Urban Inventor

Chapter 526 - Milky Way

The earth civilization advanced to the sixth-level civilization, joined the pan-galactic alliance, and established diplomatic relations with the 13 other six-level civilizations in the galaxy. This news quickly spread throughout the galaxy, making the entire galaxy boiling. Those powerful Both Level 5 and Level 4 civilizations are discussing this matter.

“Another earth civilization, I feel that the major news of the galaxy in recent decades has been contracted by the earth civilization. However, this is indeed a civilization full of miracles. It has become a sixth-level civilization after entering the interstellar age for more than 100 years. This has never been seen in the history of the Milky Way. At least six other civilizations have become a sixth-level civilization after entering the interstellar age for tens of thousands of years. “

“The development of a civilization requires a long period of time and enough resources. Only by meeting these two conditions can we nurture a sufficient population, and a large population base can produce countless geniuses. These geniuses can promote civilization. Development, especially after reaching the five-level civilization, without hundreds of millions of people, civilization can hardly move forward, but this earth civilization has completely broken the routine, it is really incredible. “

“Yeah, the earth civilization originated from the remote star field in the cantilever of Orion. In such a barren star field, there is simply not enough resources to develop. At most, only a four-level civilization can be born, but the earth civilization is abruptly promoted there. It ’s already a miracle to have occupied the fifth-level civilization, and then occupy the brilliant star field. But within a few decades, they have advanced to the sixth-level civilization. I ’m sure they must have unearthed the remains of the sixth-level civilization in the solar system. The development of the six-level civilization has only been developed so fast. Should we also try our luck in the remote star field of the Milky Way to see if we can find the remains of advanced civilizations, and then we can also rise rapidly like the earth civilization Now. “

“Your guess is reasonable, but there are hundreds of millions of civilizations in the galaxy, and there is only a special case of the civilization of the earth. It can be said that the probability is quite low, and there must be luck against the sky.”

“Yeah, there is only one earth civilization in the entire galaxy. Like our saint civilization, it has 200,000 years of civilization inheritance, and it is only the initial civilization of the fifth level. However, the earth civilization has only inherited for more than 6,000 years and is already a sixth-level civilization. The development of earth civilization is too fast. When we established diplomatic relations with our saint-en civilization a few decades ago, it was just a fifth-level early civilization like us. Now, we are still a fifth-level early civilization, but they are already a sixth-level civilization. ! This is really incomparable! “

“The luck of your sacred civilization has been very good. You have established diplomatic relations with the earth civilization very early. Now the earth civilization has stepped into the sky and become a giant of the Milky Way. As long as you take care of you a little, you will benefit from it!”

“Haha, what we are saying is that we have long seen the potential of the earth civilization and have maintained a friendly relationship with them. Even when the earth civilization announced that it would be tough with Nathan civilization, we are standing here. By the way, they should not treat us badly. We must immediately prepare a generous gift to go to the Glorious Star Field, congratulations to the advancement of the civilization of the earth into a sixth-level civilization. “

“Speaking of Nathan civilization, I want to laugh. They must regret now that their intestines are green. They dare to offend the civilization of the earth.”

Nathan Civilization really regrets that his intestines are now green. From the high level of Nathan Civilization to the people of Nathan Civilization, they now all feel that the shadow area in their hearts is infinite. The enemy’s earth civilization has even advanced to a sixth-level civilization. How is this possible? How can this be? They have now completely abandoned the idea of ​​revenge and hatred, and only hope that the civilization of the earth can let them go.

“Will earth civilization let us go?”

The upper levels of Nathan civilization gathered and discussed in a panic.

“Compared with the current earth civilization, we are just a ants. Whether they let us go depends on their mood. However, we cannot put the destiny of the entire civilization on the mood of the earth civilization. I propose to start the seed of civilization immediately. The plan, in this way, even if our base camp is wiped out by the civilization of the earth, our inheritance of Nathan civilization will not be broken. However, we must account for the implementation of the civilization seed plan, and we must be low-key in the future, as long as the civilization of the earth remains Galaxy activities cannot reveal their identity. “

“I also agree to start the Seed of Civilization project immediately, and at the same time, we can’t give up hope. We must take the initiative to contact the civilization of the earth, and even if we pay a big price, we must pray for their forgiveness.”

“Hey, who would have thought that a small action at the time actually caused us so much trouble for Nassen civilization.”

“Yeah, who would have thought that this earth civilization is so perverted, and it is developing too fast.”

The Avengers, which has always hated the civilization of the earth, also fell into despair.

“Why? Why does God care so much about earth civilization?”

Hui Moruotian, the leader of the Hui civilization, was paralyzed in a chair and his face was pale. They were determined to expel the civilization of the earth, restore the shining star field, and turn the shining star field into a bright pearl in the Milky Way, but the facts prove This is just a joke. They are not worthy of being enemies with the civilization of the earth. After so many years, they are still a fourth-level civilization, and the earth civilization has become a sixth-level civilization. Now, there is no need for the earth civilization to start. Their sovereign civilization- -The Deya civilization will also take the initiative to hand them over to the earth civilization to show good to the earth civilization.

“We can’t go anymore. The Deya civilization has blocked our star field. They should be in contact with the civilization of the earth. After receiving the instruction of the civilization of the earth, they will immediately start working on us.”

Hui Moruotian looked at the old friends around him and said with a smirk, “Fortunately, I have been planning ahead, and I have planned the future. The inheritance of the Hui civilization will not be cut off. I don’t know if you have made arrangements.”

“We have also made arrangements, but we can only do it here ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ I hope our juniors can fight for the tone, multiply the civilization, and surpass the earth civilization in the future.”

Others responded with a smirk.

A few hours later, Hui Moruotian and others suddenly felt that the entire planet was trembling. Then, the correspondent reported to them that the Deya civilization had started. From the perspective of the war situation, the Deya civilization would eliminate them all.

After hearing this news, countless civilizations also fell into excitement.

Needless to say, earth civilization has been transformed into a sea of ​​joy and joy. Everyone is proud of being a member of earth civilization.

At that time, all civilizations such as the Novo Civilization and the Booth Civilization, which were forced to become the vassal civilization of the earth civilization, were all excited to shut their mouths. This is definitely a blessing due to disaster. If they have not become a vassal civilization of the earth civilization, they are still in Orion. The cantilevered horns are playing mud, which is like the present, although the status of citizens is lower than the civilization of the earth, but as the earliest vassal civilization following the civilization of the earth, their status has also been quite high. The so-called foxes and tigers have the great backing of the civilization of the earth. Even if they face the most powerful civilization of the fifth level in the Milky Way, they can have nostrils.

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