When an Alpha is Marked by One of His Own Kind

Chapter 100

Chapter 99

“Congratulations to the LPL Division!!”

“I said this is the last year for the LPL to win the championship. There should be no opinion, right? [doge]”

“The DG won the championship last year. I didn’t mean it. Be generous. Should I give the championship to WTG this year?”

“Also let us WTG have a taste of winning!”

“DG Chong!! This shame of spring and summer, we must find it back in the World Championships!”

“Last year’s DG Spring Championship runner-up, summer game runner-up, S game champion, this year’s DG spring game semi-finals, summer game semi-finals, S game…what results, do you understand? I have arranged the script, me and the championship trophy, You must choose one to take away!”

“The members of the WTG have listened! The trophy we lost in the summer can only be made up for by the trophy of the S game!”

“I don’t care, I’m an LPL fan, I’m already thinking about what the champion skin wants.”

After WTG won the championship, there was a lot of celebration on the Internet. Everyone did not expect that the final final of the S game would be the LPL team’s civil war. After all, the difficulty is too high.

But this dream has come true today.

This S competition is undoubtedly telling everyone that the LPL competition area is now the well-deserved first competition area!

The two top teams that have left this competition area have removed all difficulties and obstacles, and are now moving towards the only trophy that symbolizes the highest honor.

Different from the nervous feeling of the players of the two teams, the other teams are much more relaxed. Even the domestic guest commentators are also playing. When you have a favorite hero or play a hero that the two team members are good at, it will start. The two teams from Aite were separated from each other and asked if they could choose this for the champion skin.

Zhao Yue and Zheng Zhizhuo started to be beaming in advance. After all, this was the first time they came to the LPL competition. They entered the World Championship finals for the first time. No matter what the final result of DG, and whether they will stay in this game in the future. The team, DG’s current performance can raise their value very well.

After all, they are the jungle substitutes for the S championship/runners.

A substitute for the former S championship FMVP.

Think about it, it’s a lot of face.

But the two kids are very sensible and didn’t dance this in front of the players because they also watched the previous WTG game and knew that although DG had slowly recovered this time, it was against the upswing WTG. It is not easy to predict who wins and loses.

After all, this point has been reached, and everyone has only one goal—


Only the champion can be remembered.

There is no difference between runners-up and quarterfinals and quarterfinals.

They all know this clearly.

The day of the game.

Shen Qiao sat in the players’ lounge, listening to Lu Zhe and Coach Fang’s tactics as usual. After staying there for a while, he got up and walked out again. Lu Zhe glanced at him and thought he was going to smoke. Joe’s smoking frequency plummeted. Sometimes he couldn’t find a cigarette **** in his trash can for three or five days, and sometimes he saw two or three in one day.

But the self-playing team is getting better and better, and the number of times Shen Qiao smokes is gradually decreasing.

Unexpectedly, he would still be nervous in the final.

Lu Zhe thought for a while and could understand. After all, this was the first time that Shen Qiao had reached the final of the S game. He felt he had to go over and take a look.

After hearing Coach Fang’s words, he was about to get up and go outside. Suddenly seeing Shen Qiao coming back again, Lu Zhe was taken aback and raised his eyes to look at him: “Are you so fast?”

Shen Qiao: “?”

Lu Zhe reacted for a second before realizing that there was some ambiguity in his words, smiled, and corrected: “I mean, you didn’t go out to smoke… come here.”

Halfway through the conversation, he heard that the faint mint smell on Shen Qiao’s body was not mixed with the slightly pungent smoke, and he raised his brows and beckoned to Shen Qiao.

Shen Qiao knew what he meant, and took a step in his direction with one hand in his pocket, stood in front of him, looked at him with low eyes, and the deep facial features were lightly shaded by the light above his head. He smiled lightly and replied:

“I didn’t smoke.”

