Urban Sims

Chapter 2 - "Zhang 2 Dog\\\'s Counterattack Life"

“Drip ~”

“Player begins to enter the game …”

Game background introduction:

Niujia Village is a small village located in a remote mountainous area in the southwest of the Dagan country. It is called Niujia Village because it is located on a large mountain of cattle type. There are 63 households in the village, 421 people, and 850 arable land. Two acres, of which 478 acres belong to Li Shouzheng, the head of the village, as a foreign household Zhang Sanniu, only two acres of thin fields on the north of the village, plus a four-leaf thatched cottage, as the second son of Zhang Sanniu Ergou, you were unfortunately born into this family …

“Wow ~ wow!”

Opened his eyes diligently, Zhou Ming’s first feeling was cold, cold in his bones.

Glanced down a little bit, the baby’s own state, only a thin layer of burlap was wrapped on his body, and there were several holes with big fingers.

“Osmanthus, throw this baby, we already have a big baby, two baby, we can’t afford it.” A middle-aged man next to him said with a frown.

Zhou Ming’s heart was awkward, and suddenly stopped crying, throwing, numb eggs, I was just born, you want to throw me?

How to play this game?

In the eyes of the thin woman with the baby in her arms, two lines of tears flowed out of her eyes, hitting Zhou Ming on the face, and whimpered: “The master, A Da is only two years old. The second is also a male. When he grows up, he can work for his family and give you more children. Let ’s keep him. “

The middle-aged man pondered for a while, nodded silently, and brought a large pottery bowl with a corner missing on the edge of the threshold, and handed it to the thin woman: “Osmanthus, eat this bowl of noodles I ate two eggs and ate them, and then I gave Xiao Er some milk. “

The woman rolled up her sleeves and wiped the drops of water from the corners of her eyes, hugged the baby in her arms more tightly, took the pottery bowl, and ate with a big mouth.

Middle-aged man sighed, picked up the **** aside, and walked towards the mountain a little ricketically.

Three days later, after a short discussion, the middle-aged couple named Zhou Ming, Zhang Ergou. The reason was that Zhou Ming ’s two-year-old brother called Zhang Dagou.

Uh …

Blinked, three years passed.

In the village of Niujia Village, there is a little **** boy running bare ass.

Tired of running, the little **** sat on the big rock at the village head, silently opened the game panel in his mind-

Player Character: Zhang Ergou

Property: 0

Status: 0

Reputation: 0

Partner: 0

Descendants: 0

Lifetime: 3

Comprehensive achievements: 3

Closed the panel helplessly, looking at the sky without words, Zhou Ming felt a little crying without tears in his heart.

Three years ago, he has been suffering from malnutrition for a long time, and now he only learns to walk. In the middle, because of a few colds and colds, if his life is hard, he almost gameover in advance.

“How to play this game, the start is so difficult, not to mention 500 achievement points, it can be mixed up to 50 points!”

Zhou Ming complained unceasingly, if the protagonist in other novels, at the age of three, he began to hang up the general genius, at the age of six, he rose to dominate the party, and at the age of sixteen, he had swept the whole picture and had to consider another copy. How did he mix So miserable?

Looking up at his lower arm and calf again, Zhou Ming pressed down his unrealistic thoughts.

The current self can’t even take a hoe, he may be taken away by a flu, but it’s against the sky, save it.

“Not good, not good! The big dog of Zhang Sanniu’s family is drowning!”

“Go to the river to save people!”

“Zhang Sanniu, your son is drowning!”

“Go and call Zhang Sanniu.”

A burst of noise suddenly came from the small river at the head of the village, and several villagers shouted in a panic.

Zhou Ming’s heart was awkward, and he ran towards the river with his calf. After a while, he saw his belly round and lay on the shore. The child, his brother Zhang Dagou.

“Da, big dog, my son! Why are you disobedient, telling you not to go to the river to catch fish and shrimp, you are going to go!” Mother Osmanthus cried and hugged the big dog who was already stiff After his death, Zhang Sanniu, the father who heard the news, came to see this scene, and he looked dumbfounded, and the **** on his shoulder fell to the ground.

Two days later, in addition to the addition of a small grave on the mountainside in the north of the village, life returned to normal again.

Zhou Ming was a little surprised to find that after his brother left, the four foods that had to be prepared for each meal in the family had become a larger number of three. Even in order to keep the only son left, Zhou Ming could often be full. , My brother’s clothes were also changed and put on himself …

At the age of five, Zhou Ming, who was well cared for, was able to carry a trumpet **** and work under the ground. Occasionally, he could go up the mountain and dig a bird’s nest, dig some sweet grass roots that taste like sugar cane on the field ridge. The injured pheasant also became one of his few good opportunities to supplement nutrition.

