Urban Sims

Chapter 27 - Prelude to war

One day in August this year, Lord Connor, with a few knights, hurried to the Earl’s Collar Castle. After two days, he hurried back to the Grand Collar with the knights.

Followed by a repressive atmosphere that pervaded the Grand Collar.

Is about to fight.

A real war.

Everyone may bleed, including lords, knights, and which auxiliary soldiers and farmers.

The cause of the matter still had to be mentioned in the royal court of the royal capital, two noble factions that had been fighting for more than three hundred years. These two factions, bounded by north and south, were joined by the seven counts of the southern kingdom of the kingdom called the “Southern School.” “, The seven counts in the northern part of the kingdom united to be called the” Northern School “.

Perhaps because of the king ’s acquiescence, these two factions fought fiercely in the aristocratic courts, often in some tribute to the king ’s tribute, the candidates for the court ’s judges, the generals who fought against the neighboring country, the palace ministers in the kingdom ’s internal affairs … … And so on, there are often quarrels due to huge differences, and no matter whether they are Southern or Northern, they want to fight for their own interests in the noble court.

For example, this time, on the issue of the distribution of 500 war horses for King Shangong this year, the southern faction requested the northern faction to undertake the mission of 400 horses, and the southern faction assumed 100 horses, on the grounds that there are many highlands and excellent war horses in the north. .

The northern faction asked the southern faction to bear 400 horses because of the warmth and wealth in the south, and the coldness and poverty in the north, while the northern faction could only bear 100 horsepower.

Both sides have their own reasons, and the disputes are inseparable. In the noble court, even the sleeves were lifted up, and a nobleman with a brutal and swollen nose was staged.

After the king was alarmed, he asked the justices to arbitrate: the southern and northern factions can each send a representative to fight on the border between the two sides. The winning side only needs to pay 100 horses a year and lose On that side, you need to pay 400 horses.

If the two sides are tied, then one side bears half of it and each tribute 250 horses.

After a series of consultations and discussions, the two nobles of the North and the South agreed to the arbitration, and even added more code to it! The losing side must not only bear more horses of tribute, but also cede a third of the land and population of an earl.

It’s like pouring a pot of cold water into a boiling oil pot. Earls of the two factions have battled to open the heads of the “southern” guys who have long been unsightly.

In the end, Baron Connor ’s immediate superior, Count Lautz, took the task and was dispatched by his “Count Lord Rhodes” to fight the war with the “Count Merlin” neighboring North William, if If Count William’s army can be defeated, then 1/3 of the land and population of “Count Merlin” will belong to him.

As for whether it will lose?

Count Lautitz said that he had never thought of this problem!

Count Lautz did not think about losing, but Baron Connor had to think about it, because his Grand Collar was right next to Count Merlin ’s collar. Once Count Lautz was defeated, there was no doubt that The Grand Collar will certainly be ceded to the territory of the Earl of Merlin.

At that time, Lord Glen and several other lords and knights who would be ceded by Baron will completely lose their territories and knights and become wandering lords and knights. .

“Call out all the knights, take out all the property in the castle, hire some mercenaries with good combat effectiveness, and all the strong farmers in the territory, immediately stop the farm work in their hands, all call up, take up the weapons, and participate in this fighting!”

In the castle ’s chamber, Baron Connor quickly made a decision.

“Dad, there is no need to encourage teachers like this? Now the farmers are harvesting in the wheat fields. The war will not be fought until the wheat is harvested in September. Now the farmers are asked to stop their work. Isn’t the farmer delayed? It’s no use, just give them a spear temporarily. “

Edward, who was sitting at the long table, disagreed. Heard that the Yankees were very powerful, but they weren’t as powerful as they needed to be.

“The farm work must be stopped immediately! Take the remaining time for some training, Edward, this is a real war, not a one-on-one contest in the Cavaliers Academy, the contest is lost, and the maximum number of injuries is a few days. Only, if this war is lost, we will have nothing! “

Looking at Edward, Baron Connor stood up very serious and said: “We must use all means to increase our chances of winning, even if we sacrifice all the farmers in the territory!”

