When I Bind the Plot Maintenance System

Chapter 90

Chapter 89:


Of course, Zhu Fu Kongliang didn’t forget his brother, he just suddenly remembered Zhufu Jingguang from the next world who was knocked out by him.

Now he is going back and forth between two worlds, [Alignment Reversal] and [Sex Reversal].

Because of the different genders, all the people in the [Faction Reversal] world can become smaller and thrown into the [Sexual Transformation] world, but with the power of the little stone, Zhu Fu Kongliang brought together the three people who didn’t know why. After being stunned, due to insufficient hands, I brought two of them to the [Sexual] world first.

Because he thought that he would go back soon, Zhu Fukongliang didn’t think too much. Just thinking about it carefully, Matsuda Jinhei and Hagihara Kenji became small because of the power of the small stone, and he stayed asleep. He himself did not use any drugs.

That is to say… Now that he and Xiao Shishi have left the [Alliance Reversal] world next door, are the various scenes of the next world awake now?

Next time I have to grab it again, Zhu Fu Kongliang rubbed his chin and thought about it.

Hagihara Yanmi looked over: “What are you thinking?”

Zhu Fukongliang: “How to plan to kidnap people.”

Hagihara Yanmi: “…I’m a policeman?”

Zhu Fukongliang: “I know, so I won’t give it to you this time.”

Hagihara Yanmi: “…So it really was kidnapped! Send people back! Sora!”

Zhu Fukongliang: “If you don’t hold him tightly, this sentence is more true, and his curls will be deformed.”

Hagihara Yanmi: “…”

Hagihara Yanmi stuck out her tongue: “Hey?”


Without Zhu Fukongliang’s obstruction, Matsuda slept well for a while, but when she woke up and opened the door, she seemed to have hallucinations.

Looking at the two little boys sitting on the sofa who looked a little familiar, and the expression on Hagihara Yanmi holding her face, and sitting on the other side holding tea in a daze, Ryo Zhufukong, Matsuda was silent for a while.

Matsuda for a while: “…I probably haven’t woken up yet.”

Saying that, Matsuda closed the door for a while, and opened it again after two seconds. Then she said in a very calm tone: “It seems that this dream has not woken up yet.”

Jinhei Matsuda became smaller: “Ah, this person has started to hypnotize himself.”

Hagihara Kenji became smaller: “I’m in love, Xiaojinping.”

other people:”…?”

Matsuda closed the door for half a second this time, then slammed the door angrily and rushed out, grabbed Hagihara Yumi by the collar, and dragged the person into the room: “What’s going on with these two little devils?! And what about that Kong Ryo? here we go again?”

Hagihara Kenji looked back reluctantly, then looked at Ryo Zhufu who was drinking water, smiled and said, “So your name is Ryo, it’s really a good name! It suits you better than Umetaro.”

“I don’t know why, when I heard Umedaro, a straight male cartoonist with a height of 1.9 meters automatically appeared in my mind~”

Zhu Fukongliang: “Actually, you just investigated the name.”

Hagihara Kenji stuck out his tongue, just because of his current child’s shape, he looks extra cute.

But no matter how cute it is, it can’t refute the fact that this guy has the exact same expression as Hagihara Yomi from last night.

Zhu Fukongliang: …It really is a person.

Matsuda Jinping leaned on the sofa with his arms in his arms: “Tsk, do you have to waste time? Hey, your surname is Zhufu, right? Since you have the means to make adults smaller, are you really just a high school student?”

Zhu Fukongliang: “I’m a high school student.”

Matsuda Jinping was even more annoyed: “Why are you angry?”

Hagihara Kenji was a little surprised: “Eh? Is Xiaokong Ryo angry? How did you see it, Xiaojinping?”

Matsuda Jinping didn’t bother to answer him, and didn’t even bother to say, “What’s your purpose?”

Zhu Fukongliang: “To save the world.”

Matsuda Jinping: “…”

Hagihara Kenji: “…”

Matsuda Jinping: “It seems that it is a high school student. Sorry, I was rude just now.”

Zhu Fukongliang: “I’m going to be angry.”


On the other side, in Matsuda Jinzi’s room, Matsuda Jinzi strangled Hagihara Yanmi’s neck: “Explain!”

