Urban Sims

Chapter 15 Opportunity, develop and grow

Several consecutive blows hit, and the sales volume of Zhenfu Tobacco’s ‘Ford Long’ brand cigarettes quickly plunged into a dilemma of difficult maintenance.

For hundreds of years in his life, Zhou Ming didn’t know how many times he had encountered such a dilemma, and soon he had his own countermeasures.

The cigarette market in Shanghai is fiercely competitive, so spread all the sales staff to the surrounding small and medium-sized towns, and take the road of surrounding the city from the countryside!

Although the consumption capacity of small and medium-sized cities and towns is not as good as that of Shanghai, but the gathering is less and more, and the brainwashing and marketing like crazy bombing can always make a big base!

Half a month later, the “Fulong” brand cigarettes seemed to disappear without a trace in Shanghai, and the words “Fordlong Cigarettes, Race Over the Living Immortals” resounding in the ears of Shanghai residents disappeared every day. Instead, people from surrounding counties, townships, and towns are beginning to undergo brainwashing with this ad word …

In the next few years, in the face of the heavy strangulation of many tobacco brands, while revitalizing the tobacco company was not defeated, instead, the retailer district underwriting system created by Zhou Ming creatively gave the middle and lower sales staff great freedom of operation. Afterwards, the “Ford Long” brand cigarettes were unmanageable and quickly sold to the surrounding provinces!

In the past two years, it has re-killed back to Shanghai, because of better quality, other cigarette brands hit have been retreating.

However, even if the revitalization of the tobacco company has grown to such a large scale, the net worth that Zhou Ming has saved in the past few years is still only more than one million.

The ‘Tiger Tiger Gang’, which was originally responsible for protecting the safety of the factory, was wiped out by a larger group of local ‘Qinglong Gang’. The protection fee that the factory had to pay each month increased from 10,000 to 50,000.

The senior officials of the tax bureau have also visited several times, with the military warlords occupying the capital of Shanghai-Grand Marshal Lu Yixiang and the warlord Yang Zengxian of Zhejiang Province fighting each other for many years. The military expenditures have been tightened. Over ten thousand donations.

“In this era, it wouldn’t work without your own gun barrel, otherwise you would earn as much money as the fat in the eyes of others. Whenever you want to bite, you should bite!”

Having figured this out, Zhou Ming suspended business expansion plans, took out most of the profits of the tobacco company, founded a school in the name of preparing a school, and recruited a large number of 6-10 years old in the society. The wandering orphans came back and asked the cultural teachers to teach them the knowledge of arts and sciences. At the same time, they also purchased a large number of arms. Under the strict guidance of highly-paid professional officers, they developed in the direction of all-round talent.

“Think back then, the principal Chang was relying on the world laid by a military academy. He can, and I can do it!”

The road to success is sometimes reproducible. Thinking of this, Zhou Ming, who was only 12 years old, personally served as the principal of this school named “Rejuvenation School” and lived with these 6-10 year olds. In class training together, he asked these students to do it, and he took the lead in doing it himself, setting a benchmark and role model for them.

Every time Zhou Ming, who stood at the podium during history classes, was more generous, instilling the responsibility of his country and world to these children, so that these children who are young children can understand the heavy burden on their shoulders.

Uh …

In a blink of an eye, in the 20th year of the Republic of China, a major historical event that shocked the world broke out: the Crown Prince Rudolf of the Austrian Empire and the Princess Catherine, while visiting neighboring Serbia, were suddenly shot by local Serb youth , The crown prince and his wife both died in the carriage.

The outbreak of this incident quickly became the fuse of war between the Western powers. The major powers joined forces to form the two alliances of “Alliance” and “Allied Power”. The two sides fought on the land border. Hundreds The fierce fighting of 10,000 troops has opened the prelude to the First World War!

This is undoubtedly a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for China in the East and Zhou Ming in Shanghai!

In fact, shortly before the outbreak of the war, Zhou Ming, who saw the signs of the war, had begun to lay out, not only took out all the liquidity of the tobacco company, but also applied for a loan of more than 5 million from the bank through acquisition, financing, and founding. The new factory and other means, within a few months, owned three flour mills, two textile mills, two canneries, a pharmaceutical factory and a foreign trade company selling cotton, bristle, tungsten sand, iron sand, chrome sand and other materials The company recruited manpower and acquired various strategic materials in large quantities.

The expansion plans of companies like Zhou Ming, which are very crazy in the eyes of outsiders, were quickly overwhelmed by orders from the flakes. Western powers seriously underestimated the scale and loss of the world war, and the shortage of materials made them to the world. The resource comers from all over the world refused to refuse, even if it was a ship of inferior quality grain, it could be sold at a decent price—the strong demand of war, which allowed the world economy to enter an unprecedented prosperity.

Purchasing raw materials, overtime production, and rapid sales … Each of Zhou Ming ’s factories, like machines filled with laws, is running fast. Even the “Fulong” brand cigarettes are also because of the high quality and low price. Loved by soldiers in the trenches of Europe.

Not to mention the magical and delicious canned food from the East. For many soldiers on both sides, this is an oriental artifact that can play a morale +1 role. UU reading books www.uukanshu.com

There are also Nanyun Baiyao which has a good hemostatic effect, tungsten sand necessary for the production of high-strength armor steel, and bristles for wiping the barrels. These materials that are closely related to the war, Zhou Ming has almost no leaks, all sold to the most fierce war And always guarantee the fastest and most timely delivery.

The outbreak of the world war between Western powers lasted for four years that no one expected, and finally ended with a total of more than 50 million casualties and the collapse of the alliance.

In the past four years, Zhou Ming, who seized the opportunity and made a lot of money, turned his eyes back to the country after the last payment was received.

“At present, there are more than 30 light industrial factories under the banner of Zhenxing Industrial Group, such as cigarettes, flour, textiles, canned food, grain and oil and foodstuffs, pharmaceuticals, matches, etc., as well as Zhenxing Iron and Steel Plant, Cement Plant, Glass Plant and Chemical Plant established in the past two years. , Machine tool factories, shipyards and other more than ten heavy industry factories have now begun to produce economic benefits and have certain market competitiveness. ”

“These 40-odd factories have accounted for one-twentieth of the total number of factories in Shanghai, and have created economic benefits of nearly 80 million yuan per year. In the current Shanghai city, there is one in every ten people on average. My Zhenxing Industrial Group has eaten. ”

“A behemoth so conspicuous, presumably all parties in Shanghai, have long been salivating at me?”

“Fortunately, my revitalization academy has been established for more than six years. The first batch of students have graduated and it is time to send them out to clean up some bugs for the company.”

Closing a thick book of books, at the age of 18, Zhou Ming, who started to control the Zhenxing Industrial Group at the front desk, decided to remove some obstacles in front of Zhenxing Industrial, which will lead Zhenxing Industrial to a broader development path !

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