Urban Sims

Chapter 3 - Counterattack also requires more knowledge

The blood in front of him gradually dissipated, and the gray walls of the rental house came into view.

Shook his head, throwing away the confusion in his mind, Zhou Ming opened the task panel of The Sims:

Mission Map: “Zhang Ergou’s Counterattack Life”

Game Character: Zhang Ergou

Game status: End

Property: 1 (You have a broken cottage)

Status: 0 (bottom, bottom)

Reputation: 2 (You used to be famous)

Partner: 0 (lonely life is your destiny)

Descendants: 0 (Nothing is left except one loess cultivation)

Lifespan: 18 (your lifespan exceeds 28% of the villagers)

Achievements: 21

Game evaluation: F (Apart from squandering your life in this game, you have not achieved any commendable achievements)

Highest achievement: 21 (you can open the next level if you reach 500 points)

“Nimei, 21 o’clock, I stayed there for 18 years before I got 21 achievement points? Only 3 achievements after deducting the life item?”

System, are you teasing me?

Zhou Ming yelled and suddenly felt like he was pitted. At first, he was full of confidence, thinking about rolling all the way in the game, but he was slapped by reality.

This game is not as fun as expected.

“In other words, how did I die just now, why did those people kill me?”

Regained his mind, Zhou Ming was caught in his memories. He had been playing back, he had already felt the smooth winds, he was about to reap massive achievements, but unexpectedly bad luck came, who did I offend?

“The host can view the game playback.” The system reminded at this time.

Zhou Ming immediately clicked the playback button on the screen. In the dark night, in a group of figures, he saw two familiar faces, one with a visible scar on the forehead, a sharp-billed monkey cheek, a short head, and a flash in his eyes. The hungry wolf.

“Li Hu, Sun Dafu?”

The two Zhou Ming both knew that Li Hu was the head of the nursing home of Li Shouzheng, the governor of the family, and Sun Dafu was the steward of Li Shouzheng ’s outer court. These two are the most ruthless in urging rents and debts. The reputation of the two in Niujia Village can almost stop children from crying at night.

“Li Shou is going to kill me?”

Zhou Ming instantly understood who the real murderer was. Without Li Shouzheng’s instructions, Li Hu and Sun Dafu could not run for no reason to kill themselves.

“It’s just … I have no grievances with Li Shouzheng, nor have he owed his family’s government rent and foreign debts. Why did he put me to death?”

Zhou Ming couldn’t figure it out, he was very low-key at the beginning of the game, how could he suddenly be killed?

“Don’t …”

An agitator, Zhou Ming instantly thought that after the success of the new agricultural planting method he had studied for five years later in the game, he was the first to bear the brunt of it. Naturally, Li Shouzheng, the lieutenant who lived by collecting land rent.

If the tenants in the village can like Zhou Ming, relying on the output of a few acres of thin land to feed a family of households, those poor tenants, why should they continue to rent the land of his Li Shouzheng family?

When there are fewer tenants, the income will naturally decrease, and the phenomenon of selling children and women ’s debts will also be reduced. The good days of Li Shouzheng, the lieutenant, will be gone forever.

Touched the interests of the big landlord class, which is the root cause of his own murder.

Thinking of this, Zhou Ming couldn’t help but complain: “I said the system, there is no possibility of high achievements in this map, there is no resource for inventing and creating, the farming is good and the interests of the landlords are touched, and the scourge of death is attracted. Take that. The road is hard to get through, you said, how do I play? “

The first game of the game ended in a fiasco. The 500 achievement points that were originally thought to be a good breakthrough are now insurmountable like a big mountain. Zhou Ming even felt for a time that this Sims system that came from the sky was useless like chicken ribs.

Achievement points of 21 points, even the cheapest skill goods in the system store [Junior Farming] ca n’t be bought, there is a use for playing this game.

“Host, the beginner map of” The Sims “is the least difficult of all maps. As long as the host finds the correct counterattack method,” Zhang Ergou’s Counterattack Life “is not too difficult for you.”

“What you said is true, system?”

“It’s true, as long as the host finds the right path.” The system is sure.

Well, then I will trust you again.

Withdrawn his frustration and calmed down, Zhou Ming began to summarize the reasons for the failure of the first game.

First of all, the most important thing is that Zhou Ming found that he was seriously unprepared.

Not to mention the important glass-fired steel-making technology, even the most basic chemical equations such as cement and gunpowder entered the game without memorizing it.

In addition, in the field of farming and farming, Zhou Ming was also dissatisfied with a bucket of water and half a bucket of water. He engaged in new agricultural planting research and almost starved himself. Before the game, he read some professional books on agricultural planting technology, he certainly would not take so many detours.

Finally, and the most important point, everyone is guilty of guilt, and after researching the farming technology of that era, he ca n’t share it too eagerly. To be careful, make sure that your personal safety is absolutely insured …

Uh …

Early the next morning, Zhou Ming did not enter the game again, but went to the library in the city center.

I spent a hundred yuan to get a borrowing card. Zhou Ming found several professional books related to steelmaking and farming in the bookshelves of Lin Li. He immediately checked them carefully and saw some important values, and even took them. Take out the papers and pens you carry with you, and take crazy notes on the notebook.

For a few days, Zhou Ming spent all this time in a state of intense study. He forgot to eat and sleep, and was tired. He slept on the desk for a while, and was hungry. He picked up the bread in his schoolbag and gnawed it. Bai Kaishui, UU reading books www.uukanshu.com The hard work of studying has even attracted the attention of some library visitors.

“Sister Xiangxiang, that boy looks so weird. We have been here until now and have been reading the book in his hand without looking up.”

Opposite Zhou Ming, a petite girl whispered to the quiet woman beside her with long hair shawl and skin-like skin. Thought to mind: Sister Xiangxiang looks so national goddess fan, more than half of the men around here are pretending to read a book, secretly looking at Sister Xiangxiang, did not expect that the man on the opposite side seemed to take us as air, really maddening.

Install, you continue to install.

A quiet woman in a philosophical book is silent. After hearing the petite girl ’s words, she lifts her eyes slightly. After ignited by the mass ratio, the explosive reaction occurs, generating the chemical reaction equation of potassium sulfide, nitrogen and carbon dioxide …

Seeing Zhou Ming’s sudden dance and excitement, the quiet woman smiled and showed her stunning beauty. She shook her head and said to the petite girl beside her: “It’s really a weirdo, Xiao Fei, don’t care about them, you I’m going to take the graduate school soon, and continue reading our books. “

“Oh ~” The petite girl pouted and glared at Zhou Ming opposite, her eyes returned to the review materials in front of her.

Uh …

A week or so passed, Zhou Ming took a deep breath after charging and opened the game panel with a hint of anticipation.

“This time, I have fully memorized the knowledge points that I should bear! No matter whether it is an invention or a farming, I will not fail me. This time, I must get more than 500 achievement points!”

“Drip ~”

“Player begins to enter the game …”

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