Urban Sims

Chapter 29 - Bloody battle

On a **** on both sides of a concave valley running north-south.

Across a distance of thousands of kilometers, there are two troops that are already in position.

The layout of the two military formations is roughly the same. The farmer with the largest number of people stands at the forefront in the middle with spears. The mercenaries and archers line up on either side. The rear of the military formation is the heavily armoured cavalry.

The priests with the cross in their hands walked back and forth in front of these squares, fingers pointing at the chest and praying for the soldiers who were about to enter the battlefield.

In the densest part of the banner on the south side, a group of noble barons dressed in fine armor were surrounded by a noble old man with pale hair, beautiful armor, and fox fur outside, facing the military formation below Point from time to time.

This noble old man is naturally the protagonist of this battle-Earl Lautz.

Earl Lauchitz glanced at the battle array with a deep gaze, and after seeing a group of horses with rose flower flags in the army formation, he was a little surprised: “How come the farmers of the Grand Collar have come so much? Those farmers look There are thousands of people? “

The Count of Lodz, owned by Count Lautz, has a total of twelve baron collars. These twelve baron collars brought all the knights in the territory today, plus the Knight Guards brought by Count Lautz. A total of more than 150 knights belong to the core strength.

In addition to the knights, there are more than 500 mercenaries recruited by Earl Lautz and his subordinate barons, which belong to the main force.

The rest are the farmer troops who acted as cannon fodder. Count Lautz did not bring the farmer himself. The twelve barons of his subordinates all brought some farmers. The few were 1,200 and the others were 3,400. There are more than 3,000 people in total.

But like the Grand Collar, it is very rare to gather more than 1,000 sturdy farmers in one go.

Know that it is Count Lauchitz ’s own direct leader. It is very difficult to gather a thousand farmers. Is it true as the rumor says: The Grand Colleagues have been very productive and prosperous in these years?

“Master Earl, this is all the peasants who can be summoned in my territory. After the battle is over, many of the land in my territory may be deserted.” Baron Conner explained immediately.

“Baron Connor, you wouldn’t call the fathers of all the children in the territory. When the fathers of these children die, go to the castle and call your father?” The old counterpart Baron Garcia said ironically, Baron Connor Really the more cowardly, the more victorious this war is pinned on these large numbers of farmers.

“Baron Connor, I heard that the farms of the Glen Collars are very good at cultivating the land, but this time they are all dead. I also want to invite a few Glen Collar farmers to go to Jokken to teach me those lazy farmers Farming. “Baron Howard, who wasn’t quite right with Baron Connor, smiled.

“Enough! Let’s go back and command your troops. The people on the opposite side have already been dispatched, ready to fight!”

Heard the sound of a trumpet from the opposite side, and after seeing the other’s formation slowly moving forward, Earl Lautz, an old soldier, waved.

“Yes, Lord Earl!”

The barons mobilized their horses and returned to their respective positions of command.

Uh …

Dong dong, dong dong, dong dong.

The sound of the drums of war came from the rear of the lineup, and these two rhythm sounds indicated that the march was at normal speed.

Dong dong dong, dong dong dong, dong dong dong.

The rhythm of the drum sounds has accelerated, which means that the marching line ahead is going to speed up.

咚咚咚 咚咚咚 咚咚 ……

Until the drum sounds never stopped, the two peasant troops less than fifteen meters apart, close at hand, burst into a burst of shouts!



The front line, two ragged peasant corps with spears collided together.


In the battle front, Zhou Ming, who was in the middle of the first row of the third farmer team of Grand Collar. After a roar, he stepped forward and inserted the tip of the spear accurately into the neck of a 16-year-old boy.


Hot blood sprayed with a smell of blood on Zhou Ming. Zhou Ming saw a trace of pain and confusion in the boy’s clear eyes, but he didn’t have half a second to sympathize or hesitate, and pulled out the card. The spear between his throats turned straight into the belly of a skinny farmer next to him, and raised the hardwood shield in his left hand to block the spears that stabbed him on the left.

“Kill! Kill! Kill!”

Like all the farmers on the battlefield, Zhou Ming had no idea in his mind at this time, only to continually kill and kill any enemies standing in front of him, whether he was a white-haired old man or a young boy, only One word, kill!

