When an Alpha is Marked by One of His Own Kind

Chapter 79

Chapter 78

“DG’s hand is cunning. Before Lu Zhe had a hand injury, he couldn’t play. They pushed two second teams up. Now these two men are also good. As a result, now Lu Zhe has recovered. Are they going to fight in the future? Wild swing tactics?”

“Just let you guess the style of their jungler today.”

In the BLX base.

Mo Mo and the others followed the coach to watch the game between DG and COCO, and when they saw that Zhao Yue, who had won the first victory, was replaced, Mo Mo couldn’t help but complain.

After all, Lu Zhe, Zheng Zhizhuo, and Zhao Yue do have their own differences. Although Lu Zhe’s overall strength is stronger than these two, for example, the judgment of the situation and the control of the wild area are better. The floor, plus his experience in various competitions before, but now everyone can see that in time, Zheng Zhizhuo and Zhao Yue will become the mainstay of the new generation of DG.

Some teams were extremely successful in the history of the league, and they entrusted many people’s dreams, but then they gradually withered, because they didn’t pick up the green and yellow, they could only be mentioned in the feelings of old fans.

DG was able to cultivate Zheng Zhizhuo and Zhao Yue at such a moment, and it really complied with the old saying:

Fortune and misfortune depend on each other.

“Ban spider.” Lele couldn’t help but speak when he saw the game enter the B&P link. As expected, when his voice fell, Blue’s COCO banned the spider first.

In all fairness, although the spider has a strong support ability and is good at catching people, it is really too fragile. Once it comes to the late team battle, it basically only has the role of losing control, and then it can lie down and die.

But why after Lu Zhe used it, everyone subconsciously put the spider in the ban position?

Because Lu Zhe used the Spiders in the first fifteen minutes to capture the final team-a strong European team-online in the World Championship.

For the LPL, the World Championship is an absolute crush that cannot be replicated, showing the strength of the LPL’s top division, but for the losing team, this is very embarrassing.

Although current coaches and players will consciously target the development of spiders, but…

What if you were unfortunately caught in the early stages? right?

So it’s better to let this hero stay in the ban position.

The lineup for the second game on both sides is gradually taking shape.

DG is here with Sword Demon, Blind Monk, Demon Ji, Xia, and Thresh. The intention to start a group first is undoubtedly revealed. The blind monk’s ultimatum and Thresh’s hook can all be preemptive. Demon Ji and Xia’s output book The season is not low, the sword demon is half meat and half output. There is nothing wrong with this Pick lineup.

As for COCO——

They made a countermeasure.

Kenan, Excavator, Ike, Kai’Sa and Titan.

“COCO is also very particular about it. Kenan’s big move can stun people and interrupt the opponent’s follow-up output, and they are not completely passive. Titan is also a hero with a hook. Once COCO’s development exceeds DG, they can also go the other way.”

The commentary sounded in the live broadcast room.

“Moreover, both sides are actually very balanced. The output position on the DG side is on Yaoji and Xia, and the output on the COCO side is that Ike and Kai’Sa are both standard mid-low carry. It depends on how the jungler on both sides determines the advantage. .”

“Okay, let’s get into the game now!”

Voice of the DG team.

Looking at the mode of entering the map, Lao Shou slowly asked: “Captain, did you remember the rules of the playoffs wrong, BO5, this is only the second game, why did you come up?”

“Don’t you know that the man who appeared on the finale is the most attractive?” He spoke earnestly and wanted to teach Lu Zhe to be a man.

Lu Zhe didn’t look at him, his gentle voice flowed into the microphone: “Is there any charm for me, does it have anything to do with you?”

Old snail: “…”

Qian Bao sat upright, and replied to Lao Wo, “Is it annoying? Hey, I will answer this question. The feeling of waiting is always tormented. The Marines can’t wait to show it to someone.”

Erhua answered casually: “Aite wolf cub should be here.”

Shen Qiao bought a go-out outfit, and as he went on the road, he smiled and cursed: “You are starting again, right? I found that Lu Zhe came to you to be very energetic.”

Lao Su took Erhua all the way to the wild area, “Because we have a father now, and our backs are hard, Lu father, do we want to invade?”

At that time, Erhua hadn’t upgraded his skills. Hearing his suggestion, he waited quietly for Lu Zhe to speak to decide what to upgrade his first skill.

Lu Zhe recalled the COCO habit and replied: “It’s okay, but I guess they will come to us with a high probability. Pay attention to the position as much as possible. The problem of sending one blood is not big. If you send more, you just wait. Go back and get scolded with me.”

Lao Wo suddenly smiled wildly, and tremblingly manipulated the character to follow Lu Zhe, Erhua and him squatted in the same bush.