Hagihara Yanmi stretched out a hand with difficulty: “Help… help—”

Matsuda let go of his hand after a while, looked at Hagihara Yanmi after coughing a few times, and frowned, “What happened to those three people?”

Hagihara Yanmi exhaled, “Our illegitimate child?”

Matsuda seemed to be looking at an idiot for a while: “I don’t know if I have ever given birth to a child?”

Hagihara Yanmi: “Our illegitimate child in another world.”

Matsuda for a while: “…?”

Hagihara Yanmi: “Ah, this expression, you believe it!”

Matsuda for a while: “…Shut up!”

Hagihara Yanmi briefly explained, because there was an unscientific Zhu Fukong, so Matsuda believed that it was quite simple for a while.

“No, it doesn’t sound normal to throw us from another world in order to save the world? What does saving the world have to do with us?”

Hagihara Yanmi: “Haha, isn’t this funny?”

Matsuda for a while: “You just think it’s fun.”

Matsuda sighed for a while: “No matter what, let Zhu Fu Kongliang send the people back.”

As soon as she opened the door, she saw a pair of drooping purple eyes that looked frustrated. Kenji Hagihara said, “I’m sorry, we interrupted, I’ll go back…”

For a while, Matsuda suddenly felt a little pain in his conscience: “Where’s the people from Zhufu Kongliang?”

Hagihara Kenji: “Probably think we are troublesome, so let’s go back first.”

The child stirred his clothes: “Well, please rest assured, we will not cause you any trouble! We will go back by ourselves!”

Matsuda for a while: “…Do you know where your home is?”

Hagihara Kenji looked at Matsuda for a while pitifully and blankly, but did not speak. Matsuda’s conscience ached even more.

Hagihara Yanmi felt that this scene was a little familiar. She met Jinhei Matsuda, who was in the shape of a stinking child, and she was stunned. Hagihara Yanmi immediately and vigilantly stopped Matsuda Jinzi behind her: “It’s mine for a while! You have your own Matsuda! You can’t rob me!”

Hagihara Kenji: “I can exchange Xiaojinping with you.”

Matsuda Jinko and Matsuda Jinping: “…Hello!”

Then the two continued to speak in unison, facing Hagihara Yumi: “You really hesitate?!”

“It’s great to see such a lively Xiaojinping.” Hagihara Kenji sighed.

Then he won the approval of Hagihara Yumi.


Leaving the Shura Field aside, Zhu Fu Kongliang returned to the [Faction Reversal] world, intending to stun Zhu Fu Jingguang, who had turned this world black, but after being stunned again, he found that Xiao Shishi did not accept courier services. .

Zhu Fukongliang: …Could it be that because the world next door [Sex Zhuan] received too many couriers from another world, so they began to refuse?

Seeing that Zhufu Jingguang was ready to become smaller after being knocked out, Zhufu Kongliang thought about it seriously, then picked up the child and took the Shinkansen to Nagano.

Although Zhu Fu Jingguang remained in a coma, because the faces of the two were too similar, the flight attendant only regarded it as his younger brother was asleep and was held by his elder brother.

Then after Nagano got off the car, Zhufu Kongliang, who had already inquired where Zhufu Gaoming lived, walked to Zhufu Gaoming’s address without hesitation.

Then he rang the doorbell.

It’s late at night, but because of a case, Zhufu Gaoming came back late today, and he hasn’t fallen asleep yet.

Zhufu Gaoming wondered that someone was looking for him so late. After opening the door with vigilance and precaution, he saw the little boy lying at the door of his house.

Zhufu Gaoming: “…?!”


Zhu Fu Kongliang, who had done good deeds, clapped his hands and felt that he had done everything, and went home happily to sleep.

Speaking of which, I promised my brother before that I would take him to play with him next time I went to another world. Maybe he could turn his brother into a sister, because this is the most basic requirement for going to another world.

Zhu Fu Kongliang slept until dawn, and when he got up and went downstairs for breakfast the next day, he heard his mother ask, “Kongliang, do you know where Jingguang went?”

Zhu Fukongliang: “…Brother?”

Zhufu’s mother held her face worriedly: “When I knocked on the door in the morning, Jingguang was no longer in the room, but Jingguang’s shoes were still at the entrance…”

Zhu Fukongliang: “…”


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