Urban Sims

Chapter 7 - Be a good person, be a bad person

Uh …

Daganguo, deep in the southwestern mountains, there is a small village named Niujia Village, which sits on a cow-shaped mountain range.

There are sixty or seventy households in Niujia Village, most of the villagers are very poor, and Zhang Sanniu ’s family in the northern highlands of the village is very poor, and they are so poor that they ca n’t even eat enough. They all shook their heads and sighed, they were willing to help, but didn’t have that ability.

Until one day, after the birth of Zhang Sanniu’s second child, Zhang Ergou, the conscious villagers began to discover that this originally poor family had undergone earth-shaking changes in just a few years.

First, the land planted by Zhang Sanniu is much better than before. Regardless of floods and droughts, the harvest can be guaranteed every year, as if knowing the time of the year, and never missed it.

Later, Zhang Sanniu ’s food was much better than before. No matter what he ran on the mountain, he traveled in the water, he flew in the sky, there was no shortage of meat throughout the year, and he often smelled the aroma of meat from his family.

Then, there are all kinds of mysteries that happened to Zhang Sanniu’s son Zhang Ergou. For the village, this two dogs can always be expected in advance. Whose house will catch fire this year and who will be next year Children will drown, and in the next year, who will be in danger after hunting in the mountains, almost one by one, there are more times, and almost no one in the village doubts what the second dog said.

There are even a few villagers who have tasted a little sweetness after listening to Zhang Ergou’s words. They are even more convinced of Zhang Ergou. Every spring planting and summer planting, they are all planted by the Zhang family, and they also follow what they plant.

Because of listening to Zhang Ergou’s reminder, when he was in distress, he retrieved a life hunter, and even regarded Zhang Ergou as a life-saving benefactor, grateful to Dade.

There are too many miraculous things happening to Zhang Ergou. The reputation of Zhang Ergou in these ten miles and eight towns has gradually grown up. Even some ignorant villagers have really believed in some rumors: Zhang Ergou is a **** of heaven Reincarnation, boundless mana, five hundred years before the knowledge, five hundred years after the knowledge, all the blessings and misfortunes, all the evil demons escape … Then hang the portrait of the nine gods like Zhang Ergou at the door of the house, in order to make the house safe.

“Oh ~! Where are the monsters who dare to be brazen here, and don’t show your real body yet, let my mother-in-law purify you monster with **** fire!”

This morning, an old woman with a hoarse voice, an ugly appearance, and skin like old bark, with a group of frightened villagers holding a **** in her hands, surrounded the door of Zhang Ergou ’s house. The old woman was still holding a drop The mahogany sword with dog’s blood, the voice is sharp against the demon.

“Behead the demon?”

Seeing this battle, Zhou Ming sneered, walked to the door, and said to the goddess in front of him: “I see, the so-called demon is you, Huai Jing Jing?”

“What do you say …” The goddess was startled, and her head was short.

Suddenly! Zhou Mingji pointed to the goddess, and she said with a sharp voice: “Last year, a 16-year-old child in Yangjialing became ill and was defiled by you as a water ghost. He was pushed into a fire and burned alive, and his soul was swallowed by you after death. Three years! “

“Last year, Dadong Village also had an eight-year-old child who was sick, and was also burnt to death by the water ghost possessed by you, the soul was swallowed by you, and the Yangshou increased by two years …”

“The year before, Xishui Village …”

“In the past few decades, you have been the victim. There are more than a dozen children who have been contaminated by you as water ghosts. Sophora japonica has absorbed so many children’s souls. Has your longevity increased by more than a hundred years? “

Listening to Zhou Ming’s words, the villagers burst into commotion.

“What, the old lady is a locust, specializing in swallowing the soul of children?”

“The old lady looks older than seventy or eighty, a hundred years of life, is it?”

“How could it be a water ghost every time?”

“Does the God of Nine Heavens say true?”

The villagers took two steps backwards, looking at the goddess not far away with frightened faces.

The face of the goddess was completely white, and she became angry and said angrily: “Shameless demons, a nonsense, not to die soon!” After that, the goddess rushed towards Zhou Ming with a blood sword.

“Huai Jing, the one who died should be you!”

Zhou Ming’s face was sullen, and he took a ball-shaped object from his sleeve and threw it at the foot of the goddess. There was a loud noise. Two or three seconds later, a choking black smoke dispersed, and the **** goddess had fallen to the ground Moaning endlessly.

“Aunts and uncles, this harmful locust essence has been knocked down by my palm **** thunder, and I will seal the body of the locust essence. You put this locust essence into the fire to help me eradicate this harm. Demon on one side! “

Finally, Zhou Ming took out an ebony of unknown material from his sleeve, and took out a knife to swipe upward. In a burst of exclamation, a striking blood stain appeared on the dark ebony.

“Huaishu Jing, this old lady is really Huai Jingjing!”

“The conscience is lost, and the souls of more than a dozen children have been swallowed by this locust essence.”

“Burn her, burn her!”

Out of the angry villagers raised the wailing wife and threw them into the blazing fire.

“This family of two dogs, could it really be that the reincarnation of the **** lord?” Among the crowd, Li Shouzheng, the pale-looking lieutenant, some regretted that he invited the old lady to Niujia Village.

Uh …

In a blink of an eye, sixteen years later, the **** of Zhang Ergou, the **** of the Nine Heavens, has become more and more familiar, and there are more and more “miracles” that happen to Zhang Ergou, such as the ironsmithing without mastery, the carpenter Live, hunting in the mountains has never returned empty-handed, and occasionally some inventions have brought infinite benefits to the village.

