When Does This World Have a Blood Bar Displayed?

Chapter 388

Chapter 380: That’S It!

Chapter 380 That’s it!

In the enchanted forest.

In the center of the incident scene.

“Shen Qi, you… must be too enthusiastic.”

Standing in place, standing still, and enduring the collision from the front, Gu Mo couldn’t help raising his eyebrows.

Looking at the surrounding smoke and dust rising violently due to the violent vibration of the earth, as well as the slumping ground, it seemed that an invisible giant hammer slammed the ground heavily, causing this area to collapse obviously, as if being Like a hammer smashing a nail into a wood, he felt that Miss Shenqi’s enthusiasm was a bit surprising.

If he hadn’t made a decisive decision in an instant, his own mass field had changed—

It is no longer maintained for better action, and has a better interactive experience in the planetary atmosphere and gravity environment, so as to simulate the normal “humanoid” performance at all times, but slightly reveal its own “reality” …

He had no doubt that he would be knocked out by this fierce blow.

It will probably plow a deep groove of several thousand meters in the forest, smashing countless trees and mushrooms along the way, and then wedging into the mountains in the distance without losing his strength…

It was a blast of enthusiasm like a cannonball, and it was probably all the joy that Miss Shenqi felt after reuniting after a long absence? Gu Mo spread his thoughts and glanced at the mansion not far away, even though the whole area was obviously collapsed under the impact of the huge force…

However, the doll house still stands.

It is on this bare surface that seems to be scorched by the end of the day, and there is such a mansion. It seems too abrupt and strange, and the sense of disobedience is very strong.

Xiao Ai, I’m so sorry…

If you just come to see the previous one, at most the gate will suffer, not to say that the entire land has become riddled with holes.

Gu Mo was also a little bit dumbfounded. He was aware of the strangeness on the side of the doll house, and wanted to come and help Alice to stop it, but it seemed that it didn’t have the desired effect at all… Or it just did. reaction?

Of course, it’s not a big problem.

With a slight movement of his mind, he immediately restored everything to its original state, made the sunken ground rise again, and made the trees that had been reduced to ashes under the impact of enthusiasm reappear… Under the great mental stimulation, matter was rapidly reorganizing, as if A general playback image that goes backwards in time.

In the end, it’s as if time goes back in time, cleverly frozen before the destruction happens.

All traces have been eliminated, and the depths of the magic forest have returned to peace. It seems that nothing has happened. There is no sign of damage at all… Only the girl with silver hair and silver eyes is still holding tightly. He, the whole person can’t wait to stick to him.



Silence returned to the forest.

There is the sound of the wind blowing, the leaves rubbing against each other, making a rustling sound.

“Long time no see, Shenqi…”

Gu Mo sighed, but still smiled slightly and said softly at the same time. He reached out and gently stroked the head of the silver-haired girl in his arms, feeling the same feel as before.

“It’s been a long time, you…why are you…” After humming a few times, the silver-haired and silver-eyed girl raised her head and looked at him with dissatisfaction. She pouted and said, as if she was very angry. It’s okay if this person doesn’t say this, she can’t help it when she says it. It’s been a long time.

“Cough, on this issue, I first need to make a statement. At that time, they refused to see me.”

Gu Mo seemed to know what she wanted to say, and answered very decisively.

Although it is indeed a troublesome and tangled issue, in terms of the actual situation, he believes that he should not bear the main responsibility.


The girl with silver hair and silver eyes puffed up her cheeks even more dissatisfied. She lowered her head and slammed her head into the other side, making a whimper like a puppy bit someone’s clothes.

“But I was really angry at the time, who made your relationship with the Princess of the Moon so close, and that’s fine, you still lied to us for her sake… ugh, this is really too much It’s so annoying…”

Even though it has been a long time since the original state, the anger that was dizzying at that time has cooled down.

But when talking about this now, Shen Qi was still a little angry. She slammed her head against Gu Mo, and at the same time muttered: “It’s too much, it’s too much…”

Gu Mo sighed, and at the same time stretched out his slender index finger, rubbed his eyebrows with a slight headache, and said earnestly, “It’s not like that at all, okay, I was in a relationship with Her Royal Highness who had just known each other for a while. All I can say is that it was really a coincidence, it was all coincidence.”


“You still say this now, do you think you believe it?” The silver-haired and silver-eyed girl stopped her childish behavior and looked up at him extremely annoyed.


Gu Mo thought for a while, and replied like this.

“Why do you even have to use an uncertain tone? Isn’t it obvious that you don’t even believe in yourself?!” Shen Qi was even more annoyed. Such a statement that she has no confidence in herself is completely unconvincing. Ah, this person doesn’t believe it himself, how can he expect himself to believe this matter.

Everything is a coincidence…

So the preparation to propose to Kaguya was a coincidence…

The probability of    all five rare treasures is also a coincidence…

It was also a coincidence that the main body went to see Kaguya just after the retreat…

So, how can there be so many coincidences? Obviously even a fool wouldn’t believe this kind of talk! It was really annoying, her bright silver pupils firmly reflected the figure of the person in front of her, Shen Qi angrily rubbed her little tiger teeth, as if she wanted to bite him.

