Using a Wok to Reorganize Life and Fly to Immortality

Chapter 92

Chapter 87: Did You Cook Today?

“Second Senior Sister, there is a devilish energy again, and it is the guy who drank all the mandarin ducks!

Hang Wan’er rushed into the kitchen instantly.

Su Yu was checking the ants climbing the tree completed by Sanling, when he heard this, he raised his eyebrows.

“He was captured by the demons?”

Hang Wan’er shook her head, “It’s not a house grab. It’s a demon undercover. He tried eating ants and climbing a tree – after investigating the pill, the demonic energy in his body dissipated. ”


Su Yu touched his eyebrows.

The first thought turned out to be that the demons save food so much.

“Go and have a look.”

She had her hands behind her back, as the owner of the seven-story tower, she took Hang Waner and the other three spirits to the fourth floor of the tower in one step.

I saw a tall guy in a black robe and a hood.

He was being locked by Yu Dong’s nine-pillar abacus, and both legs were sunk into the earth of the earth spirit.

The thick arms were imprisoned by Qingxuan’s several tall bamboos, tied behind him, and could not move.

“I’m not a demon – you are mistaken!” Mo Sang shouted, resisting death.

But Yu Dong laughed, “Stop pretending, it’s you. Elder Qingxuan, take off his hat, the demons must have horns.”

Mo Sang’s complexion changed drastically, struggling frantically in the soil.

Su Yu looked at him with his hands behind his back.

In the five-element tower, a vegetable shovel flew out and lifted his hood.

In an instant, Mo Sang’s face was ashes.


Sweat, tears, and magic will leak out…

“Sure enough, you have magic horns—” Yu Dong shouted at his forehead, but stopped halfway through his shouting.

Everyone saw this fair-skinned demon. There were indeed two horns on his forehead, but it was shaky, as if he would fall down when he touched it a little.

It is completely different from the demons depicted in the ancient manuscripts.

“Wait, brother, your magic horn… did you stick it on yourself? It’s going to fall off.”

Mosang: “…???”

How can the corners fall off!

Since the demons have grown up, the magic horn has broken out on the forehead.

The higher the cultivation base, the more lines on the magic horn, which is a symbol of the identity and strength of the devil.

He tried to touch, but when he moved, he heard two clicks.

Looking down, I saw two… sharp magic horns that fell in the mud.

Not only did it fall, but the black magic horn, which was dark and symbolized chaos, fear and evil, turned out to be white…?

His magic horn fell.

His magic horn is still white.


Mo Sang came to the conclusion that when he rolled his eyes, he foamed at the mouth and fainted.


Hang Wan’er still wanted to extract a confession, so she took a step back.

“Second Senior Sister’s investigative skills are too powerful, and the other party has been cleared.”

Literally whitewash.

Su Yu coughed lightly and covered his eyebrows.

What is the symbol of the devil?

Three things: the magic element in the body, a pair of magic horns, and the magic energy in the body.

Now…the magic horn is gone.

If he loses his magic essence again, he will have no place to store his magic energy, and he will be exactly the same as a human being.

If this is a nightmare, Mosang wants to wake up immediately!

But when the first basin of ice water was poured down, Mo Sang opened his eyes and found that his arms were hung in the air by ropes.

On the opposite side, the sun was so bright that he had to close his eyes in pain.

The corners of Mo Sang’s eyes were hard.

But soon a mirror appeared in front of him, Hang Waner was eager to try, “let me come and see if my emotions and six desires can be effective against the demons now.”

“Don’t talk nonsense with him, if you poke seventeen or eight holes in him, he can still stand it?” Jin Ling and Elder Zhang were both very rough.

Huo Ling is also impatient, “Nephew Hang, you ask. If he doesn’t say it, burn him to death.”

Mosang: “…”

The devil has no power!

But whoever got him caught, he came to the human world to do evil.

Mo Sang is also a little guilty.

While they were noisy, Su Yu had already walked into the third freezer of the seven-story tower with his hands behind his back, a temporary prison cell.

“I can’t put any more ingredients here,” Master Su disliked, “Can I catch a few more in this freezer?”

Time to find a Space Avenue employee.

As soon as she came, Hang Waner gave her a seat immediately, “Second Senior Sister, why are you here? I just saw you dealing with the large intestine. ”

Mosang: “…”

Is it the large intestine he thought.

She is at least half slender than their demon females, but so fierce.

Yesterday was the armor, and today even the large intestine is not spared.