Lu Zhe looked up at the way he smiled at himself. He had been together for a while, and the two had done very intimate things, but now seeing Shen Qiao like this, somehow he instinctively appeared in his heart. Read it.

He just looked at Shen Qiao and asked aloud: “Why don’t you smoke anymore?”

Shen Qiao answered him lightly: “Quit.”

Lu Zhe: “?”

Obviously, I saw a cigarette **** in his room two days ago.

Shen Qiao seemed to know what he was thinking, and corrected: “I really quit today. I will use all my future non-smokers for a champion.”

Lu Zhe couldn’t help laughing.

The players next to each other rarely said that they were sprinkling dog food, and they were both mentally relaxing before the game. As usual, Lao Wo was studying how to adjust the temperature of the water in his thermos to the right temperature. The second flower was brushing. In the anchor’s instructional video, Qian Bao was chatting with Zhao Yue and Zheng Zhizhuo one after another, and asked them to do their hair together during the Chinese New Year, so that the New Year’s discounts at the barber shop she frequented would be enough for three people to work together. Single out.

Although the two children didn’t dare to speak about the game, the companion chat was first-rate. They immediately thought about what color their hair should be dyed, and then happily accepted:

“How about red? Festive?”

“I think gold is also good.”

“Does blue gray look good?”

Coach Fang heard the corners of his mouth twitching beside him, not knowing where they came from to kill Matt’s aesthetics, and interjected: “Dye them all, so one day the feather duster of the base will fall off, and your hair color will be just right, colorful. of.”

Qian Bao, Zhao Yue, Zheng Zhizhuo: “…”

At this time, Lao Wo glanced at the time, screwed on his thermos cup, turned and looked at the direction of the show, and heard the staff come to inform:

“The game is about to begin.”

“Please be prepared.”

“Huanyin, everyone came to Berlin to watch the finals of the S game! What you see are two top teams from the LPL Division, they are DG! WTG!”

“On one side is last year’s S Championship, and on the other side is the team that entered the World Championship for the first time. Who will be the winner of this year’s championship?”

“Is the old king defending his title, or the new king ascending to the throne?”

“let us wait and see!”

Shen Qiao and Lu Zhe entered the stage in the host’s passionate voice, stood in front of the stage, facing away from the opposite WTG players. When the host introduced their respective results, the audience cheered loudly.

Shen Qiao has long been accustomed to being watched in live broadcasts and various big and small events, so there is no expression and no big fluctuations. When the introduction is finished, he will start to check the equipment with the staff.

After putting on the headphones, Lao Wo was still the first to speak, as he did when he first joined the team:

“Hello, Captain, just a few words from the usual practice?”

Lu Zhe smiled and shook his head, as if a little helpless, but he didn’t let everyone wait too long, and quickly said: “Today, let’s say something simpler, it’s all here—”

He prolonged his tone.

Qian Bao and Erhua said “Wow”.

Shen Qiao answered: “Then take a trophy and go back?”

Lu Zhe: “Yes.”

Lao Wo exclaimed, “I like the whole job today.”

Coach Fang glanced at the time and said in due course: “Okay, close, prepare for bp.”

As usual, the bps of the two teams were very cautious. Shen Qiao’s crocodile, Lu Zhe’s spider, and Qian Bao’s enchantress were all banned. DG was banned by Qinggang Ying and Ka. Sha, there is a sword demon, generally speaking, it is more aimed at WTG’s bot lane.

DG is the first blue player.

The hero chosen first is the ball girl.

WTG took down Thresh and added EZ.

This is to lay down the rhythm on the route.

DG showed up here—

They grabbed EZ’s good partner, the cat, and matched it with Olaf.

Olaf’s hand with the cat is special, and think about it carefully, no matter who the cat is with, it is not weak in the bottom lane. After all, after the ADC and the cat are combined, the opponent can only hit one person at a time, but they can concentrate on two positions. Lao Snail and Erhua recently used a trumpet to match the output of the squad, and the effect was not bad. Coach Fang asked them to practice for a few days.

