What Should I Do If I Have a Bad Start After Crossing Over?

Chapter 22

Chapter 21:

◎I like it (from the perspective of Shu Han)◎

Xia Yirou hugged Jiang Zhengnuo and evacuated the crowd to a safe place. The staff placed them properly.

The incident just now happened too suddenly. Now that the situation has stabilized, she realizes that Jiang Yuchu is still there. I wonder if Jiang Yuchu has evacuated to a safe place?

It’s not just them who are scattered, there are many people around who are scattered and are anxiously answering the phone.

She deleted Jiang Yuchu’s phone number very early, she couldn’t contact Jiang Yuchu, she could only go to Jiang Yuchu after the matter was over.

“Mom, where’s Aunt Jiang?”

Jiang Zhengnuo asked suspiciously.

“We’ll go to Aunt Jiang when things are over, okay?”


Jiang Yuchu should have arrived at a safe place, maybe Jiang Yuchu could not find her and Zheng Nuo and went back first. She thought to herself.

Jiang Yuchu was fine for the time being, but fell into a coma. The pheromone escaped uncontrollably from the glands behind her neck and filled the entire isolation room. Fortunately, she stayed in the isolation room, otherwise she would have died today. Lively.

She stayed in a quiet isolation room, in contrast to the sound of ambulances, police sirens and chaotic footsteps outside.

Time is temporarily back to before the incident.

Today Shu Han and Chen Qiao brought Shu Le to the zoo to play. Shu Le is Shu Han’s Omega brother, eighteen years old this year.

Chen Qiao and Shu Han just came back from the city yesterday after buying a wedding house. They originally planned to visit the old man today and report to him the specific situation of the house. After all, the old man paid for the house.

But Shu Le wanted to go to the zoo, Shu Han couldn’t see that Shu Le was unhappy, so the two took him to the zoo first.

They didn’t plan to go for a long stroll, they had to go back to Chen’s house to visit their elders.

When the three of them were about to end their game and go back, Shu Le suddenly turned pale, startling Shu Han, and quickly helped him to sit on a chair to rest.

Shu Le sat and rested for a while and didn’t see any improvement, but his face became paler. Seeing this, Shu Han was afraid of Shu Le’s accident, and quickly asked Chen Qiao to carry him to the emergency department.

“But, I’m an alpha…”

Shu Han is not in the mood to care about the difference between alpha and Omega, and Shu Le is her younger brother, which is equivalent to Chen Qiao’s younger brother.

Seeing Shu Han insist, Chen Qiao had no choice but to compromise and carry Shu Le on his back to the emergency room of the zoo.

There is still a long way to go to the emergency department. Shu Han is afraid that something will happen to Shule during this period, because she sees that Shule is a bit like a disorder of pheromones in her body, and she is not restrained So she asked Chen Qiao to wait, and she went to the mutual aid office in the toilet to get the inhibitor.

The Mutual Aid Office is a place set up in the toilet to provide suppressants and suppressant stickers, all of which are donated voluntarily.

The toilet is still filled with the smell of the commonly used freshener, that is, the temperature is higher than usual, causing Shu Han to feel a little hot.

She felt nothing, thinking that the toilet was not well ventilated, so it was stuffy.

After she got the inhibitor, she just wanted to leave when she found that her glands began to swell and heat up, and the pheromones tended to overflow.

She finally realized that something was wrong, and hurriedly went to the cubicle to lock herself up, and then injected herself with an inhibitor, but instead of getting better, it got worse.

Later, her consciousness gradually became unclear, she acted on instinct, she didn’t remember what happened after that, only remembered that someone seemed to come, very like Jiang Yuchu…

The person who walked into her heart and warmed her.

Does she like Guo Jiang Yuchu?

Of course I like it!

But liking is not everything.

She wants love, but she wants bread more. If she has to choose one, she will only choose bread.

She knew from a young age that love alone is useless, it will lose to life.

How in love her parents used to be! Her mother broke up with the family for her father. Although her father was poor, he would give her the best food and clothing.

The mother doesn’t care about the father’s poverty, and thinks that as long as there is love, everything else will gradually become available.

However, my mother was taught a good lesson by reality.

The easiest thing in this world to become is the human heart!

As time went on, my father often quarreled with my mother over money, and scolded my mother for spending a lot of money. He gradually became indifferent to her mother, and quarreling was a very common thing. After a long time, my father sometimes I won’t be back for two or three days.

But, but, what did my father do!

He…he actually teamed up with his friends to take his mother…just for money.

Money is something that people love and hate!

My mother became in a trance from then on, and his father gradually forgot about this family with money and never came back.

Until one day the police came to the door and said that my father committed suicide by throwing himself into the river, and asked my mother to claim the body.

My mother was completely insane after hearing this, and she couldn’t take care of herself since then.

She was twelve and her brother was four.

She had to support the family, she had to take care of her mother, take care of her younger brother, and earn money to support the family.

She knew from a very young age how cruel reality is and how important money is, and she learned as a toddler how to survive in this cruel and unforgiving world.

She bears the burden of the family by herself. Even if the family is difficult, she will try her best to give the best to her brother. She does not want her brother to suffer as hard as she does. She hoped that her brother was alive and free.

Let her take care of the rest.

Jiang Yuchu’s appearance was an accident. She Jiang Yuchu made her feel the sincere feelings that she had never experienced before.

Jiang Yuchu was kind to her, and she showed her heart to her without reservation.

She also really likes Jiang Yuchu, but she and Jiang Yuchu are not suitable, Jiang Yuchu cannot give her what she wants.

She no longer needs spiritual satisfaction, but she is greedy for Jiang Yuchu’s warmth.

So while enjoying Jiang Yuchu’s favor, she was looking for a suitable marriage partner.

After Jiang Yuchu’s introduction, she met Chen Qiao.

Chen Qiao is a very gentleman, decent and generous person.

He is a very suitable person for marriage.

She sometimes contacted Chen Qiao intimately and sometimes distantly. To her surprise, Chen Qiao was caught by her.

But she didn’t immediately leave her relationship with Jiang Yuchu, she needed Jiang Yuchu, and she didn’t want Jiang Yuchu to leave her.

She knew that it would hurt Jiang Yuchu, but she still gave Jiang Yuchu hope selfishly, until the matter could no longer be hidden—the day she got married.

Between them… it’s over.

It’s over.

But she doesn’t regret it, even if she comes again, she will still choose Chen Qiao.

Some things are optional to her, and some things she must get.

When she interacted with Chen Qiao, Chen Qiao was always polite and would not show any intention of being intimate, they just ate together, chatted and went shopping.

It is very comfortable to get along with Chen Qiao. He is generous and will buy her a bunch of things every time. He knows how to get along with each other, never oversteps the rules, and has always been restrained and polite to her.

So when Chen Qiao asked to marry her, she agreed without hesitation.

Although they get along more like friends.

Does she still like Jiang Yuchu?

I like it.

Jiang Yuchu was always in her heart and never disappeared.

She was already in the hospital when she woke up.

She looked at the ceiling and thought to herself: I didn’t expect that she would miss Jiang Yuchu so much that she had hallucinations.

The author has this to say:

late 1.2

Thanks to the little angel who threw mines: KillEr, Han Xi, 1 fan;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: Lin Linlin 2 bottles; KillEr, 176224331 bottles;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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