What Should I Do If I Have a Bad Start After Crossing Over?

Chapter 6

Chapter 5:

◎A chance encounter◎

About eight o’clock, Jiang Yuchu returned home.

Ms. Du Tao kept taking her to the gate of the community before she reluctantly went back.

I told her to be careful when riding a bicycle at night.

She responded again and again, and felt quite touched. Since her grandmother died, she has rarely received this kind of care.

When she got home, she took a shower and sat at the desk to write a plan.

She has a general framework for future career development.

At more than nine o’clock, someone knocked on the door, she got up to open it.

Unexpectedly, it was Xia Yirou, which made her feel very flattered.

“Hello, good evening, please come in”

“No, Zheng Nuo is still at home, I’m here to return the pot, thank you for the porridge”

Xia Yirou was polite and distant.

She came twice during the period, but Jiang Yuchu was not at home.

Jiang Yuchu took over the pot, but did not insist

“You’re welcome, then, good night”


There was some embarrassment between the two of them, so the conversation ended quickly.

Jiang Yuchu didn’t know how to face Xia Yirou.

Xia Yirou’s attitude towards Jiang Yuchu is still based on precaution.

The original body did too much damage to her.

This attitude is good enough.

Jiang Yuchu can understand, if Xia Yirou really forgives her original body so quickly, then she really has to wonder if Xia Yirou is the reincarnation of the Virgin Mary.

She doesn’t think being too kind is a good thing.

After Jiang Yuchu’s thinking yesterday, she decided to open the next milk tea shop near the school.

The vicinity of the school has always been a place where milk tea shops compete wildly.

This is her last life experience.

Mi County has three high schools: Mi County No. 1 Middle School, Mi County No. 2 Middle School, and Mi County No. 3 Middle School.

Mixian No. 1 Middle School is the high school with the largest area, the strongest teachers and the highest graduation rate in the county.

So, the first branch is located near Mi County No.1 Middle School.

She recruited four more people to learn from the old employees such as Li Hong, and then divided them into two shifts, with new and old employees mixed.

In this way, develop the ability of new store associates.

She found a salesman from an agency because she was not very familiar with the area of Mi County No. 1 Middle School.

Originally went to school in Mi County No. 2 Middle School. The original body was not good, so I bought it.

The two visited all the houses near Mi County No. 1 Middle School that the landlord was willing to sell or rent.

Because the house is near the school, the price of buying or renting is high.

In the end, she chose a house next to the school gate.

The total area is about 60 square meters, but it is two floors.

She rented for a year, the landlord refused to buy a house, only willing to rent.

One thousand five hundred per month, five thousand deposit.

It was about 5:00 pm when she signed the contract with the landlord.

Then she went to the labor office to invite people to decorate, and told them about her decoration needs.

Jiang Yuchu wanted to make the first floor a storefront. Except for the space required for making milk tea, tables and chairs were placed in other places so that customers could sit down and drink slowly.

The second floor is decorated as a dormitory.

After negotiation, it is confirmed that both parties have no objection, and they signed a contract.

In this era, people’s awareness of rights protection is very strong, which surprised Jiang Yuchu.

Can the economic, cultural and political development gap of a country be so large?

By the way, labor plays an important role in each county.

A variety of human resources are mixed here to meet the different needs of employers and workers.

Labor offices are under the control of the state.

Workers (including mental and human output) submit personal data to the labor office, which is a prerequisite for obtaining work resources.

Employers obtain the human resources they need through labor.

If the employer successfully signs the contract with the laborer, he will also pay a certain fee to the labor office.

Jiang Yuchu has been personally following up on the preparation of the milk tea shop branch.

During this period, she also had to take care of the small theater and the milk tea main store.

For half a month, Jiang Yuchu went out early and returned late, so busy that his feet didn’t touch the ground every day.

The milk tea branch opened successfully. She transferred Li Hong to the branch, appointed her as the manager, and transferred four new employees to assist.

The business has been booming for a week since it opened.

Every day is in short supply.

Jiang Yuchu had no choice but to hire two more people and let them learn while helping.

Fortunately, the employees are getting more and more handy.

Let her free time to see the small theater and the main milk tea shop.

The head office now has a female beta named Ren Huan as the store manager. She was hired by the second batch, and she is very smart.

She was really busy and dizzy in the past two weeks.

I haven’t been to the small theater and the milk tea main store for a week.

The house she rented was very close to the No. 1 Middle School of Mi County, but it was a long way from the supply and marketing square, and it took about half an hour to ride a bicycle.

It will take an hour to go back and forth.

It’s good to have a small electric donkey, but in this era, there are only three personal means of transportation: bicycles, motorcycles, and cars.

It is impossible to own a car, at least not now, she does not have the economic strength yet.

She has never seen a car in Mi County.

I have seen a few motorcycles, no more than ten fingers.

Motorcycles are not cheap.

A motorcycle costs about two hundred thousand yuan in this era.

If you are not a little rich, then there is basically no fate with motorcycles.