Sure enough, WTG didn’t expect to see this move, but they didn’t panic. After banning a few ADs, they took the blind monk to jungle.

You come and I meet on both sides, fighting wits and courage in the BP link, and the final lineup will soon come out:

DG here is Aoun, Olaf, Ball Girl, Female Gun and Cat.

On the WTG side are the captain, blind monk, ice girl, EZ and Thresh.

There are meat on both sides, and there are heroes who start the team first, it depends on whose C position is better developed.

At the beginning of the game—

DG tried to reverse the wild area over there, but was quickly discovered, and the four people on the opposite side also wrapped up, moving the red and blue on both sides, and finally let WTG’s jungler take it.

The two sides exchanged blood in small amounts, but they both pulled it well, and did not easily give a blood head.

Then came the laning, Aoun and the captain were both fleshy, and neither were very easy to catch. This one was supposed to focus on the middle or bottom lanes on both sides. As a result, WTG didn’t take the usual path and came to grab Aoun at level 4.

Shen Qiao’s anti-gank consciousness is improving this season. This is still in the World Championship. Of course, he has no lack of attention. He estimated the possibility of winning by himself and the pawns and plating he will lose after retreating.

Then when the blind monk did not arrive, he retreated.

The blind monk caught him once, failed, and squatted in a better position. The eyes around him were cleaned up. As soon as Shen Qiao came out of the tower, he saw the blind monk from Q in the river channel, and he jumped to the soldier’s. Shen Qiao didn’t want to be against him at all, seeing Lu Zhe holding the dragon in the lower half of the wild area, simply and neatly—

Go up and fight.

The blind monk and the captain were very happy, and wanted to stick to it when they caught up. As a result, Shen Qiao handed in a random set, and asked Lu Zhe about the speed of holding the dragon.

The blind man saw that he had two-fifths of his blood left, his heart moved, somehow, his brain was faster than his hands, and he gave a flash.

Shen Qiao: “Huh?”

He was still a little bit at a loss for flashing, but this flashing was exchanged for the resources of the Xialu Wild Area, so it was okay. As a result, the blind man also flashed with him, and he hasn’t killed him yet, this wave of losses is huge—

Shen Qiao punched the blind man’s crossover time on the channel, and then said directly: “Pioneer can prepare to take it.”

Lu Zhe answered, “Okay.”

Then it’s on the road.

Qian Bao and his opponent in the mid lane were inextricably fought, and both of them seemed to have a low blood volume after returning. It happened that the blood bottle was knocked back, and they were looking for flaws in the opponent’s position while turning around the line, like Very greedy for this single kill.

Lu Zhe passed by and squatted in the grass, trying to help Qian Bao get a head, but the ice girl opposite already knew that Lu Zhe had taken the first dragon. Maybe she was squatting in the grass, so she made a vision and saw Lu. Philosopher.

Lu Zhe found that the opponent was walking cautiously. He squatted in front of the tower before giving up, and went on the road decisively.

At this time, Shen Qiao was at the sixth level.

When Lu Zhe was about to arrive, he was exchanging blood with the captain. The two of them were about half blood. Seeing that Lu Zhe was about to arrive, he confessed to him very simply and summoned the sheep, one by one, and two collisions. , The captain has all eaten—

The Olaf used by Lu Zhe was a fighter, so he took the lead quickly, and when he came up, he directly cooperated with Shen Qiaota to kill him, and he would take the head.

Although the captain on the road had teleportation, he immediately came over and lost not many soldiers when he died, but when he died, he also handed in his big move, and also handed in a flash, this wave is equivalent to full air.

During the period when his skills have not improved, it is equivalent to anyone who can take his head.

Qian Bao saw that there was a chance to brush heads on the road, and he quickly signaled to Shen Qiao. He took a wave of **** lines in the middle and walked on the road. WTG has already lost a small advantage. He also knows the strengths of DG, so he is naturally reluctant to put this one. Pioneer, the people on the road followed up, trying to grab map resources.