When she was six years old, her mother Osmanthus was pregnant again.

This made this condition originally improve some poor families, and cast another layer of haze.

Is pregnant in October, the baby quacks to the ground, Zhou Ming smiles very happy, he has a cute little sister.

But one night, the fierce quarrel woke Zhou Ming who was asleep.

“Being the master, please don’t throw her away, we’ll have nothing to do with bitterness, she’s just a child just born!” The woman begged bitterly.

“This child was born to someone else too. Why did Bai raise her so much? Don’t eat or wear two dogs?” The man’s voice was incomparable.

“But … but she is the meat that fell from me, I can’t bear it!” The woman cried.

“You think I am willing, but if you have one more mouth, you will have more burden. The two acres of our family cannot afford so many mouths!” The man also cried.

“Can I eat less and use less?” The woman gritted her teeth.

“No, you have to raise this family with me!”

The man shook his hand, grabbed the baby girl in the woman’s arms, broke free from the woman’s desperate pull, and ran towards the house without looking back.

Aside, Zhou Ming secretly watching all this, staring blankly at the thatch on the roof, but found that he had no courage to climb up to prevent this from happening.

Yes, the output of two acres of thin land makes the conditions of this family so poor that it can support up to three people.

Of course, father Zhang Sanniu can also go to Li Shouzheng, the lieutenant general, as a tenant farmer, renting a good land or two acres, tired and tired, the family conditions will always be improved, even if the land rent is unbearably high 70%.

However, Li Shouzheng, the lieutenant, is not a philanthropist. Seventy percent of land rent does not refer to seventy percent of the annual random yield of land crops, but regardless of drought or flood, as long as tenants rent this land, they must have seven percent of the normal annual output. Cheng turned over, even if the tenant sold his wife and children.

Is precisely taking this into consideration. No matter how difficult it is at home, Zhang Sanniu didn’t think about renting the land of Li Shouzheng’s family.

Early the next morning, the tired father came back with a body of dew, and sat weakly at the door of the house. Mother Osmanthus got up from the bed and prepared breakfast for a family of three as usual.

Uh …

In the blink of an eye, five years have passed.

Mother Osmanthus left because of a severe wind chill, after exhausting the few savings in the family, let go.

At the age of thirteen, his father Zhang Sanniu also left, perhaps because of overwork, or maybe he missed his mother too much, and let go.

Only left alone.

My parents were gone, and Zhou Ming was relieved. He stayed in this game for so long. He wanted to make a name for himself. He had n’t been able to make a name for himself. The chemical equations of the book are forgotten. Of course, it can be explored slowly, but there is only a broken grass house and two acres of thin land. UU reads the book www.uukanshu.com. What resources are there for him to do the money Research.

If you ca n’t make inventions, you can grow the land. As a high-level student who has gone to college, he still knows the three elements of water, fertilizer, and temperature. High yields are difficult.

So, on his two acres of thin land, Zhou Ming conducted a series of experiments. The first two years had almost no grain harvest and almost starved himself to death. After two years of early two years, the land output increased by 10%.

In the fifth year, when Zhou Ming was eighteen years old, because of proper planting methods, and God ’s better cooperation with the weather and rain, Zhou Ming ’s two acres of land unexpectedly received a bumper harvest, and the output was longer than that of Li Shouzheng. The most fertile ground was still abundant, which caused a sensation in the village.

Zhou Ming can raise his head when he walks, and some matchmakers are also asking Zhou Ming’s family to ask about the situation at the request of someone who is interested.

Everything is going in a good direction. Zhou Ming also plans to build a better wooden house in two years, save a little money and marry a daughter-in-law who has seen her, and have three sons and two daughters.

However, after going to a small family home for a meal one day, he couldn’t bear to ask for a bite, and Zhou Ming, who was soft-hearted for a while, agreed to teach him his top secret farming techniques.

One pass ten, ten pass one hundred, the villagers of the whole village invited Zhou Ming in the past, and greeted him with good wine and good meat, they urged him to impart some farming experience, Zhou Ming agreed one by one.

A few days later, the door of Zhou Ming’s house was cracked open, and a few mysterious people rushed into the house, holding up the sword and axe stick in his hand, and severely cut the figure on the bed.

It wasn’t until the **** figure on the ground could no longer make any movement, a few mysterious people lit the fire, and watched the broken thatched house burn out, and then went away.

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