Urban Sims

Chapter 22 - 8 years of anti-Japanese war, knocked to the end (Part 1)

Gong County, Western Sichuan Province.

In a huge underground arsenal.

Tens of thousands of workers are working in full swing.

Sparks were splashing in front of the huge steel-making furnace, extracting low-carbon steel with extremely high strength day and night; the sulfuric acid tank in the chemical plant, after reacting with nitrate, orange bubbles appeared; driven by hydropower Industrial machine tools, turning the copper and iron raw materials at the end of the assembly line into bullets and shells at the end of the assembly line, and then stacked by workers in a side warehouse in a pile of mountains.

In the workshop next to the underground palace, there are countless men and women workers wearing work clothes and full of oil, operating a poor precision lathe, assembling a pull bolt rifle, a stiff machine gun, and a submachine gun … and a small number of small- and medium-caliber mortars, mountain guns, and anti-aircraft guns produced in the artillery production workshop … a complete range, covering a variety of light and heavy weapons.

“Minister Tian, ​​now our arsenal can produce 5,000 rifles, 1,500 machine guns and submachine guns, as well as more than 150 artillery pieces such as mortars and mountain guns. It can also produce more than 5 million rounds of bullets and more than 20,000 types of shells. The production capacity has nearly doubled from last year! “

Observed along the way, the head of the arsenal excitedly introduced to the big people beside him.

At this time, Zhou Ming, who had been the Minister of Industry of the Republic of China for nearly four years, after listening to the detailed report of the person in charge, closed his brows and shook his head: “Not enough, not enough, Xiao Dongri has invaded my country for a month, you The production capacity of the arsenal has not been significantly improved! Within a year, the number of ordnance produced by this arsenal must reach the level of more than 30 divisions per year, otherwise my country will be in danger! “

Armed thirty divisions?

The head of the arsenal was shocked. To produce military equipment for 30 divisions, the production capacity of this arsenal would have to be doubled at least?

Within one year?

“Don’t tell me that you can’t do it. Starting today, you need money for money, people for people, equipment for equipment! In short, production capacity must be increased!”

Looking at the head of the arsenal with a difficult look, Zhou Ming issued a military order to him. No matter what means he uses, the output of ordnance must be increased!

The East Japan Empire, known as “Six months to the destruction of China”, has occupied Beijing and Tianjin at this time, advancing toward the hinterland of the Central Plains. Those local surnamed troops who apparently obeyed the Central Command, resisted and broke down after a touch, or fell in the wind.

If there were not more than a dozen central German armored men equipped with a large number of elite German weapons, the land north of the Yellow River might have lost their opponents.

Looking at the deadlock in the war situation, I hope that the East Japan Empire will end the war as soon as possible. At this time, I continue to increase the bargaining power. The total force of the total invasion of China has exceeded 800,000, and there is still a trend of increasing.

As for the Air Force, with the heavy consumption of its own fighter planes and the difficulty in replenishing it, the East Japan Air Force’s superiority continues to increase. Once its Air Force has an absolute superiority, the Chinese Army’s forces may not be able to resist the invaders’ double air and land offensive.

At this time, Zhou Ming, who was already 28 years old, was also anxious. Although he had repeatedly suggested to Chairman Zhao to increase the construction of the air force and build an aircraft plant, and to build a few more arsenals in the southwest rear, in case of a full blockade, he could still Guarantee national defense capabilities.

After calculating the economic accounts, Chairman He Zhao found that it would be better to buy thousands of aircraft from abroad with more than one billion yuan to carry out these military constructions. In addition to the extra money, he could buy enough to arm hundreds of divisions. German equipment, the effect is quick!

Helpless, Zhou Ming had to pay his own pocket. In the provinces of West Sichuan, Nanyun, Guizhou and other provinces, he sent a geological team to find a few places that have both hydraulic power, iron ore and coal resources, and introduced a complete set of advanced machine tools from Germany. It took eight or eight years to burn 7.8 billion yuan, and only a few arsenals belonged to Hua Guo.

Especially at the foot of this country, which can be regarded as the largest Gongxian arsenal in China, Zhou Ming’s hard work and energy can be said to make his hair white.

It was at this time that the full-scale anti-Japanese war started.

“Xiaodongri, you haven’t reserved much for Laozi for a year!”

Zhou Ming hates the insidious and shrewdness of Dongri Kingdom. In these years, he has lost two loved ones and many capable men in many contests with the Dongri people. He has been assassinated many times! If it weren’t for a quick response, I’m afraid he would have died Huang Quan.

Fortunately, Zhou Ming is not a vegetarian anymore. He is already in Shanghai and has prepared a super gift bag for Dongri people.

Uh …

Shanghai, August 28.

The bleak air raid alarm sounded throughout the city.

“The air strike is coming, hide in the bomb shelter!”

“Boom, boom, boom!” A house was blown into ruins.

“Enter the trench and avoid air raids!”

The prosperous urban streets are covered with trenches, and important locations at the end of the streets are built with countless reinforced concrete bunkers; even, some underground parts of the underground water channel that provide drainage and sewage functions for the city, after being reinforced with high-strength cement, Countless holes were left for gun shooting.

“Kill it!”

After the air raid and shelling preparations were completed, the East Japanese Army outside the trench in the east of the city pulled out the samurai sword and shouted the slogan of the charge.

“Chong, for the glory of the Great East Japan Empire!”

“Crush, for your majesty!”

“Onboard! His Majesty the Locust!”

