Virtual End

Chapter 26 - The First Experience of \\\"Walking in the Garden\\\"

   At this time, in the bar diagonally across from the Lishan Technology Super Dream Experience Store, several young people were drinking and chatting.

   These people do not have serious jobs, because there are too few jobs in Liming City, and it is not easy to find a suitable job.

   But they have a certain family background and can get a good income through financial management, so they have not become homeless or become street gangsters.

   Every day is drinking small wine, playing super dreams, day by day just like that.

   At this time, they are discussing the newly opened Super Dream Experience Store across the street.

   A young man with a flushing face said, “I haven’t been out for a while, and I didn’t pay attention to when a new experience store opened here. It will be fine for a while. Let’s go play and experience it?”

   The other people’s faces changed, and they hurriedly stopped.

   “Don’t go, you don’t know, this experience store is very deep!”

“I heard that some people have experienced it. There is only one Super Dream in it, and it is very scary. It was made entirely for torturing talents! I tell you, the owner of this store is definitely a psychopath. People open this experience. The shop is not to make money, but simply to retaliate against society.”

   “The psychopath of not bad money is terrible!”

   “Yes, and I heard that people from the Shark Gang often go there. Let’s stay away from those gangs and don’t get into trouble.”

   “But the people of the Shark Gang went every day and didn’t see any conflicts inside. It stands to reason that if you were a boss with a general background, you would have been bullied by these gangs a long time ago?”

   “Isn’t that more terrifying? You think, a psychopathic boss who wants to retaliate against the society, plus a group of people who can calm the shark gang, what kind of experience store is this? This is obviously a tiger’s mouth!”

   There were people who were a little interested in this experience store, but after hearing what everyone said, they were so scared to dispel the idea.

At this moment, a group of friendly bar owner Wu Yisu was scrubbing his glasses and said: “No, I’ve met him a few times with the owner of this experience store. I feel like people are very nice. Very polite, smiling, no As terrible as you said.”

   Everyone immediately refuted his superficial view.

   “Boss Wu, don’t you know that those real psychopaths are like this, smiling on the surface, in fact, you have already thought about how to divide the body after killing you!”

“Such people must not be provoked, the farther away the better. After all, those gang members are at most robbing you of your money and cutting your hands and feet. But this kind of psychopathy, who knows what kind of methods they will come up with? To torture you!”

  Wu Yisu smiled: “Why didn’t I think it was because you have played too much in the Hei Chao dream, and you have over-compensated your brain, which makes people think too badly.”

   “Let me say that this boss may simply not know how to design Chaomeng, so the Chaomeng he made is very persuasive. But even then he did not **** people in the street, nor did he force others to spend in his store.”

   “As for what you said he is a psychopath, it is entirely your imagination.”

   Everyone can’t convince anyone, but for those who don’t know the truth, they will subconsciously stay away for safety reasons, and don’t want to get involved in any possible danger.

   But at this moment, everyone suddenly discovered that the content on the huge advertising screen at the entrance of the experience store had changed.

   was originally a dynamic poster for “The Embers Will Extinguish”, but now it has been replaced with a short video.

   I saw a person flashing around in the video, moving forward in a scene similar to an oriental tomb, avoiding various props, cracking various mechanisms, and sometimes stopping to think about it.

   In front of him, various phantoms continue to appear, and they can see the images of failure after triggering the mechanism by these phantoms, and provide guidance for the next actions.

   Not only that, there are also activity content and reward rules beside the video.

  This Chaomeng’s map is randomly generated. As long as the first pass through the map, you can get a reward of 50,000 corporate bonds.

   Just now, I was still discussing whether the owner of this experience store was a psychopath and the people changed the subject in an instant.

   “The new Super Dream “Walking in the Garden”? It looks a bit like “Castle Escape”.”

“The gameplay is a bit similar, all running fast in a narrow space to avoid the mechanism. But there seems to be a big difference in details. You can stop and observe the terrain in the middle, and there is also that kind of phantom, which can be used as a reference. “

   “I feel that the difficulty is obviously reduced.”

   “50,000 corporate bonds, this is not a small number, and even if you can’t get the 50,000, as long as you can keep the top three in the store on the day, you will get credit rewards!”

   “It’s broken, I, an old player of “Castle Escape”, has a bit of movement, what should I do?”

   As a classic super dream, “Castle Escape” is very popular.

Not only is the original version very popular, all kinds of magic-modified versions of Hei Chaomeng are also occupying the streets and alleys, and they have become a kind of Chaomeng with a wide spread. Until now, there are still many Chaomeng experience stores on the street. main project.

   So most of the people here have played and feel good about themselves.

   After all, “Castle Escape” is not a particularly difficult super dream, and the difficulty in the early stage is relatively low.

  Of course, they are not ranked in the rankings of “Castle Escape” at all. The people in the front are all perverts, and some of them can only run for an hour or two.

