Urban Sims

Chapter 20 - Join 2 Party, National Unification 1

The rapid development of Zhenxing Industrial Group is not in line with the fundamental interests of the great powers.

The great powers came to China in thousands of miles, just looking for a dumping place for industrial products. Seeing that China ’s own industrial strength is gradually developing and eroding their business interests, they are trying to suppress it by all means. Time comes to mind.

The double blockade of technology and heavy industry equipment became the first measure taken by the five nations of rice, eagle, Japan, enamel, and Italy.

After cleaning up a group of less obedient compradors, the powers increased their investment in manpower and material resources, supported a group of more faithful and obedient compradors, and began to compete with the Shanghai Chamber of Commerce.

Finally, on the military level, Western powers who had just fought a world war, were licking their wounds at home at this time, and they could not mobilize much military power, but in order to protect their own interests in Shanghai ’s magic capital of the East Countries such as Rice, Eagle, and Eva decided to let the East Japan Empire come forward to increase the presence of military forces in Shanghai. In exchange, the East Japan Empire must also protect the interests of other powers in Shanghai.

With various suppression measures, Zhou Ming’s Zhenxing Industrial Group began to withstand huge external pressure.

However, at this time, a thunder came from the south, but Zhou Ming was very excited.

The Southern National Revolutionary Army announced that it had sworn north.

The National Revolutionary Army, a military force composed of the Great National Party (referred to as the National Party) and the Workers and Peasants Party, after receiving the armed support of the Red Bear Republic of the North, from south to north, the road is like a broken bamboo in less than half a year. Inside, the warlords of the Yan, Gui, Min, Gan, Anhui, Yun, etc. have been eliminated successively, occupying nearly half of the rivers and mountains of China.

The warlords of various departments north of Dajiang panicked, stopped their disputes of grievances, and expanded their armaments in preparation for self-protection.

The powers of various countries also panicked. The warships entered the large river inland waterway, and the artillery aimed at the National Revolutionary Army on the south bank, forcing them to not cross the river, and creating the Jiuwei and Wuhang tragedy shocked by the Chinese. Common people.

Such acts of public interference in the internal affairs of China and forceful interference in the national reunification of China were immediately strongly resisted by all patriotic youths of China. For a short time, the voices of “overthrowing the imperial powers” and “wiping out warlords and reunifying China” , Resounding from north to south.

Shanghai, the Grand Marshal House.

“Father-in-law, you can change your flag. As long as you support the central government, you can still be your mayor of Shanghai. Tens of thousands of troops under your control are still under your control. , What are you still thinking about? “

Zhou Ming was anxious, and he had persuaded his mother for more than two hours, and Lu Yixiang was still hesitating.

“Sister-in-law, it’s not that I don’t want to change flags, it’s those foreigners who are not easy to deal with. Now the army of the East Japan has increased to 30,000 troops, and the army of the two countries has 10,000, as well as the power fleet at sea. Fighting, I am afraid that the whole of Shanghai will be turned into powder! “

Lu Yixiang has fought for the rest of his life. Although he has not fought with the powers, he knows that once he really conflicts with these powers, regardless of his weaponry and personnel quality, he may not be able to resist even half a round.

“If you are afraid of anything, even if their army has 40,000, but our people have 40,000, they dare to infringe on it. We can just pile up people and kill them!”

“Sister-in-law, don’t be impulsive, you are still too young, this kind of big event needs to be considered long, and must not be rushed! And when the time is ripe, I will naturally announce a change of flag and support the central government.”

Wait, wait until the year of the monkey to complete the unification? Fifty years, one hundred years?

No, for Zhou Ming, who longed for a unified and powerful country, he couldn’t wait a day!

“If you don’t do it, I’ll do it!”

After throwing off such a harsh word, Zhou Ming left the Grand Marshal’s house without looking back.

That night, through an introduction by a worker and peasant party, Zhou Ming joined the long-admired National Party and Workers and Peasants Party, became important representatives of these two parties in Shanghai, participated in leading strikes and armed seizure of the Shanghai capital Full command.

After joining the two parties, although it has long been noticed that there are many members of the Party of the National Party and the Workers ’and Peasants’ Party in the factories of the Zhenxing Industrial Group, unexpectedly, among the nearly 400,000 employees of his company group, there are actually five or six thousand. People have been developed into underground party members by the two parties, and there are even more than a dozen students who graduated from his revitalization school.

This surprised Zhou Ming, but also felt a little worried and worried.

However, I thought that I would soon cooperate with these two parties to do a vigorous and great cause that was conducive to the country and the nation. I simply waved both hands and used these party members as the backbone to form a Shanghai National Revolutionary Army with a population of nearly 100,000. And spent huge sums of money to organize the production or purchase of a large number of weapons to arm all 100,000 people.

In October 25th of the Republic of China, the Shanghai Municipality broke out the Double Ten Incident that shocked the outside of China. Under the strong pressure of nearly 100,000 artificial peasant armed forces, the Shanghai capital warlord Lu Yixiang was forced to agree to the Revolutionary Army ’s request and agreed to change the flag Change the flag and submit to the Southern Central Government.

The outbreak of the Double Ten Incident caused a strong backlash from the powers. In spite of the opposition of the people of Shanghai, they intermittently dispatched intervention forces, entered important military passes, blocked all ports, and severely investigated import and export vessels.

Faced with the tour ~ Demonstration of the Chinese people, the East Japan Intervention Forces fired and fired deadly and wounded hundreds of people.

“Fuck! Damn their dog days!”

Zhou Ming was angry, UU reads www. uukanshu.com Dongri, a shit-like country, has endured for a long time. Today he dare to use guns and artillery on his site to kill the people of China.

Xiaodongri, I’ll **** you!


“Crush, avenge the dead innocent people!”

“Xiaodongri killed us alone, and we killed ten of them to pay back!”

“Boom! Boom! Boom!”

That night, more than 20,000 revolutionary troops stormed into the military camp of the East Japan. In less than two hours, the East Japan Intervention Army had a regiment of nearly 1,500 troops and dissipated in the infinite anger of the revolutionary army. .

After seeing the near-slaughter situation of the East Japan Armed Intervention Corps, the other powers were a little scared. In addition, the Shanghai Metropolitan Chamber of Commerce continued to increase the blockade of water concessions, power cuts, and grain cuts on various concessions, and the pressure on logistics supply was increasing. Powers of various countries had to declare temporary neutrality after some strong protests.

However, the East Japan Intervention Force, which was unacceptably defeated and was unwilling to fail, was about to increase its bargaining power. When tens of thousands of troops were transferred from the country, more than 100,000 troops of the Southern and Northern Expeditionary Forces had already crossed the river and headed towards the Central Plains. Pushed forward.

In the face of the offensive of the Northern Expeditionary Army, several warlords in the Central Plains region had to choose to change their flags and follow the central government.

Soon after, the Northern Expeditionary Army hit Zhidong Mountain and had a war with the East Japan Intervention Army occupying Jinan City. The Northern Expeditionary Army suffered heavy losses. The captured more than 8,000 soldiers and tens of thousands of Jinan people were all cut off their ears and noses and slaughtered in Under Jinan City.

The pace of the Northern Expeditionary Army’s northward movement stopped abruptly.

In December, the two provinces of Northern Xinjiang and Western Xinjiang announced their flag changes.

At this time, except for the three provinces in the east and the two provinces in Zhili and Shandong, which did not return to the central government, most of the country, at least in name, had already been unified.

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