit up and asked, “Are there formal wizards above the third-class demon hunter?”

“Yeah, after reaching the wizarding realm, not only is it far more powerful than ordinary people, it can even extend its lifespan, reaching an amazing three hundred years old.” Rep’s eyes were full of longing.

Isn’t it Will?

Rep patted Will ’s shoulder and encouraged: “Do n’t think about such a distant thing first. Become a demon hunter, reach the realm of the third-class demon hunter, and get rid of the curse of thirty years old. made.”

“I know.” Will nodded.

Will knew that he wouldn’t be fat in one bite.

The road has to be walked step by step, and the food has to be eaten bit by bit.

Now, what Will should do is to learn to refine the Black Plain “liquid”, practice the “Jero Elementary Forging Method”, and transplant the Warcraft flesh to the third-class demon.

In the end, the wizard was considered.

“I don’t know how long it will take to transplant the blood of monsters? I don’t know if the blood of the four-armed ghost ape in my house can be transplanted?”

“Don’t worry, the toxins of Kurohara” liquid “have not accumulated to a certain extent, and transplanting Warcraft blood and flesh is just to death.”

“How long will it take?”

“Generally speaking, you need to drink 30 bottles of black raw” liquid “. If you drink one bottle in January, it will take about three years.”

“Can you drink faster?”

“It depends on the speed at which you remove the toxin from Kurohara” liquid “. If you are proficient in Jello’s primary forging body jurisprudence, it is not impossible to drink 30 bottles of” black liquor “in one year.”

Will bowed his head and smiled.

It turns out that this is enough, isn’t that a very simple thing?

The devil has a life limit of 30 years old. It takes three years to drink a black original “liquid” before it starts to transplant monster blood. Is it a waste of time?

Will is not that stupid.

Next, Rep began to explain the “Jero primary forging method” for Will.

“Jero Elementary Forging Method” is very deep and complex, and the principle is completely different from the practice method Will has practiced.

The knight breathing method is to guide the vitality hidden in the flesh through breathing.

The “Jero Elementary Forging Method” is to strengthen the vascular muscles by exercising the flesh and muscles to allow the vascular muscles to absorb energy.

It’s just that when practicing “Jero Elementary Forging Method”, in addition to absorbing energy, vascular muscles also absorb some impurities.

These impurities will settle deep in the flesh and blood, and will cause permanent “sexual” harm to the human body after a long time.

And because of the excessive impurities contained in the flesh, it is extremely difficult for those who practice the “Jero Elementary Forging Method” to stimulate vitality.

“It can expel toxins and absorb toxins, which is a paradoxical exercise,” Will said silently.

“This is the crystallization of countless witch wits’ wisdom, which can not only absorb the essence that the witch hunter needs in the blackfield” liquid “, but also eliminate the harmful parts of the blackfield” fluid “to the greatest extent.” Rapp explained .

As Rep said, “Jero Elementary Forging Method” is indeed very powerful, saying that it is the crystallization of human wisdom.

And the forging method is very obvious for strengthening strength, far above the breathing method.

But the more you practice the forging body method, the stronger the physique, the harder it is to stimulate vitality, and the farther you are from the knight’s path.

Knight, what is really powerful is not strength, but the application of vitality.

Now Will’s strength is only weaker than the four-armed ape.

But for sheer strength and physical fitness, Will is still far weaker than the four-armed ape.

Will estimates that even a paladin can easily kill a four-armed ape, but in terms of pure physical fitness, I am afraid that it is not as good as a four-armed ape.

The forging body method and the breathing method have their own advantages and disadvantages. In terms of combat effectiveness, the breathing method is better.

But the role of forging body method is never a battle.

Instead, prepare for transplanting monster blood.

“I’m just worried that after practicing the forging method, it will become difficult to stimulate vitality in the future, maybe the strength will decline.” Will depressed.

“You don’t have to worry about this. I know a lot of demon hunters. I also practice the breathing method and can also stimulate vitality. It is just that your future knights will be able to improve.”

“It’s good to use life force.” Will sighed with relief.

Will has practiced breathing for more than ten years, and he already has a considerable affection for breathing.

If after practicing the forging body method, the breathing method will decline, or even disappear, Will will be very sad.

Fortunately, it does not affect normal strength, but only affects the next practice of breathing method.

Will was not very worried about the knight’s cultivation.

By practicing the forging body method, the physique becomes stronger, the vitality will also become stronger, and the number of times to stimulate the vitality will also increase.

The disguised equivalent of a knight who has become advanced.

In the future, Will will become stronger all the way to the Grand Knight’s Intermediate, Advanced, and Pinnacle, but he can’t ascend to the Paladin.

Rep continued to explain to Will the essence, movements, and precautions of the “Jero Elementary Forging Method”.