   But the problem is that the super dream of “Walking in the Garden” is obviously less difficult than the castle escape.

   Whether you can stop and observe the terrain carefully, or you can watch the phantom trigger mechanism in front to prepare in advance, the difficulty is greatly reduced.

   What’s more, “Castle Escape” is ranked compared with people on the whole network, and “Walking in the Garden” is only available in this experience store.

   With the deserted situation of this experience store, just make a little money and earn back the fees of the experience store. Isn’t it easy?

   So these people started to move around.

   But the terrifying legend of the experience store owner made them retreat.

   Bar owner Wu Yisu smiled: “If you are so scared, or I will take you there. There is no business today, so I closed the bar ahead of time.”

   When Chen She and Zhang Sirui were walking on the street together, they often came to this bar for a drink. As a bar owner, Wu Yisu is a familiar character, and he has established a preliminary friendship with Chen She several times.

   It happened that the bar had no business right now, so he thought that he should also go back and visit.

  We are all Orientals. It is not easy to make a living in Dawn City. We should help each other.

   A few young people looked at each other, and struggled in their hearts.

   On the one hand, they are fully alert to the possible dangers in the experience store, but on the other hand, under Wu Yisu’s persuasion, they are tempted by the generous rewards of this activity.

   Someone finally made a decision: “Okay, then let’s go over and see! What’s wrong with the situation, hurry up. Boss Wu, you can’t leave us alone in a critical moment!”

   Wu Yisu smiled and said, “Don’t worry, the owner of this experience store is a very good person.

   It’s the one who plays with you down-to-earth. “


   After changing the electronic billboard at the door, the experience store was caught in a long wait.

   Zhou Lei and the shop assistants don’t know whether Mr. Chen can do it.

   Before, Mr. Chen put forward a lot of guidance to the experience store. Afterwards, it was proved that most of these guidance opinions were not very reliable. Otherwise, the experience store would not be in good condition until now.

   Although the plan this time seems to be more feasible, no one can guarantee what the final result will be.

   In fact, Chen She himself was full of anxiety.

   What if the experience store’s persuasion effect on everyone before was so obvious that no one dared to come, wouldn’t it be the end?

   It’s just that his face still shows a calm expression, which can’t be seen.

   Suddenly, everyone’s eyes lit up.

   I only saw the bar owner Wu Yisu on the opposite side and brought a few young people to the door of the experience store and pushed in.

   Zhou Lei hurriedly led the waiters to greet the past.

   “Hello, do you want to experience our new super dream?”

   After seeing Wu Yisu, Chen She also stood up and said hello, and the two exchanged simple greetings.

The other young people watched carefully, still unable to tell whether the smiling experience shop owner was a very kind person, as Wu Yisu said, or he was smiling and hiding his knife like the rumors. It was an extremely dangerous psychology. abnormal?

   It seems that no matter how you look at it, the latter is more likely.

   These young people can’t tell why, but they feel that way.

   But they weren’t too scared to turn around and ran, instead, they paid one by one under Zhou Lei’s guidance and entered the Super Dream game cabin experience.

   These people didn’t buy too long, just two hours.

   If Super Dream is really not fun at that time, there will not be much loss in just two hours.


   Wu Yisu also lay in the Super Dream game cabin.

Chen She often goes to him for drinks and often takes care of his business. Wu Yisu would like to express his gratitude this time, and he must also symbolically play Boss Chen’s Super his menu in the Super Dream game cabin. On the page, I saw two super dreams, “The Embers Will Go Out” and “Walking in the Garden”.

   He avoided the former and carefully chose “Walking in the Garden”.

   Soon, Wu Yisu found that this super dream seemed to be quite simple, straightforward and rude. Those bells and whistles that don’t have the beginning, go directly to the topic.

   Wu Yisu found himself in a deep eastern tomb with a long corridor in front of him. At present, it seems that there is no particular danger, but in fact it is in danger.

   In the original tomb, there are many inscriptions on all sides. With the permanent light, you can see that these are some precautions and related rules of the game.

   Of course, even if you don’t look at these rules, you can actually play, because the gameplay is relatively simple.

   Only after watching it can I know that this game is actually full of details. In many aspects, it has been significantly optimized and improved compared to “Castle Escape”.

   Compared with “Castle Escape”, a notable feature of this super dream is that there will be no more boulders chasing after the player, and you can make a decision after serious consideration of countermeasures.

   Although there is a total time limit, this time limit is relatively generous.

   And there will be many ghosts, making players feel that they are not so lonely.

   Some of these phantoms will skip the mechanism smoothly, and some will be planted on the mechanism, but no matter what, they can provide players with good guidance.

  Wu Yisu carefully walked a few steps forward, and sure enough, a phantom appeared.

   I saw this phantom lightly stepping on a feldspar in front of him, leaping high, at the same time as he leaped. A spiked mechanism suddenly appeared on the ground, and this phantom passed the spikes smoothly and landed steadily on the ground.


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