Lao Wo led the troops alone in the lower road, and said hello to them, instead of going to the group, he ate the tapi awkwardly and grew up secretly.

The WTG guys were staring outside the wall. Lu Zhe and Shen Qiao hit Pioneer twice. They wanted to kill the opposite jungler first. They pulled and paid attention to their position. The cat came over at this time and hung it on Lu Zhe’s body. Vanguard’s blood volume is only more than 1,000 left—

The blind man jumped in.

Cat and Olaf immediately directed output to him, the cat swiped up, Olaf used the skills, the ice girl lost control, Olaf opened up the control, and took the blind man who had been stopped.

Olaf became 2-0.

Without the blind, WTG retreated immediately, not allowing DG to have any more advantages, and prepared to wait for the two C positions to get up before starting a group with them.

They played a little cautiously and wanted to make as few mistakes as possible, but in this one, because Olaf and the cat’s rhythm matched so well, WTG ultimately failed to seize the opportunity of DG. In such a big game, if both teams are in state Very good, in fact, the comparison is who can make fewer mistakes on either side.

Is there any wrong idea in this wave of WTG grasping?


But when Shen Qiao started two waves, which wave died, the blind man and the captain got up.

As for Pioneer, if the blind man of WTG is not fixed, it is hard to say who this Pioneer is in the end, and the outcome of the opening of the group depends on the people.

Because Olaf’s rhythm was too strong, DG won the game after the first direct-grinded resource in the wild zone after the second wave of the dragon group.

1-0 temporarily lead.

The on-site commentary gave statistics: “In a bo5, the first team to score, the winning rate was as high as 70%.”

This is a question of momentum.

Going up and making the next point will not only help the momentum of your team, but also make the opponent panic. If the opponent loses another point in this situation, you will directly enter the winning point.

But why is WTG willing to come to the final round like this?

In the second game, they boldly selected Kassadin in the middle, dragging the rhythm of the late stage with DG. Although DG had restricted Kassadin’s development at the beginning, the opponent had no heads in the first 20 minutes. After getting it, the equipment is only made of a Central Asian hourglass to survive.


The big dragon group and the ancient dragon group afterwards all meant that DG needed to face more and more frontal battles, but if they died more people, their heads would probably fall into the hands of the opposite Kassadin—

The facts are as they expected.

In the early stage, the WTG bit tightly and did not allow DG to open up the economic gap. They took three dragons and three towers in 20 minutes, and their economic advantage was only extended to four thousand. They finally reached the big dragon group, because Qian Bao was killed. One set was taken away, Kassadin got the head, and the DG side played four against five, and was forced to open a group by the opponent. Pulling was not as good as the opposite, and Kassadin received two more heads.

WTG relied on Kassadin to turn the tide and dragged the game abruptly to 30 minutes. After the second dragon was refreshed, WTG forced DG again. Kassadin relied on the excellent output position, took two heads, and returned directly. Change equipment at home.

When they came out again, the DG was unable to pick up the team fight.

The score was pulled to 1:1.

The third game.

DG grabbed Shen Qiao’s best crocodile, the czar in the middle, the female gun and the cat in the bottom, the troll as the jungler, and the WTG Jess, the barrel, the plane, and the Kasha Gabron.

They directly copied the previous SLG’s Kasaburon combination.

Shen Qiao was taken care of in the early stage. This time, the opponent took the posture of Ueno and Ueno and they were on the road. The Crocodile was very easy to catch before level 6. If Shen Qiao resists and retreats, even a single soldier will not be able to eat it. Jess riding face output.

However, Lu Zhe and Qian Bao’s support were a step slower, and Qian Bao also wasted a TP. When he came, the barrel plane on the opposite side had already returned, which was equivalent to giving away a TP for nothing.