At this moment, from the perspective of God, it can be clearly seen that the two teams, COCO and DG, are squatting in the grass across the river, waiting for the opposite side to come up first.

COCO waited for a while, and took the initiative to go there first.

at this time–

A hook suddenly stretched out from the grass, and the Titan on the COCO side happened to be walking in front of him. With this pull, only one assist was pulled, and Lu Zhe immediately said:


The COCO team members quickly gathered and added skills to Thresh Ping A. DG also retreated while beating the Titans. The support on both sides suffered too much for a time.

During the battle, Shen Qiao was reluctant to go, “Kasha is in the front row, you can fight.” During the conversation, he beat Kasha several times.

Lu Zhe sighed, shouting withdraw, but Q passed by the moment Kaisha surrendered, and immediately pressed the person’s blood volume into blood, tempting people just looking at it.

“I’m coming too, I’m coming too!”

“Why are you doing this to the Marine Corps? You shouted the result of the withdrawal and secretly carried us to take the head?” Qian Bao also turned his head back to beat people.

The on-site commentators watched them and retreated. Originally, they were still saying that the DG didn’t catch the right person and they were ready to give up. However, when the conversation was halfway, the five people from DG turned around and seemed to force the opposite. The look of a human head.

“They don’t plan to leave! Are they going to kill! Kai’Sa crossed over and was Q by the blind man, but the blind man was quickly set on fire by Ike and Kenan. Thresh wanted to go up to help, but was pulled by the Titans again. go back……”

“The sword demon is chasing Kai’Sa’s hammer! Kai’Sa is gone! The blind man…hey, the blind man has flashed, and COCO wants to catch up, but this distance is afraid that he can’t catch up, unless they also flashed, but this position It’s very close to a tower in the middle of DG, oh, they didn’t catch up.”

“Then, this wave of the first-level regiments of both parties will end with the DG’s side of blood—”

The commentary sounded in the stadium.

On the DG side, Lu Zhe went back to the city to exchange his assist money for equipment and regained his blood. He smiled and said in his voice: “I found out that your appetite has become bigger recently. I used to eat a red and blue stone and it was enough. Now I need a blood. So that I can be fed? What do I have to feed you in the future?”

Shen Qiao was on the road to line up with Kenan. Hearing Lu Zhe’s words that seemed to be strongly suggestive, he couldn’t help taking a breath, and while trying to get close to Kenan and chop him, he tried to avoid the opponent by walking and predicting. Skills, and at the same time returned Lu Zhe’s sentence:

“Don’t you get it done?”

Lu Zhe glanced at the economics of both sides and quickly swept the wilds, “Okay, I will promise you whatever you say.”

Qian Bao was in line with Ike, and with his own operation, he joined the topic in a good mood: “Did you forget that this is the team channel? The forced dog food is not sweet, I won’t eat it!”

Lu Zhe looked at the map and slowly said: “Before the alliance’s couple channel is made, I can only do it for you.”

At this moment, Erhua placed an eye near the river and pressed Lao Wo to the COCO side. Lu Zhe raised his hand and signaled to them on the map: “The excavator is going to get off the road. Be careful.”

He didn’t plan to go down the road.

Because Kai’Sa’s equipment hasn’t formed so quickly yet, Lu Zhe wants to catch Ike in the abandoned middle road first to help Qian Bao accumulate his advantage as soon as possible. After all, the middle road is the shortest route on this map, so the line of troops arrives faster than the remaining ones. The next two sides are fast, and naturally they will develop relatively faster.

If Ike, who is in the C position, gets up and fights in the late team, his damage will be very annoying, and the hero’s ultimate move is equivalent to a life, and he must not grow up.

Thinking of this, Lu Zhe shouted: “Qiao Qiao.”

Shen Qiao already knew what he was going to say, and immediately said: “Kenan will leave it to me, you don’t use it.” Now neither side has a jungler to help, but Shen Qiao can rely on his operation to abruptly lead Kenan in the number of fills, as long as He seized the opportunity and defeated Kenan. In the later stage, this hero did not output.

Even if the big move can stun people, it will not hurt DG.

Lu Zhe let out an “um” and went to the middle road to help Qian Bao arrest people.

The game went down smoothly according to the script arranged by DG——

Ike in the middle road was caught by Lu Zhe twice before the sixth level. The excavator on the bottom road wanted to help Kai’Sa and the others to catch people. At the critical moment, the old snail was pulled back under the tower by Thresh, and was covered by the line of soldiers. , Frozen is a wave of blood show them.

Had it not been for the Titans to help Kai’Sa block the damage, Kai’Sa was almost killed by Lao Wo.

The blood volume of the excavator is also not healthy, so he walked around in front of the DG’s tower, gave up the plan to kill people on the top tower, and went on the road.