Su Yu sat down on a small bench casually, his tone was gentle, but it made the devil go crazy.

“Go ahead and leave me alone.”

She came because she was very interested in the difference between demons and humans, and why they were ‘washed’ after eating her food.

Hang Wan’er nodded, and immediately urged the Yuanying in her body.

Little Yuanying grabbed a makeup mirror and jumped out.

The mirror shines on Mo Sang’s face.

“Tell me! Are you colluding with Mei Youde? Besides you and your companions, how many demons have come?”

Mosang grinned in the strong light.

He will not betray the demon master, otherwise the demon in his body will explode.

“May Youde? I don’t know.”

“There are no other accomplices, only me.”

He sneered.

But after a breath, two black waters were left on the mirror in Yuan Ying’s hand, Hang Wan’er was unhappy and akimbo, “Lie!”

She immediately looked at Su Yu, “Second Senior Sister, they just colluded with Mei Youde, and they have many accomplices. Let me ask him how many there are.”

Mosang: “?!”

His tyrannical arm hanging from the rope exploded into an iron pestle-like muscle in an instant.

Immediately, the fifth-grade dragon beard rope that bound him cracked.

“If I have other demons to help, I will be caught by you?! Nanxun has been destroyed long ago!”

He never thought of escaping, but just burst out with a fearful physical strength, making them believe his lies.

It will take at least thirty days for the Demon Lord to arrive in the Human World.

They must not find out in advance where they are entering.

Mo Sang broke the dragon’s beard rope and stepped on the broken dragon’s beard rope under his feet, twisting it into mud!

Hang Waner and others took a step back.

Once the dragon beard rope is broken, it will restore the original appearance of ordinary pasta.

Down into the broth, the thin and long dragon whiskers can be pierced through needles, boiled in a little boiling water, and added with broth and spirit vegetables, it can become a delicious, warm and delicate dish Yangchun noodles snack.

This contains a true meaning of Su Yu.

“It’s over…” Hang Wan’er was stunned, looking at the demons who were still crushing the dragon-bearded face with the soles of her feet.

Mo Sang knew that he could not escape, but he laughed when he saw that they were afraid, “Are you afraid!”

But looking up, she saw Hang Wan’er looking at him sympathetically.

“You’re done.”

Mosang: “??”

Sure enough, Su Yu was silent.

Looking at the dragon-bearded face that was stretched and fell to the ground, her brows were deeply wrinkled, unable to stretch.

“It seems that you demon don’t understand the rules.” Su Yu said.

Mosang felt a chill on the back of his neck for no reason.

Knead the noodles, cut them into small doses, and roll them into long strips with the same diameter from head to tail, which is about ten times thicker than this Dragon Beard Noodles.

She pinched both ends of the long strip and twisted it in the opposite direction.

Connect the head and tail, and continue to twist.

Chain-like stout, super cannabis flower, and you’re done.

outside the pot.

In an instant, the steaming and fragrant aroma swept towards him.

Mosang forgets to struggle in this fragrance.

In an instant, the strong chain pierced into the wall of the freezer, bound his feet and wrists, and dragged him directly to the wall.


Ten wrist-thick chains bound his entire body.

Su Yu squinted, “Try to break it again.”


Master Su’s kitchen does not raise waste.

Naturally, they are unwilling to raise some people who are not engaged in production but only consume food.

She turned her head to look at the demon who was hung up by the chains, “Quickly confess, I’m impatient. After that, just do what other people do.”

Mo Sang was startled.

What do you mean, want to turn against him?

No, he will not betray the demons.

“Young Master Su, his magic horn fell, and the recovery rate of his magic energy was halved, but he still had magic energy in his body.”

The earth spirit is rich in knowledge.

“As long as the devil is there, he is still a devil. Naturally, he obeys the devil and will not be used by us.”

Mo Sang’s expression loosened, yes, that’s it.

“I remember that it is written in the classics that magic essence is similar to divine consciousness.”

Su Yu raised her eyebrows.

“Yes, but there are some differences.”

Mu Ling said, “During the war, the first group of demons who betrayed the demon master and surrendered to us, the demons self-destructed under the gaze of the demon master. Later, the demons never dared to betray the demon master, even if If we catch it, we can only kill it.”

The magic element in each demon is controlled by the demon master.

They will not betray and dare not betray.

“We also suspected that at a certain distance, the magic element can allow the demon to communicate with the demon master.”

Earth Spirit Supplement.