What is even more rare is that the Nine Heavens King still has a bodhisattva heart. Who is in the village who has difficulties, and the family who encounters difficult things are all generous and help each other. If they are in difficulty, finding a king will almost become a villager. A word of mouth.

But when I heard that the prince who had reached the age of a family and wanted to marry his daughter Xiu Niang, Wang Xiu of the village ’s head agreed without much objection. Nine Heavens prince was supernatural, and his daughter married him. .

At this moment, Li Shouzheng, the lieutenant general.

Li Shouzheng’s second son, Li Wenhao, was crying in his bedroom and hanging up three times, causing the family to be troubled and jumped.

“No, I must accept Wang Xiucai’s daughter Wang Xiuniang as a concubine! She is mine, and no one is allowed to rob me!”

Li Wenhao’s eyes were red and red, I heard that Zhang Ergou also took a fancy to his favorite Wang Xiuniang.

“Oh my heart, that Wang Xiu Niang is the woman that Jiu Tian Shen Jun fancy, what do you grab with Shen Jun, you are not afraid of being condemned, good son, good dear, there are so many women in this world, don’t worry about Wang Xiu Niang No, no. “Mother Li persuaded her hard. The mother Li, who believed in the gods and Buddhas, did not want to be the true **** who sinned in the world.

“What a **** of nine heavens, I think it’s just a dog! A skinny dog! With his dare to **** me Li Wenhao’s woman, I will make him look good!”

Was furious with Li Wenhao, and immediately called on everyone to go to Zhang Sanniu’s house to make a big fuss. If they were not blocked by the enthusiastic villagers around them, I am afraid that the entire Zhang family would be smashed by him.

“Oh, Li Wenhao, I didn’t expect you to jump out, very good, very good …” A sneer flashed in my eyes, and Zhou Ming made a decision.

Uh …

One night two days later, the governor Li Shouzheng’s house suddenly heard a bad news. The governor’s second son Li Wenhao suddenly died of a stroke while walking with his wife, Zhou, and the Li family was in a mess. Among the strange things, I had to bury things in haste.

Hearing the news of Li Wenhao ’s death, in private, Zhou Ming was very happy, then Li Wenhao ’s heart was not good, and it was lustful, as long as he drank a little of the [Jincao] juice he provided for him, once he did a vigorous movement, his heart beat Speed ​​up, not far from death.

As for how he knows the efficacy of [Jin Jian Cao], after using the [Junior Hunting Card], similar to [Jin Jian Cao] poisonous grass, he knows hundreds of species.

In this life, his survival philosophy is: no matter who he is, as long as he is against me, he must die!

Uh …

Time is like an arrow, and more than thirty years have passed. During these years, in addition to his wife Wang Xiuniang, Zhou Ming also received several concubines such as Li Erya, Sun Qianqian, and Zhang Xiaoya. There are also two or thirty children born to a woman. There are only sixteen males alone, and there are hundreds of grandchildren and grandchildren. This is a huge family.

Family business has grown, and Zhou Ming also has his own set of arrangements for his sons. For example, he set up a dozen black and white village-run enterprises in the village such as the blacksmith shop, carpenter shop, mill, oil mill, textile mill, brick kiln factory, etc. The two sons are in charge of each other and help each other when they encounter difficulties. There is no possibility of starvation for future generations.

In the area of ​​agriculture, Zhou Ming, who has accumulated hundreds of acres of land successively in these years, is planning to make another big vote.

“Dad, the” collective farm cooperatives “plan proposed by our Zhang family, except for the opposition of the large household in the village, all other villagers are very supportive and want to follow us Zhang Jiagan!” Outside the door, the eldest son Zhang Sheng came in and reported There was a message.

“Oh!” Zhou Ming sneered, as if he had expected, slowly said: “According to how much land is invested, UU reads books www.uukanshu.com focus on using cattle and tools, and then collectively contribute to dig trenches to improve irrigation … These are good things How could the Li family think of it, it would be nice to sell those mud legs and sell women to sell themselves! Our collective farm cooperatives plan, but they are digging the roots of his Li family! They do not find us desperate to blame! “

“Daddy, I also saw that their Li family wasn’t pleasing to the eye, but Daddy, there are many males in the Li family. If they fight, I’m afraid …” The eldest son worried.

“Don’t be afraid,” Zhou Ming shook his head with a smile: “In order to deal with their Li family, I have been preparing for many years, Shenger, go and call them the second and third, I will show you something …”

Uh …

A few days later.

In the north of Niujia Village, at the entrance of Zhangjia, there were two groups of people, each with about a hundred people. The group of people outside was holding a sharply sharpened knife and a sharp smile on his face.

The group of people in Zhangjiayuan’s hands mostly held some hoes, but they were also polished.

Two crowds of crowds were screaming at each other, and the situation was on the verge.

“Old dog of the Zhang family, if you do any more” collective farm cooperatives “, our Li family will immediately wash the door of Zhang family!”

“Yes, blood wash Zhang’s house! Blood wash Zhang’s house!”

“Kill the Zhang family, grab money and grab women!”

At this moment, a group of black spots suddenly flew out of Zhangjiayuan, and a pungent smell of sulfur was emitted from the air.

“What is this?” In the crowd, a Li family male took a black ball with his hand and looked closely.


“Boom! Boom! Boom!”

“Ah!” “Ah!” “My legs!” “My hands are gone!” “…!”

Screams came and went, and it was hard to disperse for a long time.

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