Urban Sims

Chapter 26 - Ellen Bachelor

After Downey Jr. returned to the castle, he told his mother Mrs. Madeleine that she wanted to be his servant.

“Okay, this kid Ryan hasn’t come to the castle to visit me for a long time. Let him come to the castle to serve you this time. Downey, little Ryan saved your life. Don’t treat him like a casual call. people.”

Mrs. Madeleine has no opinion, and the youngest son, Downey, is also 16 years old. After growing up, she will eventually have to spread her wings and leave the little grand collar … even if she does not want this most beloved little son Leave, but once Conner is gone, Edward becomes the lord, he will not tolerate Downey to continue to live in the castle-because everything in the territory belongs to the eldest son.

If Little Lane has been with Donny all the time, she will feel more at ease. Unlike the mischievous and active Downey, Little Lane has shown her the cleverness, sensibleness and calmness that made her marry in Tang. Ni’s side, going out in the future, can always avoid a lot of setbacks and dangers.

Madeleine nodded. Baron Conner had no opinion. A close servant, not a knightly servant, and little Lion was smart and clever, and he was faithful at the crucial moment, just to assist his naughty and uneasy son.

“Four years later, I’m Ryan is back!”

Standing at the gate of the castle, carrying a package of clothes for changing Zhou Ming, when he stepped into the castle after another four years, he couldn’t help but sigh.

Perhaps, starting today, I must either stand on the tall spire of the castle ’s white tower and overlook the beings, or fall straight down from the tall spire and fall forever.

Or, crushed bones.

Uh …

After entering the castle, in the servant living area on the third floor of the main building of the castle, the housekeeper assigned Zhou Ming a single room with an area of ​​about 10 square meters. The environment layout is good. There is a comfortable single bed and a small one for heating in winter. A fireplace, a set of oak tables and chairs, and a window facing Rose Town offer a panoramic view of the town under the mountain.

After a few days of servant etiquette and skill training, Zhou Ming quickly put on special shorts and dresses specially made by servants (shorts are usually worn when working, dresses are worn when honored guests visit), let alone, these servants wear clothes Immediately after him, the appearance and temperament became different from before, and it was really a bit decent, as if it was tailor-made for him.

After officially taking up his job, Zhou Ming’s daily work is also very easy, one is to take care of the daily life of Little Downey, the other is to accompany the book attendant, accompany him in class and travel, to ensure his personal safety.

On the matter of taking care of the lives of others, almost no one is better than Zhou Ming.

Little Downey tastes more tricky?

Simple, frying and frying, eating raw, fire-roasting, pickling, fermenting, this world can be said that no one is better than him, and can even give you a sample of more than three hundred days a year, the same kind of ingredients, Eighty different dishes will come out for you, and I’m afraid you’ll be tricky.

Of course, if Zhou Ming has this free time, he can certainly conduct in-depth research on cooking. For Little Downey, his special cream cakes, fruit pies, egg tarts and various flavors of biscuits can be easily smoothed out. If it doesn’t work, a big trick called “chicken chicken” will be put, and he won’t lose his appetite.

There is also a shower bathhouse for the daily bathing of Little Downey, a toilet bowl for the toilet, and a heating pad for heating in the winter … etc. These things are not only convenient for Downey, Lord Baron Conner and Madeleine The lady also found it convenient, and asked Zhou Ming to get them a set, and it quickly became popular in the castle.

However, these are just the episodes that occurred while the castle was waiting for Little Downey. It really made Zhou Ming feel great. He still accompanied the little Downey to learn a lot of valuable knowledge learned from Bachelor Ellen.

Bachelor Ellen, a little old man in his early fifties, white-breasted beard, fat figure, wearing a wide-sleeved gray robe. He had been a bachelor in the royal court for a few years in his early years. Had he not been slandered by political enemies and driven out of the capital by the king, he would not have been mixed with the miserable situation of teaching a baron’s second son.

Speaking of those years in the royal court, Ellen Bachelor always couldn’t help but miss and look forward to, in front of Little Downey and Zhou Ming, bragging about what he said to the king, drinking wine with the prince privately, The beautiful queen privately discussed literature and so on … Of course, he was the one who blows the most when he was young and handsome, and he had a leg with many high-end ladies …

Zhou Ming was too lazy to dissect this bachelor Ellen who couldn’t see a handsome man. How did he attract those beautiful and charming high-class ladies, he was most interested in the kingdom’s upper power structure and internal disputes , How exactly is it structured and handled.

“Our Kingdom of Warris is just a small country on the edge of this vast land. In addition to the king’s collar directly under the king capital, there are also fourteen Count Earls around, and under each Count, about ten more are subdivided. The Viscount or Baron collar, and the Baron collar further down, is directly subdivided to the cavalry of the cavalry. The caiyi is the smallest first-level segregation unit, generally there is only one village and thousands of acres of land.

“The Holy See ruled on the granting and inheritance of all kings and even the throne. The king ruled on the granting and inheritance of all the earls in the country. The count ruled the inheritance of all the viscounts and barons in his own territory. As for the right to grant knights, only the baron can increase the number of knights in the territory after obtaining the consent of the superior earl or the reward of the knighthood. The same is true for the baron and the earl. Permission or reward. “

“If there is a contradiction and conflict between the count and the count in the kingdom, the count and the count should be dealt with?” Zhou Ming asked.

“It is handled by a court of nobility, just as a court led by a baron can adjudicate all contradictions among civilians. The conflict between a baron and a baron can be decided in the court of the upper earl. The conflict between the baron and the baron can be settled in The rulings in the Kingdom ’s noble courts will decide the conflicts between the Kingdom and the Kingdom. As for the conflicts within the church, God ’s decision will be made. ”

“Since there are noble courts, what about the laws? Are there some laws in every court?” Zhou Ming asked again.

“Of course, isn’t there a territorial decree in the Grand Court? This law has a total of 155 articles, including miscellaneous taxes on land rent that farmers should pay, commercial taxes that merchants should pay, and thieves who damage the property of territories. , Thieves, scammers, murderers, rapists and other criminals have very detailed punishment measures, all kinds of circumstances in the territory, according to this law will be tried … As for the Earl ’s Court and the Kingdom ’s nobles The courts, the laws made by bachelors and judges are more complicated, and some issues even require an arbitration vote, divided into different factions … “


There are huge differences on some practical interests. When noble courts are unable to arbitrate and mediate, the use of force may become the last way to resolve disputes.

Just as the “Elk War” that Baron Connor and Baron Garcia fought, did not go to Earl’s Court to apply for arbitration. Wasn’t it because of the inability to know how to resolve it with a war?

“It seems that compared with the strict and strict legal provisions, this world has the strongest ethics, it should be the strongest fist …”

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