“Yes, Dad!” Edward put away the contempt on his face and nodded solemnly.

“Willard, Morris, you are responsible for training the untrained farmers, and strive to make them have a decent position within a month.” Baron Connor commanded the two guard knights who had followed him for many years.

“Yes, Lord Baron!” The two knights stood up and took care of their chests.

Uh …

Zhou Ming in the castle quickly noticed this strange atmosphere.

A team of farmers dropped their farm work and were concentrated in the training ground in front of the castle. Everyone sent out a brand new spear and a thick hardwood shield. Under the personal command of the two knights, the fire was in full swing. Trained in line, assassination with spears and anti-bow shooting.

Even the butler Bunod, who has always been known for being stingy, let the cook prepare a whole pot of delicious beef and mutton, roasted turquoise soft oat bread and a large amount of dried meat, cheese, eggs, etc. for the hard training. Farmers replenish their physical strength every day.

During the training interval, the housekeeper Bunod also walked among these farmers and said loudly: “Practise the spears on your hands! Lord Baron said, on the battlefield, kill a farmer, reward 50 silver coins, kill A mercenary will be rewarded with 1 gold coin. If you can kill a knight and reward 50 gold coins! All perform well. If anyone succeeds, the baron will not treat you badly! “

Hearing this tempting ~ confusing words, among the farmers present, except for some young people, their eyes lit up and asked, “Is this true?” “Is there so many rewards?” And secretly decided to kill a few Outside the enemy, most farmers have a lukewarm face, as if they have nothing to do with themselves.

Silently followed Zhou Ming secretly: In addition to a few young people who were rewarded to dizzy their heads, for this war, these farmers considered the most, how should they save their lives on the battlefield?

Looking at the castle training ground, the nine knights who are intensively training, and the baron Connor hired heavily, and the more than one hundred mercenaries who just arrived at the castle yesterday, also slinging aside, Zhou Ming guessed: these equipment Sophisticated, fierce, and even a lot of barbarian savages in the team, it is absolutely no problem to fight the tailwind, but it is really impossible for them to lay down their lives and forget the death, and fight against the strong enemy to the last minute. I am afraid it is impossible.

“That is to say, the Grand Collar can really come in handy now is the more than 110 knights and mercenaries. As for the more than a thousand farmers who are training outside the castle, UU reading www.uukanshu.com is estimated to be Block the gunhole as cannon fodder for the enemy knight to consume physical strength … “

Zhou Ming couldn’t help but shivered. Fortunately, he was now a servant of Little Downey. Otherwise, if he also followed him on the battlefield, it would be unlucky and unlucky.

“Lane, Lord Baron just said, some strong servants in the castle also need to participate in training. You are so good, let’s join us on the battlefield!”

Edward’s knightly attendant-Fat Baum didn’t know when he appeared behind him, looking at himself with a smirk.

Zhou Ming groaned, stepped forward and whispered, “Master Baum, my chest was shot by a black bear last year, and it is not completely good …”

“It’s been over a year, how could it be okay? Don’t make an excuse, Ryan! Lord Baron raises you not to let you eat and drink here all day! It’s time to play for Lord Baron, just now I also talk to Lord Baron Having said that, Lord Baron said that since you have this intention, you should follow along as an auxiliary soldier and help carry some grain and grass … Could you not do this little thing? “Baum said dissatisfiedly.

“I did it, of course I did.”

Zhou Ming clenched his teeth and jumped out, saying that this **** Baum was going to frame himself!

But even if he ran to explain to Baron Conner now, he would leave a very bad impression in the baron’s heart … He could only cut his teeth and swallow in his stomach.

“Ha ha ha ha ha ha!”

Looking at Zhou Ming’s back, Baum laughed in his heart, Ryan, come with us on the battlefield, I will let Master Edward, arrange you to the front of the battlefield, wait for you to die, your tenderness My sister, let me take care of Baum, of course, I also told Master Edward, the first ~ night of Alice, let him enjoy first …

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