The forging method is divided into two parts, dynamic work and static work.

auzw.com is the exact opposite of breathing.

Twenty-six words of static exercises correspond to twenty-six movements of dynamic exercises.

Each movement can induce muscles in different parts of the body to absorb energy and achieve exercise results.

A simple action is not difficult to learn.

It only takes one hour to memorize the movements and mantras one by one.

In three hours, you can practice every movement.

After five hours, every movement can stimulate the muscles to achieve the effect of exercising muscles.

But only by connecting the twenty-six movements together, allowing different muscles in the body to surge in order and absorb energy, can we achieve a full range of exercise effects.

Cultivating an action alone will not only fail to achieve the effect of cultivation.

Also, because some muscles are too strong and unbalanced, the muscles on the side will be strained when contracted and stressed.

“I will tell you about the content of” Jero Elementary Forging Method “. You need to practice first. What questions will you ask me tomorrow?”

Rep leaves the study, and Will studies the “Jero Elementary Forging Method” alone in the study.

Will, who has practiced the Cavalier Breathing Method and Western Disinfection Method, has gained a lot of control over muscles.

So the speed of practicing “Jero Elementary Forging Method” is very fast.

In less than an hour, Will was able to use all 26 movements well.

Next, how to connect twenty-six moves together.

This step, Will spent a full five hours.

Until the sun goes west, it is just to make the seven movements coherent together.

To make the twenty-six movements coherent, I am afraid it will take three or five days.

“Let’s do this today.”

Will took a break and walked out of the study.

Dinner, illuminated by a large candle chandelier.

Eleven people sat on a long wooden table and dine.

The only people who can dine at this long table are Baron Leo and Will.

Not even some of Baron Leo ’s lovers and children.

Although Will had invited Rep to share dinner, Rep refused.

On the long table, beside Will, there were still Betty and Tracy.

Both Betty and Tracy had a stiff face, and although they couldn’t hide the smile in their eyes, they dared not express it.

Originally Betty and Tracy were not qualified to sit here, because of Will’s relationship, the two could only sit.

Especially Tracy.

Will has dismissed Tracy’s maid position. Tracy has been a member of the Albert family and will no longer be a maid.

But Tracy still takes care of Will’s life as before.

“Master Will, the Evelyn family, and several surrounding baron family funds are already in place, and their messengers said they would fully support the construction of our Albert family.” Nikon looked at Will with admiration.

After the four knights of Warding, Nissen, Bob, and Grote died, Nikon thought that the Albert family would be annexed by other families.

The Albert family has since entered a stage of enduring savings.

Unexpectedly, Will actually possessed the strength of a big knight.

But after walking around each family, the baronial families that were originally adjacent to the Albert family and hostile to the Albert family succumbed.

Will nodded. “What about the other? How have you done the things I said?”

“The knight training base has begun to be established. We have notified the surrounding villages that a total of 34 children are willing to go to our base for training.

People in other territories also have ideas, and once asked me if I would accept them. “

“Why not accept? As long as the family is innocent and the age is right, all will be accepted.” Will replied.

“Master Will, I do n’t quite understand that in the past we trained knights, and every one of them was a thousand choices. The people who were selected had to pay a large amount of money every year.

Now, we actually receive the whole meal, food and food, and pay a salary. Will this be too good? Nikon puzzled.

“Nikon, your vision is still too small.” Will smiled. “We need talents. The more talents, the better. We have only three knights now, but four in the future? Five ten. ? “

“Master, do you mean?” Nikon’s eyes lit up.

“Knights can be recruited externally, but soldiers, especially middle- and upper-class soldiers, are still well trained by themselves.” Will summed up the losses of this rebellion.

This time, of course, because the three knights rebelled at the same time, causing the Albert family to perish completely.

But it also showed that the soldiers of the Albert family had no sense of belonging to the family.

Who will help who.

Soldiers are not tools or servants, but important cornerstones of the family.

The soldier’s loyalty and sense of belonging are extremely important.

It is best to cultivate this feeling from an early age.

Moreover, if the knights in the territory can be trained by themselves, then it is naturally the best, and recruited from outside, it is really not enough to trust.

“You first settle for good people. Two days later, I will give you the teaching materials. Knight training must be indispensable, but cultural courses are also necessary.

In this world, there is no emphasis on cultural lessons.

Even the nobility only requires literacy. Most ordinary people do not even know one big character.

There is no place to study and no interest in learning.

The idea of ​​most people is that instead of spending time reading, it is better to practice the knight breathing method twice more.

“This idea is wrong!”

Without reading, how do you know what loyalty is?

“Junjunchenchen’s suit, choose” **** “to use, it is still very good.”

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