Wizard of All Souls

Chapter 32 - The truth about the devil

One month has expired, Rep arrived as scheduled.

In the study.

The sun was shining, the golden “color” beam fell from the window, and the room was full of light.

Will and Rep sat in the room.

Will poured a cup of tea for Rep, “Master Rep, should you tell me everything?”

“Did you finish drinking Kurohara” liquid “? Rep asked, drinking tea.

“Drinked.” Will took the empty bottle out.

“Let me look at your chest.” Rep’s eyes just glanced at the empty bottle and said immediately.

Will was ready.

Will unbuttoned his clothes and “exposed” his chest.

At the heart of the chest, there is a blue and black “color” pattern with a big slap.

Only the lines are very pale, if you don’t look closely, you can’t see them at all.

Rep frowned, “How come the lines are so light?”

“I don’t know.” Will looked at Rep nervously.

“I heard that you are an advanced knight?” Rep asked the subject off the subject.

“Thanks to Kurohara” liquid “, without the help of Kurohara” liquid “, I’m afraid I haven’t advanced the knight so fast.” Will said the truth.

Kurohara “liquid” can greatly improve physical fitness, although the side effects are also great.

“Your poison mark’s color is very light, probably because you are a big knight.” Rep said uncertainly.

“Is there a problem?” Will asked worriedly.

“This is a good thing.” Rep answered.

Will was relieved.

Will is still afraid that Rep feels that there are too few toxins, and wonders if Will has finished drinking the bottle of black raw fluid.

“Do you know why I want you to drink Kurohara” liquid “? Rep asked.

“I don’t know.” Will shook his head.

Rep unbuttoned his coat and “naked” his upper body.

Will was surprised to find that Rep’s body was densely dissatisfied with the subtle blue and black “color” lines, covering his body from the abdomen to the neck.

“Is this all caused by the black liquid”? “Will surprised.

Will originally thought that the black “liquid” was just a test for Rep.

The purpose is to see if Will really made up his mind. Just like in the novels and TVs I watched before, some seniors would let their children “suicide” jump off the cliff and do some mortal tasks to test the students Determination.

I didn’t expect it to be.

Rep himself also drank Kurohara “liquid”.

Seeing Rep’s whole body, densely covered with poisonous streaks, Rep must have drank a lot of black “liquid”.

“Do you remember what I said to you before? The source of the power of our demon hunter.” Rep asked.

“It is through learning monsters to gain magic power.” Will replied immediately.

Rep untied the bandage on his waist.

There is a black and purple “color” piece of meat on Rep’s abdomen that is clearly different from the skin on the side.

The piece of meat didn’t listen to wriggling, like a huge worm desperately trying to dig into Rep’s body.

“Magic power is the power inherent in monsters. Learning? Can humans learn to breathe with gills like fish?” Rep said.

Will knew it.

“So you want to transplant the blood of the monster to your body?” Will took a breath.

“Yes, this is the source of the true strength of the demon hunter. The true face of the devil hunter is pathetic.” Rep smiled mockingly.

Rep put on his clothes and sat back in his seat.

Will silently.

Rep went on to explain: “The flesh and blood of Warcraft is far from what a weak human body can bear, even if you are as strong as a knight.

Therefore, people’s bodies need to be changed, and they must be attacked with poison.

In fact, the reason why the demon hunter cannot live beyond 30 years is not because of the transplanted monster blood and flesh, but because of the black source “liquid”. Bone marrow.

But this toxin is necessary for us to transplant monster blood and flesh to gain magic power.

It’s so sad. “

“As long as you become a third-class demon hunter, don’t you?” Will asked.

“That’s what it says, but it’s easier to be a third-class demon hunter.” Rep shook his head.

“Uncle Rep, should you be a third-class demon hunter?” Will asked cautiously.

Because of the appearance of Rep, it looks like 40 or 50 years old.

“I was lucky, and I became a third-class demon hunter before I was thirty.” Rep’s expression was quite proud.

“I don’t know what the strength of the third-class devil is?” This is Will’s most concerned.

At such a high price, risking your life, not for strength?


“Your knights are practicing to the extreme, how strong can they be?”

“If you are a big knight, you can carry a lot of weight, and you can run like a normal person. You can hit five or ten knights at the same time. You can deal with five to ten knights at the same time. “” Will thought about it and replied.

Since Will was promoted to the Grand Cavaliers, his physical fitness has no longer grown naturally.

This shows that the knight breathing method that Will practiced, the advanced knight is already at an end.

However, Will will continue to improve his physical quality by drinking the black “liquid” and practicing the “Western Disinfection Method”.

Will felt that his hard power was a bit weaker than the four-armed ape.

The four-armed ghost ape is probably like a big knight.

