Urban Sims

Chapter 6 - Ceiling dilemma

Seeing the gray walls of the long-lost rental house, and feeling some strong hunger in the stomach, Zhou Ming quickly took out a few packages of noodles from the closet and swallowed them in cold water.

“The Sims” system game time is not consistent with the external time flow rate, because the player can not quit the game halfway, so the game has spent 20 years, which is equivalent to a day passed by the outside world.

Fortunately, the system can provide the host body sleep function. During sleep, the player’s physiological function consumption is minimized. Generally, as long as the player spends no more than one hundred years in the game at a time, relying on the host body sleep function, two or three The gaming experience of the day just feels a little thirsty and hungry.

If the player is really against the sky, the time in the game exceeds the maximum limit of the body’s sleep function. In order to ensure the health of the host, the system will forcibly terminate the game and bring the player back to reality.

Uh …

After eating three bags of dry noodles, Zhou Ming sat by the bed, facing the system panel in his mind, thinking about the next steps.

To be honest, Zhou Ming feels that in the three games he has played, in addition to the tragic points of the previous two games, the development of the third game is okay. The husband and wife love, the children and grandchildren, and the end of their lives. It’s quiet, but he is quite satisfied with the ending.

This can be regarded as an ending acceptable to most ordinary people.

However, looking at the evaluation of the C-level game and the harvest of 246 achievement points, Zhou Ming knows that if he is willing to be an ordinary person in the game and honestly spend his whole life, the most is the most, and the achievement points are not There will be more than three hundred, there can be no room for improvement.

Not to mention any counterattack.

What is counterattack? In addition to living long enough, own more property, gain lofty status and prestige, and marry the woman you want to marry the most!

If you can’t even do one of these items, the so-called counterattack can only be fishing under the water and floating clouds in the sky.

After thinking for a while, Zhou Ming opened the [skills] product column in the system mall, focusing on three skills.

“[Elementary farming technique], after using it, you will get a skilled farmer’s farming skills, crop yield + 5%, exchange requirement: 100 achievement points”

“[Junior Blacksmith], after using it, you will get a skilled blacksmith’s iron skills, iron speed + 5%, redemption requirement: 100 achievement points”

“[Junior Carpenter Skills], after using it, you get a skilled carpenter’s carpenter skills, tooling speed + 5%, redemption requirement: 100 achievement points”

These three skill cards can be said to be the cheapest of all the products in the system mall.

The balance of achievement points in Zhou Ming’s player account just exceeded 303 points of three hundred integers.

“[Junior Farming] Purchase was successful, achievement point -100, bound to the corresponding mission map can not be untied after use, can not be recycled!”

“[Junior Blacksmith] Successful purchase, achievement point -100, …”

“[Junior Carpenter] Successful purchase, achievement point -100, …”

After purchasing three skill cards, Zhou Ming’s confidence increased a lot.

In the previous three games, Zhou Ming has a total survival time of more than 80 years. He can farm, iron, carpenter, even fish, and hunt. These skills, especially farming, are more powerful than the average skilled farmer … … But, apart from farming, he is difficult to master in ironing and carpentry. After all, in this game, he has not been a professional blacksmith or carpenter as a teacher, and these manual skills are supplemented by his own brain. Probably not taught.

In the age of ancient agricultural civilization, craftsmen such as blacksmiths and carpenters can be regarded as “middle class”, and they can feed a whole family by relying on their pure craftsmanship.

If you will also be a blacksmith and carpenter, and then combine it with your own advantageous project farming, it is no problem to feed your family, let alone accumulate a lot of family property!

The family is abundant, there are more offspring that can feed, there are more people, and more wasteland can be reclaimed. After the snowball effect is formed, it is not a problem to get a lot of achievement points!

Enter the game again!

Uh …

Ten days after the real world.

Opened his eyes and Zhou Ming sat up from the single bed.

Open the game panel.

Mission Map: “Zhang Ergou’s Counterattack Life”

Game Character: Zhang Ergou

Game status: End

Property: 82 (you have 5 acres of paddy field, 40 acres of thin land, two large bamboo and wooden buildings, and several gold and silver properties)

Status: 3 (your property has brought you a little status)

Prestige: 16 (You are quite famous, your story is spreading in ten miles and eight townships)

Partner: 1 (You have a wonderful marriage, you walked with her to the end [+50 achievement points])

Descendants: 26 (Congratulations, you have left a considerable number of bloodlines, your family will continue to multiply for a long time)

Lifespan: 58 (your lifespan exceeds 88% of the villagers, is a rare longevity person)

Achievements achieved: 496

Game evaluation: B (your life is like a star in the sky, although the light is dim, but it shines on the world)

Highest achievement: 496 (you can open the next level if you reach 500 achievement points)

“I have played five games in a row, how come I still have a break of 500?”

Zhou Ming’s brows were heavily wrinkled. In the past ten days, he played five games in a row. Unexpectedly, the best game he played was close to 500 achievement points.

In these five games, except that one game died early because of a serious illness in childhood, and one game was burned to death by the goddess invited by the villagers because of the performance of too evil, the other three games basically went to the end smoothly, and each game All of them have achieved more than three hundred achievement points.

But the 500 achievement points are still like an invisible ceiling, and they can’t break through.

“Impossible. In these games, by farming, ironing, and working as a carpenter, I have earned a lot of family property, and I have no fewer offspring. My wife has changed three or four times. Lack, and later learn to maintain health, UU reading www.uukanshu.com life longer than before, why? “

Zhou Ming is a little confused. In the game, he has been working hard to make money, open up wasteland, build a house, have children, continue to make money, open up wasteland, buy land, build a house, have a child … There is almost no pause in the middle, all the efforts are paid, and eventually But only got a B-level evaluation.

“Host, A-level evaluation is not very difficult, please carefully check the six scores in your game. The overall score is not based on which score is high, but on which one you score the least.”

Seeing that Zhou Ming seemed to have fallen into a dead end, the system reminded in good faith.

“Least score?”

Zhou Ming looked at the game panel, and after seeing two slightly thin numbers, he thought about it: “Only status and prestige are the two points that I score the least. Do I have to increase these two points in order to successfully pass the level? “

“System, in what way can I improve my position and reputation in the game?” Zhou Ming asked.

“This system cannot provide a definite solution, but the composition of status includes these factors, namely personal ability, resource support, control of property, and the government’s empowerment …”

“Prestige is divided into positive prestige and negative prestige, positive, including the good deeds of the player, and positively influencing behaviors; negative, the evil deeds performed by the player are related to negative actions … “

“In other words, no matter what good or bad things I do in the game, as long as I make an impact, I can gain reputation?”

“So to speak, host.”

Zhou Ming nodded in a sense, after thinking about the countermeasures, said: “System, this time, I know what to do!”

However, before entering the game, Zhou Ming was in the system store, spent 1,000 achievement points, and purchased a [junior hunting card]

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