After more than a month of operation, she still has about 270,000 in her passbook, excluding employee wages, rent, etc.

Although she still has the money to buy a motorcycle, she has to consider whether to buy it or not.

After the milk tea branch is on the right track, she has plenty of free time.

I can spare time to see the small cinema and the milk tea shop next to it.

But before she reached the entrance of the small theater, she was stopped by a man in black.

Looks like a bodyguard.

“Is that Ms. Jiang?”

Although it is a question, the tone is very positive.

This process is a bit perfunctory, don’t you all know that I am, looking at your confident tone, Jiang Yu thought to himself.


“Ms. Jiang, our boss wants to see you, please come with me”

The tone could not be rejected, which made Jiang Yuchu feel a little uncomfortable.

Jiang Yuchu would like to say, you will see me when you say.

However, there seems to be something guiding her.

Tell her she should go.

Jiang Yuchu chose to trust intuition.

They came to a tea house.

She followed the man in black to a position by the window.

A man in a Chinese tunic suit was sitting by the window, about thirty.

The square and square face of the Chinese character looks decent.

Seeing her coming, she immediately stood up, stretched out her hand, and said

“Hello, Miss Jiang. Xu Yi”

Jiang Yuchu shook back politely and replied

“Hello, Jiang Yuchu.”

Xu Yi invited her to a seat very gentlemanly, then handed out his business card and said

“I’m here today to discuss a business with Miss Jiang”

She took the business card and looked at it, Xu Yi, Deputy General Manager of Xu’s Co., Ltd.

She has heard of Xu, and she is a well-known enterprise in Province B.

Since the country’s opening-up policy, a limited liability company has been established quickly to respond to the national call.

The pattern is large and powerful.

When many people are still hesitating and dare not take that step, Xu has come a long way.

It is precisely because of this that Xu was once successful and became a dark horse among the enterprises in B province.

Jiang Yuchu did not know where he attracted Xu Yi’s attention.

“Mr. Xu said it”

Xu Yi poured her a cup of tea, and then said

“A few days ago, I heard my sister say that there is a milk tea shop called Zero Degree in Mi County that sells very good milk tea and the business is very good. She waited in line for a long time to get there”

“I was very curious, so I went to see it, it was exactly as my sister said”


“I’d love to try it too, but I don’t want to queue”

“So I asked the nanny at home to learn to make a cup, but the taste was always unsatisfactory”

“Later I heard that Miss Jiang opened a milk tea shop near Mi County No. 1 Middle School, and the business is still very good”

“I learned by chance that the screening room in Mi County is also run by Miss Jiang, and I wanted to meet Miss Jiang for a while”

“I am honored to invite Miss Jiang today”

“So, what does Mr. Xu mean?”

“Miss Jiang, then I’ll just say it”

Xu Yi’s aura suddenly became very oppressive

“I want to buy Miss Jiang’s milk tea formula, I bid 200,000”


Jiang Yuchu laughed directly

“Mr. Xu is joking, let’s not say whether I will sell it to you, your price is too low, do you think I am a three-year-old child?”

“You should know that in less than a year, I can earn 200,000 yuan, but not much, why do you think I will sell it to you”

Xu Yi smiled confidently and said

“I can invest 500,000 in Miss Jiang’s cinema, and I will only take 20% of the profit”

I have to say, for Jiang Yuchu, this temptation is a bit big.

This is to help me seize the market share of Mi County in film resources.

Although no one has followed suit to open theaters, it will be a matter of time.

Jiang Yuchu was thinking about the most beneficial plan for him.

“The theater investment is acceptable to me”

“Milk tea recipes can also be sold to you”

“I can also send someone to train your staff”

She paused, and after seeing Xu Yi’s expression “I knew it would be like this”, she added

“However, you have to use the name of zero-degree milk tea, and the profit will be 37%”

Xu Yi’s expression froze instantly.

Jiang Yuchu did not give him a chance to react and continued to say

“If it doesn’t work, don’t talk about it”

The next is a silent confrontation between the two sides.

Xu Yi compromised. He prefers to cooperate with Jiang Yuchu for a long time. His vision has always been accurate. He believes that Jiang Yuchu has more than this ability.

“Okay, I agree”

Then the two parties negotiated the details of the relevant matters, signed the contract, and left the contact information.

After leaving the teahouse, Jiang Yuchu couldn’t help but smile, and the corners of his mouth rose wildly.

Today is a good day! With 700,000 in the account, motorcycles can be put on the agenda.

She has been busy these days, and she hasn’t visited the mothers for a long time.

She went to the vegetable market to buy vegetables, and also bought strawberries, cantaloupe, pineapple, grapes, lychees, which are usually expensive fruits that Du Taoshe is reluctant to buy.

As soon as I arrived at the door, I heard Ms. Du Tao’s laughter coming from the house.

Is this a guest at home?

She walked into the house and saw what was inside.

Ms. Du Tao hugged Xiao Zhengnuo with a smile, while Xia Yirou sat next to her with a gentle smile.