As long as Will drinks another bottle of black raw “liquid”, or practices the “Western Disinfection Method” for half a year, he should be able to become an intermediate knight, reaching the level of a four-armed ghost ape.

“Only this?” Rep asked.

“It’s already amazing, okay? Whether it’s five to ten knights or three hundred elite soldiers, it’s very rare.

Even if this is the case, it is necessary for the big knight to be willing to fight you head-on. In case the big knight is not right, he runs away and then breaks one by one. You have no way to take the big knight. “

Half a month ago, Grote led fifty soldiers and attacked Will’s convoy.

If that time, Grote did not underestimate Will.

Directly let fifty people work together to slay Will, and Grote himself will assist him. Will is definitely a hard fight.

But who can know that Will is a fifteen year old.

A few days ago, the young man who advanced into the prospect of knights was actually a big knight?

Therefore, fifty soldiers were scattered around the carriage by Grote to prevent Will from escaping.

Grote himself, just watched from the beginning.

Will waited until Will used vitality many times and was about to “exhaust” before playing.

Various wrong actions led to Will’s one-sided slaughter.

“For ordinary people, the Grand Knight is already extremely powerful, but compared with your demon hunter, it looks weaker.” Will is even more eager for the power of the demon hunter.

“The big knight is not the end of the knight cultivation? Isn’t there a paladin on it?” Rep doubted.

“Paladin? Legend has it that one person can defeat the Paladin by virtue of his strength.” Will breathed a little hard.

On the bright side, exclude hidden masters.

There are no Paladins in the Cairo Empire.

The Paladin hasn’t appeared in hundreds of years.

“It’s the Paladin you said, although I haven’t seen it with my own eyes, but I heard people say that the Paladin’s strength is about the same as the peak of the second-class devil.” Rep nodded.

After hearing Rep’s words, Will’s mood was very complicated.

According to Rep, the Paladin Knight is not weak, and is similar to the peak of the second-class devil.

But it was too difficult to be a paladin.

In the entire Cairo Empire, it should be said that the three countries of Cairo, Ledoa, and Amona, Paladins are legendary figures hundreds of years ago, and now there is no living Paladin.

And such a scarce, such a powerful paladin, is just the pinnacle of the second-class demon.


“Does the big knight want to be an ordinary second-class demon hunter, or a primary second-class demon hunter?” Will asked.

“Look at the situation, because of the relationship between transplanting different monsters and flesh, the capabilities of the demon hunter are various, and some of the demon hunter’s abilities are not very suitable for frontal combat.” Rep did not deny Will’s statement.

Will can’t wait to become a demon hunter.

You must know that the demon hunter is only 30 years old. The sooner you become a demon hunter, the better.

“Do we need to find monster blood? How should it be transplanted?” Will asked quickly.

“Don’t worry.” Rep motioned Will to calm down. “Before transplanting the monster blood and flesh, we need to spread the toxins of the black source” liquid “all over the body and let the toxins penetrate into the vascular marrow.”

“After I drank Kurohara” liquid “, the poison mark is so shallow, is there a problem?” Will worried.

“It’s okay. Ninety-nine percent of the black original” liquid “are harmful toxins to the human body and all need to be removed. Toxic marks appear on the body, which is a symbol of unclean toxins.” Rep Explained.

“There must be a corresponding method for detoxification?” Will asked.

“Sure, otherwise so much toxin accumulates in the body, and people will die before they become demon hunters.”

“What should I do?”

“In the practice of our demon hunter, there is a practice method called the primary forging method of Jero, which can strengthen the body and quickly absorb the essence in the black source” liquid “, and eliminate the unnecessary in the black source” liquid “. Toxin. “Rep laughed.

“Actually it’s Gongfa?” Will sighed with relief.

“Jero’s primary forging method is still very difficult. You have to be prepared. Many people have been tortured to death because they have been unable to learn, and finally tortured by the toxin of the” black fluid “. Rep reminded Will.

“I will work hard,” Will said erotically.

Rep took out a bottle of black raw “liquid” and a cloth with something written to Will, and said, “Once the black raw” liquid “is drunk, it cannot be stopped halfway, otherwise the body will be poisoned and it has no effect.

Therefore, you must learn the Jero Elementary Body Forging Method within three months, otherwise you will be greeted by death. “

Will solemnly turned out something Rep handed over.

“In the bottle is the black liquid” liquid “, and the cloth is the material of the black original” liquid “. Rep pointed to the” medicine “list.” The black original “liquid” is a relatively simple “medicine”. In the future, if you want to drink for a few years, it is better to learn to refine it yourself. “

Will opened the “medicine” list and found that the above materials were quite common.

Most can be found in the town of Rent.

Some of them are slightly rare and can also be bought in Yueluocheng.

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