“Five, six, seven … eight … nine”

In the battlefield where the enemy and the enemy are mixed, Zhou Ming has stabbed the spear into the body of nine people, all of them stabbed to the point, without a live mouth.

“Return my brother’s order!”

A roar came from behind, and Zhou Ming, who was slaying his head and fighting, suddenly trance, and suddenly remembered the young man who first stabbed to death. He looked at himself … Shaking past God and turning his head to look, a young boy He was holding a spear and spurting towards his back, the tip of the spear was close at hand.

“My life is over …”

Just like the performance of many people at the last moment before the car accident, Zhou Ming forgot to avoid it, staring at the tip of the spear closer and closer to himself, about to pierce his body.

“Ryan avoids!”

Came from a roar, but Uncle O’Neill pierced into the body of this strong young man with a spear. The strong young man spit out a blood, glared at Zhou Ming with a reluctant face, and then fell to death.

“Uncle O’Neill, you saved my life!”

Zhou Ming, who was shocked and calm, came to Uncle O’Neill and said very gratefully.

“Boy, this is on the battlefield, but it’s not a daze … Poof!” Uncle O’Neill finished, a spear pierced his back, and his chest penetrated.

“Uncle O’Neill!”

Zhou Ming angered and threw the spear in his hand, nailed the attacker to the ground, stepped forward to hold Uncle O’Neal, who vomited a large blood clot in his mouth, tears burst out of his eyes.

“Uncle O’Neill, don’t die, don’t die!”

“Ryan … Lane, live … replace for me, take care of me … take care …” Unfinished, Uncle O’Neill’s body softened and his eyes widened, so he said goodbye to the world.

“Uncle O’Neill, I will definitely take care of your family!”

Zhou Ming closed Uncle O’Neill’s eyes and picked up a spear from the side. His eyes were red, and he speared the spear into the body of one enemy after another like crazy.

“Run!” “Run!” “We are all dead!” “…!”

This brutal and **** fighting lasted only half a quarter of an hour. The farmer team of Earl William, who was clearly at a disadvantage in the north, faced huge casualties. After the morale collapsed, they fled to the north, panicking and even being shot by their own archers. Little, most of them had to escape through the steep slopes on both sides.

Zhou Ming ’s farmer ’s army won with a greater advantage, but before the task was completed and he left the battlefield, the drums of the rear drum sounded again. Zhou Ming and other farmers had to regroup and head north to Earl William Of mercenary legions walked. UU reading www.uukanshu.com

“Whoosh swish swish swish …”

The archers in the northern mercenaries projected the dense arrows from the high ground. After a certain height of acceleration, the powerful penetration force shot down a large group of unprotected farmers.

Zhou Ming was lucky enough to pick up a shield. He blocked the shield in front of him, braved the arrow rain, and rushed forward with a scalp. The hardwood shield in his hand had already inserted more than a dozen half-cut arrows. Arrows.

“Throw the axe!”

“Javelin throw!”

At the order, the axemen and spearmen of the mercenaries threw the dense flying axe and javelin into the farmer’s team where Zhou Ming was. Zhou Ming turned his head and found that his side was all in the pool of gurgling blood. His teammate, even the hardwood shield in his hand, was crushed by a flying axe, and his arms were swollen and numb.


Looking at a group of tall, short, fat, and thin mercenaries with swords, guns, halberds, and other weapons, Zhou Ming rushed towards himself, and Zhou Ming had a numb scalp. Throwing, blaming to evade all kinds of throwing weapons thrown from the rear, pulled out his legs and fled desperately, and fled to a safe area.

After more than ten years of running training, he finally played a role on the battlefield. Those mercenaries who hold iron weapons and wear heavy armor have limited physical strength. They gradually cannot catch up with Zhou Ming, who is faster than the rabbit. He had to give up the single target of chasing him, and instead rushed to the mercenary corps from the opposite side, Earl Lautz.

“It’s safe, thank God! This little life is finally saved.”

Fled to a safe area in the highlands, hid in a bush, and Zhou Ming, who was panting continuously, waited until his heartbeat slowly lowered, and his eyes and eyes turned back to the battlefield where the battle had not ended.

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