It was the first time she saw Xia Yirou so gentle, and she felt itchy in her heart.

“Aunt Jiang~”

Jiang Zhengnuo first discovered Jiang Yuchu and shouted sweetly.

She remembered that her mother told her that the aunt whose porridge was delicious was Jiang.

The room fell silent for a moment, the two adults looked at her together, and the atmosphere was awkward for a while.

Ms. Du Tao didn’t look so happy when she saw her that day.

At least not on the surface.

Du Tao was very happy to see Jiang Yuchu, it had been about half a month since her last visit.

Jiang Yu always talks to her, the country is easy to change, and her nature is hard to change.

Jianyu was a little shaken by what she said. She was afraid that her daughter, who had a tendency to improve, would become the same as before.

Seeing Jiang Yuchu now, how happy I am in my heart is self-evident.

But Xia Yirou is here, no matter how happy she is, she can’t show it.

The Jiang family is sorry for Xia Yirou, especially Jiang Yuchu.

“Long time no see, Zheng Nuo”

Jiang Yuchu raised a gentle smile and replied.

Then greeted Ms. Du Tao and Xia Yirou respectively


“Miss Xia”

Du Tao Yuguang paid attention to Xia Yirou, and answered “En”

Xia Yirou just nodded to greet her.

She originally planned to cook a meal for the mothers, but since Xia Yirou is here, she will be staying soon.

She knew that as long as she stayed, Xia Yirou would definitely not stay.

“Do you want to eat fruit or not, auntie wash the fruit for you?”

Jiang Zhengnuo’s first reaction was to look at Xia Yirou.

Ms. Du Tao stood up before Xia Yirou spoke, took the fruit and looked at it, and said to Jiang Zhengnuo happily

“Zhengnuo, what a big strawberry, grandma will wash it for you”

Jiang Zhengnuo has always liked strawberries very much, so Du Tao immediately took the fruit to wash when he saw the strawberry.

In the past half month, Jiang Yuchu went out early and returned late. She never met Xia Yirou and the others by chance. She missed this cute little girl in front of her.

She squatted in front of Jiang Zhengnuo, touched her head, and asked gently

“Is Zheng Nuo’s birthday coming soon?”

She remembered the last time Ms. Du Tao told her that Jiang Zhengnuo had one more month’s birthday.

She rejected Ms. Du Tao’s proposal to invite her to Jiang Zhengnuo’s birthday.

Now, the client expresses great regret.

She did the math and found that Jiang Zhengnuo’s birthday is at most half a month away.

“Well, Zheng Nuo has fifteen days to celebrate his birthday, and after his birthday, Zheng Nuo will be five years old”

Jiang Zhengnuo said happily.

“Zhengnuo is about to grow up another year. When Zhengnuo grows up, she can take care of her mother”

Jiang Zhengnuo’s words touched Jiang Yuchu’s inner softness, although she knew that the mother was not referring to her.

Jiang Zhengnuo is too sensible, and being sensible makes her a little distressed.

Jiang Yuchu’s tone softened a lot

“Zhengnuo is such a good boy”

She paused, but still spoke out what was in her heart.

“Can Auntie celebrate your birthday with you?”

“Um…you have to ask my mother”

Jiang Zhengnuo looked at Xia Yirou and did not agree immediately.

Jiang Yuchu followed Jiang Zhengnuo’s line of sight and looked at Xia Yirou expectantly.

Xia Yirou hesitated for a while, and finally nodded.

When Jiang Yu first saw Xia Yirou and agreed to be happy, she immediately gave her a big smile.

Xia Yirou was stunned for a moment, then looked away unnaturally.

Jiang Yuchu never smiled at her, this was the first time.

Jiang Yuchu didn’t care, she knew that Xia Yirou didn’t like her, or more precisely, the original body.

If those things happened to her, she would not give her a good face. Xia Yirou was still willing to share a room with her, and it was already very good for her to contact Xiao Zhengnuo.

She didn’t expect Xia Yirou’s forgiveness, she felt that the original body was not worthy of forgiveness.

She continued to ask Jiang Zhengnuo,

“Does Zheng Nuo have any favorite things?”

She doesn’t understand Jiang Zhengnuo’s preferences, and she has never contacted children of the same age as Jiang Zhengnuo before.

And the original owner didn’t care about his daughter at all, and there was no daughter in his memory.

Jiang Zhengnuo said without hesitation

“I love mom so much”

Huh? This.

She doesn’t know how to answer.

Xia Yirou had a smile in her eyes when she heard Jiang Zhengnuo’s answer and Jiang Yuchu’s at a loss.

“Come and eat fruit”

Du Tao came out of the kitchen and placed the washed fruit in front of Xia Yirou and Jiang Zhengnuo, said.

The fruit bowl contains sliced pineapple, cantaloupe, washed strawberries, grapes, and lychees.

Xia Yirou saw the lychees on the fruit plate, her eyes paused, and then the tips of her ears turned red.

Her pheromone is lychee.

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