This wave of DG was snowballed by WTG—

This season’s Jace’s Q damage is very high again. It’s gotten up in the early stage, and it became a tricky point in the mid-term. Although the crocodile can smash the opposite back row, but there is a troll face in front, the plane’s E It can spray a large area again, and Jace will be disabled as soon as a shot comes over. The crocodile without a head and unable to find a good output position is like a younger brother.

Sometimes, Qian Bao’s czar’s tactics were used to make him escape the fate of being forced to kill.

Shen Qiao keeps looking for time to steal growth, but WTG seems to know this, and it just has to rely on Jess who got up first to force them in various places. After Kai’Sa’s three-piece suit is formed, Jie Si’s output curve has been smoothed, and it has grown into a daddy. In addition, Bron’s shield can help Kai’Sa withstand the damage. In the post-dough battle, WTG’s side is usually dead, and the winning side is absolutely straight down.

The opposite side forcibly led the troops to push the tower. The old worm guarded the tower and was helpless. Before this wave of female guns improved, the opposite side began to fight the big dragon. Shen Qiao, Qian Bao and Lu Zhe took the cats and started to head. Iron goes in four to five—

They intended to drag the dragon to WTG almost to fight, and waited for Lao Wo to come over and face Long Keng with a big move.

As a result, WTG was not fooled.

They simply gave up, opened the formation and played a team with them. Shen Qiao’s crocodile damage was not too high, and Qian Bao did not have any head advantage. In the end, the czar’s power was still used to save his life, and even sacrificed a second flower. Magic cat.

Lu Zhe also had blood remaining.

This wave must return to the city.

Seeing that they couldn’t move the dragon, Lao Wo squatted in the grass next to him, gritted his teeth and said: “I can’t see me here, it’s really impossible. I’ll wait for a good time and go over and try if I can win a dragon—”

However, WTG has already guessed this. The jungler is as experienced as Lu Zhe. He didn’t rush to punish him because he was afraid that DG would come back to grab the dragon. He insisted on reaching the last second. The big dragon was taken down in the move.

DG everyone:


“I’m special!”

“Ouch, let me go!”

“It’s almost!”

“Return to defense! There is still a chance! Keep your home and keep your home!”

They did not care about regretting this fleeting opportunity and wanted to go back home. As a result, WTG was not in a hurry, but went to get the fourth dragon, and then began to slowly push DG’s upper, middle and lower three-way high ground.

Guarding the artillery and bombarding them.

Upper road inner tower, lower road inner tower, middle road tower, lower road high ground, lower road crystal…

After this wave of WTG operation, the average baron’s income per game reached 3300+.

DG has lost sight of its own wilderness area, but can’t just guard the home, because the ancient dragon is about to come out, but there are still a few minutes, which is completely enough for WTG to update the equipment. In a few minutes, is it enough for them to steal the development back?

Nobody knows.

But they knew that the next wave of team battles was their last hope.

Let WTG get the ancient dragon again, and they will get a wave.

Qian Bao took Erhua to the extreme, and wanted to kill the opponent’s jungler solo before hitting the ancient dragon, so as to gain a chance for the team. However, as soon as she seized the opponent, the support from there came. Soon, the upper and middle two roads insisted on sending it to kill her.

Lu Zhe and Shen Qiao took advantage of this opportunity to try to hit the ancient dragon. The damage was not enough, but Qian Bao went too far, and they were too late in the past—

In this wave, WTG took the lead in knocking out the C position of DG.

Without Qian Bao’s skills, DG played four against five. The equipment and economy could not keep up. They could only be wiped out by the opponent. They watched them get the ancient dragon and pushed their home.

“Congratulations to WTG2-1 leading DG! Arrived at the match point first!”

No one thought of this situation in the first hand.

The five people of DG put down their earphones, and when they got up from the seats, their faces were not visible, and a thin haze fell silently in their hearts.

The opponent has two chances to win.

And they must win in a row.

Can they do it?

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