War Prisoner

Chapter 15

CH 15

Wanyan Xu and Zi Liu were greatly startled. Wanyan Xu was able to restrain his anger, and just gazed at Su Yi steadily. Zi Liu busied herself with stooping over Su Yi, checking him over while questioning him: “Is General Su feeling alright? Do you have any more residual blood in your mouth? It’s best to spit it all out…” Unexpectedly, Su Yi reached out to clutch her hand tightly, not answering her questions, he fixed his eyes upon hers, with a trembling voice he demanded: “You… What you said… Is it true? Could it really be true?

Neither Wanyan Xu nor Zi Liu had ever seen Su Yi like this. Throughout his captivity, he had maintained a resolute composure; the image he presented to the world was as placid as a frozen lake, hidden under that, he had a strength of character as unyielding as iron. Never before had he appeared frantic and vulnerable. Zi Liu began to review the recent events, and understood immediately that her conversation with his Majesty must have been heard by Su Yi. This man was a loyal patriot, and had dedicated his life towards serving his country, the news he had overheard must have been tantamount to the heavens collapsing and the earth caving in.

Zi Liu’s heart softened and she couldn’t bear to speak further. Su Yi was still clutching her hand in a vice-like grip, as if holding on to the last straw that could save him from drowning, and kept on asking: “It’s… true? It’s… really true?” She cast a pleading glance at Wanyan Xu, only to see that his eyes were as hard as iron, ostensibly, he was totally unmoved. Suddenly Wanyan Xu’s hand shot out, grabbing Su Yi’s wrist, he wrenched his hand away from Zi Liu’s. He said icily: “Whether the news is true or not, do I [1] have to repeat it?”

Su Yi stared defiantly into his eyes, like a wolf preparing to engage in mortal combat. Eventually despondency slowly showed in his eyes, and he hung his head. Although Su Yi was obviously trying to force them back, the sound of muffled sobs was subsequently audible. Zi Liu’s earlier joy now gave way to heartache, as she thought to herself: “A country ruined and their people starving, this misfortune is truly traumatic. Hopefully he will be able to get over his shock, and won’t consider self-destruction.”

The weather on this day was mild, having been forced to go out into the sunshine by Wanyan Xu, Su Yi sat down on a lounge chair in the courtyard. Because of geographical reasons, Jin Liao had little in the way of brightly coloured flowers. Featuring jade-green trees reaching to the sky mixed with stumpy shrubs, in terms of elegance and beauty, this courtyard could not hope to compare with those in the Great Qi country. Su Yi was a little overcome by emotion, sighing out loud he thought: although this tree does not have brilliantly coloured flowers, its foliage is lush, full of vitality. In this aspect, the flamboyant but delicate blooms and rare herbs grown in the warm and nurturing climate of the south cannot compare.

Just as he was lost in these dark thoughts, he heard a cool and clear voice. Tinged with a hit of sarcasm, it recited a poem [2]: “Beauties in the Chu [3] palace sweep their brows with umber, alas, even with their beautiful maquillage, they can only enjoy the spring sunset silently, having no one to converse with. Throughout the ages the ultimate difficulty is eternal death, General Su is not the only grieving soul in this world.” Su Yi was greatly startled, turning his head in the direction of that voice, he saw a woman even more dazzlingly beautiful than Zi Nong walking at a leisurely pace towards him. Her phoenix eyes [4], filled with provocation, were gazing at Su Yi. Half-laughing, she said; “General Su, do you think my modifications [5] to the poem were appropriate?”

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