“In those days, all the sects that imprisoned several demons suffered heavy losses in the end. The casualties of the defense formations and high-level monks in the sect far exceeded the other sects.”

Mo Sang opened his mouth and wanted to deny it.

But the earth spirit glanced at him, “We suspect that it is the captured demon who obtained the internal information of the sect and revealed it to the army of the demon world. Therefore, young master, after the cross-examination, this demon must not stay for a long time.”

Mosan shut up.

The devil is also afraid of death.

I entered the human world just to get a better living environment.

Not to die.

He is a young, unmarried demon in the Demon Race.

The good life has not yet begun.


But yes, the devil in the body is like this, and he can’t allow himself to decide.

“So it is.”

Su Yu pondered.

This magic element sounds a bit like a signal transmitter and receiver, and a one-way detonation setting.

This is really tricky.

“Where is the magic essence and what does it look like?” Su Yu pondered.

“Haha,” Mo Sang laughed, “The great demons, the demon essence was born with the gift of the demon master, and is much stronger than your mortal consciousness. Even if I die, the demon Yuan will not be dimmed.”

After that, he activated his magic energy.

The little magic essence suddenly appeared in his forehead.

Like vast stars, one by one flickering and disappearing, endless.

“You’d better let me go, otherwise the moment I die, the devil will let the devil know where I am dead immediately, and the devil will not let you go!”

Mu Ling frowned, “No wonder we had the upper hand during the war, and reinforcements from the demons arrived soon.”

“Kill the leak, if you don’t kill it, keep it and leak it. This magic essence is really bad.” Hang Wan’er held the Five Immortal Rope and said angrily.

As long as one is missed and not destroyed in time, it will be tipped off.

Su Yu just finished cleaning the cauldron and suddenly felt a little bit.

Looking at the fiery demon essence in this demon clan, she felt that she could be a signal blocker today like she covered Zhu Ying Jindan back then.

The magic essence that will wander around the body is completely blocked.

Master Su spoke. “Let me try.”

Mosang: “?”

Su Yu lowered his head and set the hot pot on fire.

The more ruthless the enemy, the better.

Therefore, the outer skin must be thick.

Mo Sang felt an inexplicable panic.

Su Yu looked at the magic essence floating in his body, immediately rubbed the dough, and decided to make a thumb fried bun.

The juicy and oily aroma of the meat filling in the pan-fried buns will not overflow more.

Su Yu made this thumb fried bun into golden brown on both sides.

He waved at the wood spirit and told him to feed the demons.

Then, she cooked some glutinous rice dumplings as white as fresh snow, and then a bowl of round and naive black sesame dumplings.

“Let’s go.”

If it doesn’t work, you can have another family portrait of wontons, egg dumplings, even Roujia buns, seaweed rice…

There are more recipes than questions.

Of course, you still have to pay for the meal.

Mu Ling thought for a moment and said.

“You can put him in the seven-story tower for the guests to watch, so that everyone knows what the magic is like.”

“You can let the guests fight with him every day, increase our experience in fighting the tyrannical body of the demons, and speed up their absorption rate after eating pills.”

Mo Sang: “?! I can’t die! Don’t think about it!”

Su Yu ignored him and nodded reluctantly.

Although I am not very satisfied, it is better than eating a meal.

“Okay, then let him take it.”

The wood spirit immediately stretched out two vines, one holding chopsticks and one end plate.

“Wait, what are you doing?”

Mo Sang looked at the thumb-like fried buns that came to his mouth, each a little round, cute, golden on the surface, and there was a scent of flax and slightly sour vinegar. Come.

He couldn’t be shaken by the magic energy.

The cultivation of people is too cruel!

They are physically tyrannical and are not afraid of punishment at all, but the other party does not use punishment, but uses fragrance to tempt him to deal with him.

This is poison wrapped in delicious film.

Eat one bowl of magic energy and lose half of it, eat two plates, and the magic horn will fall off.

Unfortunately, the incense reached his mouth. He saw Mu Ling’s innocent little face of six and a half years old with a grin, but he couldn’t help but open his mouth.

The most primitive desire and demand from the heart made him unable to resist.

The demons are different from human beings.

Suddenly Mo Sang opened his mouth, and Mu Ling roughly stuffed his three thumb fried buns in one breath, causing his cheeks to bulge out.


Fry on both sides just out of the pan, and the hot oil is sizzling.

Mosang didn’t taste the taste, only felt hot, and took a breath.

The strength is less, and I can’t bite it.