Under the pressure of the jungler to catch, Shen Qiao just didn’t let his knife fall, and even waited for the jungler to leave, he pressed Kenan under one of the COCO towers, and hacked the COCO tapi whenever he had the opportunity.

COCO’s top orders were almost beaten and cry by him.

The commentators take a look at the economy-

Kenan inexplicably fell downstream. He was obviously a hero with longer hands than the sword demon. He would be beaten by the sword demon as soon as he made up his soldiers, and he was beaten as soon as he made up his soldiers. Later, even Q had a cautious meaning. .

“I don’t want to take Kenan anymore…” COCO Shangdan said.

The early stage is still so difficult.

When Lu Zhe got the Canyon Pioneer and exploded the first tower in the middle road, COCO and the others were even more difficult. They were forced to start a team battle in the middle road by the DG, and the two sides fought a two-for-two.

But one of the heads is on the auxiliary Titan.

And DG’s heads are all… the old snail and the blind monk.

In this way, DG’s C position was all up. With the advantages of economy and development, DG went to take two dragons, one fire and one water. The previous one was given up because the excavator was on the way.

After the three dragons came out, they were not far from the big dragon.

The next wave of team battles between the two sides will be either the Great Dragon Group or the Ancient Dragon Group.

Shen Qiao constantly eats soldiers online, upgrades his equipment, COCO is also changing lines, and both sides are waiting for the next wave of teamfighting opportunities——

at this time.

Lu Zhe turned the excavator’s wild in the upper half of the wild area, trying to steal a blue, forcing the excavator to hand over the punishment, then Ike came out of the grass behind the excavator, and the two were preparing to take Lu in the wild area. Zhe eats it.

As a result, Qian Bao and Shen Qiao were teleported to Lu Zhe at the same time Ike appeared. Seeing that there was a fight, Lao Wo and Er Hua, who were on the road, also gathered towards this side.

The two sides met before the big dragon group and started the team battle rhythm. The sword demon entered the arena first, played a set and got a golden body, ate the Titan’s big, took most of the damage, and Qian Bao harvested in the back row. Lu Zhe’s blind man waited for the opportunity to kick off the people who were preparing to collect the money.

The golden body of Shen Qiao is very crucial, and Xia who came to support DG first waited.

AD damage joined the battlefield, and COCO was cut into formation by the blind man, and two people were immediately taken away.

The remaining Kai’Sa caught Lu Zhe altogether. Lu Zhe ran all the way from the wild area to near the middle road. Seeing the COCO line, a Q wanted to go over and jump onto the little soldier——


His Q damage was too high, and the soldier was killed by Q.

Lu Zhe: “…Tsk.” He could only run away honestly with his legs.

Shen Qiao also noticed the Q he had just now, and couldn’t help but laughed in the channel: “Lu Team, are there many question marks above your head?”

Lu Zhe smiled helplessly: “You have the heart to watch me being killed cruelly by Kai’Sa?”

At that time, Shen Qiao had already exploded the second tower on the road of COCO, pushing up the ground like a stand-alone game, and said calmly: “Come on, you can live.”

As soon as he finished speaking, Lu Zhe was resurrected from the wild area and killed by Ike, who had surrounded him with Kai’Sa.

Shen Qiao pretended to sigh for him: “Hey, my life is not good.”

Lao Snail followed a formation: “It’s a bad life.”

Qian Bao: “My life is not good.”

Erhua: “Who do you want to make sense to find such an object?”

Lu Zhe smiled angrily.

He came out of the spring and saw Lao Wo and Shen Qiao killing COCO’s Kenan again. They were eagerly preparing to go directly to the high ground. The blind monk walked all the way towards the middle road. At the same time he met, he said, “Take the dragon. Long.”

Take the dragon and push it more safely. After all, COCO still has four people.

Shen Qiao: “You can fight, you can fight, you can fight-Ike didn’t flash!”

Erhua and the others hadn’t listened to Lu Zhe’s command for a long time, and they were used to doing their own things. Suddenly they heard two different opinions at this moment. After a moment, Erhua asked, “Do you want to fight the dragon?”

The old snail yelled, “Captain, you’re here again!”

On the screen-

After Shen Qiao said that he could play, the blind jumped out first, and Ike who caught him kicked him and kicked him into the team of DG.

Lao Su said while outputting in the back row: “I understand, Lu Gou, you just want to fight five kills with me.”

Lu Zhe leaned back in his chair until the DG did not use the dragon to push the crystal on his side, smiled at Shen Qiao next to him, raised his brows, and said:

“I don’t want it either.”

“The problem is that someone is disobedient. What else can I do besides petting?”

The author has something to say:

Don’t worry about this one!

Because in a professional game, when a team competes, there are really n kinds of voices.

Every big guy has his own ideas hhhhh

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