“I’ll take a look at it. The focus at the beginning was the five treasures…”

Gu Mo helped the girl stand up and tidied up her clothes. At the same time, he tilted his head slightly, as if he was thinking seriously.

“Because it’s too coincidental, the probability is too small, so you will think that there is some deeper connection between me and Her Royal Highness The Princess… Even if I explained it at the time, it would still not be so impressive. Believe me, don’t believe my statement too much…”

“Who would believe it, and didn’t the princess in the back go to you directly? Your body just finished the retreat, and she got the news right away…” Shen Qi snorted softly, “Although I didn’t follow at that time. Let’s act together, but I still know what’s going on, how do you explain this?”

“It’s also a coincidence.”

Gu Mo said firmly.



Shenqi’s eyes widened, and she seemed to stare at him in disbelief, as if she didn’t understand how he could continue to say such words.

“At that time, Her Royal Highness the Princess saw the advertisement leaflet issued by Wenwen, so she was a little curious and found our ship according to the address…” The young man said calmly, “Before that, she didn’t know that it was my residence. , I didn’t expect her to come over at that time.”

“Then why did you go to see her immediately after leaving the customs?”

The girl with silver hair and silver eyes widened her eyes and stared at him with astonishing aura, with the air of seeing how he explained it.

“That’s also a misunderstanding, I wasn’t actually the body at that time…” Gu Mo blinked, “Strictly speaking, until now, this is the real body. That is to say, before that, what you saw was the real body. My avatar is in action…”

“This is impossible!”

The girl with silver hair and silver eyes blurted out as if she heard something very absurd.

How could there be such a ridiculous thing? She could still feel how strong the dragon figure was, how could she still be a clone!

“I know it may be difficult for you to understand, but… this is indeed the truth.” Gu Mo spread his hands and glanced in a certain direction. In the air over there, a tiny and almost invisible pitch-black crack quickly closed. , the space has recovered and returned to its original state, and it seems that nothing strange has happened.

He blinked, and there was a slight smile on the corner of his mouth.

“You…I…this…” Shen Qi was a little confused, she subconsciously didn’t believe such a rhetoric, but the other party said it so confidently and very confidently, according to her understanding of this person, I’m afraid this is not the case That’s really what happened.


How is this possible?

Was his real body so outrageously strong?

“If you don’t believe me, I can prove it to you later…” Gu Mo said casually, and at the same time he looked back a little curiously and glanced at the foreign mansion not far away. The doll house was silent, Miss Alice. It seems that he has also gone out, and it seems that he is also working hard to participate in activities during this time.

“Speaking of which, Shenqi, about Alice…” His eyes turned slightly, and he looked at the silver-haired girl.

“Huh? This… oh, little love?”

was stunned for a moment, Shen Qi was still in a slightly confused state of thinking, subconsciously thinking wildly, but when she heard the words, her eyes suddenly lit up, and the other party’s words reminded her.

Yes, why do you have to be so tangled!

I still have a little love!

This hateful man must not know what is going on!

“Humph, Xiaomo Xiaomo…” He suddenly became arrogant, Shen Qi stared at him expectantly, “You’ve been back for so long, you must have seen Xiao Ai now, do you think she… How about it?”

“Please don’t call me by this title, it feels too strange…” Gu Mo raised his eyebrows, but also thought seriously. As for Alice’s identity, he also had some guesses. It was probably the work that devoted the most effort to Shen Qi, the most perfect and favorite work.

—I didn’t have the mentality of directly creating a race like I did with the demons.

—but with the mentality of treating her daughter who really belongs to her… that is probably the case.

This should be the softest piece of Shenqi’s heart, and Gu Mo naturally won’t treat it harshly. Besides, he has a good impression of Miss Alice.

“Alice, it feels really good to me. Frankly speaking, I’m a little surprised. After I noticed her connection with Shenqi, I have been paying attention…” He seriously After thinking about it for a while, he immediately told his own feelings, without hesitating words of praise.

very serious.

Very sincere.

“Mmmm, there’s more…”

And looking at him like this, the girl with silver hair and silver eyes really became more and more elated.

While listening, she nodded again and again, as if her brows were wide-eyed because of his appreciation, and she was delighted to the core.

That’s it! That’s it! The advantage is mine!

at the same time.

“Well, that monster sage actually gave me cover?”

Outside the magic forest, the black-winged crow tengu in the sky looked a little puzzled, but then she put the matter behind her: “Never mind, there are news materials anyway… Hey, this guy actually Come back, let me see what the best title is.”

“No, this guy and the God of Demons are not news…”

raised the camera in his hand and glanced at it. Sheming Maruwen, who was still very happy, suddenly remembered something and frowned in thought.

“No, I have to figure out a way to distort it… ahem, let’s make art.”

(end of this chapter)

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