The teeth only clicked, and they were stuck in the crispy skin, unable to extricate themselves.

The fragrance of flax and the fried dough, like a bursting magic weapon, attacked him.

As long as you open your mouth, you can’t help him!

Mo Sang couldn’t help but speed up his chewing, and a hot and delicious juice burst out, breaking through his last line of defense.

Although this thumb fried bun is only small and flat, it is still stuffed with the original skin jelly. Once melted, it turns into a mellow soup in the mouth.

It is cleverly blended with slightly acetic acid, beautiful but not greasy.

Mo Sang was hot and comfortable, and for a while, she forgot that it was in the enemy camp.

The magic essence is exciting, and I can’t care about so much.

Looking up, his eyes were stained with red blood and resisted, and he wrote – more.

Woodling: “…”

He accelerated the feeding action of the vines with bamboo chopsticks.

But it’s not as fast as the devil’s swallow.

Mu Ling felt that the demon was provoking him, and immediately took out three pairs of chopsticks and opened the bow from left, middle and right together.

On the left are glutinous rice **** the size of a fist.

In the middle is the hot blanched fried bun.

On the right is the black sesame dumplings floating in the soup.

Mosang felt pain quickly.

The glutinous rice **** are soft and glutinous in appearance but firm, soft and chewy.

But as soon as the black sesame dumplings were bitten, he was reluctant to spit them out. The soft, sweet and fragrant sesame seeds flowed out between the teeth, and it was very gentle, and the sweetness made his mouth feel comfortable when the fried buns were scalded.

It was delicious.

Even if he knew that eating these, the devilish energy was likely to be damaged again, he couldn’t hold back.

While eating, he couldn’t help thinking.

Are they doing all this for these delicious food?

They no longer have to spend their days robbing devils in the magic city.


He heard a click in his forehead and swallowed in horror.

Feeling something burst inside him.

“How about, has his magic essence been isolated?”

Su Yu asked the five spirits around him who were already Mahayana, and their consciousness was sharper.

The earth spirit with the highest cultivation base and the self-proclaimed leader of the five spirits, felt a complex expression.

“Well, young master… He seems to have a hole in his magic essence.”


Su Yu was stunned.

Overeating and perforated stomach?


Mu Ling’s face straightened immediately, “Young Master, I didn’t do it. He kept opening his mouth!”

Master Su held his forehead.

Mo Sang felt the magic energy stored in the body, which was broken…

He could secretly accumulate magic energy, but now he can’t perceive where the magic essence is, and can’t function?

The body can’t feel the nourishment of magic energy!

How can this be?

“What the **** are you feeding me.” His face was ashen.

In the fright, I heard a sound of wooden fish from far to near.

“Sister, let me save this demon.”

The Buddha with three small flowers on his forehead stepped in with a smile.

“My seventh-level practice is to put down the butcher’s knife. Heinous people listen to me and recite the scriptures a thousand times, and they can put down the butcher’s knife and do good right away. Although I don’t know whether this practice is effective for the demons , but this demon has not yet done evil, and was caught by the junior sister, I am willing to give it a try.”

“If he is willing to turn back, it will be too late.”

But when the beautiful Buddha said, and saw the people in the freezer and the tall monk imprisoned on the wall, his clear diamond eyes were briefly dazed.

After a moment, he smiled, and bowed his hands respectfully towards Su Yu.

“Sister-in-law is great, it turns out that this demon has been extradited to become a human again.”

Su Yu coughed immediately.


It was just a stomach perforation.

Mo Sang is also struggling, “Don’t talk nonsense, absolutely nothing, how can I be a man!?”

The Buddha smiled and knocked the wooden fish, like a monk reciting.

“A man is a man, a demon is a demon, the donor has no demonic energy, how to be a demon?”


“There are only two avenues in front of the donor, one is to be a human being, and the other is to be a dead person.”

Mosang: “…!”

Su Yu was about to speak when he heard the Buddha speak again.

“That’s right, Junior Sister, Junior Brother Yu Dong asked me to tell you. Yesterday, the companion who shared the mandarin duck bottom with this Demon Race has also arrived in the tower.”

Mosang panicked.

It’s a magic map!

He saw that he was not going out, so he came in to find him?

Hang Wan’er’s eyes lit up and she looked at Su Yu, “Second Senior Sister, let me meet that guy! It just so happens that there are a lot of poisonous pills in this magic essence perforation.”

Mo Sang couldn’t help shaking when she heard the name.