Hundreds of elite Eastern Japanese soldiers rushed towards the trench in front, intending to use this wave of pigs to charge forward and win the trench opposite to them that had been hard to fight for many days.

However, he hadn’t reached the ditch, bouncing around, and suddenly dozens of huge burlaps appeared on the top of his head.

Boom Boom Boom!

An explosive bag stuffed with rusty iron nails and gravel soaked in feces exploded among these invading soldiers!

After the black smoke that covered the sky dispersed, the broken limbs in front of the trench were scattered on the ground, and countless wounded and dying wounded mourned.

“My precious Empire Warrior …”

Looking at the hell-like scene in front of Shura, the East Japanese Army spit out a blood, knelt in front of the trench, and then was taken away by a bullet shot from a distance.

this moment.

In order to arrive at this moment, Zhou Ming fully prepared for ten years!

Within ten years, all construction companies under his name, in accordance with the standards of combat readiness, built more than 200 kilometers of trenches for trenches, more than 100 kilometers of sewers and tunnels, and 1,500 reinforced concrete bunkers in the urban area of ​​Shanghai. A castle-like warehouse … The total consumption of cement and steel is more than 10 million tons.

Among them, there is a four-row warehouse on the bank of Suzhou in the western suburbs of Shanghai. After Zhou Ming ordered people to reinforce it, he reserved enough materials for five thousand people to use for eight years, and dispatched 300 people. The best “Orphan Army” is stationed!

Once the defenders in the urban area are unable to hold on, some of the retreating troops will join this group of orphans, leaving an unforgettable “memory” for the Eastern Japanese Imperial Army!

In addition, in order to make up for the huge gap with the aggressor’s weapons, Zhou Ming invented low-cost powerful weapons such as unconscionable guns, burning flasks, land mines, etc. in advance, allowing hundreds of thousands of national troops stationed in Shanghai to drill in advance. Ten times of urban warfare …

Zhou Ming believes that unless Dong Riguo suddenly invented the mushroom egg, otherwise he would like to capture this city, at least 300,000 lives must be filled!

Uh …

On September 10, more than half a month after the Battle of Song and Shanghai broke out, in order to win the important strategic city of Shanghai, the East Japan Empire had to temporarily adjust its strategy, suspending the comprehensive attack from North China to South China, and adding troops to Shanghai. They all occupy the middle and lower reaches of the river, then go up the river, take Jinhua, the capital of China, and then take the rich land of China from east to west!


In Shanghai, they hit a big nail firmly!

In the flesh and blood mill composed of countless trenches, sewers and concrete bunkers, in just three months, nearly eighty-five lives of eight East Japanese elite divisions were engulfed. After reluctantly occupying some urban areas, they faced guerrillas at night The black guns fired by the team members from the buildings, tunnels, and sewers have been increased to 500,000 by the Eastern Japanese Imperial Army, and they still cannot fully occupy the city!

As the collective of the East Japan Empire base camp was almost desperate, more than fifty elite German mechanics in Chairman Zhao’s hands were almost wiped out, and the ammunition reserves were exhausted, and they were unable to continue to support them.

Withdrawal of the troops. In order to save the remaining strength, Chairman Zhao reluctantly chose to withdraw the troops.

The East Japan Empire Base Camp was in a state of ecstasy, and ordered the troops to pursue the entire line. Be sure to wipe out all the Chinese troops on the way to retreat!

Uh …

Bank of Suzhou, four-row warehouse.

After the retreat of the Central Army and various military forces, the five-thousand guards ordered to stay in the warehouse became the last line of defense to cover the big troops.

“Brothers, for the safety of the large army, we have to fight the enemy in the four-line warehouse until the last moment! Brothers, it’s time to lay down for the country, are you afraid?”

Xie Jinyuan, the 1st Brigade Commander of the 11th Division of the National Army, faced his subordinates decisively.

“Brigade commander, die for the country, I am not afraid!” Said a soldier bravely.

“Brigade commander, I don’t want to die, but I am not afraid of thinking about being with so many brothers, UU reading www.uukanshu.com!” Said a pale-faced wounded soldier.

“I still have a mother in my family. If she knew I was dead, she would be very sad, but if she knew that I was fighting for the country, would she be very happy?” A young soldier looked forward, as if listening When mother came to praise her words.

Looking at this group of young soldiers who are honest and frank, they are optimistic despite their fear of death, but they are still fearless despite their desperation …

Xie Jinyuan burst into tears, good brothers, I will not let you leave here alone …

A corner of the warehouse.

A group of three hundred orphans dressed in camouflage military uniforms and looked like puppet sculptures, from the revitalization school, in addition to silently wiping the gun oil in the sniper rifle with silk cloth, I also remembered what the principal once told them There is an ambitious wish to save the people of Limin in fire and water, and to build a powerful new China.

“The principal said that the material of this warehouse is enough for five thousand people to stick to it for eight years. After eight years, the moment of victory will come …”

“In these eight years, I sniped a Dongri soldier every day. For eight years, I could kill 2920 people for the country …”

“No, this is still too little to kill the enemy. I have to kill at least three every day, so there are more than 8700 people …”

“Forget it! Set a small goal of 10,000 people. I have completed 184, which is still 9816 …”

In the Orphan Army, a small man with a thin figure, not surprising appearance, and a pair of deep, big eyes sat on the sack and muttered secretly.

This small man named Wang Shun, with his extremely accurate sniper rifle, was called “Sniper Demon King” by the soldiers of the East Japan in the years of the war of resistance against Japan. Countless heads …

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