I just want to roar – the magic map run away!

But I heard Buddha’s words calmly, “Junior Brother Yu Dong also said that this demon accomplice only needs a 99 spirit stone chicken powder soup, and other The diners begged for the leftover pill residues they could not use up at a low price, packed them up and left.”

“I only bought one packing box, and the residual pills are all mixed together. Elder Zhang and Elder Qing Xuan have secretly followed.”

“He ate the leftover pills all the way, and lost his magic energy all the way.”

Mosang: “…”

Su Yu: “…”

It sounds so pitiful.

Xiao Muge, who received the news that the demons were committing crimes, and Mu Daoren, who were worried about his disciples, went out from the secret realm and Zhiqiongfeng respectively.

Quickly rush to the seven-story tower.

But on the way, they meet.

I saw a big devil who was eating and drinking, squatting on the ground, holding the packaging box invented by Su Yu, and pulling it into his mouth, crying loudly.

“How could this happen? I thought it would not reveal the magic if I packed it and took it away. But the magic horn can be eaten.

“It would be miserable to be discovered by the devil, but ah, it’s not very fragrant.

“Maqiu Dan is also delicious, but it’s a pity that only the last bite was left. It’s so elastic…”

“Ah, my magic essence is broken! It’s over, it’s over, woo woo woo can only eat another mouthful of blood and pressure.”

Xiao Muge: “…”

Mu Daoist: “…”


Mei Youde, who was dressed in elegant scholarly white robes, opened the pages of the book in her hand.

Look into the narrow passage.

Tingling in the chest and vomiting blood.

“A demon will be wounded or killed.”

Mei Youde looked at a black iron-like magic claw in the passage, with a worried expression.

“I got backlash.”

Introducing the Demon Race, he wanted to take advantage of the chaos in the human world, absorb luck, and directly soar.

Instead of waiting here for the demons to be removed one by one, bear the backlash of luck!

“Master Demon Lord,” Mei Youde gritted his teeth unwillingly, “I said before that instead of sending twelve demon generals to be defeated one by one, it is better to wait 30 days for your army to join together. Get out of the tunnel I opened!”

The raven paw crushed a playful skull in displeasure.

“People cultivate treacherousness,” as if a gloomy voice from the ground sounded, “How does this king know, this is not a conspiracy by you and others to cultivate?”

Mei Youde’s eyes were obscure, “The Demon Lord doesn’t trust me?”

“Hey, wait for the twelve devil generals to report the situation of the four realms, and this king will make his own judgment.”

Mei Youde wiped the dirty blood from his mouth, “The devil will die and damage my luck!”

Before he finished, he was interrupted.

“The fire of the devil’s essence left by the twelve devil generals around this seat has not been hurt in the slightest. Your loss of luck has nothing to do with this king, don’t deceive this king!”

With one breath, the huge black claws smashed the rocks at the entrance of the passage between the two realms in anger.

May Youde took a deep breath.

The demons are not reliable at all.

He should have thought long ago, these idiots who live in the dark and are arrogant, can’t count on them at all!

Mei Youde was angry and meditated cross-legged.

Are the twelve generals all right?

How possible!

But as soon as I was so angry, I heard the devil snort.

“Mo Sang and Motu’s magic essence fire has all been broken. They went to… Nanxun!”

Black Claw was furious and smashed a third of the passage.

Shoot a black aura out of the channel.

Suddenly, a towering man in armor with sharp horns on his head appeared at the entrance of the passage.

But his body is really tall, half of it is stuck in the narrow passage, and he can only try to climb out.

May Youde: “…”

“This is the commander of the Demon Commander, Moer. In two days, he will be able to reach the Human World completely and come out to help you.”

The claw quickly disappeared.

Mei Youde’s eyes narrowed.


It is one rank higher than the previous twelve magic generals, which is equivalent to the magic commander level of the peak of Mahayana.

Two days later, Nanxun wait.

The Seven-story Secret Palace Tower is closed at night.

Su Yu returned to Zhiqiong Peak and rested.

Two dejected big devils, handcuffed by super marijuana flower chains, brought to the peak.

The Buddha knocked on the wooden fish and recited the scriptures to them.

Two Pain Demons: “…”

Su Yu sat on the reclining chair of her upside-down kitchen and raised her eyebrows to look at them.

“Ten more accomplices? Call them all.”

The two demons were stunned.

Master Su propped his cheeks, “Tell them that you have discovered the Nanxun treasure house, and call them to have a feast.”


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